This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Everyone loves their pets. Dog people, cat people, lizard people. It doesn’t matter. Pets are a part of the family and the pet niche is one of the true evergreen blogging niches because of it. People will always spend money on their pets. Regardless of the economy or anything else.
People love their pets.
If your pet blog can connect with pet owners then you will have one of the most lucrative and interesting blogs around. There are so many micro and sub-niches to break into the larger pet niche that almost anyone can find a subject they love writing about.
For those that are looking to expand their blogs with new affiliate opportunities have we got a list for you. Some of the biggest, the top paying pet affiliate programs around. This is just the beginning because there were far too many to fit into one article. Affiliate Programs are only part of the equation for a successful blog.
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What Are Pet Affiliate Programs?
Pet affiliate programs are designed to allow content creators to monetize their content through the promotion of products and services in pet-related niches.
Through the use of affiliate links, these content creators earn a commission when one fo their audience members use the affiliate link to make a purchase from the affiliate program.
Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular methods of monetization for the general pet niche and its many micro-niches.
These pet affiliate programs are just the start of your journey. Now its time to maximize your affiliate earnings with a solid traffic and conversion strategy.
Pet Warehouse Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 15-days
Pet Warehouse is a large wholesale pet store. This is a very good affiliate partner program to have mainly due to its huge amount of pet supplies. It has just about everything for a wide variety of micro-niches in the pet niche.
Not only does Pet Warehouse have you typical supplies for dogs and cats, but it also has a huge selection of supplies for aquariums, birds and reptiles and small pets like hamsters and guinea pigs.
This is a very broad affiliate program that ticks a lot of boxes for a lot of niches.
The selection is remarkable. They have hundreds of products for each category. While some of the other more focused affiliate programs may have better terms, a pet blogger would do well to have this affiliate program. According to its ShareASale data feed, they have 35000+ products.
Pet Warehouse has been in business since 1974 and has had an affiliate program since 2003. They really are an old and reliable affiliate partner for anyone in the pet niche. The Pet Warehouse Affiliate Program uses the ShareASale Affiliate Network. You can sign up HERE.
Pet Warehouses offers up to a 10% commission for sales through their affiliate program. For a large warehouse store with so many products, this is not bad at all. Their average sale is $48, which is pretty good and their earnings per click are 6.38 EPC, again not too shabby.
Just a reminder about earnings per click, EPC is earnings per 100 clicks. Keep that in mind whenever you see someone quoting the EPC numbers.
The tracking cookie for the Pet Warehouse affiliate program is 15-days. This is not ideal. Even the standard 30-day cookie would have been a disappointment but 15 days is very poor form from this affiliate partner.
Pet Warehouse is a great affiliate to have for any pet niche. There are better affiliate partners to have and to focus on but you need at least one or two of these large warehouse-type stores to fill in any gaps left by your smaller more focused affiliates.
Amazon Associates can fill the gap most of the time, but having a warehouse store dedicated to your niche is a better route most of the time.
Petsies Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
This is a cute little affiliate to have for your pet blog. Petsies makes handmade stuffed animal replicas of your pets. So your audience would take a photo of their puppy and send it to Petsies and they would make a stuffed keepsake of that pup.
This is a really nice affiliate to have on any pet blog. You can really build a website around just this affiliate but it is a great change of pace.
This is especially good for gifts and keepsakes for people that have pets. The quality is top-notch and the likenesses are pretty spot on.
A banner or advertisement from this affiliate on a few pages or on the front page would be a good way of promoting this company. Maybe a story or two about them, but this will not drive a lot of content for your blog.
The Petsies affiliate program is part of the ShareASale Affiliate Network.
The Commission?
The commission for Petsies affiliates is a more than reasonable 10%. The commission adds up pretty quickly as these are custom hand-made items that cost quite a bit of money.
Upwards of $200 dollars per stuffed animal. It may seem like a lot but the craftsmanship is outstanding for their products.
Their ShareASale Statistics are pretty robust as you might expect.
- As mentioned the price of one of these stuffed animals is around $200 dollars so a $215 average sale is right in line.
- $21 Average Commission is a very nice return for your promotions
- The Earnings per Click is $6.75 EPC. This is to be expected since these are specialty products and many readers will look but not buy.
The Tracking Cookie?
A standard 30-day tracking cookie is what is on offer from Petsies. We would love to see a higher cookie especially given the price of one of their products but 30-days is decent. Much better than some on this list.
