This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
The make money online niche is pretty broad. It is typically used as a descriptor for a variety of ways to make a living online. Affiliate marketing training, dropshipping, and passive income blogs are the major players in this niche.
Let’s be clear about the make money online niche, there is a lot of crap out there. It is incumbent upon the affiliate marketer to choose a product they are comfortable with to promote to their audience.
So of the products offered by the affiliates on our list might not pass muster for your audience. Don’t force them on your readers just to get those sweet commissions.
So let’s have a look at 10 of the best affiliate programs for the make money online niche.
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Top 10 Make Money Online Affiliate Programs
With some good content and a decent level of trust-building, you can make a full-time income from just one of these affiliate programs. Make sure you are comfortable with the products and get to work.
Now that you have some profitable make money affiliate program ideas you just need to create the content and drive traffic to your affiliate links.
Project 24 Affiliate Program
- Commission: $50 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: No
- Learn More About Project 24 Here

Join The Project 24 Affiliate Program Here
Project 24 is one of the premier online training services for affiliate marketers. Everything about it screams quality. They have tons of content including its 60-step blog creation process that you can discuss in your promotional content. It really is a good service and one that you can be proud to promote.
It is pricey at $449 for the first year and I would consider it a high-ticket items but the price is warranted for the amount of help and information you get for that price. You can check out my full review of Project 24 here for even more info.
The commission starts at a $50 dollar flat fee for each new referral who signs up. It is not a bad commission, a little on the low side maybe, but there is a ton of content and upkeep for the service and you can really see the effort and reinvestment put into their product so the lower commission is justifiable in my opinion. It comes out to be around an 11% or 12% commission for starters and you can increase it with enough sales.
I couldn’t find a tracking cookie duration so be sure to ask about it when you are accepted. It should be a decent length given the cost of the product.
One last thing to note is that you must be a member of Project 24 in order to promote it as an affiliate. This helps weed out fake reviews and other nonsense.
Affilorama Affiliate Program
- Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Affilorama Here

Join the Affilorama Affiliate Program
Affilorama is an affiliate marketing training service that offers a few different products for your blog audience to take advantage of. The products range from building a passive income online to building email lists and just about everything in between.
The tracking cookie information was not listed in their affiliate program promotional material so be sure to check on it when you are accepted into this partner program.
The commission is a fantastic 50%. This makes money niche has some of the best commissions in all of affiliate marketing. So don’t be surprised if you see some even bigger ones. It is one of the reasons why this niche is so competitive.
Affilorama has a presence on ClickBank which means you can promote them if you have a ClickBank account. Most ClickBank vendors allow affiliates to be auto-approved.
Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program
- Commission: 50% For Members/25% For Non-Members
- Tracking Cookie: Lifetime
- Auto-Approval: Requires A Free Membership
- Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Here

Join The Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program
I am making no judgment on the quality of the Wealthy Affiliate service by adding it to our list. You can check out my full review of Wealthy Affiliate right here. What cannot be disputed is that they have one of the best affiliate programs in any niche.
They offer an incredible 50% commission on their subscription service which can really start to rack up recurring commission quickly. The standard monthly fee is around 50 bucks, so each subscriber you sign up gives you a decent monthly commission for as long as they are subscribed.
The tracking cookie is phenomenal as well. A lifetime tracking cookie that sticks with the member. If you sign someone up and they restart their account years later they are still included on your affiliate links as long as they sign in with the same credentials.
The only real issue is whether you feel comfortable promoting Wealthy Affiliate. Many people love, a lot of people hate it and some fall in the middle, myself included. Sign up is free and even without a membership you can promote them and get roughly 25% commissions.
12 Minute Affiliates Affiliate Program
- Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About 12 Minute Affiliates Here

Join The 12 Minute Affiliates Affiliate Program Here
12-minute Affiliates is a make money online program that deals mainly with email marketing and how to get the most out of that particular money-making concept. The affiliate program would work great on an email marketing or affiliate marketing niche site.
The tracking cookie is not listed but most Clickbank products have a 60-day tracking duration so that is what I am going with here. You can double-check once you join them. The commission is a robust 50% for sales made through your affiliate links and there are a few upsells that you can take advantage of as well.
Finally, you can get auto-approval if you are already a member of Clickbank, they don’t require whitelisting at the time of publication. This makes it a great option for a newer website looking for a solid monetization option in the competitive make money online niche.
Manifestation Magic V2.0 Affiliate Program
- Commission: 73%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Manifestation Magic Here

