This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Take your earnings to a higher plane of existence.
Meditation might seem like a humble blogging niche at first glance, but there is real money to be made here if you can craft content that really moves people. And with that content, you need a way to monetize it.
Once again, we turn to the old standby of affiliate marketing. With these great mediation affiliate programs, you can turn your humble blog into a full-time job.
In fact, the meditation niche is exploding with apps like Headspace leading the way. Time, and patience, content, and a great monetization strategy are the keys here.
You have the first three covered, so let me help you with the last one. Some of the best commissions and tracking cookies, as well as fantastic products, await you in the partner programs.
There Is Just Something About Owning Your Own Business. Being Your Own Boss. Building Something From The Ground Up With Your Own Hands. Especially When It Is This Easy To Get Started.

Check Out The Meditation Affiliate Programs
Meditation affiliate programs allow individuals to promote these programs and their mediation related products and services in return for a commission.
When a potential customer clicks on an affiliate link and purchases something from the promoted website the affiliate market then receives the previously mentioned commission.
Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative ways of making money online in any niche including meditation.
Finding great mediation affiliate programs is only a small part of the battle. Now you need to get the traffic and conversions to make the dream of passive income a reality.
Buddha Grove Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days

Buddha Groove is an online retailer that specializes in all manner of meditation-related products. They have a wonderful selection of just about anything you would need for yourself or a meditation practitioner in your life.
This partner has meditation jewelry, apparel, beads, and necklaces. They also have a vast collection of zen terrariums and accents as well as quite a good-sized selection of oils, teas, candles, and incense.
And that is just the beginning. There are tons of other great meditation products that you can promote to your readers from this family-owned meditation and inspiration focused online store. It is not just retail stores like Buhhda Grove, the meditation industry as a whole is over a billion-dollar industry (source) at this point.
.Let us see if the affiliate terms can live up to their great product selection.
Commission And The Cookie
The commission offered by Buddha Groove is 10%. This is a good commission for any niche, double-digits are always welcome. Good but not great.
The tracking cookie falls into the good but not great category as well, it is a standard 30-day tracking cookie. This is about as low as I like to see a cookie, as a general rule, and some programs with lower trackers are just fine.
The Wrap-Up
Next up is the rating for this affiliate program. It is pretty good but a couple of things hold it back. First is the cookie which is the industry standard. Not bad but not great.
The commission is solid and their products are pretty good as well. Ultimately, this is a solid reliable partner program that could enhance your meditation blog. Just don’t expect an affiliate superstar with this one.
MindPlace Company Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
MindPlace only has a couple of products, but they are high-ticket and very specialized. They produce sight and sound meditation glasses and systems that help the user get to their place of zen that much faster.
These are interesting products, but they are going to need some explaining. Therefore, your promotions should start with information posts on exactly what these glasses are and how they work and then you can move onto the promotion and selling of the products.
The Commission and The Cookie
The MindPlace Company affiliate program has one of the best commissions in the entire niche. They offer a full 20% commission on all qualifying sales to their affiliate partners. It is an outstanding return on your time spent promoting this partner.
The tracking cookie does not disappoint either. They give you a full 60-days to make the sale and still receive your hard-earned commission. Great terms all around for this partner program.
Why Promote MindPlace?
Interesting and unique products are enough to recommend this partner. The commission and cookie really put this affiliate over the top.
The only downside is these products are not well known and they are pricey so it might require a little bit of clever promotion on your end to get the best out of this affiliate program.
Better Listen Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 45-days

Better Listen offers a wide variety of self-help and meditative audio products for you to promote on your meditation blog or website. These audio recordings include quite a selection of audiobooks written by the field’s most popular authors.
Some of the books don’t fall into the mediation category but you will find more than enough to justify these partner programs included in this list.
The selection and product variety are probably not enough to justify this partner as your primary affiliate program for your blog.
But it fills in wonderfully as a secondary program whenever you have the opportunity to promote a meditation book or similar product.
The Affiliate Terms For Better Listen
Another great set of affiliate terms for the meditation niche. Better Listen offers up a robust 20% commission for their affiliate partners. Great to see this type of commission.
They don’t skimp on the tracking cookie either. Dropping an above-average 45-day tracker for you to use to make sure you get the sale. Anything above 30-days is good and 45-days makes it that much easier to promote these audio products.
Final Thoughts
A great cookie and commission are big reasons to look into this partner. However, it is their products that really give it the edge.
Some of these audiobooks can p[robably be found at Amazon, but you will get nowhere near the 20% commission offered by this outstanding option as one of your affiliate partners for your meditation website.
Amy Patee Colvin Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 25%
- Tracking Cookie: 365-days