The Wrap-Up
This is a wonderful little side affiliate partner to have for a pet blog. The products are very expensive and that will limit the number of readers willing to buy them.
But they are great to have available for your readers. Any commissions from them are simply a bonus for your website. Definitely recommended for any pet niche blog.
Natural Wonder Pet Corp Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: 1-Day
Natural Wonder Pet Corp. is a supplier of organic herbal remedies for your readers’ dogs and cats. They have vitamins, flea and tick remedies, and a host of other herbal products to keep your pet healthy. All of their products are made in the USA.
While they do have a few other products, their herbal remedies are the star of the show for this affiliate partner. The list of ailments that their products help with is very impressive.
From basics like ear cleaner and tear stains to Arthritis and diabetes, Natural Wonder Pet Corp has an organic remedy for them all.
They also offer a 100% money-back guarantee which is a must for this type of business for a few reasons.
One they are making some bold claims about the treatment of some pretty serious pet ailments so you need that sort of guarantee to really promote the product.
And two, these remedies don’t work on all pets, just like remedies don’t work for all humans. So being able to get a refund if they don’t produce the desired result is a very nice thing to have for your audiences’ confidence in you and the products.
The Natural Wonder Pets affiliate program is part of the ShareASale affiliate network.
The Commission
The commission for this affiliate program is 15% for recurring products. Their vitamins and supplements are constantly being repurchased which gives a nice passive income for an affiliate partner along with the regular single purchase type items.
The ShareASale statistics look solid as well.
- An Average Sale of $66 dollars.
- The Average Commission for this affiliate program is around $11.
- Their Earnings Per Click is a very nice $35 EPC.
The Tracking Cookie For Natural Wonder Pet
A 1-day cookie. To be honest this nearly kills the entire affiliate program. Tracking cookies are one of the most important aspects of any affiliate program.
A 30-day cookie isn’t great a 1-day cookie is horrendous. You will lose a lot of potential sales and commissions with this affiliate due to the tracking cookie.
The Wrap-Up
The commission is fine, good even. But it doesn’t do you a whole lot of good with the abysmal tracking cookie.
Amazon can get away with a 1-day tracking cookie because they are Amazon, but a niche pet supply and pet nutrition supplier really can’t.
It is tough to recommend this affiliate program. If they fit your needs they are a decent choice, if you can live with the tracking cookie. Their products are good and the rest of the program is pretty good also.
Pet Plate Affiliate Program
Pet Plate is a subscription meal service for your dog. They use “human-quality” ingredients including fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamins and select cuts of meat to produce healthy ready to eat meals for your pups.
This is another fairly high-end affiliate program for your dog blog. The meal plans are dog-specific so this partner program is for dog blogs exclusively or at least a pet blog that has a decent-sized focus on dogs.
You can choose from a variety of subscription plans and find one that meets the needs of your pup and their eating habits.
They have turkey, chicken, lamb, and beef-based meal plans so your audience will be able to find something that is perfect for their dog.
The variety can also help you generate some extra content for your dog blog. Write about the benefits of healthy ingredients for your audiences’ pups and you’ll be able to promote this program with relative ease.
Keep in mind that this is still a very small niche and should probably be part of a larger dog blog.
The Pet Plate Affiliate Program is Part of the ShareASale Affiliate Network. You can sign up here.
A Flat Fee
Pet Plate offers a flat fee of $50 dollars per sale. While this is a nice flat fee for the initial sale, it is unclear if it includes a recurring commission for the subscription plans. The price of plans depends largely on the size of the dog the plan is for.
The ShareASale Numbers look pretty decent.
- $39 Average Sale for this affiliate partner.
- The Average Commission for Pet Plate is $73.
- The earnings per click is a robust $197 EPC.
Very nice numbers for this affiliate and one worth looking into.
The Cookie?
Pet Plate offers a standard 30-day cookie to their affiliate partners. Average but not terrible for the tracking cookie.
The Wrap-Up
This is a very nice affiliate program with a good product. The healthy meals fit right in with the fairly new trend of feeding your dog a human quality meal and the subscription service makes it easy to get the meals delivered right to your readers’ doors.
The only issue is the vagueness of when the flat fee applies. The ShareASale profile states the fee is applied on a per-sale basis.
But be sure to check it out with Pet Plate beforehand to be sure you are getting the right commission. We were unable to join because they only approve Pet related blogs and websites. Other than that this is a very good affiliate program.