Join The Manifestation Magic Affiliate Program Here
Manifestation Magic is a little different from the other make money online affiliate on our list. It doesn’t deal with affiliate marketing or email marketing it deals with Laws of Attraction and how to manifest money through action and positive thinking.
It might sound a bit strange at first but once you get into it it makes a bit more sense. The point here is that manifestation is a huge sub-niche in the make money online niche and this is one of the best affiliates to use for your content in this competitive niche.
Once again we have a standard Clickbank tracking cookie which is 60-days at the time of writing. That can change so be sure to double-check the cookie duration you are being offered when you sign up.
The commission is quoted at 73% on their Clickbank profile. It is an odd number but a wonderful commission. Why isn’t it 70% or 75%? I don’t know but 73% is plenty to build your manifestation or law of attraction business around.
Perpetual Income 365 Affiliate Program
- Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Perpetual Income 365 Here
Sign Up For The Perpetual Income 365 Affiliate Program Here
Perpetual Income 365 is an email marketing system designed to get your affiliate marketing business up and running quickly and with very little experience or expertise necessary. This would be a good option for a niche site that helps beginners get started in affiliate marketing.
The tracking cookie should be 60-days given that this is hosted on Clickbank. As always ask to be sure once you have signed up. The commission is 50% and there are some upsells that can turn even more of a profit after the initial sale. Additionally, the fees are recurring so you can make money month to month
Auto-Approval is available for anyone who is a member of the Clickbank affiliate network. Making this a viable option for even brand new content creators.
Sqribble Affiliate Program
- Commission: 75%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Sqribble Here

Join The Sqribble Affiliate Program Here
Sqribble fits squarely into the make money online niche by helping you create your own e-books as quickly and efficiently as possible. E-books are a great way to add an additional layer of monetization on your website in the form of an information product. You can check out my full Sqribble review right here.
The tracking cookie should be around 60-days but be sure to ask about it to make sure. Clickbank listed products typically have a 60-day cookie but I will reevaluate the cookie length as more information becomes available.
The commission is well in line with a digital-only product, they tend to be higher. In this case much higher than most physical products. A Scribble affiliate can expect to make 75% on qualifying sales through their affiliate links. When you add in upsells you can reach well into the hundreds of dollars for a single commission.
Video Market Blaster Affiliate Program
- Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Video Market Blaster Here

Join The Video Marketing Blaster Affiliate Program Here
Video Marketing Blaster is a training suite that helps people rank their videos and content on Youtube and Google fast and effeiciently.
This type of software would be right at home on a niche site that teaches people how to build a successful Youtube channel and would work well on a general affiliate marketing niche site that has some content related to Youtube.
The tracking cookie is 60-days and the commission is a robust 50%. There are some upsells that can earn you even more money so be sure to look into those when you are developing content for your niche site.
As long as you are a member of Clickbank you can join this affiliate program through their auto-approval process. You do not need to be whitelisted in order to promote their product.
TechFusion LTD Affiliate Program
- Commission: 30%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-Days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About TechFusion LTD Here
TechFusion is a company that deals in SEO software and online marketing in general and could make a great option for your make money online niche blog if it focuses on search engine optimization or other technical aspects of making a living online. Their product is called SEO PowerSuite. That is what you will be promoting as a partner of theirs.
The commission is 30% for anyone who signs up through your affiliate link, making it a great option for any monetization strategy. The tracking cookie is also impressive weighing in at 90-days.
Lastly, they offer an auto-approval process through their ShareASale profile making it quick and easy to start with their partner program and begin building a solid affiliate foundation for your niche site. They also have a free option with some limited functionality.
Join The TechFusion LTD Affiliate Program Here
Awio Web Services LLC Affiliate Program
- Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Learn More About Awio Web Services LLC Here

Join The Awio Web Services LLC Affiliate Program Here
Improvely is the name of the product from Awio Web Services LLC that you will be promoting on your niche site. Their software suite it designed to “track, test, and optimize your online Marketing”.
This product fits well into an e-commerce focused make money website but could would for a general affiliate marketing site as well.
The commission is a solid 50%. You can see that high-commissions are very much a theme on our list because most of these are digital products or software type products. So they have less overhead and can offer much higher commissions that other affiliate programns.
Wrapping Up These Make Money Online Affiliate Programs
That will bring us to the end of our look at these 10 fantastic affiliate programs for a wide variety of make money online type niches.
This is such a broad Niche that can incorporate websites about affiliate marketing or email marketing or SEO and search engine optimization as well as YouTube and Pinterest and other forms of content for your online business.
The important thing to remember is to find an affiliate program that matches as closely as possible the type of content that you are trying to create.
If you are creating a make money website that deals with how to best create YouTube videos as your major content Source then you were going to want to find an affiliate program that deals with YouTube.
Video Market Blaster is one of the examples I give in this list but there are plenty of others out there and there’s something that you should really check into because they do match up with your contact quite well if you are dealing with the YouTube Niche.
And the same is true of any of these other affiliate programs, find the ones that are going to be the most beneficial to the type of content that you’re creating and you are going to have a great opportunity to expand your online business or if you just starting out get off to a good start in this highly competitive Niche.
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Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day.