Does Benefit Cosmetics Have An Affiliate Program? Is It Worth Promoting?

This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details

Hello everybody and welcome back to the site. I hope that everyone is doing well today and I thank you for taking some time out of your busy day to join us here today. In this article, we are going to take a look at the benefits Cosmetics affiliate program.  We’re going to see if this affiliate program can be a good alternative for your beauty Niche website or if it’s one that you might want to pass on.

Does Benefit Cosmetics Have An Affiliate Program? Benefit Cosmetics does have an affiliate program. It is hosted on the Rakuten Advertising Affiliate network. The Benefit Cosmetics Affiliate Program Offers a modest commission for its affiliate partners when they promote their products.

So let’s get to it then. Will the Benefits Cosmetics affiliate program be a boon for your online business or will you need to look for partners elsewhere.

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screenshot of the benefit cosmetics website

A Closer Look At The Benefit Cosmetics Affiliate Program

The 4% Commission

Let’s begin our look at the Benefit Cosmetics affiliate program with the affiliate Commission on offer.  They give their affiliate Partners a 4% Commission on qualifying sales made through your Benefit Cosmetics affiliate links. This is the commission percentage that is publicly available through their Rakuten Advertising profile and, To the best of my knowledge, it is accurate at the time of writing. A 4% commission is reasonable if not spectacular. This type of commission gives you enough profitability to use this affiliate program quite extensively. It’s certainly an upgrade on something like Amazon Associates that are going to give you far less of a commission on most of their products even going down to 1% on a lot of products on Amazon.

So the 4% commission makes it a viable alternative to Amazon Associates and puts it on par with a lot of the other beauty or makeup affiliate programs out there.  There are certain affiliate programs with higher commissions that you could dive into But ultimately you were going to want to get the best commission you can with the products that are going to resonate best with your specific audience. That means you’re not always going to aim to get the highest commission possible you want a good balance of great products a good commission and hopefully a good tracking cookie. And the tracking cookies where we’re going next and it is, spoilers,  a bit of a disappointment to say the least.

The Tracking Cookie

The tracking cookie is a bit odd for the Benefit Cosmetics Affiliate program. It is listed on their Linkshare profile at 0.2 days. This is an incredibly low tracking cookie duration. It basically means you need to have your affiliate links in heavy buyer intent content in order to get credit for a sale. They need to leave your site and go directly to Benefit Cosmetics to buy something.

I just don’t know what to make of it, really. I don’t think I have ever seen a tracking cookie this short before. 1-day cookies sure but 0.2 days? I can’t recall that ever being the case. It could be a typo or a mistake, but this is what they have listed and I am going to assume that it is accurate. So, for anyone who thinks tracking cookies don’t matter? Here is a prime example of why they do. This cookie makes this affiliate program very difficult to use on a website. With a duration this short you really need to be deploying these affiliate links on Instagram and maybe Pinterest. Youtube might work, but that is going to be tricky with such a short duration.

A Brief Look At The Products

I always like to add a brief couple of paragraphs about the products for any of these affiliate programs. This is just to give you a general idea of what types of products to expect from any given affiliate program.  However, this is always a look at the product from an outsider’s perspective. You are going to be the expert in the cosmetics and then if you’re considering using Benefit Cosmetics as an affiliate partner. So you were going to have to evaluate those products based on your expert knowledge and on the desires and needs of your specific audience.

Let’s take a look at some of the products that you can promote from Benefit Cosmetics, they are your typical cosmetics and Beauty Niche products.

  • Brow Gel
  • Brow Tools & Kits
  • Mascara
  • Eyeliner
  • Eyeshadow
  • Eye Primer
  • Blush
  • Concealer
  • Foundation
  • Lipstick
  • Skin Care
  • Fragrances

It is definitely your standard beauty niche type of products but they also have some fragrances as well so you could use it as a perfume affiliate program if you wanted to.

What Niches For Benefit Cosmetics?

The niches that you want to deploy The Benefit Cosmetics affiliate program are pretty straightforward. This is a Cosmetic Company through and through so you are going to want to operate in the Cosmetic or beauty niche. You can obviously break it down into some smaller sub-niches or micro-niches in order to build your brand without having to deal with a lot of the competition.

So this affiliate program would work great in the makeup niche or a lipstick specific niche, eyeliner specific, etc. You get the picture any Niche where Cosmetics are going to be the main product that you want to promote is going to be a good one for Benefit Cosmetics. For affiliate programs like this, there’s really not much wiggle room when it comes to niches but I like adding the section to the Articles regardless of how I obviously niches are just for  Sake of being thorough.

The Bottom Line

That wraps up our look at the Benefit Cosmetics affiliate program. This could be a decent program for some affiliate marketers in very specific circumstances. If you have content that is heavily buyer intent or you are on social media like Instagram where you can translate affiliate links into cells very quickly then this might be a great option for you. However, for a traditional blog or website, it’s going to be very tough to use this affiliate program because the track and cookie are so short.  It really does hamper the effectiveness of this affiliate program to an alarming degree.

Everything else about it is fantastic the 4% commission is reasonable and the products are popular and look to be well made from my perspective.  But you have to get people that are ready to make a purchase right when they click on your affiliate link or you are going to miss out on a lot of commissions with this partner program.

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That’s all I have for you today thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.