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Welcome to our look at 10 wonderful affiliate programs for anyone blogging in the essential oils niche. Essential oils may seem like a topic that wouldn’t really drive a lot of traffic in a lot of profits but nothing could be farther from the truth. The popularity of these products are skyrocketing and anyone that can tap into that is going to make a very good income with them.
I was actually shocked during my research for this a list of partner programs at how lucrative this blogging niche could be. They have just about everything you need to make it profitable and well-rounded.
You’ve got your higher-priced items like some of these custom diffusers and you have the oils themselves which are not cheap. But not so expensive that they drive a lot of potential buyers away.
If there’s one thing we know that any profitable blogging Niche is it they will have affiliate program spring up around them almost instantly.
And this is absolutely no exception. There are dozens of partner programs for essential oils but I tried to narrow it down to the ones that I think are the best. The ones that are going to give you the biggest payouts and have some great and unique products that you can promote.
So let’s get into it. Here are ten outstanding essential oil affiliate programs that you can use to really bolster your profits and income for your essential oils Niche blog.
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Check Out These Essential Oil Affiliates
Zongle Therapeutics, LLC Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 12%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days

The main product that you will be promoting for Zongle is their USDA certified organic essential oils. The USDA certification is crucial for promoting these oils, not just for this vendor but for anyone you are going to promote. It will give you that extra bit of confidence that what you are promoting is safe and high quality.
Zongle also offers a good variety of safe to ingest oils. These can be used for a number of applications, including cooking and mixing them with your foods.
It is important that you know which can be ingested and which cannot. It’s good to have a partner that has both and distinguished between them clearly.
Zongle has a small selection of other health-related items that you could promote if you need the extra content. But realistically these are secondary to the essential oils.
However, if someone uses your affiliate link to buy them you still get a commission. The tracking cookies are sitewide for all products, not just essential oils.
Speaking of the tracking cookie. Zongle offers a standard 30-day cookie for their affiliate marketing partners.
The commission is anything but standard. They offer a very nice 12% commission on all qualifying sales. I love seeing double-digit commission percentages and this is just the start for this lucrative niche. The cookie is solid, the commission is great and the products are varied and high-quality.
This is an outstanding partner to have for your essential oil blog if it converts for you. Always look for unique scents and products for these oils and then use those to differentiate between affiliate partners.
Amrita Aromatherapy, Inc. Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days

Amrita Aromatherapy has a huge selection of all types of essential oils. in addition to the essential oils, they have diffusers, various skincare products, perfumes, books on essential oils, organic deodorant, and all kinds of health-related and essential oil-related products that you can promote on your website.
One interesting thing about this affiliate partner is if they offer wholesale packages of their essential oils.
This means that you can buy some of them in bulk. but they still have the single oils for anyone that just wants to buy and that way. This gives you a little bit of flexibility in your promotional material.
Affiliate terms for this program are pretty standard but they aren’t that bad either. The tracking cookie is a 30-day tracking cookie which is nice to see if the industry standard for the most part.
The commission is very good at 10%. anything in double digits is always a welcome to Mission and this is no exception.
Overall this is a very good affiliate program to have. You feel like terms are pretty standard but they are good none the less.
The product selection is not standing and they go even beyond your typical aromatherapy essential oils and have a bunch of different products based on the oils and on healthy organic products
Pilgrim Collection Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days

Pilgrim doesn’t have a huge selection of products but that’s its only real downside. They have maybe a few diffusers and a small assortment of essential oils.
The diffusers are the centerpiece of their product line. They are incredibly stylish. they all have a modern look and are designed to fit into various types of Decor.
As for the essential oils, they have maybe a half-dozen collections of essential oils that your readers can try. the sensing to be pretty standard lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree Etc.
Pilgrim offers up a pretty good A commission. They offer a 10% commission on all qualifying sales for their affiliate partners.
The tracking cookie, on the other hand, is outstanding. They offer a 90-day tracking cookie. This gives you plenty of time to complete your sale and still get a commission from their affiliate program.
Pilgrim is definitely not a primary affiliate program. They simply don’t have enough stock to be a foundation for an entire essential oil blog.
You’re simply too many gaps that we need to be filled by other affiliate programs. So this is a secondary program but these are very important to building out your affiliate strategy.
Even if all you promote from them is there a few diffusers you’re getting the opportunity to create content around those products and that’s ideally what you want from one of these smaller affiliate programs.
Just in terms of reviews of their products is going to give you a few more articles to write. and ultimately content is what drives traffic so the more we have the better.
Organic Aromas Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 13%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days

