This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Hello everyone and welcome to my in-depth review of Wealthy Affiliate. What Is Wealthy Affiliate? Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it or is it just another Scam? What is included with the Wealthy Affiliate Program and how can it benefit you in your online business most importantly is it worth the time and money to use this service?
We’ll break down each part of the Wealthy Affiliate Program and then I’ll give you my thoughts on the programs as a whole.
Wealthy Affiliate. The Review Is In.
What is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is an Affiliate Marketing Training program. It has been in operation for over 14 years and has over 1.4 million users. It is available in 193 countries. Since 2005, it has become one of the premier training programs for people seeking to start an online business.
Wealthy Affiliate focuses mainly on affiliate marketing through blog content but also has training and webinars on many other aspects of web-based income, including drop-shipping and Shopify storefronts. The training and webinars try and keep up to date with the shifting sand of internet business.
Wealthy Affiliate offers a free sign-up with limited access to some of the training videos and 2 free websites hosted by Site-Rubix. The Premium Membership costs $50 Dollars a Month and gives you access to everything the Wealthy Affiliate program has to offer.
Unlike most of the programs, there are no expensive upsells to get to the bulk of the content. It is all there for the $50 dollar subscription price. They also offer a yearly price that can save you a bit of money and often have a Black Friday Sale that reduces the cost even more.
The only other expenditure that I have found you really need to make at Wealthy Affiliate is purchasing a domain for your website. While this is not required, you can just use the free sites, it is advisable to brand your own website. A domain costs 13.99 per year, a little over a dollar a month. So it is not a huge investment overall.
Now that we know what Wealthy Affiliate is, let’s get into what Wealthy Affiliate offers to its members. What free members get and what is in store for those who choose to go with premium membership and really get into the world of affiliate marketing.
The Wealthy Affiliate Training
Wealthy Affiliate training is a major part of the Wealthy Affiliate Program. It contains hours of tutorials, both written and video, on the basics and advanced concepts of affiliate marketing.
The training is broken down into smaller segments that are easier to digest for beginners, yet still engaging for more advanced affiliate marketers.

Online Entrepreneur Certification
Online Entrepreneur Certification is the starting point for all new members of Wealthy Affiliate. Free members have access to the first section while premium members have access to all the training and indeed everything Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. The OEC training is broken down into 5 lessons.
Lesson 1: Getting Started

The first lesson is the Getting Started Training, this training is available to everyone who signs up with Wealthy Affiliate. As you might expect this is pretty basic information designed to get your website up and running and get a couple of pieces of content published.
The Getting Started Section will guide new users through the basic affiliate marketing jargon and teach you how to optimize your blog posts for things like SEO, search engine optimization, and keywords. These are integral to the success of your blog and they are laid out in an easy-to-follow manner.
You’ll also learn how to choose a niche to write about on your blog. This is a crucial part of affiliate marketing, while any niche can be profitable, choosing one must be done carefully so that it blends well with your own interests.
Nothing is worse than writing about a niche you don’t care about. There are 10 individual lessons in the Getting Started Training section many of which include both written instructions and a video presentation by the creators of Wealthy Affiliate.
These videos are a wonderful compliment to the written training and really give a new member a good look at what a niche blogging website will look like.
Lesson 2: Building Your Own Traffic-Producing Website

The Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website lesson is also broken down into 10 sub-sections. As with all the training, most of the written tutorial is enhanced with additional video tutorials to help guide a new Wealth Affiliate Member through the lesson.
During this lesson, you’ll learn the benefits of branding your own personal web domain and setting up of web domain email with your unique brand identified in the email address, more on this later in the review.
And how to identify with your audience by putting a real face on your content. In addition, you learn the importance of putting visual stimuli in your blog articles.
Images and videos are essential to each blog post for ranking on google. The lessons contained in this section will show you how and where to place your visual content to have the most breath-taking impact. You’ll also be taught the best ways of using keywords and SEO in a more advanced way.
From targeting low-hanging keywords to producing keyword-rich content. This section of the training builds on the foundations laid before it to really set you on your way to affiliate marketing success.
Lesson 3: Making Money