Amy Pattee Colvin is popular in the world of meditation and self-help. She offers a decent selection of services including meditation and wellness courses.
She offers some 1 on 1 coaching as well. And Finally, there are the meditation retreats that you can go on to find a center for your body and mind.
The variety of products in low but that is because they are so focused on a couple of areas. Many of your readers will be familiar with here story of self-doubt and depression.
She managed to fight through those issues and now helps people around the world with their own problems.
And you can expand here reach while making a little money and helping others at the same time. Which is what affiliate marketing is all about.
That Commission
Yes, the tracking cookie is remarkable at 180-days. Yes, that cookie is one of the best in the entire niche. It is phenomenal.
But let’s face it. Your eyes went right to that commission percentage.
And rightfully so.
25%. A 25% commission is unbelievable. The products are digital courses so the commission should be expected, but it is still very nice to see one this high. A $150 flat fee is also available for retreat referrals.
The Big Finish
One of the best tracking cookie/commission combos you are going to find in the entire meditation niche. It just doesn’t get much better really.
The only thing that is going to rival it is an all-digital e-book partner, and we have a couple on the list here.
That being said, when you combine the products and the terms you will be very satisfied with the results of this partner program, I think.
Sounds True Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 35%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days

Sounds true offers a huge selection of various audio products based around meditation and peaceful living.
They also have quite a selection of hardcover books and home study courses to round out their offerings.
They have hundreds of different products ranging from books on how to meditate to living your life with peace and love in your heart.
It all relates wonderfully to the meditation Niche whether it’s directly teaching meditation or teaching some of the techniques of calmness and peace that are associated with meditation.
And the selection is so good that everyone in your readership will find something for them.
One last thing to mention about this affiliate program and its products is that there’s a very wide price range for their offerings.
Some of the books are $10 others range all the way up to about 300 for an entire course type of product.
So not only do you have the low and you have those High ticket items that are incredibly important for a healthy affiliate marketing business.
The Commission
Just when you thought the commissions couldn’t get any better sounds true affiliate program comes in with an unbelievable 35% Commission on all qualifying sales for the affiliate partners.
It’s truly a wonderful Commission one that you should definitely try and take advantage of if you are in the meditation Niche or looking for a new partner program to add to your existing stable.
The cookie offered up by Sounds True is equally as robust as their commission. They offer full 90-day tracking cookie giving you plenty of time to make your sales and receive commissions for them.
These are outstanding affiliate terms in any Niche and look great compared to the other meditation programs on this list.
Why Should You Promote Sounds True?
So why should you promote this affiliate partner? I think it’s pretty obvious. They have a huge selection of products for a wide array of prices.
They have one of the best affiliate commissions and tracking cookies in the entire niche. And the products are ideally suited for meditation blog. There’s nothing not to like.
You could conceivably use this affiliate program as your primary program for your website. I think it’s that good.
Ziva Meditation Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 25%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A

Ziva has a wide range of courses and training seminars in guided stress-free meditation. They have many in-person courses called ziveLive.
They also have a number of online courses that you can purchase and bring the experience home.
These digital courses are probably going to be your biggest Sellers and then what you going to want to promote the most as an affiliate marketer.
The reason for this is not everybody can get to the live events that are in Los Angeles and New York City.
In addition to the training courses, they have a shop for various pieces of Ziva branded products. These include hoodies hourglass books, some essential oils, and ZevaTote.
That’s about as much of the swag as you’re going to find that but really the main focus should be on the course has to begin with.
The Ziva Meditation Affiliate Terms
Ziva offers its affiliate Partners a very nice 25% Commission. Yet again we see another fantastic Commission in the meditation niche.
On the other hand, the cookie information was not readily available so you’ll have to ask about it when you get approved for this affiliate program.
Why You Should Promote Ziva?
The products are very good very popular online courses. The commission is outstanding and even though the cookie isn’t available I can’t imagine it would be something that would really cause affiliate program to nosedive.
Promoting this affiliate should be fairly straightforward as you would promote it just like any other digital product with a few physical products added in if you want to use them in your promotions.
Overall this is a decent affiliate program and the only drawback is the number of products is fairly limited.
Generation Mindful Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 15%-40%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A

