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Coolers are pretty cool and one of the coolest cooler companies around is RTIC. They have been in the cooler game for a while now and have a great selection of some outstanding coolers, outdoor equipment and water storage options around.
Hey there everyone, Michael here and today we are going to be taking a look at the Rtic affiliate prgoram to see if it can bring something special to your affiliate niche site. Hopefully it all comes together into an affiliate partner that is worth you time to promote.
We will be taking a look at the commission, the tracking cookie, a look at some of the products that you can promote, and some of the best niches for this partner program and find out if you can make money with the RTIC affiliate program. Let’s get right into it.
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A Closer Look At The RTIC Affiliate Program
The 5%-8% RTIC Affiliate Commission
The commission offered up by the RTIC affiliate program is decent. It is a tiered commission system that starts at 5% and runs up to 8%. The 5% bottom is about as low as you would want to go with an affiliate program of this size. Larger affiliates, like Amazon, can get away with lower commissions but that is a rare case because it is Amazon after all.
Still, 5% is pretty productive provided you get the conversion rate and traffic throughput high enough. And when you can move up to the 8% then you have a very nice all-around cooler or outdoor affiliate program that can serve your affiliate business well for quite some time.
The Tracking Cookie Duration
There is not much to say about the tracking cookie duration for this affiliate partner. They offer a 30-day tracking cookie duration, which is pretty much the standard length for a tracking cookie these days. Longer is always better but 30-days should work just fine for most affiliates.
A Quick Look At The RTIC Products
As you might expect there are plenty of cooler variations to promote from the RTIC website. But they have quite a selection of other products to choose from as well. While they have plenty of stuff for you to promote it is still quite a bit smaller than Amazon or REI in terms of their offerings. So if you are a more general outdoor site RTIC is probably best deployed alongside a larger outdoor retailer.
Here are some of the produucts that you can promote once you are part of the RTIC partner prgoram…
- Hard Coolers
- Soft Coolers
- Bottles
- Tumblers
- Travel Mugs
- Grills
- Tote Bags
- Backpack Coolers
RTIC has a good range of prices as well. They have products from a few dollar up to hundreds of dollars. While it mught be tempting to focus on the more expensive products the bulk of your sales is going to be the mid-range 50-100 dollar price range. At least that is traditional the sweetspot with a few higher ticket items peppered in to roung out the earnings.
Some Of The Best Niches For RTIC
Coolers might be the focus of this affiliate program but it is certainly not the only niche that you can use this partner for. Here are 5 niche ideas that might work very well with the RTIC affiliate program.
Coolers Niche
If you have a niche website that deals with coolers then this is just the type of affiliate for you. Whether you focus on the RTIC cooler lineup or simply use them in your top 10 best articles this is a must-have for anyone operating in the cooler niche.
Grilling Niche Sites
Every good grill man/woman needs a solid cooler next to them to keep the meat cool and the beer cooler. RTIC would be a great fit for and BBQ or Grilling niche site. Having a cooler affiliate program to go alongside all those meat and BBQ affiliate programs. Plus they do have a few grills for you to promote just to top it all off.
Water Niches
Whether you are looking for convenient travel mugs and tumblers or you are looking for sustainable water bottles then RTIC has you covered. I wouldn’t say that water bottles are the focus of their website but they do play a large part and it would fit right in with other water affiliate programs.
Outdoor or Camping Niches
This would make a great affiliate program for camping and outdoor activities, like picnics. A camping niche site could benefit from the water storage solutions and the coolers and a picnic niche site would be a perfect place for just about everything RTIC has to offer.
Hiking Niche
The hiking niche is another great opportunity to deploy this affiliate program. They have backpack coolers which would be a great addition to any hiking niche site. Their water bottles and totes could be worked into hiking content as well. I would call it a full-on hiking affiliate program but it can be a nice addition to some other hiking partners.
What I Like About RTIC Affiliate Program
I think the products are probably the best thing about this affiliate program. From an outsider’s perspective they look top-notch and something that you can be proud to promote. Of course, you will have to take a closer look at them since you are the expert in the cooler or outdoor niche if you are looking to add them to your affiliate strategy.
Everything else about the partner program is pretty standard and nothing to really get excited about. It will do the job for you but its nothing all that spectacular when it comes to the commission and the cookie.
Another thing that I like is that this affiliate program is hosted on the Avantlink affiliate network. It is one of the larger affiliate networks out there and it is well run and reputable so you get paid when you are supposed and in the amount that you are supposed to.
What Could Be Better
I am not a huge fan of tiered commissions, I understand that they are designed as an incentive but I would rather have everyone on the same commission. The incentive should be to maximize your referrals and sales anyway. But that is a minor gripe.
One other thing that I don’t like, and this is personal preference, is the layout of the website. It won’t matter that much but the look of a website can contribute to your overall conversion rate. I think the little icons for their categories looks a bit amateurish.

The Bottom Line
- Commission: 5%-8%
- Tracking Cookie:30-days
- Affiliate Network: AvantLink
- Auto-Approval: No
- Affiliate Niche: Outdoors/Coolers
- Join The RTIC Affiliate Program Here
That just about does it for our review of the RTIC affiliate program. It looks to be a solid partner for a decent range of niches. I wish the base commission were a little higher but overall this could be a great addition to just about affiliate marketing sites that fit into the various niches.
Hopefully is fits in well with your existing affiliate programs or maybe it has opened up new niche ideas for you to explore down the road sometime. A niche site dedicated to coolers might just be a solid investment in time and energy in the near future.
At any rate, add RTIC to the list of good affiliate option for you niche site. Affiliate marketing is far more than just Amazon Associates and if you know where to look you can make a lot more money with these smaller affiliate prgorams.
Thanks for stopping buy and have a wonderful day.