Don’t let the title of this lesson fool you this is not some magic way to start earning money from affiliate marketing. What this lesson does do is lay the groundwork for great fundamentals that will produce income down the road.
This is essential in the building process for a new affiliate marketer. Again broken down into 10 sub-sections the Making Money lesson really sets out to explain what an affiliate program or network is and how they work.
This lesson will show you everything you need to know about affiliate links and how and where to place them in your content. It may seem simple but just throwing affiliate links into content and waiting for people to click on them is asking for a disaster.
Each link should be carefully planned and placed in order to maximize its impact and not be viewed as spam by the reader or Google’s search optimization. Other sections of this lesson include adding Google ads to your content and the pluses and minuses of using advertising on your blog.
Finding appropriate affiliate marketers and their products to promote and the importance of programs like Amazon Associates for blogs in any niche.
Lesson 4: Mastering Social Engagement

This lesson focuses on the social aspects of blogging and how to best use them to promote and manage your brand and your blog as a whole. Like it or not social media plays a huge role in blogging these days and mastering this aspect is crucial for the long-term success of your blog.
Many of the lessons in this section focus on social media in general and some specific social media outlets in general. The big boys like Facebook and Twitter are represented here. But some of them under the radar social media outlets like Pinterest also make an appearance.
Mastering all of them is the key to success here. Social interaction isn’t limited to social media, however. Social engagement on site is incredibly important and lessons in this section of the training focus on just that. Replying to and approving comments from readers and interacting and writing content that generates discussion.
Lesson 5: Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

The final section of the OEC is all about content creation. How to form your content for maximum impact on how to write your content to engage the reader and draw out discussion on the subjects you are writing about.
And how to maximize the traffic potential of that content.
Content is the business of affiliate marketing.
Without content, no one will care about your blog.
If no one cares no one will visit if no one visits then no one will even have the opportunity to click on one of your affiliate links and you will never get a commission, making this whole thing pointless.
So the training here focuses on getting your content indexed on Google and other search engines. Getting your content ranked in a place where people will see it and leveraging various ways of getting traffic to your site.
A lot of the lessons in this section require time for the final product to take shape.
You still need to build trust with these search engines which takes time as well as helpful, well-thought-out, and engaging content all over your blog.
One post won’t do it.
Your content must be consistent and frequent in order to have the most lasting impact and drive traffic to your site.
Affiliate Bootcamp
Affiliate Bootcamp is a 7-course training session dedicated to the affiliate marketing program inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
This program basically lays out for you exactly how to promote the Wealthy Affiliate in order to get new members to join either for free or through the premium membership.

This training course is incredibly thorough and gives a lot of information that can be used for any niche and not just the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate.
The training here touches on pay-per-click, or PPC, advertising as well as a host of other means of promotion for Wealthy Affiliate.
It is a nice addition to the training and as I stated contains information for any niche so it is worth taking a look at.
However if your niche is not Wealthy affiliate promotion, and most people will not be, then this training can be skipped for the most part or left until a later date as it is not the most important lesson for new members to focus on.
That being said, If you do choose to promote the Wealthy Affiliate and a partner then training is very good and the affiliate package is pretty nice.
They offer around a 50% commission for new members that you bring in and continue to pay commissions on subscriptions.
The continued commissions based on subscriptions are a nice way to earn a little bit more income from this niche while maintaining and growing other niches and blogs that you may have more interest in.
But it is there if you need it and want to use it, it all adds value to the premium membership price.
Classrooms are user-generated content at Wealthy Affiliate, meaning that members write and produce their own training tutorials and videos and allow any other premium member to learn from their lessons and use what they teach to improve their own blog or business.
The amount of classroom content is absolutely staggering as a member could spend days just going through all the training modules that the community has produced.
The topics cover everything under the sun and far too many to list here. Suffice to say that if its part of online business chances are there is a classroom tutorial for it.

