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Micro-Niches have the potential to earn an affiliate marketer a little bit of passive income each month for less work than a full-blown blog.
These should be viewed as a side-hustle and by stacking a few of these sites together you can pull a couple of hundred dollars a month for each site if you are diligent in its creation and in the selection of the micro-niche. Here are 16 profitable niche ideas to try.
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Take Flight in the World of Drones
The Drone micro-niche is growing day by day. While the current enthusiast drone market is plenty large enough to your micro-niche blog, the expansion of the user base is most likely going to accelerate in the coming years due to a few factors common to new technologies of this type.
Drones are similar to most technologies, as the tech matures it gets cheaper, it gets much more advanced and it gets smaller. Most people couldn’t afford a cell phone 20 years ago and now everyone has a supercomputer on their hip.

Drones are following the same path, not as ubiquitous as smartphones but a large enough segment to make a nice side-profit from an affiliate marketing business.
There are a few ways to judge a micro-niche and how well it might perform.
One way is how willing the audience is to spend money on that niche. Hobby niches like drones are always a good bet because the money spent is typically extra cash saved for this very purpose. These blogging Niches, where disposable income is the majority of the money spent, are usually very good so long as the overall economy is relatively healthy.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Drones
- Amazon Associates — No brainer here, they sell all manner of drones and it is a great place for someone new to the niche to get started. Amazon has pages of drones.
- AerialTech — This company services the US and Canada and is much more focused on the enthusiast drone pilot. They sell drones, parts, and repairs. And their affiliate program is decent although the commission % is fairly low.
- eBay — eBay is always decent for any niche, they do have a nice revenue sharing program, however, it is only on the commission eBay receives from the sale. So the overall money made is not great. But it’s a trusted site and a good option to have for rare or one of a kind drones.
- RC Envy — This website is a little broader option for a drone blog. They sell RC controlled vehicles, airplanes, and helicopters in addition to drones and quadcopters. Their affiliate program appears to be about 8%, so not bad but not great either.
Of course, there are many other affiliate marketing programs for Drone and Drone related niches, these are just for examples to give you an idea of where to start. A drone site would need semi-regular updates to keep up with the shifting technology associated with the niche.
Drones look like a good bet as a micro-niche to earn a little extra income. Especially if you get a little inventive with your long-tail keywords, try quadcopter based one for a nice little niche.
Spoil your Cat…

Cats in an enormous and very lucrative niche to get in to, the problem is that it is also incredibly competitive. Like other niches in the Pet category, quite a few websites have sprung up and had the domain authority to swat away up and comers.
Not to worry though. Break down the general cat niche into micro-niches and now you’re getting some traction. Cat accessories is a great one.
You can try the broader cat accessory niche or go even deeper and focus on one single type of accessory. Designer cat collars or cat scratch posts are a couple of ideas to toss around.
As with most micro-niches, it is best to research and use long-tail keywords in order to maximize your traffic. The monthly searches are low for an individual keyword but they add up over time and can give you some nice sustained traffic numbers.
This could be considered an evergreen micro-niche because people are always willing to spend money on their pets in seemingly any economic climate. A blog of this time would be mostly passive with infrequent updates to keep the site relevant.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Cat Accessories
- Amazon Associates — Again this will be a must-have for any Niche.
- Petco — A pet superstore with a decent affiliate program, around 10% commission. You need to be a Commission Junction affiliate in order to join Petco affiliate program.
- Modern Cat — This is a magazine for cat lovers with a generous 50% commission on subscription sales. A nice passive affiliate link that you can use on most blog posts just as an aside.
- Muttropolis — Muttropolis is a specialty dog and cat boutique that would be perfect for the cat accessories micro-niche. They offer all manner of collars bedding, feeders, and ever personalized items for your pets. A 12% commission on all sales and a generous 120-day cookie top it off nicely.
….and Your Little Dog Too
The partner micro-niche to cat accessories is, of course, dog accessories. I put these two next to each other for a couple of reasons. And not just for the Wizard of Oz quote either. These two niches dove-tail nicely into each other.
They are both based on the same premise that people will spend a lot of money on their pets and they share many of the same affiliate programs. So you could set up twin accessory websites and write content that can be adapted to either one with a bit less work.

