Micro-Niche Insights: The Keto Diet Niche

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Eat the fat.  Skip the Carbs.  Welcome to the Ketogenic Diet Niche.

In this article, we are going to set our sights on one of the most popular health and fitness micro niches.  The Keto Diet Niche.  What may have seemed like a fad diet that would not get any traction has exploded into an incredible online opportunity.

The Ketogenic diet has started to push its way into the mainstream consciousness.  Even being the subject of tons of articles in the mainstream press, like this story from CNN.  I think it is safe to say that Keto is not going away any time soon.

It might seem like a weird diet.  It is based on getting the majority of your calories from healthy fat and is very low carb.  But the reasoning behind it is sound and it works well with another up-and-coming niche, Intermittent Fasting.

So what is not to like about the blogging micro-niche?  It’s part of the health and fitness niche, always evergreen.  It is rising in popularity.  It has its own specific affiliate programs.  It is also incredibly competitive.

But don’t let competition be a bad thing.  If a niche is not competitive it means there is no money to be made there.  The competition is great.  The trick is beating that competition.  And the best way to do that is with great content and great SEO and keyword research.

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various keto friendly foods

Why Start A Keto Diet Blog?

This niche is pretty straightforward.  You want to start a Keto diet niche blog because it is one of the most popular diets around right now.  You can help people get fit and live healthy with your content.

And you can earn a real income in this niche.  Built-up properly, this is the type of blogging niche that can generate a full-time income.

It won’t happen overnight but incredibly popular evergreen niches and micro-niches are a potential source of income for years to come.

With regards to the Ketogenic diets, now is the time.  It is popular but has not hit a saturation point yet.  It is competitive but there are still ways to get a new blog up and running and it is profitable and growing.

Monetizing A Keto Blog?

There are 3 main ways to monetize your Keto blog.  There are some other ways but these are the tried and true methods and the ones with the least amount of risk and hassle.

Technically you could start your own keto storefront, but that is something you might look at down the line.  For now, let’s look at these 3 main monetization strategies.

Informational Products

The Keto diet niche really lends itself well to informational products as one of the best ways to monetize your blog.  Create a product.  Book of keto recipes, series of videos on the preparation of Keto Meals, Workouts that work well while on a Keto diet, etc.

Anything that you think will add enough value to charge a fee for could be turned into an informational product.  But it has to be worth the price above and beyond what you offer on your blog for free.

Info products are very lucrative but they are tough to make.  Especially for newcomers.  It might be best to use the next 2 more traditional methods until you get enough experience to put together a great informational product.

eggs for a keto diet
Eggs Are Great For A Keto Diet


Advertising is the second way to monetize your Keto blog.  It is simple and straightforward.  Generate traffic and place ads on your website.  Just be sure to read all the fine print and extensive rules that come with these ad vendors.

Failure to adhere to their strict rules can lead you to be kicked out of their program.  Permanently.  So be careful.

Affiliate Marketing

Probably my favorite way to monetize just about any blog is through affiliate marketing.  It is much simpler than an info product and more lucrative in many cases than just advertising.  Find products to promote and then start generating traffic through your content.

People will come and purchase what you promote and you get a commission.  Its very simple, but it is not easy.  Generating traffic takes time and good helpful content.  But that is the gist of affiliate marketing.

Putting it all Together

So which is the best?  All of them.  Diversity is the key here.  You will want to start finding good, relevant affiliate programs early in your blog’s lifecycle.  Look for ones that have auto-approval.  They won’t have traffic quotas or restrictions on new websites.

You’ll want to wait a bit to add advertisements.  Once you get a decent amount of traffic you can safely add them to your blog.

Add them too early and you run the risk of having the slightest amount of abnormal traffic flagging your account and potentially getting you removed from an advertising service.

Info products will be the last thing you will add to your monetization strategy.  Creating a good one might even cost you a good chunk of your budget but they are worth it in the long run if you can produce great ones.

One last thing about monetizing your blog.  Adopt a multi-media strategy.  Creat youtube videos or Pinterest pins to promote your blog.

But you can also add affiliate links in the descriptions of your videos and ads on the videos themselves in order to generate a little extra money.

Keto Diet Niche Research

In this section, we are going to look at the Keto trends using Google Trends and some long-tail keyword research using Jaaxy.

They measure very different things, Google trends measures the amount of interest in a subject from 0-100%.  100% being peak interest during the time period.

The interest does not equate to search volume necessarily.  Google Trends shows us when the searches happen not how many.

That’s where we use Jaaxy.  It will give us a rough estimate of keyword search volume for some of the long-tail keywords you are going to be targeting for a micro-niche keto blog.

Keto Trends

In the graph below we see both Keto and Ketogenic diets are trending pretty well.  They stay pretty stable through the year and the spike in January.  The reason for this is pretty simple.  People are making their new years resolutions and dieting is a big part of that.

That is a very important trend to be aware of in the keto diet niche.  You’ll want to have a good amount of relevant content based around a keto diet as a new years resolution.

“Top 10 KetoFriendlyy Foods to Help You Keep Your New Years Resolution”.  Articles like this peppered into your site 2 or 3 times a week leading up to the new year is a great way to generate extra traffic and bring in new people who might not be a target audience during the bulk of the year.

Just because the interest drops back down after the new Year doesn’t mean that the content needs to stop flowing regularly.  There are still hundreds of thousands of people searching for keto diets each and every week.

There really is no downtime with this type of niche.

Keyword Research

Keto Diet Jaaxy

Keyword research is the cornerstone of any organic traffic strategy.  But trying to get on the first page for a keyword like “Keto Diet” or “Ketogenic Diet” is going to be an exercise in futility for a brand new blog.  While it is not a good keyword to target we can see that it is a popular one in the Jaaxy search below.

So you have to deploy the long-tail keywords.  The lower traffic lower competition keywords to start building your online reputation with the search engines.  So let’s take the “keto diet” and make it a long-tail and see what we get.

In this case, the long-tail keyword is “Keto Diet Plan For Women”.  Just look at the volume, that is remarkable for this type of keyword.  But the competition is great as well.

Keep in mind that you should always manually check the competition with a google search just to be sure it is a good keyword.

keto diet plan for women research jaaxy

One last long-tail example.  Ideally, you want to find keywords with less volume than the previous example.

The more volume the more attention it will attract and a new website could get pushed pretty easily.  So let’s find a long-tail with good volume, around 100, and great competition.

Here is a great one.

“Keto Diet books for beginners”.  Simple keyword and one that you could write some great content for.

keto book jaaxy

Not only is the keyword we researched a great option but we came across 3 other great long-tail keywords we can use.

This is how keyword research often works and if you spend a little time with it you can generate hundreds of keywords.  And each keyword is a potential piece of traffic-generating content.

Of course, now you have to write the content using the targetted keyword.  Make it comprehensive, make it interesting and make it fun for the reader.  You are not writing a college term paper, your content should be conversational and approachable.

The Big Finish

Keto Diets. It seems like a fad diet but it has more than proven its staying power.  It is starting to really make its way into the mainstream consciousness.  Once it does that the traffic and competition will grow exponentially.

Now is the time.  Now is the time to break into this million-dollar niche.  Any way you look at it this diet is more than a trend at this point.  Produce great content built around a keto diet and you could claim your piece of the weight loss niche.

I wish you the best of luck with your new Keto Diet blog.  It won’t be easy or quick to get off the ground but once you do you will have a foothold in one of the best micro-nices around.

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