The Classroom section is broken down into categories to make it easier to find the general lesson you are looking for and then broken down even further inside the subcategories.
Finding what you are looking for is extremely easy whether its a video or written tutorial.
The classroom section of training is a brilliant idea.
It opens up the floor to millions of voices that might have a unique outlook on a particular subject or problem. And then give them the platform to have their voice heard and spread their view and training to anyone who wants to view it.
Most of these training videos and tutorials contain great content and wonderful ideas and most of them are produced in a way that makes them easy to follow and understand.
This is true for the vast majority of content in the classroom section.
The downside is that not all the videos or training tutorials are of the same high-caliber.
Some have less than stellar production values and as a result, may not be of as much value to members as some of the other training.
Still, it is nice to have access to them even if they are not as well produced and the benefits of the classroom system far outweigh the few negatives.
Training Wrap-Up
The training at Wealthy Affiliate is pretty remarkable. There is an astonishing amount of content for new members to work through and user-generated classroom content is constantly being added for the members to use.
Not all the classroom content is great but most of it is useful.
While some may complain that the training has too much hand-holding for more advanced users, it is most likely designed to be easy to absorb for beginners.
However, there is a lot of information that even veteran affiliate marketers can use and apply to their business.
The Wealthy Affiliate Community
The Wealthy Affiliate community is really unique among affiliate marketing programs.
The tools are there for premium members to chat and converse with one another, discussing strategies and getting help for all manner of topics related to affiliate marketing.
A few of the tools that the community has at its disposal are site comments and site feedback.
These are in place to provide a second opinion to your website from other Wealthy Affiliate Members and a way to generate discussion on your web pages with user comments.
Site Comments
Site Comments is a wonderful idea. It allows the Wealthy Affiliate community to help other members by reading and commenting on their blog articles.
What this does is create discussion on the actual blog so that when visitors come in from search engines they already have discussions to join.
These aren’t fake comments either, the system is designed to weed out poor comments and each comment has to be approved by the owner of the blog.
So they can further curate their comments section, making sure that only the best comments are published.

The comment system works like this for every 2 comments you leave on someones else’s blog you get a token to ask for 1 comment back. It is a true pay it forward system and as long as your comments are good and validated then you will be able to quickly pick up tokens to receive your own comments.
You can even earn a little money from commenting on other people’s blogs.
After a certain number of good comments, around 50, you will be able to earn .25 cents per valid comment you leave on someone else’s blog. This is nice to pick up a little extra cash helping people.
Site comments is a must use every time you publish new content regardless of the size or traffic of your blog. Any Premium member would do well to use this system constantly.
You are both helping other members and receiving a great deal of help in return.
It’s a great system.
Respectful Atmosphere
Another great aspect of the Wealthy Affiliate community is the respectful atmosphere that most of the members have.
People from all walks of life all backgrounds and ages and races and religions are found as Wealthy Affiliate members and are treated with respect by everyone else in the community.
The general air of the community is one of helpfulness.
The people at Wealthy Affiliate genuinely seem to want to help new members and will often take time out to answer your questions or point you in the right direction if they don’t have the answer to your query.
It is a really great feeling to have someone there that can help at all times when you have a question, sure during off hours it may take a little longer but for the most part, there is always someone willing to help guide you to your answer.
I can’t think of too many other affiliate marketing programs that have this level of cooperation between members.
Final Thought on the Wealthy Affiliate Community
The community at Wealthy Affiliate is outstanding for the most part.
Yes, there are arguments and issues from time to time.
There are some rude members that are disrespectful to people for no good reason and people who just can’t be bothered to help or interact with others.
But, for the most part, the community is unlike anything in this very tough and competitive business.
It is a refreshing change from the cutthroat behavior that permeates much of affiliate marketing and nice to know that sometimes people are generally trying to help others with their knowledge.
Weekly Webinars
Weekly Webinars are another aspect of the Wealthy Affiliates Premium membership package.
They are weekly training courses that the site owners and longtime members put on in order to focus in on a specific part of affiliate marketing or a related online business model.