Generation Mindful’s products are focused more on young people and children. It is a good compliment to a more traditional meditation affiliate.
They have a good selection of toys, books, and other products that teach kids the importance of being mindful of their own feeling and of those around them.
This partner is not technically an out and out meditation partner but it falls very close and is a good partner to have so I have included it on this list.
This gives you an opportunity to promote items that parents can buy for their kids and really create content that is going to be extremely helpful for the parents.
It is always a good idea to have a few affiliate partners that might not be directly related to your niche. This is more of a mindfulness partner program over a straight meditation one.
But parents that are into meditation are probably going to enjoy a lot of the products offered by Generation Mindful. So it makes sense to have it in your affiliate arsenal in case you want to craft some content around it.
The Commission For Generation Mindful
The commission structure for Generation Mindful is a scaling one. The good news is that it is still a very good commission to start out with and if you can get the scaling commission up to its max it becomes one of the best for the entire niche.
The commission starts at a solid 15% and can go all the way up to 40%. The commission percentage looks to be based on the products.
I am not a huge fan of scaling commissions because it can get a bit confusing especially if you don’t know exactly where you stand on any given product.
Just be sure you know what you earned for each product you promote and you will be fine. It is a little extra work but, in the long run, it will be for the better to keep track of the scaling commission yourself.
The Generation Mindful Tracking Cookie
The cookie information was not available for this particular affiliate program. Ask about the exact duration when you are approved for their affiliate program.
It is not uncommon for some partner programs, particularly independent programs to forget to add the tracking cookie into the affiliate program information page.
I think it simply reflects how undervalued the tracking cookie can sometimes be with both affiliate marketers and the programs themselves. Don’t undervalue them and always know exactly how long you have to make a sale or the duration of the return days.
The Wrap-Up
A great commission to start with for most items. Some items can demand even more of a commission. The products are good and pretty plentiful. Another excellent partner program to consider for your meditation blog.
Overall, this is an outstanding affiliate program for both parenting and mediation niches, I believe. You may have to be a little bit clever in your promotion to really fit this into a straight mediation niche website but it is certainly doable.
Run some test content with it and see how well it converts and you could add a whole new layer of monetization and content to your meditation blog.
Seven Minute Mindfulness Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 75%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A

This is a digital product that teaches you how to meditate and become more mindful of those around you. These products can work great for many people and be useless for some.
It is important to be sure that this is something your audience will want to use before really making a huge promotional push. These types of mindfulness and attraction affiliate programs can be pretty good earners for you but they do come with a lot of baggage.
You need to be absolutely sure that the product is high-quality and above board. Seven Minute Mindfulness doesn’t need to be a perfect product but it needs to be at least helpful and decent enough not to anger too many of your readers.
From an outsider’s perspective, the product looks fine, the information could be useful to many people and you should be able to promote it worry-free.
One last bit of concern for these types of digital products is that many of them come with upsells. You will most likely receive a commission on the upsells as well but they are a major turn off for a lot of people.
Make sure you accurately gauge your reader’s tolerance for the Seven Minute Mindfulness to be sure it won’t hurt your credibility if it is not well received.
You don’t want to alienate your audience by giving them products they don’t like for the sake a huge commission.
The Seven Minute Mindfulness Commission
Another huge commission for a digital product. 75%. This is the highest on the list and one of the highest in the entire meditation niche. The appeal of these ultra-high commission products is always going to be an eye-opener.
It means that as an affiliate marketer you need to keep things in perspective. Are you promoting the Seven Minute Mindfulness Affiliate Program for the commission or because you think it is a good product and will be helpful to your readers.
If you can find a balance for these 2 concepts then you have a perfect affiliate program but more often than not you are going to have to make a compromise somewhere along the way, especially with high commission digital products.
Ultimately just how successful you are with the Seven Minute Mindfulness Affiliate Program is going to be determined by its conversion rate within your blog audience and not with the fantastic commission they offer.
The Seven Minute Mindfulness Cookie
The tracking cookie was not available so be sure to ask about it when you are accepted in this partner program.
Typically most affiliate programs on the ClickBank network seem to have a 60-day tracking cookie. I think that probably applies here, but as mentioned be sure to check on it after you are accepted.
Final Thoughts
A remarkable commission, but one that should be expected for a digital product of this type. Whether a product like this is worth the trouble to promote is based solely on how well it converts to your audience. Give a try and see how it does for you.
People are buying the product because they think it can help them and because you recommended it. They don’t care what the commission is. Make sure that you are promoting a digital product like this for the right reasons and you will be just fine.
Don’t chase high commissions for the sake of high commissions. the product and conversion rates are the most important part of an affiliate program. Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A

