[Top 12] Best Affiliate Programs For Weight Loss

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So you decided to jump into the weight loss niche with your blog.  You must be brave.  The weight loss niche is one of the most difficult and competitive blogging niches out there.  It can also be one of the most profitable.

A number of factors contribute to its popularity and profitability.  One, it is an evergreen niche.  There will always be a market for weight loss products.

From pills to diets to exercise equipment.  Someone will always want to lose a little weight. The other factor is the sheer size of the weight loss niche.  There are so many angles you can use to approach this niche.

With proper planning and some good keywords, anyone can get into the weight loss niche if their content is good enough.

But once you are in what then?  Sure you have your Amazon associates links to monetize your blog.  But that commission is awfully low.

And the selection is broad.  Is there any program to get that commission percentage up and have a more focused affiliate program that you can promote on your blog.

The answer is, of course, yes.  Too often bloggers simply focus on Amazon Associates and leave a lot of money on the table at the thousands of other affiliate programs for their niches.  But you came to the right place.  I put together a list of the top 10 best affiliate programs for weight loss.

At least in my opinion.  I tried to include a decent cross-section of weight loss affiliates.  You can check out our first list of 10 weight loss affiliates here and 10 great bodybuilding affiliates right here.

Hopefully, you will find a few that fit your blog in some of our suggestions.  At any rate, let’s get into the list.  I hope you enjoy it.

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Check Out These Weight Loss Affiliate Programs

Weight Loss affiliate programs are designed to allow content creators in the weight loss niche to monetize their content through the promotion of products and services that are related to weight loss in general.

The next step to building a passive income empire is to get the traffic and conversions for these weight loss affiliate programs.

Maximum Slim, LLC Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  40%
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Maximum Slim, LLC is an online retailer that supplies a variety of organic and health-related products.  Their focus is on weight loss supplements, detoxes, and vitamins.  They have a decent selection of products but nothing overwhelming.

In addition, they also have some food and beverage products that don’t fit closely in the weight loss niche but are more adjacent to it.

These include organic coffee, organic meals and proteins, and organic cocoa products.  Like their supplement selection, these products are not that great in number.

The Commission

Don’t let the limited number of products from this affiliate get you down, however.  The limited supply is more than made up for by the incredible sales commission.  40% is huge for a retail affiliate.  The tracking cookie is also decent at 30-days.

The product price is on point as well.  Maximum Slim, LLC has products ranging in price from around 10 dollars all the way up to 50 or so.

It is always great to have a range for your affiliate products.  This allows a larger portion of your audience to be able to afford some of the products.

Put it all together and you have a really good affiliate to promote for a weight loss website.

The underlying statistics look pretty decent as well.  An Earnings per Click of 9.04 EPC.   The $29.04 average sale is decent.  And the $9.26 average commission is also pretty decent.

The Wrap Up

Overall, Maximum Slim LLC is a good affiliate partner to look into for a weight loss blog.

They may not have the biggest product selection but their commission is hard to pass up.  I would at least give them a trial run on your weight loss blog just to see if they resonate with your readers.

If not you can always move away from them.  But if they are something your audience enjoys and a program that converts well then you have some real earning potential on your hands with this partner program.

WonderSlim Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  10%
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

WonderSlim offers a wide range of meal replacement diet plans for your readers to choose from.  They have plans structured for just about everyone.  In addition to the plans, they also have a pretty large stock of replacement foods that you can buy individually.

The plans are the big draw for this affiliate program, however.  They are great for content and promotion, but they are not subscription plans.  so there is no recurring commission associated with them.  This is a bit of a drawback but easily overlooked with the wide variety of plans available.

Looking at the plan variety, Wonderslim has a good selection.  The shortest is the 3-day plan.  Then you move up to the 2-week plan where they have 3 different options and the plans continue with a 4, 8 and, 12-week option for your readers to choose from.

The 3 plan options range from basic to premium and the price increases as you go along.  I recommend trying a promotion around each level of a plan and see which one converts the best.  Going straight for the biggest commission is always a bad idea before you have any data.

Your audience can also customize their pans further with a few available options.  Plans designed for men, women, nursing mothers, high protein, and low calorie are all options that someone can pick when customizing their replacement meal plan.

The Commission and The Cookie

The tracking cookie is your standard 30-days and the commission percentage is a decent 10%.  Both are pretty good, making the Wonderslim partner program worth a look for anyone in the weight loss niche, but especially if you are in the health food micro-niche.

Lastly, the ShareASale Numbers are pretty good.  The $160.38 Average Sale is pretty good for this type of affiliate.  The average commission is a decent $10.81.  And the quoted earnings per click is a $62.46 EPC.