Focus on All manner of topics
The range of topics on these weekly webinars is truly epic. From finding a niche to drop shipping to Shopify and keyword search everything is on the table during these training sessions.
The training sessions are live and always have a live Q&A at the end so that premium members can ask questions of the host.
The weekly format allows the hosts to dig deep into a singular aspect of affiliate marketing and discuss it for about an hour and spend another half hour or so answering questions.
By focusing on a single small subject, the host can really dig into that subject to its core and really explain the concept behind it.
For example, a webinar on finding niches may take the viewer through a live brainstorming session about a new niche ending with keyword ideas and domain names that could be used to start up a new blog if one desired.
It truly is amazing the level of detail that many of these webinars go into.
The focused approach applies to all of the topics and many of these topics are evergreen, meaning you can go view them years after they were made and still take away a good lesson in the process.
The lessons learned from these videos can be applied to almost any marketing niche.
All of the Webinar videos are archived so that a new member has access to any of them they may have missed before they joined.
This is a great addition to the already existing content and stretches your subscription dollar a little further by adding a good amount of value through this training.
We’ll Do it Live
The live format works well for the most part during these webinars.
The presentation is clean and interesting and the presenters are engaging for the most part. The information is passed along at a good clip and there is rarely any downtime during the broadcast.
There are some technical hiccups from time to time as there is any live broadcast. But these are kept to a minimum and the show usually goes on without a hitch.
Even though these glitches pop up from time to time they rarely impact the information being given by the presenter.
Closing out the Webinars
The webinars are a lot of fun and very welcome addition to the overall package of the Wealthy Affiliate premium membership.
They are by no means required but the information they contain can often lead to outstanding results when applied to your blog.
Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool
Jaaxy is a keyword research tool. This tool lets you search for keywords to target when writing articles for your blog. These keywords are critical to ranking your blog pages into search engines.
The less competition for keywords the high the rank.
For new websites, it is critical to find low competition keywords.

And this is exactly what Jaaxy does.
The light edition of Jaaxy is free and is integrated with Wealthy Affiliates so keyword searches are quick and easy. You can upgrade Jaaxy to a paid version that is very good, but not really necessary until you have established your website a little bit.
Hosted Domains – Webhosting Included
In addition to all the training and classes on Wealthy Affiliate, they also offer outstanding web hosting services. Premium members have access to site support 24/7.
Site Rubix
Site Rubix is the web hosting service used by Wealthy Affiliate.
It is a solid hosting service that offers secure HTTP and has a decent site support system for all your website needs. It is an ok addition to the Wealthy Affiliate Program and one that should not be overlooked.
You can purchase your own domains through Site Rubix as well. Search for the domain you want to use for your niche blog and see if it is available.
If the domain name is taken then a number of suggestions will be given to you or you can choose to start a new search for a different domain name. I would not use this for your domain needs, however. They are very slow and releasing domains for you if you need to move to different hosting.
The system for finding domain names is ok as the search is automatic as you type in the desired domain name.
The suggestions are pretty good and you may end up finding something you had not thought of and like even better than the original domain name that you were looking for.
Another feature of the site-rubix platform is free websites. If you are a free member of Wealthy Affiliate you have access to 1 free website hosted on Site Rubix. You can even check and see if your free website name is available in the box below.
Give it a try.
Ultimately Site-Rubix is a pretty average web hosting platform that is integrated well with the Wealthy Affiliate program.
Some improvements could be made to the UI, the uptime on websites is not great and the websites themselves are quite slow and unresponsive but you do get SSL and the sites are pretty secure.
I would recommend spending a few dollars extra and getting some outside web hosting for your website. Most of the budget programs will work better for you that Siterubix. A cheap alternative is Bluehost. They are faster and just all-around better for your hosting needs.
Blog Specific Email Hosting
Site Email also comes with a premium membership. This allows you to use a branded email with your affiliate marketing business.
This is a great thing to have and one that is often overlooked when adding up all the benefits that Wealthy Affiliates’ premium membership offers you. looks and sounds much more professional than, say, something like
Site email is incredibly important in portraying your new affiliate marketing business as what it truly is, a legitimate business endeavor. Site Email also lets you advertise your brand every time you put your email address into a post or comment.
This may seem like a small feature but its effects can be profound for an online business.
In addition, Wealthy Affiliate lets you create a unique email for each blog.
Have 10 blogs each one gets a unique branded email address with your website’s domain right in the name.
You can also have multiple addresses for a single blog. for technical questions about the site. Direct emails to the writers of the content if you like.
The possibilities are endless and each one has your branded website right there in the email address.
You can even set up your new emails to forward any incoming mail to an already established outside email address.
If you want to keep all of your emails flowing into Gmail for example simply forward all the mail to that account and you can continue using your Gmail account to receive emails from your site email accounts.
Site Support
Site Support from Site-Rubix was briefly mentioned a few paragraphs ago, but now we are going to take a much more in-depth look at this aspect of the web hosting services that are included in the overall package of the premium membership to Wealthy Affiliate.

