This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Hello everyone and welcome back. I hope everyone is having a fantastic morning, afternoon, or evening. I want to thank you for stopping by and taking a look at our article for today. And that article centers around an affiliate program for a cool piece of pet Tech. I am talking about the Fi Smart Dog Collar affiliate program.
We’ll check out the commission and the tracking cookie as well as a brief look at the product itself and see if this is something that you can add to your dog Niche website to really expand that site into the incredibly popular pet Tech niche. So let us Dive Right In and see if this affiliate program is something you might be interested in.
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A Closer Look At The Fi Smart Dog Collar Affiliate Program
The 10% Affiliate Commission
The first thing I want to take a look at with this affiliate program is obviously the commission. From the affiliate marketer standpoint, the commission is one of the most important aspects of any affiliate program.
The Fi Smart Dog Collar affiliate program Offers their affiliate Partners a 10% Commission on qualifying purchases made through your affiliate link. A solid commission for any online entrepreneur.
This is great to see because it is a double-digit commission on a physical product. These days anything in the double digits is pretty good. By comparison, Amazon Associates would give you 1% to 3% for similar products sold through their affiliate program.
That’s upwards of a 10x bump in the commission over the biggest retailers on the internet. I simply cannot stress enough how important it is to get as close to that 10% commission as possible with all of your affiliate partners and it’s nice to see that Smart Dog Collar has come through with that solid commission percentage.
The 30-day Tracking Cookie Duration
The tracking cookie for this affiliate program is a solid if unspectacular 30 days. Typically you want as long as a tracking cookie duration is possible to ensure that anyone who wants to buy something to your affiliate link has enough time to make that decision and decide to do it. This affiliate program for 30 days works pretty well since the prices of their products run around $150 so they’re not high-ticket items but they’re not inexpensive either. 30 days is a nice base duration for this type of product.
The Fi Smart Dog Collar Products
The Fi Smart Dog Is really the only product that this affiliate program offers. It is a single product affiliate program that will reduce the appeal a little bit since you were potential audience needs to be very interested in this high-tech smart dog collar. It also means that you’re going to have to match your content up very closely with the product in order for it to have a real chance of getting the types of conversions you need to make some profit off of this affiliate program.
The product itself comes in a few different sizes and a few different colors but those are really just cosmetic differences. The real function of this product is the Smart collar characteristics. Here is how Fi explains it.
Fi uses three constellations of satellites to maximize the tracking speed and accuracy of the Fi Collar. GPS accuracy can get as accurate as 7ft radius in open sky.
Some Good Niches To Consider
Obviously the best Niche for this particular flip program is going to be the dog Niche specifically dog accessories. A niche-based around dog collars would be ideal for this affiliate program but even more General dog niche even General pet sites could benefit from this type of affiliate program.
I think the most appealing thing about this affiliate program if you are in a general pendant is bringing in a more tech feel to your website and maybe expanding into pet Tech a little bit more.
This would be a good gateway into doing just that. Pet tech is a pretty new Niche but it’s one that is very profitable and on the verge of exploding in terms of mainstream acceptance. Developing content around the Fi Smart Dog Collar would be a great way to get your feet wet in this new niche.
What I Like About Affiliate Program
Top to bottom this looks like a fantastic affiliate program for anyone in the dog Niche and specifically people who are focusing on dog accessories especially dog collars.
I really like the technology behind the product. It’s forward-thinking and it’s going to appeal to a wide array of dog on it. Particularly young dog owners who want that extra bit of technology to help them take care of their dog and track Fitness and other things while they’re on their walls with a dog’s.
The commission and the tracking cookie are very good. Both of which should contribute well to getting the types of conversions you need to make a nice bit of profit on this affiliate program.
The website itself is very modern and quite striking with its slow-motion images of dogs running around and showing off their cool Fi Smart Dog Collar. It might seem like a small thing but the look of a website can really boost your conversion rate.
When someone hits that website after your recommendation they are going to want a smooth and easy process of buying the product. Most of the time a Business website that looks like it was made in the 1990s is not going to help with your conversions.
What Could Be Better
I don’t really have anything negative to say about this affiliate program. I simply could not find anything that should deter anyone from giving this affiliate program some close consideration and running some tests with it to see if it works with your audience.
The only thing that is going to Hinder the success of this affiliate program is whether or not it resonates well with your particular audience. If you have an audience that has no interest in these types of pet Tech items then it doesn’t matter how good the affiliate program is it’s simply not going to work with your specific audience.
The Bottom Line
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Affiliate Niche: Dog Collars
- Affiliate Network:
That wraps up our look at the Fi Smart Dog Collar partner program. This is an all-around great affiliate program for anyone in the dog Niche.
It’s also a good opportunity to get in on the burgeoning pet Tech Niche and start chiseling out your spot in it. This is going to be a growth niche over the next decade as people want to make sure that their pets are as well taken care of as possible and the GPS tracker is just the beginning.
There are plenty of other dog-related affiliate programs out there and you shouldn’t have been in them for this particular affiliate program but this partner will fit in nicely with most other dog affiliate programs or indeed pet affiliate programs if your Niche site is a more General pet website.
this affiliate program is also a great way to expand your dog Niche website in new directions. You may have no content that relates to pet Tech but this affiliate might give you some ideas on how to create content for that specific Niche and then suddenly you’ve grown your small dog niche site a little bit larger and you have a great way of monetizing it in the future.
And just to remind everyone, you will need to sign up for and then search for the Fi Smart Dog Collar affiliate program.
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