The Wrap Up

Overall, a very good weight loss affiliate program to look into.  Programs like these offer something that many places such as Amazon don’t offer and the terms of the affiliate program are usually much better at these small partner programs. I recommend giving them a look.

Phen 375 Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  45%
  • Tracking Cookie:  120-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Phen 375 is an interesting associates program.  They have a single product.  A supplement called, well, Phen 375.  That is all they sell.  It is a dietary pill that is designed to curb your appetite and may increase your metabolism.

These diet pills are always a little bit dicey for an affiliate.  Phen 375 offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on their product.  This is great when you’re promoting the product but you will not get paid if they return it and get their money back.

So you should probably expect a certain number of commission reversals with this product.  These diet pills tend to work for some people and do nothing for others.  If the product is legitimate at all.  This one looks like one that might be pretty good.

The website has some pretty good documentation on exactly what your readers will be buying.  They have a section dedicated to the ingredients and how it works.  All of this is crucial to the promotion of Phen 375.  Your readers are going to ask you first and you need to have a solid answer, preferably in the form of some on-site content.

The Commission

Enough about the product.  The tracking cookie is great at 120-days.  This gives your readers plenty of time to mull over the purchase and still give you a chance at getting a commission for it.  Speaking of the commission, it is just as robust as the cookie.  It is 45%.

A huge number for a partner program and one that really makes this hard to pass up for just about any weight loss blogger.

The ShareASale statistics reinforce just how good this partner program can be.  A $122.79 average sale is very nice.  The $55.26 Average Commission is absolutely fantastic.  The earnings per click are outstanding at $102.46 EPC.  Crucially, the reversal rate quoted in their profile is 0% for the past 30-days.

The reversal rate is a refunded product.  So that is great to see.

Wrap Up

Overall, this is one of the best weight loss affiliate programs around.  It really does tick every box.  Great cookie, great commission, a popular product that converts and sticks.  Pick it up if you are anywhere in the weight loss niche.

Nashua Nutrition Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  5%
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Nashua Nutrition is a huge retailer of just about every dietary and weight loss product you can think of.  That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but they have a ton of stuff to choose from and to promote on your weight loss blog.

They sell popular brands of supplements, vitamins, and minerals.  Pages upon pages of them.  All ripe for you to promote and for your audience to buy.  This is a real competitor for the most selection of anything in the weight loss niche.  They even have a section on healthy condiments.

A huge superstore like this is always a great idea.  Most people just use Amazon, but I think this affiliate could slot in right beside it as a great alternative.  It should definitely be something to look into.  If it doesn’t convert then you can always just push Amazon more to the forefront.

But the weight loss focus of the store and some careful promotion might give you a better chance at commissions.  This is because your readers might be more comfortable buying weight loss and fitness items from a store that focuses only on them.  As opposed to the warehouse feel of Amazon.

Commission Rates

The other big difference that really pushes this program up the rankings is its 30-day tracking cookie.  Amazon’s cookie is 20 hours.  It can be tough to get commissions on certain products, like supplements and health food in that time frame.

The added duration of their tracking cookie gives your readers enough time to make a decision and still give you a commission.  That being said the commission is only 5%.  So it is about the same as Amazon.  They tend to run around 4% for most items with some dropping as low as 1%.

So it might be worth it to promote this affiliate over Amazon in certain instances.  Let’s take a look at the ShareASale 30-day statistics for Nashua Nutrition.

A $98.34 Average Sale is pretty good.  The $4.92 Average Commission is low but right where you expect it to be.  And the Earnings Per Click is pretty good at $84.27 EPC.  Overall this is a good partner program to have.

The Finish

It fills the need for a broad retailer that sells a variety of products and does it pretty well.  I would like to see a higher commission but this is pretty common for this type of affiliate.  The broader retail stores tend to have lower commissions.

Active Web Group Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  20%
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Invite Health is the consumer face of the Active Web Group affiliate program.  This partner is focused on supplements, vitamins, and minerals.  They have their own brand of products and a huge selection of them.

This partner could work for any weight loss affiliate but would definitely be best for a blog focused on supplements and vitamins as they don’t really have any other products to promote.  Other than gifts cards I suppose.

Let’s look at what they have to offer in terms of their selection.  They have everything under the sun.  Some 45+ categories of supplements for your readers to choose from.  And hundreds of individual supplements for your readers to purchase.

You could easily generate a huge amount of content just from reviewing the individual products, but a better way may be to answer the question of what each one contains and what they are supposed to do.  This strategy gives you the opportunity to answer questions that haven’t been asked yet, but probably will be.

