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I was right where you are once upon a time.
Looking around the internet for a way to be my own boss and make a real income online.
I tried dozens of ideas. Some did ok, others were a disaster. One of the big reasons why they didn’t work is that I wasn’t invested in them.
I didn’t really care about the subject. That’s when I found affiliate marketing and content marketing.
Essentially I write about what I love and make a nice income from a variety of websites designed around a few of my hobbies.
It was so simple that the real frustration for me was that I didn’t start it earlier. I wish I knew 15 years ago what I know now and I would be sitting on a beach sipping margaritas.
The important thing is to find your passion and take action. Make money doing what you love with affiliate marketing.
It won’t be easy and it will take a lot of work but you can do it. You just have to start.
There Is Just Something About Owning Your Own Business. Being Your Own Boss. Building Something From The Ground Up With Your Own Hands. Especially When It Is This Easy To Get Started.
Find Your Passion
In affiliate marketing, your passion can be found is a niche. A niche is just the industry or subject that you are passionate about and want to create content about.
Love golden retrievers? That’s a great dog niche to start your passive income business in.
Love collecting sneakers? You can build a very successful business around that and make some a full-time job of it.
There are plenty of great affiliate programs to choose from with a sneaker blog. Many people have built great businesses in the sneaker niche(source).
The list goes on and on.
There are thousands, 10’s of thousands of profitable niches that you can use with affiliate marketing.
If you love to do something chances are a lot of other people are into it as well. If you build it (and market it properly) they will come.
You just have to start.
Deliver Your Content With Love
Now that you have found your niche. Found what you love to do or a hobby you want to share with the world, you are going to need a place to put all that great content you are going to create.
There are two places that I think are the best for building a passive income business around your niche.
A content blog and a Youtube channel. Ideally, you would want to deploy both of them and start building your own ecosystem around your brand.
Let’s take a brief look at each one.

A Content Blog
The first way to make a career out of what you love is with a content blog. You craft content around whatever niche you are passionate about.
Your content should be helpful and useful to other like-minded people who are interested in the same things you are.
It is really such a simple concept that it is a wonder why more people don’t do it. And there is a reason for that.
It takes time and a lot of hard work to start generating the type of traffic you need to make your content blog into a passive income business.
It’s not a get rich quick scheme and it doesn’t happen overnight.
That is why you want to start your blog in a niche that you love, it will make each day you wake up and start writing that much more enjoyable.
Youtube Channel
A second option for building a business around something you love is a Youtube channel. Many people are reluctant to start one because they don’t want to be on camera.
There are ways around that but most for most niches you are going to want to be on screen.
If you can overcome your stagefright you will find a very rewarding place to craft content around your passion.
The more visual the niche the better for a Youtube channel.
Like building miniatures? There is plenty of room for you to start your own channel and share your love of building these tiny replicas.
Love your pet lizard? A channel built around keeping them healthy, building their terrarium and making it the most comfortable you can will make for some outstanding content.
Maybe chocolate is the thing you love above all else. Share your love and your recipes while you walk your audience through the chocolate delights that you craft on screen.
Monetize Your Passion
You know what you love and you’re ready to share with the world. You got your website set up you got your YouTube channel setup and you are starting to crank out great content for your passion.
But how do you make money off of it?
There are a few ways that you can monetize any type of content on the internet.
I’m going to give you three of the best ways that you can monetize your content blog and your YouTube channel to generate passive income around what you love.
This is exactly how you can make money doing what you love.
The first way to monetize your blog or YouTube channel and start really bringing in income for talking about and writing about what you love is with advertisements.
These are very straightforward to Simply join and add Network and place the ads in your content whether it’s in your written blog or on your YouTube channel.
On your YouTube channel, you will have to join Google AdSense since they own YouTube and run your ads through then.
Other than that there’s really not much to it you simply generate traffic with your content and people come in and see the ads as they’re reading your content.
You get a little bit of money for each advertisement the audience members view and if they happen to click you get a little bit more money.
It’s about the most basic and straightforward way to make money online with any type of content blog or YouTube channel.

Information Products
Another great way to monetize your passion is with an information product.
This is a very advanced way of making money online and should only be attempted after you have established yourself in the field that you chose.
Info products can range from e-books on your passion to a video series or training tutorials about your niche.
You would then craft a professional info product and sell it on your website or Youtube channel. These can be very profitable but they do take a good amount of investment.
Plus you need a sizeable audience to really make these worth it. Something to think about in the future as you continue to build your brand.
Affiliate Marketing
The final way to monetize your passion project is through affiliate marketing. This is also the best way to do it.
You simply act as the middle man between your readers and the products that they want to buy.
You craft useful, helpful content and place a couple of affiliate links in it. Then you receive a commission if someone uses one of your link to buy something.

Make Your Passion An Income Machine
Once you’ve got your passion once you made the choice to start working on your online business based around what you absolutely love.
There is only one more thing you have to do and that is to start. To take action. Most people get to this point right now.
The point where you have to decide whether you want to move forward or whether it was all just a dream.
The best way to take action to move forward is to find affiliate marketing training is going to give you the foundation you need to make your online business successful.
Think of it as an investment that in six months or a year or two years is going to be a return on investment of thousands of percentage.
And not just a single return on investment. It’s going to be a passive income return on investment each and every month that you have your website or your YouTube channel.
You are going to make passive income off of what you already love what you already discussed with your friends and other people on the internet.
There are plenty of training programs out there that are excellent. I typically recommend three different ones that I find are all pretty good.
I’m going to leave the links to my reviews for each of these training products and you can see if one of them is it going to be something that can help you with your passive income business.
- Savage Affiliates – Read The Full Review
- Project 24 – Read My Full Review
- Wealthy Affiliate – See The Review
Each of these has their pros and cons and you should choose the one that best fits your needs.
The one thing I would encourage you to do whether you decide to sign up for one of these paid services are not is to just get started.
There’s plenty of free resources online that you can use to get started in affiliate marketing and build a website based on what you love.
You just have to take action and start as soon as you possibly can.
Build Your Passion Into A Business
Can you make money doing what you love?
Can you spend each and every day discussing your passion and turning that passion into a full-time income? I think it’s clear that you can. People are doing it each and every day.
The only thing that sets them apart from you is that they took action and started.
That’s all there is to it.
You get proper training and you take action. Are you going to make mistakes along the way?
As you learn from the mistakes as you get better at running your business you were going to find that not only can you make a great income but you were going to love your job.
And the money you make is going to be yours. It is not going to be your bosses or some corporate entity that you’re working for.
You just have to start.
So welcome aboard. Welcome to the world of affiliate marketing. Welcome to financial freedom for the rest of your life.
Today is your independence day.
Don’t go it alone. Get the best learning tools and community to help you build your online dream. Check it out here.
Thanks for stopping by and as always have a wonderful day.