An added bonus with dogs is that people love to dress them up and they are much more receptive to being put in ridiculous outfits than cats are. That opens up a whole new possibility in the dog accessories micro-niche.
Especially around a holiday like Halloween or Easter where people are actively looking for ways to get their pups into funny and interesting costumes. Time your content releases for around these times if you are going the clothing route to bump the income up a little bit.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Dog Accessories
- Pet Care Supplies — This affiliate program specializes in all manner of pet supplies, so it expands well past just dogs. It offers a 10% starting commission with the possibility of upping it to 13% when enough sales are made. A good all-around affiliate to have for any pet based niche.
- Amazon Associates — See A theme developing here?
- Muttropolis — Muttropolis again, same as cat accessories. This one is a must for any dog or cat niche I think.
- Elikko — You’ll need to be a member of E-Commerce Affiliates. in order to join Elikko’s affiliate Program but it is worth it, they offer a generous 20% commission to their affiliates. Elikko specializes in luxury clothes and accessories for dogs, making it ideal for the micro-niche.
Pet niches are always available and usually profitable. Just select your keywords carefully, again look for low competition, long-tail keywords to use and you’ll be getting traffic from people looking to splurge on their lovable little dogs in no time.

Intelligent Time Pieces
The smart-watch niche is another technology-based micro-niche that is poised to grow exponentially in the next few years. Like we mentioned with drones, technology tends to get more powerful cheaper and smaller as it matures.
Smartwatches are no different. They continue to grow in popularity and their price continues to come down. Eventually, they will reach a price point where they will be accessible to just about everyone and any affiliate marketer with this micro-niche in their portfolio will be well-poised to take advantage of that potential boom.
An added bonus for this niche is that the item is fairly pricey so a large commission would be attainable per sale. Also, they function similar to smartphones so if you know a smartphone inside and pout you would be able to slide right into smartwatch expertise with little effort.
This is a promising micro-niche with a lot of earning potential. Expansion into the larger tech niche is also a possibility once you have become established. At which point you can turn your blog into a full-time technology blog.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for SmartWatches
- Amazon Affiliates — Even with the low commission Amazon is a great affiliate to have for a niche like this since it is a large money purchase and people like to have the safety of a large trusted store when making large purchases.
- SmartWatches4u — Smartwatches4u has an affiliate program to try, not much information was available about it, unfortunately.
- VNOW — Another option for the smartwatch niche, they have their own line of smartwatches and wearables for you to promote.
- Best Buy — The electronics superstore has a pretty good affiliate marketing program that you can sign up for. If you are in the technology niche then this is a must-have. Requires you to be a member of Rakuten Linkshare.