The Affiliate Terms

When we take a look at the terms of the partner program it starts to look even better.  Not only is their product selection great, but their 20% commission is outstanding for a retailer with such a large selection of products.  The cookie is generally ok at 30-days.  It’s about the average for this type of program.

A deeper dive into the ShareASale 30-day statistics confirm the overall health and profitability of this affiliate program.  The $127.47 Average Sale is right on par for a program of this type.  An average commission of $25.49 is good and right about where you would expect it to be.

The earnings per click is a robust $460.50 EPC.  Keep in mind these are 30-day stats so that EPC might be a bit of an anomaly.  I also like to mention this from time to time in regards to the EPC.  The name is a bit misleading.  It is the average earned per 100 clicks.  All clicks are counted whether they purchase anything or not.

The Wrap Up

At any rate, this partner program is outstanding, especially for a blog focused on supplements and vitamins.  But even if you only touch the supplement niche it might be a good associate program to add to your arsenal and give it a shot.  See if it converts with your tribe and go from there.

Modern Fit Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  $40 Flate Fee
  • Tracking Cookie:  60-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  Yes

Modern Fit is a different type of affiliate program in quite a few important ways.  First is the product.  It is a 16-week personalized program that gives you access to a personal coach for the duration of the program.

In addition, the program gives your readers access to workout and training videos that show them exactly how to do all the exercises.  They also receive a custom macronutrient diet guide that helps them with their meal planning.

It seems like a product that is going to take a little finesse in order to promote but the affiliate terms are good enough to give it a try.  This is a much more modern and online approach to weight loss and health in general.  So it might be easier to sell to a younger generation.

The Commission

Let’s look at the program terms for Modern Fit.  The program forgoes the usual commission percentage, instead opting for a flat fee for anyone you send their way.  The flat fee is $40.00.  A pretty decent flat fee for this type of product.  The tracking cookie is 60-days, so that’s pretty decent.

The 30-day ShareASale statistics are a mixed bag.  And a little more difficult to sort through.  Since it is a flat fee the average sale is not applicable.  And the average commission is, of course, $40 since that is the flat fee.  The Earnings Per Click is where things aren’t great.  It has a $19.63 EPC.  It is a little low, but not terrible.

The Wrap Up

I always like to diversify with at least one flat fee affiliate.  That is the reason I included it in this list.  They are always nice to have but in this case, it might take a little more promotion to get the conversions up to par. Give it a look if you think your audience will like it.  Otherwise, it is ok to pass on a particular affiliate program.

Promix Nutrition Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  10%
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  Yes

Promix Nutrition is a supplier of workout supplements.  These include whey proteins and MCT oils among other similar items.  They have a decent variety of these products for your audience to choose from.  This falls much closer to the bodybuilding niche than most of the other programs on this list.

This partner program should be pretty straight forward to promote for anyone familiar with their products.  They seem to have the standard pre-workout and whey protein products that are very popular among the people in this niche.

The Affiliate Terms

The terms of the associate program are decent as well.  Promix Nutrition offers a good 10% commission on all qualifying sales.  They also give their affiliate partners a 30-day tracking cookie in which to make the final sale.  It is a pretty standard package.

They are on the list for the diversity of their products.  Having the option to expand to different areas of weight loss is always great and you need to have affiliate programs at the ready to fill in when you move around inside the particular niche.

The ShareASale 30-day statistics look very good.  A $76.83 Average Sale is a good place to start.  The average commission of $7.68 is right in line with expectations.  An Earnings per click of $41.66 EPC is nice to round out this affiliate program.

The Wrap Up

Another good program to have especially if your blog is more focused on supplements or workouts to lose weight.  You can fit it into any weight loss sub-niche, however.  Check it out if you think you can get some good conversions with it.

HealthyWage Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  $100 Flat Fee
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

This is another very interesting affiliate program for a weight loss blog.  Basically, their product is competition.  Your readers can sign up to lose weight and win prizes for the most weight lost over a particular period of time.

The idea is that if you put money into something like this then you will be more likely to stick to your weight loss program.  Trying to promote this affiliate might be tricky.  I just have to describe it to you and I am struggling a little bit with that.

Essentially, they want you to sign up as a group.  An office pool or a group of friends all chip in and can win prizes at the end of the competition.

The Commission

The affiliate terms are pretty nice.  You get a flat fee of $100 dollars for each sale.  This is usually for a group sign-up.  It is a very nice flat fee and one worth taking a look at.  The tracking cookie is a standard 30-day cookie.

