Is The Ace Hardware Affiliate Program A Good Alternative To Amazon Associates?

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Hello everybody and welcome to another article on the website. I hope everybody is doing just fine today and I want to thank you for stopping by and taking a look at our content. Today we are going to be looking at the affiliate program of one of the biggest hardware stores in the United States. Of course I am talking about Ace Hardware.

They are an enormous company with a huge selection of products that cover a wide array of different niches. Whether you’re starting a gardening Niche website or are looking to add a new affiliate program to you or established barbecue and Grilling Niche site Ace Hardware could be just what you’re looking for.

So let’s take a look at the Ace Hardware affiliate program and see if it’s something that you might want to add to your affiliate strategy and see if you can add additional layers of monetization to your Niche website.

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screenshot of the ace hardware affiliate program webpage

A Closer Look At The Ace Hardware Affiliate Program

The Affiliate Commission

Normally what I’m doing these affiliate program reviews if I can’t find a solid commission number anywhere on their affiliate profile that I typically don’t write the article at all. It’s such a critical part of the affiliate program that I feel like I should have it in almost every single article that are right about an affiliate program.

That being said this is going to be an exception to that rule. Because Ace Hardware is such a big company with such a huge array of products across a staggering number of potential niches I’m going to continue doing this review even though I can find no  Definitive information about the commission rate.

 Here is what the Ace Hardware affiliate FAQ has to say about the subject.

Commission rates are based on the net sales (as defined in the Affiliate Master Campaign Agreement) you generate per month. Commissions can be earned on all products, except Gift Cards.

Ace Hardware Affiliate FAQ

So as you can see their commission rate scale and they’re based on your productivity during that month. You will be able to see what the basic commission is once you sign up through their Impact Radius affiliate profile. 

So once you get accepted you’ll be able to discern what’s the best way to go about getting the maximum affiliate commission for your business. Depending on the type of commission you get this should be a great alternative to Amazon Associates. Amazon only offers 1-3% on most of its products so this could be a bit better.

The 14-day Tracking Cookie Duration

The tracking cookie duration for this affiliate program is 14 days. It’s a little bit less than what I consider the standard tracking cookie  Of 30 days. For most of the products that you’re going to be promoting with Ace Hardware, it shouldn’t be that big of a problem.

However, they do have a lot of high ticket items that might need a little bit longer duration cookie and as a result, you might lose some of those commissions if your audience takes longer than 14 days to make up their mind about the purchase.

 It’s something that you want to keep an eye on because if you are getting a lot of clicks and are going to those High ticket items and you’re not getting any conversions and you might want to adjust your promotional content to include some lower-cost options that might fit into the 14 day window a little bit better.

But like I said most of the products will be relatively inexpensive and fit right into that 14-day tracking cookie duration without too much trouble and you should be able to get a decent return on your time invested with this cookie duration.

A Quick Look At Ace Hardware Products

The products are the strength of this affiliate program. These are what you are going to be promoting and they have a huge variety of products across dozens of niches and in just about every price range, from the largest and most popular brands out there.

Here are just a few of the most popular brands they sell…

  • Weber
  • Ego
  • Scotts
  • Yeti
  • Traeger

And so many more that it would take the rest of the day to list. The bottom line here is that you are going to be promoting the best products from the biggest brands through one of the most recognizable companies in The United States. It is a win-win all the way around.

screenshot of the ace hardware website

Best Niches For Ace Hardware

The obvious niches for the Ace hardware affiliate program are going to be any type of woodworking, craftsman, power tools, home repair, etc. Any type of hardware or construction niche is going to benefit from having such a well known and well-liked affiliate partner.

But they are more than just hardware. They have home and garden products that make it a nice addition to a gardening niche website. They have grills and outdoor cookie gear that would work alongside other BBQ and grilling affiliate programs.

Here are even more potential niches that you can use for this affiliate program…

  • Lighting
  • Home Decor
  • Patio Furniture
  • AC And Cooling
  • Bird Houses

The list goes on and on. They have so many products across a wide variety of niches that it makes sense to check in on them regardless of your niche just to see if they have anything for your specific niche.

The Bottom Line

That will wrap up our look at the Ace Hardware affiliate program. This is an amazing partner to have just because of the wide selection of products they have. The only problem I have with this program is the lack of information about the commission that is publicly available.

It means that you’re going to have to sign up and get accepted before you know for sure what type of commission you can expect from Ace Hardware.

However, they do have a scaling commission structure that is based on your performance so you should be able to get a pretty nice percentage once you start to get things rolling on your Niche site.

Other than that there’s really nothing that it will let you down with this affiliate program. Every brand name company worth its salt is going to have products on the Ace Hardware website if they’re at all interested in Hardware Home and Garden or anything that is related to those types of niches.

It is a wonderful website and a direct competitor to Amazon  within the hardware and related niches.  When you take into account Amazon’s constant lowering of their commissions it makes sense to Branch out and find new Affiliates.

Ace Hardware could work for a huge number of Niche sites out there and if you’re just starting and it’s like it’s one You definitely want to take a look at it because it can be so beneficial to have such a huge brand name as a partner for you to promote.

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 Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day.