10 Of The Best Makeup Affiliate Programs

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The Makeup niche is one of the fastest-growing blogging niches around. The industry itself is growing all the time and now is a great time to get into makeup and the related niches.

Once you made the decision to jump into this Niche you’re going to need to find high-quality affiliate programs that are going to help you monetize your website and help you build a passive income online.

So here are 10 of the best makeup affiliate programs that you can use right now to start earning a nice passive income and start building your online makeup business.

These affiliate programs are just the tip of the iceberg for what you going to need to get your business up and running.

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Makeup Affiliate Programs Quick Look

Sephora Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: Varies By Country
  • Tracking Cookie: Varies By Country
  • Auto-Approval: No
sephora affiliate screenshot

Sephora is a well-known retailer of all types of beauty and cosmetic products.

However, they’re most known for their makeup and they have a huge selection of every type of makeup product that you could possibly want to promote.

Their products are high-quality and very well known among people in the makeup Niche and just the General Public.

They’re part of JCPenney’s marketing setup,  so they have a very visible retail presence as well which helps add to their notoriety and makes it easier for you to promote their products.

The tracking cookie varies by the country that you are applying from. The exact countries that Sephora offers are a little bit nebulous.

In their cj.com profile, they have Brazil and Australia available for affiliate partners. Whether or not there are other countries was tough to find out so you’ll have to inquire about that when you decide to join their program.

Why Promote Sephora?

The biggest reason why you want to promote this affiliate program is because of name recognition.

As long as the cookie and commission are reasonable in your region then there’s no reason why you wouldn’t want to at least consider joining the Sephora affiliate program and promoting them on your makeup niche website.

CultBeauty Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
cult beauty partner program screenshot

Cult Beauty is an incredibly robust beauty and makeup website. They have thousands of products that you can promote on your makeup niche blog.

I have dozens of popular brands that people in the kitchen in the industry are going to know so you can craft your content in a way that assumes that people are already going to be familiar with these brands.

You don’t have to go into a lot of detail or background which makes promoting these products that much easier.

This affiliate program seems to be pretty ambitious. Their stated goal is to become one of the most trusted Beauty websites in the world.

That is no small feat given the huge makeup industry and all the competing corporations that inhabit it.

The commission for this partner program is very good.  They offer a full 10% commission on all qualifying sales through your affiliate links

Finding a double-digit commission for any type of physical product that has to be shipped to the customer is great. 

The makeup niche, in general, seems to have slightly higher commission percentages on average than some of the other physical product-based niches.

The tracking cookie is pretty standard at 30 days but that is plenty of time for this type of product.

Most of these products or not but I would refer to as high ticket items. They can be somewhat expensive and who orders can run into the hundreds of dollars easily.

But typically they’re not super high priced items so you don’t need a really long tracking cookie to actually get the commissions that you’ve earned.

Why Promote Cult Beauty?

One of the biggest reasons that you should consider promoting cult beauty is their aforementioned huge selection of incredibly popular brands of makeup.

They also have a variety of perfumes and other types of products that are tangential to make up.

Your readers will probably have an interesting as well so that broadens the chance that you can make a sale through your affiliate link.

The Commission and the cookie are just fine and there’s really nothing not to like about this particular partner program.

Give it a look and see if it converts well with your specific audience and you could have a gem of a partner program on your hands.

Mommy Makeup Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
mommy makeup screenshot

Mommy Make-Up has its own line of branded makeup products for just about any type of skin tone or skin type.

They have quite a selection although it’s not as big as some of the other larger affiliate programs and their brand may not be as well-known as some of the larger makeup brands.

All this means is that you’ll have to do a little more promotion and background on this particular for the program when you might for something that’s a little bit well more well-known.

However, the good thing about it is you can build real trust between this affiliate program and your readers by generating that background contract and making people feel comfortable using their website to purchase their products.

The commission offered by The Mummy makeup partner program is pretty good. It’s a full 10% for all qualifying purchases through your affiliate links.

The 10% number seems to be pretty popular in the makeup Niche.

A lot of times in any given niche you’ll see the commission numbers hover around a certain point in here it seems to be 10% for many of the smaller more independent partner programs.