Site-Rubix site support is a quick efficient and an overall excellent way to address issues with your website at Wealthy Affiliate.
Most support inquiries are handled in a couple of minutes, with a tech expert contacting you quickly to help sort out the issue.
These techs are remarkably knowledgeable and will help you troubleshoot any issues you have with your website. The interactions are usually clear and concise The information relevant and timely and rarely do they resort to the standard cliches of support, ie blaming everything on the end-user.
Filing a support ticket is easy and straightforward.
Simply pick the category that your issue or problem fits into.
The website is down, page not loading are typical topics that the support would be used for. One the topic is picked simply give a brief description of the problem.
From there the site support will message you and let you know they have received the query. At which point the support begins and a support professional will contact you to get more information on the issue or to let you know it has been resolved if that is the case.
Site Support that comes with the Wealthy Affiliate program is indispensable. It is another layer of protection and safety added to the overall value of the Wealthy Affiliate package as a whole. Be sure to make use of this feature anytime you need to if you choose to come on board with Wealthy Affiliate.
Site Health
Site Health is one more aspect of the web hosting support at Wealthy Affiliate.
This feature is outstanding and really gives the user a great overview of their website and what issues may be affecting it. With the information provided here, a Wealthy Affiliate blogger can head off any potential problems that may arise.

The Site Health details Page is broken down into a number of categories that allow the user to get a good look at where they need to focus their attention in order to increase the overall health of their website. It is a visual and intuitive view of the site’s health.
There are 8 categories in the site health panel to look at.
First is the Publishing Frequency tab.
This lets you know if you are creating enough content to keep your blog relevant and up to date. Too little publication of content can lead to an overall drop in SEO rankings. Having this information quickly available is a great asset for any blogger.
Visitor Engagement is an important part of the site health details.
It lets you know if your content is generating enough conversation among your audience. If no one is leaving comments or engaging with the content it may be time to rethink your content strategies.
This will help you do that.
The next section of Site Health is Your Engagement section.
This section lets you know if you have been negligent in your interactions with site visitors. Have you been answering enough of the questions and comments left by your readers or do you need to increase your interaction with them?
Next up is Plugins.
Plugins can be a huge asset to any website but too many of them will slow down your website and make the experience of going to it an issue. People will avoid slow and problematic websites which will reduce your overall traffic potential.
Site Health lets you know how they are affecting your site.
Google Ranked is another section of Site Health.
It simply lets you know that your website has been indexed and ranked with Google. This is critical to drawing organic SEO traffic to your website.

Site Feedback, we discuss this in the Wealthy Affiliate Community section, is another area of the Site Health. In this area, it displays how much feedback you have requested from other Wealthy Affiliate Members. You want to get as much feedback as possible on your site from as many eyes as possible.
Content Quality and Variety are next on the list.
This information is derived from the amount and variety of the content on your page. Are all your post short 500-word articles? Content Quality will let you know that this is not ideal and you should be aiming for larger more content-rich articles.
Variety in content is the key here.
The final category on Site Health is the Site Trust category. This is a very tricky one because it will take a lot of time for this to move up in the percentages.
New websites are not trusted at all and you will need to pump out a ton of useful content to move this bar up even a little.
But Site Trust is probably the most important section of this category, as your website builds trust with Google and other search engines your articles will have an easier time ranking in google and even making to the front page of the search which is the ultimate goal for your website as that is where the bulk of the traffic is.
What Do You Need to Succeed At Wealthy Affiliate?
Hard Work!
That is the number one thing you need to succeed at Wealthy Affiliate. No matter how well Wealthy Affiliate is set up, no matter how good the training is, success at Wealthy Affiliate comes down to one singular thing.
Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a platform for building a real affiliate marketing business. It requires a tremendous amount of hard work.
Hard work on the part of the affiliate marketer. It is really that simple. I order to excel and this remarkably competitive business model you’ll need incredible hard work and astonishing patience. Success at Wealthy Affiliate is a long-term process one that cannot be circumvented.
It Takes Time
It takes time and energy to build a great blog at Wealthy Affiliate. And then it takes even more time to maintain that blog.
Wealthy Affiliate must be treated as what it is a job.
Whether you are full-time or part-time is irrelevant. When you sit down to create content for your blog you need to treat it you would any other job.