PupJoy Affiliate Program
Pupjoy is another organic dog food supplier. They have all types of dog sacks and chew toys as well as subscription boxes that include a variety of items from snacks to stuffed animals. Petjoy also has a wide range of pet clothes grooming and sleeping items.
They also have a decent assortment of dog foods and various travel-related items. Pupjoy has a pretty broad assortment of dog-related items and is a pretty decent affiliate program all around. Pupjoy also has gift cards and gift boxes that you can promote on your blog.
One other interesting thing about Pupjoy is they have a business to business (B2B) section of their storefront.
This is a great potential addition for a blogger that is looking to open a storefront. So be sure to ask about it if that is appealing to you.
Pupjoy is part of the ShareASale affiliate network. You can sign up right here.
The Commission?
The commission is very nice for Pupjoy affiliate partners. It starts at 15% but can rise to as much as 30% per sale in some instances. For the sake of this review, we always choose the lowest rate which is 15%.
Still, even the lowest rate offered is a very nice one and well worth your time to promote this company and its products.
The only “downside” to this affiliate is that they are particularly picky about who they approve as an affiliate partner. It is not really a downside in all seriousness but it means that you will need to build up a decent user base before trying to get approved by Pupjoy.
The Statistics for this affiliate program are reasonable:
- The Average Sale is an adequate $59 dollars.
- The earnings per click is a fair $28 EPC.
Tracking Cookie?
The tracking cookie is your standard 30-days. This is the average tracking cookie these days. Just have to live with it.
The Wrap-Up
A pretty good affiliate program to promote. The commission percentage is particularly nice. The cookie is average, but that is to be expected.
They also have a suitable selection of products to promote. Overall a dog blog would do well to add this to their stable of affiliate programs.
Dogonit Affiliate Program
This is a very small affiliate program for dog beds. They specialize in orthopedic dog beds made from memory foam. They have beds for large and small dogs and are some of the highest quality beds around designed specifically for pets.
This affiliate doesn’t have enough products to really build a blog around but could be a nice one to add for a general blog about dogs or a more focused blog that includes dog bedding.
The DogonIt affiliate program is a part of the ShareASale Affiliate Network. Sign up right HERE.
The Commission
DogonIt offers a very competitive 35% for their affiliate partners. This is one of the best commissions around in the pet niche but this is still a tough product to promote and ultimately sell.
In addition, there is little additional information available in their affiliate profile at ShareASale. Their products are quite pricey, however, so the commission should be pretty high.
This affiliate partner offers a 90-day tracking cookie as a part of its program. A great cookie for a retail product.
Given the high price of their products, a lengthy cookie window is great, giving your audience ample time to decide on the purchase.
The Wrap-Up
This is very much a niche affiliate. It is definitely something to look into and will add a bit of potential content to a dog or pet blog.
However, the limited potential customers is a major drawback and one that will keep this affiliate in the second or third tier of affiliate programs for pet blogs.
Petcube Affiliate Program
This is another very small affiliate program with a highly specific clientele in mind. Pet Cube makes interactive pet products.
Their Pet Cube Bites product flings a treat at your pup while you are away from the house and allows you to monitor your dog while you are not at home with the built-in camera.
It is really part of the smart home and smart appliance wave that is coming in the next few years.
Its a cute idea but it will be very limited for your audience and will be difficult to promote. But it will generate some content with reviews and overviews of exactly what Pet Cube is selling.
It might be a tough sell, but with good content and the skillful use of some long-tail keywords, you should be able to promote these products reasonably well.
The Petcube partner program is a member of the ShareASale affiliate network. Sign Up right HERE.
The Commish?
The commission offered by Petcube for their affiliate partners is a respectable 10%. While we wish it could be a little bit higher for such a small niche product, it will have to do. The higher price of the Petcube cameras will help to mitigate the average commission.
Petcube offers a 60-day tracking cookie for their partners. A satisfactory cookie that will provide your readers ample time to decide on whether they want to make the purchase and still give you time to make a commission off of it.
Solid ShareASale Numbers as well:
- A robust $167 average sale for this affiliate program.
- An appropriate $13 Average Commission
- A solid Earnings per Click of $22 EPC
The Wrap-Up
A very unique affiliate program. One to pick up after your blog has matured a bit. It will take some skill and great content to really promote this program and get the most out of it. But it should be doable and bring in a little bit of extra income.