This affiliate program is a product on the ClickBank affiliate network. Typically on this network, you were going to find very high commissions on other digital products.
Unfortunately, on this platform, you’re going to find some really bad products. So I’ve included a couple of ClickBank products for the meditation Niche on this list.
Just how good they are is up for debate, you’ll have to figure that out and see if they convert for your specific audience.
When these ClickBank affiliate programs do convert they are outstanding to use. ClickBank has a bad rap and a lot of that is deserved but some of the programs are actually excellent.
The Commission
The tracking cookie information was not available, but typically Clickbank products have a decent cookie duration. Be sure to ask when you join this program.
The commission is outstanding as you would expect from a product listed on Clickbank. At 50% it is hard to beat the appeal of this product.
The Wrap-Up
An excellent commission if you can get their product to convert for you. Products listed on Clickbank can be a tough sell sometimes but their commissions more than make up for the extra time needed for promotion.
Shambhala Publications Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days

Shambhala Publications is an online retailer that has one of the biggest selection of meditation and self-help books on the internet. They also have some courses on the subjects, but the books and e-books are the highlights of this partner program.
You can really create some great content and in turn some great commissions from these outstanding books. The books themselves range in price from about 10 or so dollars for paperbacks and increasing as you get into the hardback books.
One of the great things about this partner is that they have thousands of physical products. These are always a little easier to promote than e-books or digital products.
People have something they can hold in their hands for the money they just spent.
The Affiliate Terms
The commission is 20% for the Shambhala Publications affiliate program. Another great commission in this niche. Wonderful to see so many higher commissions for any meditation blog.
The cookie is a standard 30-day tracking cookie. A good tracker, but nothing special. It is the average for a reason.
Why Promote Shambhala?
The volume of products is enough reason to really consider this partner program. When you add in the commission and the tracking cookie you have a real gem of an affiliate program here. Try them and I think you will like the results.

Get The Most Out Of These Meditation Affiliate Programs
We have come to the end of this little journey through some of the best affiliate programs for any meditation niche blog.
I hope that you found something here that may have helped you to expand your affiliate strategy or simply give you another option for monetizing your niche blog. There are plenty of great affiliates related to the meditation niche. And many more in the meditation niche that was not included on this list.
You can check out my list of 10 great essential oil affiliate programs to find some more ideas that could work for a meditation blog.
Don’t go it alone. Get the best learning tools and community to help you build your online dream. Check it out here.
Thanks for stopping by and, as always, have a wonderful day.

Thank you, this was genuninely very interesting. I had no idea that there would be so many meditation affiliate programs out there and some of them sound absolutely amazing.
I love the layout of the post it’s clean and neat (not too cluttered) with plenty of information that’s relevant. It has a great informative but friendly open feel that encourages interaction.
Thanks for the compliment I am glad you liked the article. I was surprised at the number of meditation affiliates as well when I went to do my research for the article.
There were far more than just the 10 I put on the list but I felt these were the best and most diverse selection I could come up with.
And the affiliate terms were outstanding as well, I’d have to double-check but I don’t think there was one under a 10% commission
Thanks for the comment,
You’ve got some awesome list of meditation affiliate program down here.
Truth be told, I’ve always wondered how a niche in meditation could r monetize. But all thanks to this articles, now I have all sort of ideas running through my head.
Would love to join the Sounds True, Amy Pattee, and MindPlace affiliate programs. like you might have , it because o there cookies duration and high commission, plus an added advantage their products variation and uniqueness.
Oops, I’m getting so excited already!
Those 3 are excellent choices for partner programs for any meditation blog.
Thanks for the comment,
Meditation in any form is therapeutic. I’ve learnt that a moment of quietness in itself can me therapeutic.
I’m glad that I can now find great meditation affiliate programs that can not only make me money, but also get me into a a ‘zane’ mood.
‘Sounds True Affiliate Program’ is my favorite of these. Audio meditation does it for me any time and I believe that many listeners will appreciate this. And the commissions are great too!
Thanks for the comment
I am glad you found the information useful
Take Care,