The tracking cookie is an outstanding 60 days. anything over 30 days I considered to be great and for this Niche 60 days is fantastic.

This duration will give you plenty of time to promote the Mommy Makeup products and still get a Great Commission once you make a sale.

Closing Thoughts On Mommy Makeup

The biggest reason to promote this partner program is an interesting take on beauty tips and products for the busy modern woman.

The concept is that your beauty regimen should be easy so that it’s not something that gets in the way of your work or family and Mommy Makeup wants to streamline the process for your readers.

The cookie and the commission are also excellent so there’s nothing to worry about there.

The only thing you need to figure out his does this particular partner program converts well with your specific audience.

If it does and you have a great basis for a lot of content built around Mommy Makeups products.

Valana Minerals Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: Lifetime
  • Auto-Approval: No
valana screenshot

Valana Minerals Is a 100% natural and vegan makeup brand. They have a nice selection of all types of makeup products for a wide variety of skin types and tones.

The diversity of their makeup is one of the big draw points and something that you to release create content around if you choose to promote this affiliate program.

The commission is 10%. As mentioned before this seems to be the average commission for the makeup Niche which is nice to see.

Anything in double digits is great for this type of Niche and you should be able to really generate some good profits with this type of commission.

The tracking cookie for Valana Minerals is very interesting. It is a lifetime cookie that means it never expires.

The only way that the cookie would be removed is if the customer or your reader removed all the cookies from their browser and you would have to start over again.

But short of that the cookie stays with that particular consumer and you get the commission for when they go to make a purchase through your affiliate link.

Lifetime Tracking cookies are rare but do pop-up from time to time. You should really take notice of it because it is a very good incentive for using this affiliate program.

Final Thoughts On Valana Minerals

The tracking cookie itself is a great reason to consider promoting this affiliate program. When you combine it with the great products and the wonderful commission there’s really not anything wrong with this affiliate program.

The only thing you need to consider is how well do your particular audience likes the products that are on offer here from Valana Minerals.

L.A. Minerals Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 12%
  • Tracking Cookie: 1-year
  • Auto-Approval: No
La minerals screenshot

L.A. Minerals Is a cruelty-free makeup brand that has a pretty extensive selection of makeup products.

 They have all your standard products from foundation and blush to concealer and eyeshadow.  They also have some skincare and bath and body products that your readers might be interested in as well.

The commission for selling minerals is one of the better ones that we have seen in the makeup Mitch and certainly one of the best ones on this list.

They offer a full 12% commission for all qualifying sales through your affiliate link. I’ve always said that anything over 10% is very good and a 12% commission is fantastic.

It might not seem like a lot as it’s only about 2% over most of the other partners on this list but over time that 2% adds up to quite a bit of money if you can make sales with this particular affiliate program.

The tracking cookie is also outstanding. It is a full 365-day tracking cookie. For a product like this, a year-long tracking cookie is incredible.

Basically a tracking cookie this long will help you make a sale if you are doing the proper type of promotion.

Why Promote LA Minerals?

The real question here is why wouldn’t you want to promote La minerals. Their commission is one of the highest on our list.

They’re tracking cookie is 365 days long and is one of the best in the entire makeup Niche.

Their product line is outstanding and falls in line with many of the modern trends of makeup production and selling.

Ecco Bella Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 12%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
ecco bella screenshot

Ecco Bella is an all-natural organic beauty and makeup website that you can promote with confidence. Their products are cruelty-free and vegan.

They have a wide selection of makeup products that you can earn a nice commission with.

Speaking of the commission, it is a robust 12% for all qualifying purchases made through your affiliate links. Another outstanding commission percentage in the make-up niche.

The opportunities to make some great profits in this niche are numerous. And the cookies are great as well.

In this case, Ecco Bella offers you a full 90-days for the tracking cookie duration. Another outstanding cookie for the makeup niche.

Why Promote Ecco Bella?

Everything about this partner program is class. If it converts with your audience then this is a great option for you.

The commission and cookie are great, the products are high quality and cruelty-free. What is not to like?

SaleEvent.com Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 15%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
saleevent.com screenshot

SaleEvent.com is a great partner to have in the makeup niche. They have a huge selection of the biggest brand name makeup and cosmetic products that you could possibly imagine.

