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Welcome back. So you’re thinking about getting into the supplement selling a business. There are plenty of options out there if your looking to get into this lucrative niche.
There are hundreds(thousands?) of multi-level marketing opportunities in supplements as well and we’re going to take a look at one of them called Liv International today.
For a quick overview, you can take a look at the review box below if you want to learn more keep reading.
You’ll find out everything you want to know about Liv International and the business opportunity they offer.
Be sure to stay till the end for a great alternative to multi-level marketing. An alternative that you can use to sell supplements without a huge investment a capital that you need for most network marketing.
There Is Just Something About Owning Your Own Business. Being Your Own Boss. Building Something From The Ground Up With Your Own Hands. Especially When It Is This Easy To Get Started.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find our Liv International Review helpful.
What Is Liv International
Liv International is a supplement selling multi-level- marketing company based out of Orem, Utah.
They offer a variety of health and wellness supplements that can be resold by their associates for a profit.
It is a standard MLM set up with very little innovation in the marketing or compensation areas of the network marketing business. You can check out their corporate information statement here.
The Cost To Join Liv International
Like most MLM’s, Liv International has quite an extensive number of upfront and ongoing costs that you’re going to need to pay in order to do business with them.
It is then incumbent on you to make sure that you sell enough of their products or recruit enough other sellers that you can cover the cost and still turn a profit.
The issue with this is that most people will not be able to turn a profit with Liv International or in fact any multi-level marketing business.
it is just the nature of the business that all these upfront costs really take so much of a chunk out of your profit potential that most people simply can’t keep up with them.
It’s not uncommon for people to lose 1k, 2k, 3k even $10,000 or more with some multi-level marketing products.
In fact, almost everyone who starts an MLM will end up losing money(source).
There are a few people who actually do make quite a good living doing it but statistically speaking it probably won’t be you and most likely you will end up losing money again according to the statistics.
With all that said let’s take a look at The upfront costs Liv International. In order to Join you need to purchase one of these starter packs so that you can start earning your PV points and in turn start earning commissions.
These packs range from $165 to around $700. Be more expensive packs contain more products that you can resell but this is just the upfront cost to joining.
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In addition to these costs, you have to have an auto-ship package that can cost you $130+ at a minimum each month.
When you start to add up these costs each month it begins to really show how much money you have to invest in this business before you really get started with it.
It is a leap of Blind Faith to invest that much money into something that you don’t know if you’re going to be able to resell or even make any type of profit off of it.
Remember most people do not make a profit.
To wrap it all up you can expect to spend in excess of $2,000 a year just on product auto-shipments that you would need to resell. That’s a lot of money no matter how you cut it.
A Good Return On Investment?
Now that we know how much it cost to join Liv International, let us take a look at what type of return on investment you can expect from this multi-level marketing company.
Like most network marketing companies their Compensation Plan is pretty convoluted. There are multiple avenues that you can use to earn money.
None of them are really that great. The most consistent will probably be the reselling of products which will take a look at right now.
Reselling Liv International Products
The reselling of products is usually the most reliable way to make money with a direct marketing company like Liv International.
Liv International offers A wide array of health and wellness supplements that you can sell at a premium to earn a commission on each one.
I’ll get into the products themselves in a little bit but this reselling of the supplements is probably the best way to earn money from Liv International.
It is probably the most problematic way because there is a much better way to sell products without having to put down so much of The Upfront costs. You can read about that alternative at the end of this article.
Marketing Ranks
Like most MLM companies there is an internal ranking structure that determines how much money you can earn in bonuses.
These ranks are most of the time dictated by yourself performance and your downline acquisition of other network sellers in your marketing Network.
Liv International has 14 marketing ranks That their sellers can achieve. The names of these ranks range from my manager to Diamond level Executives.
It never ceases to amaze me how these MLM companies come up with some really outlandish names for their ranks.
I’ve seen some multi-level marketing companies use military ranks so that the highest one is like at Four-Star General.
A lot of times they’ll use corporate lingo and especially business C-level ranks like gold CEO or something along those lines.
You’re not the vice president of anything or Diamond executive anything in these direct marketing companies.
They just fancy names for performance-based ranks. An increase in rank simply brings in more potential bonus money depending on how much money you bring in with your sales.
Downline Residual Commissions
Residual commissions are really the thing that people think about when they start to talk about pyramids games.
Basically you are getting people to join and pay the start-up fee and the subscription fee to live in a national and you get a portion of that depending on how far down the line they are on your Network.