Find Your Inner Peace
Meditation is a micro-niche based in the self-help/spiritualism niche. People are always looking for advice to bring peace and happiness to their lives and meditation is a great way to achieve that. That is where an affiliate marketer comes in to provide inspiration and tips on meditation and inner peace.
Daily Mantras and short blog posts on spiritualism and techniques on mediation should be frequent and longer tentpole content should pop up every month or 2. This is a pretty broad niche so you could possibly focus on a certain type of meditation in order to reduce competition for traffic and keywords.
The important thing to remember in this niche is that you need to have good facts acquired from your research into meditation. There are a lot of blogs and programs that seem to just make some of this stuff up, so be aware of where your information is coming from and know if they are trustworthy or not.
The same thing applies, even more so, to the affiliate programs that you will be choosing to promote on your blog. You must make absolutely sure that the program is worthwhile and above board, you do not want your blog’s name soiled by some fly-by-night money grab that tends to pop up in this type of niche.
With that being said, meditation is a great evergreen micro-niche. People will always be looking for inner peace and are prepared to pay some money in order to find it. As an affiliate marketer, it can be your job to provide them the information they are looking for and make a little commission for your trouble.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Meditation
- ClickBank — This affiliate marketing network offers a huge number of self-help affiliate programs. Be careful choosing which ones to promote and make sure they are above board.
- Live and Dare — Live and Dare offer courses, books and coaching on meditation so it slots in very well to your micro-niche. They offer a 40%-50% commission and a 60-day cookie. A great choice for this micro-niche.
- The Mindfulness Sumit — Offers 50% commission on sales for video classes and sessions devoted to meditation and mindfulness. Worth taking a look at if you are operating in this niche.
- Anmol Mehta — An affiliate program that offers courses in meditation and yoga. They have a yoga store as well to boost affiliate sales. 50% commissions add to the appeal of this program. Requires a Clickbank ID.
Meditation is a fine micro-niche to operate in it offers access to a good amount of affiliate programs and can be expanded into yoga and other spiritual niches if expansion is your goal.
Picking Stocks for Fun and Profit
The Stock-picking micro-niche is a tough one. You had better know what you are doing and have your research down pat. This is not a niche for new affiliate marketers to jump into unless they have a background in stock trading.
But those that do know what they are doing can make a nice bit of extra cash in addition to their own investing. Any stock-based niche would need to be actively updated, weekly if not more often in order to keep up with the ever-shifting stock landscape.
Another great thing about this micro-niche is that you can expand it to the larger investment niche once your site gains some authority. But, in order to attract attention to this micro-niche, you need to have a few key things.
Make sure you know what you are talking about, have a good investing record and don’t withhold anything from your audience. If you took a bath on an investment show it and tell your audience why. Let them know the methodology that led to picking that stock and why it looked like a good deal, to begin with.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)

Virtual Reality Is Poised
Virtual Reality is a micro-niche with an absolutely sky-high ceiling if things go the right way for it. We are probably still a couple of years away for the big VR breakthrough. That makes now the perfect time to break into this micro-niche.
Like we have stated a couple of times in the article, as the technology matures it gets cheaper and faster and more portable. And that is exactly what VR is waiting for.
Once the price point and wires and bulky helmet go, then the floodgates will open and a smart affiliate marketer will be poised to reap the profits from the explosion in this niche.
The VR micro-niche, which won’t be micro for too many more years, has the potential to grow to such a huge size it could exceed the numbers of current game consoles and if things fall right it could rival smartphones in its saturation, although that is quite a ways off if ever.
Monetizing this niche is fairly straightforward. Retail and online sales for the equipment and affiliate programs for the software will start to pop up the more popular VR becomes.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Virtual Reality
- Amazon Affiliates — Any niche with physical products is going to benefit from having Amazon in their arsenal. Sales of VR headsets would make a nice profit even with the low commission percentage.
- Best Buy — Any Technology niche with physical products needs to have Best Buy as an affiliate. VR is no exception. Best Buy’s affiliate program is part of Rakuten Linkshare.
- VR Cover — VR Cover offer 10-15% commission on all sales with a 30-day cookie. So it is a pretty good affiliate marketing program. VR Cover sells virtual reality hygiene solutions such as padded attachments that can be removed and cleaned, this kind of addition helps keep a possible revenue stream going to your blog after the initial sale of the VR gear.
By putting in a little work in now, you could set your affiliate marketing business up for a bright future by adding VR to your affiliate marketing portfolio. News and reviews in the VR space of both the VR equipment and the VR apps would make for good content in this niche.
While there is no guarantee that VR will break out into the mainstream, it or something very similar probably will. So it is a relatively safe bet to start a blog or video channel in.
Eat the Fat, Skip the Carbs
The Keto, or Ketosis, diet is becoming more and more popular in recent years.
The idea behind it is to force your body to go into ketosis and burn ketones instead of sugar from carbs. The diet is basically no/very low carbs, moderate protein, and high good fat.
Obviously, if you choose this micro-niche to build a blog on you are going to need to have a better explanation than that for exactly what Keto is. This micro-niche falls into the larger health and fitness niche which is always one of the most profitable niches.
However, unlike the evergreen fitness and health niche, the keto diet micro-niche could fall into what is known as a fad diet. This means the appeal of any blog based around it could fade when the diet’s popularity fades.
The keto diet has shown to be quite resilient and could be around for a while similar to the Atkin’s Diet. So its a fairly safe bet to start a niche website based on this diet.
And being from the fitness niche it has a wonderful selection of potential affiliate programs to choose from.
Monetizing this niche could come from diet plans and programs built around eating Keto.
You can also expand your affiliate programs to include other health-based products and services that, while not specific to Keto, would complement the basic focus on the niche blog.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for The Keto Diet
- Amazon Affiliates — A lot of books and programs on the Keto diet are sold on Amazon, so leveraging the biggest retailer to get commissions from those sales is a no-brainer.
- Ketologic — This website sells all manner of keto-related good and services. From programs, coaching, and workouts, to keto friend foods and snacks this affiliate program is a must-have for anyone in this niche. 20% commission and a 90-day cookie top off a good affiliate package for a keto diet blog.
- Perfect Keto — Perfect Keto sells foods and supplements for people on a keto diet. The downside is that they will deactivate you after 90 days of no conversions. So it might be best to wait until you have established your blog a bit before picking up this affiliate.
- Ketogenic Girl — Ketogenic Girl sells a wide selection of meal plans and offer 20-25% commissions to their affiliate partners. The meal plans range from $50 to $200+ so the earning potential is real with this affiliate.
If you are already in the health and fitness niche then expanding into Keto would be a great addition, if you are new to the Keto Diet and just want to earn a little cash on the side with a micro-niche blog this diet is a great choice.