Ollie Pets Inc. Affiliate Program
Ollie Pets Inc. is another subscription meal service for your pups. This company focuses on customized healthy dog food specifically created for your individual dog. You tell them about your pup and they come up with the best overall food plan for you.
They deliver the food and you just have to serve it. The plan refills your food automatically, making it pretty easy to promote to the audience of your blog.
It is probably best to find the subscription food service that fits your blog’s audience the best and go with that one. You don’t want a huge large amount of the same types of affiliate programs.
Ollie is part of the ShareASale Affiliate Network. You can sign up here.
What’s the Cut?
Ollie offers a flat fee of $75 dollars per sale. Flat-fees are fine but percentages tend to be a bit better for an affiliate program. Still, this flat fee is very generous. Worth looking into for the commission alone. Higher commissions are possible for very successful affiliates.
The ShareASale stats look decent:
- A $75 Average Commission
- A robust Earning per Click of $187 EPC
How Long is the Cookie?
The cookie is a reasonable 60-day tracking cookie. Double the standard, a very nice duration for a tracking cookie.
The Wrap-Up
As mentioned previously, you only need one or two of the same type of affiliate programs in the long run. Pick a few subscription food affiliates then prune the ones that are not converting and focus on the ones that are converting well.
Ollie Pets Inc. should be in the running for one of your pet food affiliate programs because it is an above-average program. But, tailoring your affiliates to the needs of your audience is always the best recipe for success.
King Kanine Affiliate Program
King Kanine offers grooming supplies and CBD based products for pets. This is a very unique and interesting affiliate program to have in your arsenal.
The products alone could be used to generate a great deal of content for a dog or pet blog.
The high-quality CDB products are all organic. King Kanine wants to educate and promote pet owners on the health benefits of the Cannabidiol in their CBD product lines. It will make for an interesting discussion in your blog’s comment section at the very least.
They don’t have a ton of different products, but they have enough to make it a worthwhile affiliate program to promote.
You can sign up to the King Kanine Affiliate Program through ShareASale right here.
The commission offered up by King Kanine is a generous 15%. We love to see any commission over 10% for a retail affiliate. Given the unique nature of their products, this commission is an extremely welcome one.
The ShareASale Statistics look good as well:
- The average sale of $77 dollars is a very good one.
- A fine average commission of $17 dollars.
- A strong Earnings Per Click of $100 EPC.
What’s the Cookie Duration?
The tracking cookie at King Kanine is the standard 30-days. I wish it was longer but this is the industry standard at this point.
The Wrap-Up
A very interesting affiliate program. The unique products alone make this an appealing program for any pet based blog.
Depending on your audience this could be a great affiliate to really get behind and promote. Definitely, one to watch.
Doggiemerch Affiliate Program
Doggiemerch isn’t technically a pet affiliate program. It is more for the pet owner. They specialize in custom products for the human part of the pet-owner relationship. T-shirts, pet portraits, personalized pet photo gifts.
This affiliate is great for any pet niche blog. There are many people who will readily pay for keepsakes of their pets.ou can provide them with that on your blog through this partnership. Adding diversity to your marketing strategy is always a good way to go.
Doggiemerch is part of the ShareASale Network. You can sign up for it right here.
How Much is the Commission?
Doggiemerrch has an extremely generous commission of 30%. One of the absolute best commission for a retail affiliate program currently available. Try and find a way to promote this brand in any way you can the commission is just too good.
Some decent ShareASale numbers as well.
- A reasonable $10 average commission
- A $32 dollar average sale is nothing to sneeze at.
- A rock-solid Earnings Per Click of $83 EPC.
What’s the Cookie?
A great 90-day cookie is available for your promotional efforts for this affiliate program. 90-day tracking cookies are great and this is almost as nice as the great commission offered by Doggiemerch.
The Wrap-Up
A great program to have. This adds some diversity to the shopping options your readers have. Diversity is always a necessity for a blog’s partner programs.
Sometimes your readers may just want a shirt with their pups’ face on it. Make sure you have a program that allows them to do just that.
Otherwise, they will go elsewhere and nobody wants that. Accommodate your audience in every way you possibly can and you will be rewarded.
Pawz And Petz Affiliate Program
This is an affiliate program from a smaller pet shop that looks to be on the rise. They have a decent selection of products that are unique and interesting, so if you need something for your pet that is off the beaten path this might be a great place to look.