Organic Aromas is another retailer of all types of essential oil products. I have a decent selection of essential oils. It’s not overwhelmingly large but there are enough to justify including it in your affiliate strategy.
They also have quite a few diffusers for your readers to choose from. these include laser-engraved diffusers and some hand-carved diffusers, as well as some color printed, diffusers that could be customized with photographs of your readers’ families or pets or anything else you want.
The tracking cookie is your standard 30-day cookie. This is great to have you like to see 30 days or above for a tracking cookie.
Commission, however, is a little bit better than average. While many of the other partner programs on this list have a 10% commission. Organic Aromas offers a full 13%.
The added 3% more than most of the other affiliate programs on this list is reason enough to run some tests with this partner and see if it converts. If it does then you’ll get the added bonus of additional income.
Organic Aromas offers a Great Commission and a good track and cookie. As well as some customizable options for diffusers and a decent selection of essential oils.
This wouldn’t work very well as a primary affiliate program it would be great as a secondary one especially given the customized options for diffusers. Promoting these would give you a ton of content and you could tie it directly to your readers.
Jade Bloom Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 15% First Order 5% After
- Tracking Cookie: N/A

Jade Bloom has one of the better selections of essential oils of any partner program on this list. It could be used as your primary affiliate program if it converts exceptionally well. But I still think it is a bit too small to use it on its own.
In addition, Jade Bloom has some other healthy products that your readers can look into. These include some tea and oil-infused toothpaste, conditioners, and shampoos.
The focus is still on the essential oils but these additional products add some value to this affiliate as a whole.
Jade Bloom offers a 15% commission for the first purchase of a referral. Additional purchases are at a 5% commission rate.
While there is no tracking cookie information available for this partner it stands to reason that this is essentially a lifetime cookie as you will get credit for additional sales from your referrals.
Be sure to ask when you sign up to get a clear picture of exactly what its terms are. Potentially one of the best sets of affiliate terms of anything on this list. The problem is that it is still a bit vague on exactly how it all works. Even taken at face value the commission is still excellent and their products are top-notch and plentiful.
Rocky Mountain Oils Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 9-16%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days

The variety of different aromatherapy oils that Rocky Mountain Oils offers is really the centerpiece of this entire affiliate program.
They have a good selection, but I still feel this is better deployed as a complementary partner than a primary one. You might disagree and if it converts with your specific audience then promote away.
Ultimately all that matter is how well it converts with your readers.
Rocky Mountain Oils has a small selection of skincare and general wellness products in addition to their essential oils.
They also have a small selection of diffusers that your readers can choose from but they are not the focus of this affiliate partner.
The affiliate terms are outstanding. The tracking cookie is one that you will absolutely love. At 90-days it will give you more than enough time to make a sale and still get credit for the commission.
And the commission itself is very good as well. It starts at 9% and can rise to 16% depending on a few factors.
Good products are only the beginning of the partner program’s appeal. The commission and cookie are both outstanding and the overall feel of this partner goes a long way to make it one of the more desirable secondary affiliates available in the essential oils niche.
Shaman Oils Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 25%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A

Shaman Oils has a decent sized selection of essential oils. It is probably not enough product to build an entire blog around but it will work well with another larger partner program.
The highlight of this affiliate is its own branded line of essential oils. This is always an added bonus since you can build a little bit of content around their proprietary products.
The cookie information was not readily available so be sure to ask about when you sign up for this partner program. The commission is remarkable.
Shaman Oils offers a staggering 25% commission on all qualifying sales. It is a commission that is tough to beat.
One of the best commissions in the niche. The proprietary line of Shaman products adds a huge amount of value to this partner program. Not a primary affiliate but one of the best options as a secondary partner to build some content around.
Diffuser World Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A