It takes time to create the content, you will never be able to create sufficient content for a profitable affiliate marketing site in a few days. Even Micro-niche blogs take a good 30-50 hours time investment.
Giving your new blog the time it needs to take root and grow is one of the most important things that Wealthy Affiliate teaches its new member.
Anything short of that and you cheat yourself of the full potential of the Wealthy Affiliate Program.
It Takes Patience
The Wealthy Affiliate program takes patience.
If something takes time to build then it also takes patience to build. And a successful affiliate marketing blog is going to take patience, regardless of your niche. You will have to remain focused and determined in order to get the results you want out of this business venture.
The training videos alone are hours worth of content that you will need to work your way through to get the most out of the program. Pile on the amount of time it takes for your new website to gain any semblance of authority and you can see the days, weeks and months begin to stack up.
But remain calm, Wealthy Affiliate is designed to weed out the people who don’t want to put the work in or don’t have the patience for the long haul.
The reality is most people give up in the first few months because all their work seems to be going nowhere, they are not ranked high on google or their youtube videos get no views.
But this is when the support from Wealthy Affiliate that we discussed earlier really comes into play.
And can sustain you until you start to see real results.
It Takes Content
The largest part of the hard work that you will do at Wealthy Affiliate is creating content.
This will take the majority of your time and it will be where you will focus most of your efforts. The Wealthy Affiliate Program starts you on the path to great content with is boot camp and training videos.

