This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Welcome welcome everyone. I hope this day find your very well. Thank you for choosing to spend some of your valuable time with us today, I do appreciate it.
The topic for this article is going to be wallpaper affiliate programs. Now that might not sound like a very exciting niche to build a business in but it is part of the larger home decor niche that can be quite a profitable place to plant your affiliate marketing flag.
There are 2 ways to approach these wallpaper affiliate partners for your niche site. Build your entire niche site around only wallpaper and all the topics that relate to it. Or build a more general home decor niche site with a large section on wall coverings and paints that include a sizable section dedicated to wallpaper.
Personally I think either would work pretty well and you are just going to need to select the wallpaper affiliates that are best suited to your business and line up the best with your specific audeince.
So let us begin our look at the affiliates and see if we can’t find one that will work well for you and your affiliate marketing business.
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Check Out These Wallpaper Affiliate Programs
Graham & Brown Affiliate Program
- Commission: 6%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Graham & Brown Here

Join The Graham & Brown Affiliate Program Here
Here are some of the product categories you can choose to promote when you are accepted into this affiliate program.
Within each category, there are scores of individual products that you can promote. All manner of wallpaper colors and textures that could be reviewed or integrated into informational content about wallpaper in general.
The affiliate terms laid out by the Graham & Brown wallpaper company are pretty good. They offer a 30-day tracking cookie which should be enough time to promote their products and still get a sale.
I would add that a lot of their products are well over $100 so the full month that you get with their tracking cookie is very good but I would like to see even a longer tracking cookie for some of these purchases because they are bordering on high-ticket items.
The commission is a rock-solid 6%. This might not seem like a huge commission compared to some other niches but for the wallpaper niche, it’s actually pretty good. It’s much better than what you would get at Amazon Associates, for example.
And when you couple it together with the prices of their products you start to see that you only need a few sales every day to start to generate some serious income through your home decor or wallpaper Niche website.
World Of Wallpaper Affiliate Program
- Commission: Not Listed
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About World Of Wallpaper Here

Join The World Of Wallpaper Affiliate Program Here
World Of Wallpaper has an enormous selection of wallpaper in all manner of colors and textures. They also have a huge selection of themes and prints for you to promote on your niche site.
And there are scores of individual wallpapers in each category. The product possibilities seem almost limitless making this an outstanding option for your wallpaper niche website.
Unfortunately the affiliate terms were not available at the time of publication. Interested parties will need to call or email their affiliate manager about the possibility of joining their partner program.
Walls Republic Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Walls Republic Here

Join The Walls Republic Affiliate Program Here
Wallpaper Republic has a very nice selection of wallpapers murals and other wall covering for you to promote on your niche website. Some of their offering could be considered high-ticket items rising over $400 in some cases, making them a good option for an established wallpaper niche site.
The tracking cookie duration offered by the walls Republic affiliate program is one of the better ones in the entire wallpaper Niche. They offer a full 60 days for you to produced referrals for your affiliate links and still get the commission you deserve.
Not to be outdone by the great tracking cookie duration is their affiliate commission. It weighs in at a very generous 10% for qualifying purchases made through your affiliate links.
It’s not often you see a double-digit commission in the wallpaper Niche. that makes this affiliate program a tough one to pass over so it is worth considering for just about anybody in the wallpaper or home decor Niche.
If it converts well for you than you have a real gem when your hands and one that can really generate a good income for the foreseeable future.
Finally, they offer auto-approval through their ShareASale profile meaning that even new websites can get in one this fantastic affiliate program.
Chasing Paper Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 120-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Chasing Paper Here

Join The Chasing Paper Affiliate Program Here
Chasing Paper has a fine selection of wallpapers and wall covering for you to promote on your niche site. However, the thing that sets them apart is some of their exclusive wallpaper. It is quite stunning and you cannot get it anywhere else. This is great for affiliate marketers as unique products only adds to the appeal of an affiliate program like Chasing Paper.
Chasing Paper Offer some of the best affiliate terms you’re going to find in the home decor Niche generally and the wallpaper knit specifically.
They offer a fantastic 120-day tracking cookie for purchases made through your affiliate link. It cannot be overstated how important a long cookie duration like this is in regards to your overall conversion rate.
What this means is that when someone clicks on your affiliate link they have four months to decide whether or not to make a purchase if they make a purchase within those four months than you get a commission. It is a great tracking cookie and one that really makes us affiliate program a notch above many of the others.
The commission weighs in at 10%. It’s a rock-solid double-digit commission that you can use to really build a good foundation for your wallpaper Niche business. When you add everything together it really makes for one of the best wallpaper affiliate programs out there and one that you should definitely consider if you are in the wallpaper niche.
Steve’s Blinds And Wallpaper Affiliate Program
- Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 65-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Steve’s Blinds And Wallpaper Here

