Can You Make Money With The Cinderella Solution Affiliate Program?

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Welcome Welcome, everyone. Thank you for stopping by. Today we are taking a look at a very popular affiliate program in the Diet niche. It is called the Cinderella Solution and it has been at or near the top of the most profitable and popular diet affiliates on Clickbank.

What makes this affiliate so popular. The commission? The cookie? Does the product just sell itself? Can you really make money with the Cinderella Solution affiliate program?

Let’s find out…

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screenshot of the cinderella solution product

A Closer Look At Cinderella Solution Affiliate Program

Learn More About The Cinderella Solution Here

Cinderella Solution Affiliate Commission

The commission for Cinderella Solution is 75%. It’s the type of commission that really stands out but it’s not an unexpected one. Cinderella solution is largely a digital product which means they have far less overhead in physical products like a diet pill or exercise machine that both fall into generally the same Niche.

As a result, these digital products tend to offer huge commissions on both The Upfront sale and any upsells that they may have. These high commissions are one of the reasons why these digital-only products are so popular.

So if you can find a digital product that has a good reputation and doesn’t have a high refund rate than you can really start to make a lot of money with these types of products because of the 75% commissions like the one offered by Cinderella solution.

The important thing to remember in relation to the high commission is that you don’t want to force the product on your audience if they are not receptive to it. It doesn’t matter how good the commission is if it doesn’t convert well.

So you have to try and balance those things out. The best thing to do is to run some tests with Cinderella solution to see if it can meet your expectations in terms of conversion and in terms of profitability. If it can then that 75% commission can be the foundation for your entire online business for as long as the product is popular.

The Tracking Cookie Duration

The tracking cookie duration is always a little tricky when you are dealing with Clickbank products. The number is rarely found on the individual affiliate programs so it can be a pain to find the exact number. My understanding is that there is a 60-day “last click” cookie for the majority of ClickBank listed affiliate programs.

This may have changed recently so I will update with more accurate information as it becomes available. Bottom line here is that the cookie should be long enough that it won’t negatively affect your conversion rates and it is not something you really need to worry about but you can always ask the affiliate program provider after you join up.

A Word On The Cinderella Solution Product

It is always a bit tricky evaluating the products of these affiliate programs when I’m reviewing the affiliate program itself. The product and its quality play a huge part in the overall efficiency of the affiliate program but the product itself is going to have to be evaluated by the affiliate marketer who is working in the niche that that product is designed for.

In this case, you are going to be the proprietor of a diet Niche site if you are looking to promote the Cinderella Solution. You are the expert when it comes to these types of products and can make the best evaluation on whether or not it fits into your affiliate strategy and whether or not the product itself is something that you are already and she’s going to respond to.

With all that said I’m simply going to give a brief overview of the product and when you choose to promote this affiliate you can do your own due diligence and research as you would for any other product that you intend to promote.

Cinderella Solution is a digital Weight loss product.  The sweet spot for customers of this product is women between the ages of 30 and 60. If you are a website or Niche blog that has the majority of your audience in this group than Cinderella Solution is probably going to be a good option for you as long as it works well with that specific audience.

The concept seems to be something called carb pairing and how to do it effectively which will help you lose weight more efficiently and keep it off. These are Concepts that you might want to dive into with your content if you choose to promote this product because I think it’s something that not a lot of people are going to know about and it may take some explaining to get the most out of this affiliate product.

Can You Make Money With The Cinderella Solution?

Cinderella Solution is one of the most popular affiliate programs on Clickbank and one of the most profitable products on that affiliate network. So the big take away is that you can make a great living with just this Cinderella Solution.

With the right content and a good steady supply traffic you could really make a lot of money with just this affiliate program. Of course you’re going to want to add in other diet-related products that are going to help expand your profitability.

But Cinderella Solution can be the foundation for a very successful affiliate marketing business in the weight loss and diet Niche. There’s no question about it. It is popular, it’s got a product that people seem to like, it’s got a great set of affiliate it terms.  there is a lot to like and very little not to like about this product.

I guess my only complaint is that sometimes ClickBank products can be a bit difficult to promote because there is a reputation of some pretty bad products on that affiliate Network. Most of that was well in the past five or 10 years ago but it still lingers to this day and might hinder some of your conversions.

If you can get past that then you can really build a full-time income in the diet niche with the Cinderella Solution affiliate program.

The Bottom Line

That brings us to the end of our look at the Cinderella solution affiliate program. As an affiliate program this is one of the best in the diet Niche.

It’s got a huge commission and a product that is incredibly popular and seems to do very well.  It’s really going to come down to your specific audience and how well they respond to this partner and the product.

Once you build a relationship between your audience and the Cinderella solution product you should be able to generate a good amount of income and use it as a foundation for building your online business.

 Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.

You can join the Cinderella Solution Affiliate Program Here

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