It supports the content with strategies on keyword generation, image placement and a whole host of other technical skills that you will need to succeed at affiliate marketing.
Your content will need to be robust and unique in order to set itself apart from the crowd.
Dropping in a couple of hundred-word blog post every couple of weeks is not going to do it. You might as well not even bother with a blog if that s all the content you feel you need to publish. 1500 word content should be the norm and large 4000 word plus articles should come frequently.
Developing this type of content takes time and patience.
There is a theme starting to appear here.
It Takes Determination
Patience, Hard Work, Time and a lot of Content.
When you add it all up it comes down to just how determined you are to make this work. Determination will see you through when you feel like quitting or don’t feel like writing or become disillusioned that you will ever make affiliate marketing work.
Wealthy affiliate is built on the idea that motivated, determined individuals will use the training supplied and produce the desired results through their own hard work.
This is not a pre-made click funnel pyramid scheme.
Your blog will be your own.
The content for your blog will be your own.
Everything about your blog will be created by you for your niche audience with the support of Wealthy Affiliate training but through your hard work and determination.
There will be setbacks, to be sure.
Fight Through them.
There will be times when your determination to move forward is severely tested and you will approach your breaking point on numerous occasions.
Fight Through It.
The determination inside you and the remarkable fundamentals set out by the Wealthy Affiliate Training program will see you through those tough times.
And set you on a path to a profitable and fun affiliate marketing business.
Success is There for The Taking
Even though hard work, time, patience, content and determination are 4 of the most important personality traits that a new member of Wealthy Affiliate is going to need, there are a plethora of other skills that you are going to need to learn in order to be successful.
You’ll develop many of the other skills needed for a successful affiliate marketing business during the training offered at Wealthy Affiliate. These skills will make it much easier to expand your business in the future when you decide to expand your blogging to other sites or foray into other online income business.
Some of the more advanced items that wealthy affiliate touches are topics like drop shipping and Shopify storefronts.
The training that Wealthy Affiliate puts you through will help you understand and excel at just about any type of internet marketing or sales.
These are skills that will last a lifetime.
Final Thoughts On the Wealthy Affiliate Program
Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it or is it Just Another Scam? That was the question we set out to answer all the way back at the start of this review.
We looked at each part of the Wealthy Affiliate program in order to see if there was enough to justify the $50 Dollar a month price tag that comes with the Premium Membership.
In my opinion, It is well worth the price of admission.
It is a very thorough program, its training is very good especially for beginners.
Weekly Webinars and constant updates to the classroom training ass to the value proposition going forward and the web hosting included in the price is remarkably good.
All in all, Wealthy Affiliate is a splendid package.
But it is only as good, only as profitable as the member makes it.
It takes a lot of work. And A Lot Of Luck, and the training will let you down at some point
It takes a ton of content to make a good blog and the end-user has to be willing to make the commitment to writing and maintaining their blog for this to be profitable.
Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme, it is just the opposite. Many times people come in and after a month have given up because they are not seeing instant results.
But, if you have the drive and you have the will and you have the ability to learn and apply that learning quickly and efficiently then you absolutely can succeed at Affiliate Marketing with the Wealthy Affiliate Program.
Joining is completely free.
So there is no risk to trying.
If this type of business is not for you, you never have to use it again and you never spent a dime on it.
But after you use the free tools for a while and are ready to jump into the world of affiliate marketing, then definitely consider the Premium Membership of the Wealthy Affiliate Program.
If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate please leave them below and I will answer as soon as I can. Are you a current or former Member of Wealthy Affiliate? Give us your feedback on the program or comment on the review.
Thanks for taking the time to read our review and we hope you have a great day.
Great post friend, wealthy affiliate is worth every penny you spend on it. My case as an example, I have tried many internet marketing journeys with almost no success and I was at the point of giving up when a friend introduced me to wealthy affiliate.
The 7 free days access to some premium features were able to convince me to upgrade to premium. I started with the training and proper implementation of those trainings now I’m seeing greenlight to success. Wealthy Affiliate is the last bus stop to success in internet marketing endeavor.
Hello there,
What a detailed article! a lot more information than other WA posts and I think you made it easy for ppl to make an educated decision!
Wealthy Affiliates really does help newbie bloggers make money! I know cos i am! it took me some time but i got there in the end…lots of hard work and patience and unique content and i finally saw my reward!
all the best!
Glad you mention that this takes determination and hard work. This took me a long time to understand myself, which is why it took me a long time to succeed. This Wealthy Affiliate platform is known as the best in the industry, great to know that you’re reviewing the best out there. Your review is spot on, and the resources they have available for the single price is better than any other program.
Dear Michael,
Thanks for the detailed and in-depth post.
To share my own experience…
I was very afraid and skeptical of the make money online teaching courses. As you know very well, the sales page is different from their members area. In their sales page they promise great things when we buy the product and we go to the members area many gift us “Disappointment”.
Two years before I came across Wealthy Affiliate and when I did my own research lot of good reviews, and to be honest that made me afraid a lot because it was difficult to digest.
Since I am from India I don’t have the free starter membership option and I need to pay before I see what they offer. You know what… I didn’t sign up for Monthly Premium I gone Yearly straight. I joined WA on November 2016.
To cut the long story short…
I am still a WA member and I love it. What WA offered me?
I am now a full-time blogger (Since December 2017) and working from home. Its all because of what I learned from WA. I am WA fan.
Wishing you great success!
thanks for the comment,
that is quite a success story congratulations.
Hello, Michael! I read your topic with great respect and respect for your work. How much time did you spend thinking and writing ?! Probably more than two weeks. It’s impossible to build content with unique lighting of well-known sub-themes in a few days. You succeeded to the highest degree.
You know the Wealthy Affiliate system thoroughly. Your work is built on a real foundation. And it kills the suspicions of scam on the vine.
I believe that it is enough to spend time on suspicions and doubts. It would be nice to learn how to create articles like yours: large and informative.
I came to an understanding of the purpose and means of five months of study at Wealthy Affiliate. And started from scratch. Then I need to continue to work hard. And re-read your review to support personal ideas about the sequence of actions.
I want to spread your review wider. Thank. Mark.
Thank you for the great compliments and for the comments