The Wrap Up

The ShareASale statistics are pretty good as well.  An average sale of $444.89 is pretty good.  The earnings per click are $125.94 EPC.  Pretty good numbers combined with the $100 dollar flat fee make this an enticing affiliate program to have a look at.

But promoting it might be very tricky.  It is worth it to try however as the program terms are pretty nice.

Gainful Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  $60 Flat Fee
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Gainful produces personalized protein powder for its customers.  Their theory behind this is that everyone is different and needs a specific mixture from their protein powders in order to get the most out of them.  You are starting to see this type of personalization more and more in the health and fitness niche.

Whether it actually works is something I cannot answer, but the science and testing behind it seem pretty sound.  What is great about Gainful is they tell you everything that they put into their protein powders.

Your readers won’t have to guess.  They won’t be surprised by a rogue ingredient.  This type of transparency is great for an affiliate.

It means you can concentrate on promoting the product and using transparency as a selling point.  Instead of having to answer questions about what is this product or that product.

The commission structure at Gainful is a flat-fee per signup.  You will receive $60 for each purchase that someone makes using your affiliate links.  It is a pretty great commission.  But, one page says $20 another says 60$.

The Affiliate Terms

It is possible one of them has not been updated yet.  The $60 per sale quote is pulled right from their ShareASale profile so that is the one I are going to use.  Their tracking cookie is a standard 30-days.  Pretty average for this type of program.

The ShareASale Statistics look great over 30-days.  A $61.60 Average Commission is right in line with the $60 dollar flat fee.

The Earnings Per Click is $658.82 EPC.  Which seems way too high.  I am going to leave these numbers in for now.  But they definitely seem a little off.  I’ll update as I get to the bottom of it.

The Wrap Up

Even with the confusion over some of the numbers, this is still a pretty good affiliate program to look into.  Especially if you are in the supplement micro-niche.  The personalized nature of the product can go a long way to helping you promote this product successfully.

FormulaZone.com Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  40%
  • Tracking Cookie:  Lifetime
  • Auto-Approval?:  Yes

Last and most certainly not least is Formula Zone.  I love this affiliate program.  It is the gold standard of what a partner program should be.

I just wish more companies would treat their affiliate partners like Formula Zone does.  Why is it so great?

Let’s start with the product.  It is a high-quality diet program that your audience can subscribe to.  It is set up in a way that makes it pretty easy to follow and it really gives the subscriber a lot of content and help for their money.

Maybe most importantly though.  Your readers get a 14-day 100% money back guarantee.  This is something that everyone should have.

It makes it so much easier as an affiliate marketer when the company you are promoting has enough confidence to just give people their money back if they don’t like the product.

Another great aspect is that it is not terribly expensive which opens it up for a greater swath of your readers.  You can get the monthly fee down to under $6 dollars depending on how long you commit to the program for.

The Commission

But now on to the main event.  Great products are a must but you also need that commission.  It clocks in at a staggering 40%.

40% on a subscription-based weight loss program.  It is absolutely fantastic.  But it gets even better.  They offer a lifetime cookie.  Once you refer a reader to the program you earn a commission from the customer for the duration.

The 30-day statistics look great as well.  A $31.32 Average Sale is nice for a subscription plan of this price.  The average commission is $13.03, right in line with what you would expect. And the Earnings Per Click is a good $12.80 EPC.

The Wrap Up

When you add everything up it is going to be hard to find a better affiliate program in any niche.  It ticks all the boxes.

Subscription service, great commission, good product and the best cookie in the business.  Find a way to fit this affiliate program into your weight loss blog.  Even if it is only tangentially. I am not even in the weight loss space and I am looking for a way to incorporate it.  It is just that good.

FitLife Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  15%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Bodied By Bella Affiliate Program

  • Application:  Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission:  20%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

apple and glass of water with a waist tape measure on a table

A Quick Final Look At Weight Loss Affiliates

There we go.  The top 10 best affiliate programs for weight loss.  You are going to come across quite a few other weight loss affiliate partners.  Some might be better for you some worse.  It really depends on your audience and what they want.

But these are all great places to start.  Add them into our other weight loss list and you have a great number of choices to monetize your weight loss blog.  I cannon stress this next point enough, however.

The commission is not the only thing that is important.  There are many factors to consider when deciding on an affiliate partner program.  You must carefully weigh each one and then test it with your audience. 

Don’t try and force high commission programs into your blog.  Especially if they have poor products.  you will just end up doing more harm than good.

But let’s stay positive here.  You have the content.  You just need a new way to monetize it.  Look beyond Amazon Associates and try out some of these great ideas for affiliate partners.  Hopefully, they can take your blog and your earnings to the next level.

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