Give them a try and see how well they convert with your audience, this might just be a diamond in the rough affiliate partner that you can really get the most out of.
The Commission And The Cookie
The commission offered by the Paws and Pets affiliate program is outstanding, especially for the competitive pet niche. They offer a robust 20% commission on all qualifying sales made through your affiliate links.
The cost of their products ranges from about $20 to $60 dollars making it a good partner for a wide range of incomes.
Why Promote Paws And Pets?
A wide variety of pet gear and clothing for their humans make this one of the more diverse pet partners in terms of products.
Interesting and unique products along with an outstanding commission round out what looks to be a partner program with a lot of potentials.
PetcareRX Affiliate Program

PetCareRX is a supplier of medical products for your pets. They cover just about anything health-related that your pets could possibly need. Hair and dental products. Healthy food options for most pets. Heartworm, Flea, and Ticks medication for dogs and cats.
They also have a wide selection of vitamins and therapeutic products for arthritis and joint pain.
In addition, PetcareRX has a small selection of beds, crates, and training to treat dog owners. The site is centered around dogs and cats.
Pet blogs that focus on other types of pets might not find this affiliate program as valuable as a dog or cat blog.
Their website claims they are the #1 Pet Affiliate Program, so they should be pretty easy to promote with that type of name recognition.
With that said, this is a great affiliate program to have for just about any blog in any dog or cat niche.
While its main focus is on pet healthcare, your blog can be about anything dog related and still gets a great deal of use out of this affiliate partner.
If your blog is in the pet healthcare niche then a medical partner program is an absolute must and this is one of the better ones around.
The PetcareRX program is part of the Rakuten Linkshare Affiliate Network.
What is the Commission?
The 6% commission is less than stellar but still pretty decent. Ideally, you want to see commissions closing in on double digits but realistically anything above 5% is a decent return for your promotion efforts.
The low commission is somewhat offset by the prices of the pet meds offered by PetcareRX.
The only downside is that commissions on prescription meds are not applicable to affiliate partners. Nothing you can do about this, it is a legislative issue.
The tracking cookie is 35-days. Slightly better than average which is nice to see.
The Wrap-Up
A pretty good program for any dog or cat niche. You’ll need to have at least one pet med affiliate program for any pet-related micro-niche. Making sure that you have a partner to fill whatever needs your readers to have is a must for a successful blog.
You don’t want readers looking at your blog then having to go somewhere else to find the product if you don’t have a program available for them to use.
1-800-Petmeds Affiliate Program

Billed as America’s largest pet pharmacy, 1-800-Petmeds had been around for quite a while.
They are a well-respected brand with an A+ Better Business Bureau Rating and are a fully licensed Pharmacy for all your pet’s medical needs. The company is also traded on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange.
This credibility is great for an affiliate marketer because they don’t need to convince the readers of the authenticity of the products.
That trust is built into the brand leaving the blogger to create content and promote the products. Instead of having to convince people on the brand name.
1-800-Petmeds features a huge selection of medical and pharmaceutical supplies for your pets.
Though the site is primarily for dogs and cats. Smaller pet niches might need to look elsewhere for their pet medical needs.
But for dogs and cats, they have everything you could possibly need. All the most popular brand name products that your audience will be looking for.
Vitamins, dental, ear eye, skin, and coat. 1-800-Petmeds has got you covered.
1-800-Petmeds is part of the Rakuten Linkshare Affiliate Network.
What Is The Commission Percentage?
1-800-PetMeds offer a wonderful 10% commission for non-prescription products through their affiliate program.
In addition, they offer a 15% commission on any 1-800-Petmeds private label products. Making this two-tiered commission set up one of the best in the pet medication niche.
They also offer a 10$ bounty for new customer sales. So any new customer you send their way will earn you a bonus of $10 dollars when they make a purchase.
However, their tracking cookie leaves a lot to be desired. It is only 10-days. Anything under 30-days is below average.
The Wrap-Up
A must-have for a dog or cat blog. Their great commission and bounty along with their huge selection of medical products for your pets make this one of the best affiliate programs.
The biggest downside is the short duration tracking cookie, but it is not terrible so you should be able to work around it.
If you only want to pick one pet medicine supplier this would probably be your best bet.

Chewy Affiliate Program
Chewy is an online pet store with just about every product under the sun. At least as far as your pets are concerned.