They sell them at a very reasonable price often at a discount.  this affiliate program is really one that you want to have as a fallback for any products that you might not find it some of the smaller affiliate programs.

The biggest reason 4 really considering this for your makeup Niche website is they offer a fantastic 15% Commission on all qualifying sales.

It is one of the highest affiliate Commissions in the entire makeup Niche and it really allows you to make a very nice profit on the promotion of their products.

In addition to that fantastic commission, they have an outstanding tracking cookie for their affiliate partners. 

They offer a full 90 day and tracking cookie duration which gives you plenty of time to promote their products make the sale and earn the commission.

Why Promote SaleEvent.com?

This is one of the best affiliate programs in the entire makeup Niche.  the huge amount of brand-name products the Great Commission the Great Cookie everything about it makes it absolutely fantastic.

If it converts with your particular audience than it is a must-have affiliate program for anyone in the makeup niche.

Beautified You Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 8%
  • Tracking Cookie: 45-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
beautify you screen shot

Beautified You is a very nice beauty and makeup store that you can promote on your makeup niche website.

They have a huge number of great brands that you can choose to promote to your readers.

They also have their cosmetics broken down into helpful categories for various skin types and conditions which makes it very easy for your readers to find what they are looking for.

The commission is pretty good at 8% for all sales through your affiliate links. It is a little bit lower than some of the others on our list but their robust inventory more than makes up for it.

The tracking cookie is above average as well. Clocking in at 45-days the tracking cookie duration gives you plenty of time to claim your hard-earned commission.

Closing Thoughts On Beautified You

A very good partner program that focuses as much on skincare as it does on the make up itself.

The products, commission and tracking cookie are all good. Give this partner program a look if you need something a little bit more skincare focused.

Mineral Hygienics Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days
  • Auto-Approval: Yes
Mineral Hygienics screenshot

Mineral Hygienics is a well-respected all-natural mineral-based make up line.  They have a good selection of mineral-based products, but not a robust as some others on our list.

However, the quality and consistency of their products are second to none. 

They have kits that supply everything your readers might need for their beauty regimen and they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee so promoting them will be a snap.

They offer a very nice 60-day tracking cookie available for their affiliate partners. This offers you plenty of time to promote their products and make a sale.

The commission is a very nice 10%. This is a pretty standard commission for our list but it is always nice to see a double-digit commission.

Why Promote Mineral Hygienics?

There is a lot to like about Mineral Hygienics.  The commission and cookie are very good and the products are excellent.

If it converts with your readers then you can add it to your affiliate strategy with the confidence that the conversion rate will be high.

BeautyLish Affiliate Program

beautylish screenshot

BeautyLish has a very nice selection of cosmetic products from just about every brand under the sun. The selection on offer from this partner is incredible.

They have everything you need and is this partner program converts well it might be the only one you need for its variety of cosmetic brands.

The commission offered up by BeautyLish is a very respectable 10%. This falls in line with most of the other partners on our list.

The tracking cookie is a standard 30-days. For the makeup niche, this is an acceptable duration, although you always want to see as long a tracking cookie as possible.

Final Thoughts On BeautyLish

Another outstanding choice to consider for your makeup blog. They have wonderful products and the affiliate terms are very good as well.

It all comes down to personal preference and the conversion rates with your readers.

woman applying makeup

Final Thoughts On Makeup Affiliate Programs

That brings us to the end of our look at these 10 fantastic makeup affiliate programs that you can use to monetize your website or YouTube channel.

The makeup niches and Incredibly profitable niche and there are many ways that you can get into it.

You can write blog content, develop an Instagram following, Pinterest is another great way to work your way into the makeup Niche and, of course, Youtube is another option.

You can check out my article on how to make money in the makeup niche right here.

It goes a little more in-depth into the other forms of monetization that you can use to start running a passive income in the makeup Niche.

Now is the time to jump into this incredible industry. The makeup industry is a 500 + billion dollar a year industry(source). 

If you can get just a tiny fraction of that giant pie then you’re going to do very well for yourself in this exciting Niche.

Don’t go it alone. Get the best learning tools and community to help you build your online dream. Check it out here.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.

makeup affiliate programs pinterest image