It’s Tea Time
Tea is always a great niche to operate in. Tea is the world’s second most popular beverage second only to water.
So the demand for information and potential commissions from sales will always be there. The problem is that the overall Tea niche can be crowded.
Blogging about the health benefits of tea will put you up against mega-authority websites like WebMD, so the should probably be avoided or at least not the main focus of your site.
A better tactic would be to pick a brand or type of tea and work that angle of this niche.
Black Tea or Green, White or Oolong. Pick one of the tea types and become an expert on it.
Write about every aspect of your chosen tea and every variation of that tea type. And then monetize it through partnering with an affiliate to sell customers the tea.
Another option would be to focus on a certain brand of tea and dig deep into their offerings.
This will obviously be a bit smaller in terms of audience, but you could still make a decent side-income with this approach.
Focusing on Twinings or Bigelow, two large tea brands with a variety of different teas, you could make your blog devoted to that individual brand. Then use Amazon or another affiliate to earn a commission off selling the tea to your customers.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Tea
- Amazon Associates — They sell every type and brand of tea under the sun. So make sure to have an account with them when you start up a blog around this micro-niche. Commissions are low but they should still bring in some decent monthly income.
- Teatulia — This company specializes in organic teas. They have a huge selection of teas from classic black tea to herbal and energy teas. They offer a 12% commission and a 30-day cookie to make your sales with. A solid affiliate partner in this niche space.
- Buddha Teas — Another tea seller with a ton of selection, including Chakra Teas and specialty teas. The real lure of this affiliate is the generous 20% commission on sales. Definitely, a must-have for anyone in the tea niche.
- Craft of Tea — Yet another online tea shop. Craft of Tea has a staggering amount of teas to choose from, every type seems to be accounted for at their store. They offer a 30-day cookie and a 10% commission to their affiliates, making for an exceptional affiliate package.