They have a pharmacy for your pet’s medical needs and most of the name brands that your readers will be looking for.
The great thing about chewy is that they have whole sections of products for pets other than dogs and cats. So bloggers in other niches will be able to leverage this affiliate partner with a great deal of success.
Fish, Bird, reptile, horse and small pets are all accounted for here. Terrariums and aquariums, Chewy has it all covered.
Vitamins and grooming supplies for your horse? Got it. Need a cage for your bird and some treats to keep him happy, they have that as well.
This makes it one of the most versatile partner programs in the entire pet niche.
While dogs and cats have quite a few options for their products, other pets are somewhat limited at times. But Chewy does a good job of including them in their product line-up.
What is Chewy’s Commission?
It all sounds great, but here is the problem. There is literally no information about their commission structure or the cookie duration. I am including them on this list because they are a huge potential affiliate program.
It looks like their affiliate sign-up is active and ready to go. Give it a look. Still no public information on the affiliate terms.
If anyone can find them drop a comment and I will add it to the list. Thanks
The Wrap-Up
Right now you can sign-up for their affiliate program but they are fairly picky about who they let in and your site needs to be at least tangentially related to pets in some way.
You can fill out an application for their affiliate program right here. I will add the full review when I get more information on the affiliate program.
I will update this article when more information is available for the Chewy Affiliate Program.
Petco Affiliate Program

Petco is a huge pet superstore and pharmacy. They have one of the largest selections of pet products online. An affiliate like Petco is a must, just to fill in any gaps left by your more focused affiliate partners.
Petco has most pet types covered from your common cats and dogs all the way to your more exotic reptiles, fish and birds. If you need it for a pet, chances are they have something that will fit the bill.
The reason I would not use Petco as my only affiliate is that you can find better terms at some of the smaller affiliate programs.
It is always good to mix things up and keep both large and small affiliates at the ready.
So if the same or similar product can be found for the same price at a smaller affiliate and that affiliate offers 12 or 15% commission. Pass that link onto your readers instead.
Don’t price gouge, however. If the price is lower at the lower commission affiliate promotes the lowest price.
It will help you out in the long run.
One really great aspect to add to the whole Petco Experience is that your readers can get local care for their pets if they have a Petco near them.
They can book services like grooming and training online.
However, be sure to check with your Petco affiliate manager after signing up to make sure you will get credit for any purchases of this sort.
PetCo is part of the Commission Junction Affiliate Network
The Commission?
Petco offers an 8% commission on most of the products offered in their store.
However, they only have a 5% commission for some categories of items. If your blog focuses on one of the lower commission items it might be worth to look for a better affiliate partner.
The 5% Categories include.
It is not a huge list of items that only pay out the 5% commission but it is substantial enough to take be aware of.
The cookie offered by Petco is a less than stellar 7-day tracking cookie.
The Wrap-Up
You really need at least one of these huge warehouse-type stores for any blog in the pet niche.
Petco is a great choice especially if your readers have a physical store nearby. It gives them the opportunity to use some of Petcos’ local services.
Fitbark Affiliate Program
- Commission: 12%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Fitbark Affiliate Program
Fitbark is a dog activity monitor. It is basically a Fitbit for your dog. This is really the only product that this affiliate program has to offer.
But it is so unique that it may be a good program for anyone in the dog niche to look into. It might seem like a tough sell given the price, it runs about 70 bucks but people buy this kind of stuff for their pets all the time.
It is one of the reasons why this niche is so popular. An interesting affiliate to say the least. But it won’t be for everyone. Give it a try if you think your audience will go for it. Fitbark is part of the ShareASale Affiliate Network
What is the Commission?
Fitbark offers a very generous commission of 12% for all qualifying sales. Good Start. They also offer a 60-day tracking cookie for all their affiliate partners. Even better. 2 great numbers for an affiliate program.
Let’s look at the underlying statistics in their ShareASale profile.
- A $57.37 Average Sale looks pretty good, the products are not outrageously high priced.
- The $6.89 Average Commission is pretty good for this type of product.
- Very nice earnings per click of $49.93 EPC
Overall a very unique affiliate partner to have for a dog blog. There is really nothing else like it out here for now. With the good commission and nice cookie, it will probably be worth it to check out this affiliate for any dog blog. Just to see if it can covert with your readers. Definitely, one to look at.