It is called Diffuser World for a reason. They have everything. Atomizers, vaporizers, portable diffusers, and so much more.
This is the best general essential oil affiliate program that I could find. They have one of the biggest selection of oils and diffusers and other related products out of any program on this list.
You will need to ask about the exact cookie duration when you sign up for this affiliate program. Some of the smaller partner programs don’t seem to give out the cookie as readily as programs that are run by one of the bigger affiliate networks.
Moving on to the commission you get one of the best in the business here. A 15% commission on all qualifying sales.
Given their huge selection, the only program that can really compete with their inventory is probably Amazon. And you would be lucky to get a 4% commission from Amazon.
A great commission is only the beginning of why you will want to add this partner to your affiliate marketing strategy.
They have the most complete selection of essential oil products that I have seen. You are going to love this affiliate for both their commission and the number of reviews and content you can generate from them.
Natural Air Oils Affiliate Program

- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 20-30%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
Natural Air Oils has a small selection of diffusers. but their main focus is on the essential oils themselves. They have a decent selection of those as well.
They have some interesting scents and aromas that may be difficult to find other retailers so that’s an added bonus for this affiliate partner.
The real star of this partner program in addition to their products is really their affiliate terms. Let’s take a look at those now.
The commission offered up for this partner is one of the best available in this entire niche. The commission starts at 20% and can get all the way up to 30% if you get enough sales during a given month.
The cookie is also outstanding. The tracking cookie gives you a full 60-days to complete your sales.
The products are very good but they don’t have a whole lot of them. The affiliate terms are among the best for any affiliate partner in this niche.
The amount of products is really the only downside for this partner. It limits this affiliate, as good as it is, to a secondary partner program. Other than that this is one of the best partners.
Barefut Oils Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 20% First Time, 10% after
- Tracking Cookie: Ongoing

Barefut Oils has one of the best selections of essential oils. There are a ton of oil-based products that you can promote.
Barefut Oils also offers some other products in the form of various health teas and products. This adds a little variety for this partner but it should not be the focus of your promotions.
The commission is where this affiliate really shines.
Speaking of the commission it is outstanding for Barefut Oils. They offer a 20% commission for the first sale when a customer uses your affiliate link.
Any future purchases from that customer give you a 10% commission. The cookie is essentially a lifetime one. I wish more affiliate programs operated like this.
This is what an affiliate program should be. I can’t recommend this partner more. They have a great commission for the first sale.
But if that customer comes back you still get credit for the next sale. If this converts for your audience then this should be your primary partner for any essential oil blog.
When you add in there great products and good selection this becomes the prototype partner program for affiliate marketers.

Final Thoughts On Essential Oils
It’s almost unbelievable just how popular essential oils are. Both as a blogging Niche and as a product by themselves.
There’s so much demand for these products that if you can create the right type of content you could really turn a wonderful profit by promoting products from these affiliate programs.
The affiliate programs themselves are just as outstanding as the niche in general. For physical products you are seeing commissions well above 10%, some into the twenties and higher.
Being that this is an up-and-coming niche, one that’s still growing still trying to find its feet these commissions might not be around forever.
Be sure to check out our article on how to make money in the essential oils niche if you want to learn more.
What typically happens in these newer niches is you’ll see high commissions at the very start of a popular niche and then they’ll come down to 10%, 8%, 5% as time moves on.
However, even if you do drop a little bit, it’s still very much worth it to get in at this point because the popularity isn’t going anywhere and even at 8 or 5% the commission’s are still going to be great just given how expensive some of these oils are and how popular some of the designs of the diffusers are.
It’s All About the content if you can get the right content then you were going to be in store for a very popular blog and a very profitable blog.
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Thanks for visiting and as always have a wonderful day.