If there was no product if the only thing that you needed to do was get them to sign up and then they get someone else to sign up in that is a true pyramid scheme and it is probably not going to be around for very long.
However, Liv International has some pretty good health and supplement products that you sell and that you were down line associate cell.
So this means that not only is Liv International, not a pyramid scheme but it has legitimate products that you can actually make money selling.
However, it is rare that someone actually makes money off of them because of the overhead that MLM is often required.
That being said residual commissions are another added Avenue for you to earn money from Liv International.
The Liv International Product Line
The Liv International product line is pretty standard for a multi-level marketing supplement company. They all have exciting names and A bunch of claims that are usually not backed up by the FDA.
The products look fine and the people behind Liv International I have a background in health science.
I suspect that the products themselves are probably pretty decent quality. But I don’t think they’re anything that you can’t find in your GNC or Walmart in some form or another.
Here’s a quick sample of some of the supplements that you can resell for commissions at Liv International.
- Zing – Alertness Supplement
- Blox – Immunity Support
- Nitrimax – Circulation Support
- LivePro 15 – Protein Supplement
- Green20 – Hydration/Juice Drink
- Amp Plus – Weight Loss
- Daily Smart – Nootropics Mental Support
As you can see the lineup is a pretty standard supplement line up. You can find variations of these types of supplements in almost any store around most civilized countries.
In fact most of it you can get at a convenience store if you live in the United States. And they’re probably a much cheaper price then the Liv International alternative.
What this does, in reality, is make selling your overpriced supplements that much more difficult because anyone can drive down the street and pick them up at a discount.
The Liv International Pro’s
- The Products are decent enough.
The Liv International Con’s
- Liv International Is Expensive To Join And Expensive To Maintain
- Ongoing Fees From Auto-Shipments Are A Real Issue
- Convoluted Compensation Packages
- High Priced Supplements Make Them Difficult To Resell.
A Modern Alternative To MLM’s
Is Liv International a pyramid scheme that we hear about all too often in the news.
Is it one of those disreputable companies that just seems to take people’s money and then fold up and disappear into the night?
The good news is Liv International is not a pyramid scheme or a scam in any sense.
They have legitimate products that are pretty good quality. the issues with live International are issues with the larger MLM space in general.
The over-reliance on building up a network of sellers where you get a portion of their products is really problematic in this day and age.
With all that said as far as MLM’s go, Liv International seems to be a decent example of one.
There’s nothing really exceptional about it but there’s nothing terribly wrong with it other than the typical MLM problems.
So if you are dead set on getting into the MLM space and especially the supplement network marketing space then Liv International is probably a good place to look.
However, there are much better places to go to learn to build your own business.
They don’t cost as much you don’t have to keep buying products and hope that you sell them in order to make a profit and it’s much cheaper to start.
Let’s take a look at that alternative right now.
A Modern Alternative To MLM’s
It’s not looking very good, is it?
Failure rates of mlms are incredibly High.
The big reason for that is the upfront cost and the ongoing subscription cost of having to buy the product before you can resell them for a profit.
But what if I told you there was a way to sell supplements without actually having to buy the products themselves.
You simply refer customers to those companies that do sell the supplement and you get a commission.
A lot of times the commission is very similar to what you would earn from an MLM. It’s called affiliate marketing. And essentially all you do is direct traffic to the companies that are selling the products.
There are plenty of companies selling health and wellness supplements in affiliate marketing.
I put together a list of 10 of the best vitamin and supplement affiliate programs that you can use right now to start earning money by promoting their products.
The best part about affiliate marketing programs is that they are free to join. You don’t need to buy the products and then try and resell them at a markup.
You just need a place to put your affiliate link and a way to get traffic to that affiliate link.
It really is that simple.
The trick is building up the content to draw in the traffic. And you can do that with a Blog based in whatever Niche you have the most interest in.
So how do we craft the content and how do we grab that traffic and start earning money from our affiliate links while for that you’re going to need a little bit of training and website.
You can get both of those for under $300 in most cases. If you want to forgo the training and just get the website you can do it for 80 bucks to a hundred bucks.
Just think about that for a second you can start your own online business for under a hundred bucks.
It’s incredible and much cheaper than the $2,000 a year you were going to spend at live International for the right to resell their products.
So here’s my recommendation for getting the training you need and the web hosting you need to start affiliate marketing today.
For web hosting, I recommend Bluehost because they are extremely inexpensive and very reliable. They have great support and the speed of their web hosting is very good.
As for affiliate marketing training, it’s always going to be an optional expenditure. Try and think of it as an investment in your future.
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