Yumwoof Affiliate Program
- Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: 45-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join The Yumwoof Affiliate Program

Yumwoof is a single product dog food affiliate program. Their all-natural kibble is carefully crafted using quality meats to give your reader’s pups a great meal. This affiliate is going to work well for any pet based niche website and would make a great alternative to Amazon, especially with the wonderful affiliate terms on offer.
The affiliate commission and tracking cookie duration are very generous. Yumwoof offers a 15% commission for qualifying sales made through your affiliate links and gives you a solid 45-day tracking gap. This should lead to a good conversion rate and a nice return on time invested in promoting their products.
The only downside I see is that they only have the one kibble product. This is great if your readers like it for their pups but if not then there is really nothing else to offer them from this affiliate. However, this is going to be a pretty small percentage and shouldn’t really be a factor in the overall conversion rate.
The Big Finish
Ten incredibly diverse and profitable affiliate programs for a dog blog. Choose the ones you think best fit your blog’s audience and get them out there working for you. All of these have the potential to drive some serious income for your blog.
The best course of action is to try and diversify your affiliate partners. You don’t need 5 food subscription services for a single blog.
Pick the ones that are converting the best with your audience and cut the others loose. No place for sentimentality in this business.
Interesting and diverse affiliate programs can help create the unique content that drives traffic to your blog and really sends your potential income to the next level.
Don’t go it alone. Get the best learning tools and community to help you build your online dream. Check it out here.
Thanks for visiting and have a nice day.

Thanks for the round up of the best paying pet affiliate programs. As I’m just starting out in Affiliate Marketing, this is a great overview of how different programs pay their commissions. And a handy tip about the EPC being for every 100 clicks. If I was in the pet niche, I would definitely be signing up for some of these!
EPC is a little misleading at times, but it is still a decent metric to look at
thanks for the comment
I seriously cannot thank you enough for this article, who would have even thought that someone was providing this type of information all in one small space for a pet blogger especially dogs to find. You have found some very unique affiliate programs that I could seriously use starting right away and I will be applying for them tonight. A simple thank you seems so little for what you have managed to bring together for someone who takes the time to write many articles on all the breeds of dogs we have available – and you are so right in not the same product works for every breed. Genius article, and thank you again,
Hello and thank you for this informative article. I really found it useful. At the moment I am creating my new niche website and it is going to be about cats and their behaviour, nature, feeding, nursing, care and related products. I am not yet well informed about affiliate programs regarding pets and boy, I am so glad I found your list.
I will definitely explore their websites and get the most out of all of them.
Thank you for your effort.
I am a pet lover and so I’m planning to put up a website in the pet niche, pups to be specific. But while I love sharing great ideas on how to care for pet dogs, it doesn’t hurt to make money from them. After all, I am aiming for an online business that will not only help me share my passion to other pet lovers and connect with them, but also one that will give me passive income in the long run.
But before I will finally launch my site, I want to make sure there are a lot of affiliate programs I can sign up with. So thank you for making things easier for me. These are great programs considering that most of them give a minimum of 10% commission and 30 to 60 days tracking cookie. I wonder what Natural Wonder Pet Corp was thinking when they decided for a 1-day cookie.
Among these on your list, I am considering Doggiemerch because oft their generous commission and 90-day tracking cookie. By the way, for beginners, how many affiliate programs do you recommend?
there are quite a few good options for pet affiliate programs
thanks for the comment
This is an incredible idea and thanks for providing and inspiring some who want to turn passion into cool cash by giving more than enough ways to expand our blog, i for once honestly have not thought of creating a pet niche, But when im done reading this article over again i guess i am gonna create one.
Thanks a million
Your article was well-detailed. The way you explained about the average per commission in each of the paying pet affiliate programs. If I was a pet lover, I would have joined a pet affiliate program and make a decision based on all the descriptions you made in your post. Anyway, keep on dropping that good content.
hope it helps you out,
thanks for commenting
My blog is new , thanks so much for this article, very helpful.
I am glad it could be of some help to you. I have a few more articles on the pet niche that you might be interested in. You can find them in the search menu.
Thanks for visiting.
Hi Michael – thank you for your insight.
Are you aware of any affiliate programs that run as a white label (that i can put my own branding on the store)?
We have a platform for pet owners but would rather retail products under our own brand.
I see a lot of white label opportunities in other niches, particularly coffee, tea, and essential oils. there are a few white label pet product companies out there. I’ll look into it.