Join The Steve’s Blinds And Wallpaper Affiliate Program Here
The name of this affiliate program says it all if you’re in the market for wallpaper or blind then they have got you covered. For our purposes we want to focus on the wallpaper section of this online business.
They have a very good selection of all types of wallpapers many of them at very good discounts so this affiliate program can work for a wide range of income levels in your audience is makeup.
This affiliate program would work well as a general home decor affiliate program as well because it does have an extensive Of blinds as well as wallpaper. but it could work just as well for a wallpaper specific blog as well.
The commission is a solid 5% and should work pretty well for your niche site if you can manage to keep the conversion rate relatively high. The tracking cookie is a fantastic 65-days. This will surely help conversions and give your audience plenty of time to make a purchase and still give you the commission you earned.
Decorators Best Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Decorators Best Here

Join The Decorators Best Affiliate Program Here
Decorator Best Has an extensive line of wallpapers for you to promote on your wallpaper website. However, they have many other products that would fit well into a home decor Niche website or even a Furniture niche website.
Here are a few of the categories that you can expect to promote when you are accepted into their affiliate program.
The affiliate terms for this particular affiliate program are pretty standard. They offer a 30-day tracking cookie and a 10% affiliate commission for all qualifying sales made through your affiliate links.
Double-digit commissions are never something to overlook and the 30-day tracking cookie should be good enough to aid your conversion rate in a positive manner.
Burke Decor Affiliate Program
- Commission: 8%
- Tracking Cookie: 45-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Burke Decor Here

Join The Burke Decor Affiliate Program Here
While they have a good selection of wallpaper this fits into a more general home decor niche quite well as they have products in the lighting niche, tableware, candle niche, and pillows to boot. You could even use it as a rug affiliate program because of their selection of floor coverings
The commission is a solid 8% and the tracking cookie duration is an above-average 45-days. These terms should make for a very usable and well-rounded affiliate program for your home decor or wallpaper niche website.
And lastly, Burke Decor offers an auto-approval process through their ShareASale affiliate profile making this a great option for new niche sites without a ton of traffic.
Angela Simeone Wallpaper and Art Affiliate Program
- Commission: 18%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Angela Simeone Wallpaper and Art Here

Join The Angela Simeone Wallpaper and Art Affiliate Program Here
Offers a good selection of wallpapers and original art pieces that you can use as decoration for your walls. This is an interesting affiliate program because it can be used as a wallpaper for the program but I would argue that you could use it as an art or painting affiliate program as well.
Selling paintings online using affiliate marketing is quite a lucrative business if you can develop the right type of content to Market those paintings or pieces of art.
Many of the products offered by Angela Simone are very much high ticket items with some of the original artwork going well into the $1000’s of dollars. I would recommend this affiliate program to experienced marketers as high-ticket items can be tricky to sell and you need to have some experience under your belt to be successful with them.
The affiliate terms for this partner are fantastic. They offer a full 90-day tracking cookie duration which gives you three months to promote their products and still get credit for the commission. And the commission itself is one of the best in just about any Niche around.
They offer an 18% commission on qualifying sales made through your affiliate links meaning that even a few sales a day can be enough to sustain your business long-term.
Hygge & West Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Hygge & West Here

Join The Hygge & West Affiliate Program Here
Hygge & West have a good selection of some pretty unique wallpapers and wallcoverings that you can promote on your Niche site. A lot of their wallpaper products are from some popular designers that you can incorporate into your content.
Here are some of the designers whose products you can promote through this affiliate program.
The affiliate terms for the Hygge & West partner program are Rock Solid across the board. They offer a 60-day tracking cookie as well as a 10% affiliate commission for their affiliate partners. You really can’t go wrong with these types of numbers for an affiliate partner.
Magic Murals Affiliate Program
- Commission: 8%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Magic Murals Here

Join The Magic Murals Affiliate Program Here
The Magic Murals affiliate program does have quite a large array of wallpapers available for you to promote it is there wall murals that are really going to be the focus of this affiliate program.
So this might not be an affiliate program that is specific to wallpapers but one that you could definitely use in the wallpaper Niche or in the larger wall coverings or home decor niches as well.
The affiliate terms for Magic Murals are as follows. They offer a 60-day tracking cookie duration and an 8% affiliate commission on qualifying sales made through your affiliate links.
Wrapping Up Wallpaper Affiliate Programs
That just about wraps up our look at some of the best wallpaper affiliate partners for you to consider for your niche blog or website.
I know it might not seem the most glamorous Niche to be in. But wallpaper and by extension the larger home decor Niche can be very profitable. It’s not the high stakes Forex affiliate marketing Niche that a lot of people want to go into but it’s a lot safer and it’s a lot more profitable for a wider range of affiliate marketers.
There’s room for new people to jump into wallpapers or home decor or other types of Home and Garden businesses then there is jumping into Forex or cryptocurrency or one of those niches that everyone seems to want to jump right into.
So when looking for a niche to build your business and don’t discount little ones like the wallpaper niche market. With the right type of content you can build a wonderful full-time income with in this Niche and using some of these fantastic feel it programs in our article.
That’s all I have for you today I would like to thank you all for stopping by and as always have a wonderful day.