Huge business. If you can get a piece of the ever-growing wine niche then you could really start to reap the benefits of some great blogging income.
According to this report from Zion Research, the wine industry will hit a global revenue of 423.59 Billion dollars by the year 2023.
That’s billion. The growth of the wine industry is frankly staggering.
By positioning your wine blog now you could really set yourself up to have some authority in the blogging world for this particular niche.
It is not an easy niche to break into, however. You’ll need to know what your audience likes and dislikes in wine to really make the most of your blog.
And you’ll need to know what you like in a wine. You can’t fake your way through a wine blog.
Your audience will see right through it. Expertise is what they are going to come to you for.
And that takes a huge amount of research and trial and error of the wines you enjoy and the wines you absolutely can’t stand.
I will try to provide information on starting wine blogs for beginners. With some basic research and ideas to help you out.
Getting in on some of those billions in the wine industry is going to take time and a whole lot of hard work.
You can do it. And when you do the benefits will be remarkable.
Why write a wine blog? First, because it is a huge industry as mentioned in the intro.
But it is also a fascinating industry with a ton of potential content for you to write about. Every winery has its own story to tell.
Every vintage is unique. You could write about a single wine for each vintage that wine has ever had if you can get your hands on a sample.
The possibilities are limitless. Each region has its own unique flavors and aromas.
Each shade of wine is unique.
And within each wine color is a whole host of different kinds of wine.
Red and White to Rose and Champagne. They are all potential content. Each one is there to generate discussion, both positive and negative, for your readers.
Even the wine bought from the store has a story to tell.
Walk into Publix and pick up your next bottle to review.
Some of it is even quite good.
The sheer amount of content that a wine blog could draw upon is staggering.
Add to that, the profit potential of a wine blog and you have something truly special.
How Do You Make Money In The Wine Niche?
Affiliate marketing is the best way to monetize a wine blog. And there isn’t really a close second.
You could try ads but some of these ad companies have restrictions on certain content so check with them to see if wine and spirits in on their banned list.
Additionally, some ad services have been known to ban people for the slightest infraction even it had nothing to do with the person displaying the ads.
So give ads a look then run back to affiliate marketing as fast as you can.
Here’s why.
Wine Clubs.
These are subscriptions.
For wine.
Delivered every month or so and you get a piece of the pie with each subscription payment. It is recurring income and it is the best type of affiliate income there is.
Maximizing these subscription boxes will be the cornerstone of your money-making strategy in the wine niche. All your content will be pointing your readers to some of the affiliate programs that include a Wine Club.
There are tons to choose from with a wide array of commissions and wines.
Something for everybody really.
The Potential Of Wine?
As mentioned in the intro the estimates are for wine to surpass 420 billion dollars by 2023.