No Sugar, No Cream
Like Tea, Coffee is a great niche to get into. People will never stop drinking it so it will be evergreen. And in some countries, like the U.S., coffee reigns supreme as the morning beverage of choice.
This gives affiliate marketers a chance to localize some of their content to better market affiliates.
Coffee tends to be a large and competitive niche so breaking it down into micro-niches is the way to go until you can build up some domain authority and expand your business out. Or you can remain in the micro-niche and service a specific clientele.
Going the micro-niche root you would probably want to focus on a few types of coffee or a few coffee producers similar to the suggestions for the tea niche since they both share a great deal in common.
This will result in less overall competition and less competition for keywords and thus more traffic actually finding your blog.
An aspect of the coffee niche that kind of separates it from the tea niche is coffee machines, particularly k-cup machines.
These machines are very popular and sell for a decent amount of money, especially the higher-end ones.
Writing reviews about these machines can supplement some of the income that comes from selling the coffee itself.
And focusing on the k-cups can lead to increased sales by adding another product to the table instead of just beans and ground coffee, although many coffee purists prefer fresh ground coffee so know your audience before you lean into one thing or the other.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Coffee
- Amazon Associates — Yep you guessed it, physical products its a must. They have everything from the coffee and the beans to the coffee makers. Settle in and get used to seeing Amazon in this list. Sorry.
- Koa Coffee — A coffee producer that sells its own products and has a pretty good selection. The affiliate program is great, they offer a 20% commission and a 90 cookie, definitely look into this one if you are going to be working in this niche.
- The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf — Another coffee seller. This company also offers tea so it can be included in the Tea niche as well. However, their commission is poor at only 4%. But if you need an extra affiliate to give them a look.
- Hawaii Coffee Company — This coffee producer offers a wide range of coffee and a few tea products for your audience to choose from. For the affiliate, they offer a nice 20% commission sales and claim to have outstanding conversion rates.

Its Vinegar, from Apples
Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV, has been around health circles so long that it probably qualifies as an evergreen niche at this point.
Many people are convinced it helps with weight loss. Studies show one then another pops up and has different results. It is all quite confusing really.
One thing is for certain, however. People love it and live by it. ACV for weight loss is a great niche to get into and one that doesn’t need a whole lot of attention going forward.
Publish a post once a month should be enough to keep an established blog running perfectly well.
You’ll need more content at the start of a blog, of course, but after this initial setup phase the once a month publish is fine.
This is because of not a lot of changes in ACV. Sure new studies pop up from time to time but for the most part, people seem set in their ways when it comes to ACV.
There are a few ways to monetize ACV. Obviously, Amazon to sell ACV and a remarkable number of associated products.
Pills and creams and shampoos and whatever else you can find, if there are a health product chances are there is a version of it that has ACV in it.
This is great for an affiliate marketer because it gives that person a wider range of products to promote and review.
In addition to those retail products there quite a few ACV programs and detoxes and meal plans that you can promote. As always research these programs before promoting them to make sure they are above board.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for ACV
- Amazon Associates — Yes, I get it but you really need Amazon for any niche that has a physical product to sell for the most part. Again Sorry.
- Apple Cider Vinegar Pure — Available through the Health Trader Affiliate Network. ACV Pure offers supplements containing ACV. They pay a commission fee of 50%.
- ClickBank — There are numerous ACV related affiliate partners in the Clickbank health and fitness section. Do your research before promoting them.
Stop Eating Fast
Intermittent Fasting is a potentially great micro-niche in the health and fitness niche.
Fasting is becoming more and more popular and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. It is basically separating your day into a feeding window and a fasting window.
During the feeding window, you eat all your calories for the day and spend the rest of it in your fasting window where you intake no calories whatsoever.
There are a few popular ways to do it, with names like the 16/8 method, the 20/4 method or the one meal a day (OMAD) method.
All of them have the same basic principles and can all be included in a blog about intermittent fasting, along with studies showing the benefits of intermittent fasting.
While it continues to grow intermittent fasting continues to draw in many different types of people including many celebrities who swear by it.
This is great for an affiliate marketer when a celeb starts to support a diet, it means an increase in traffic.
There are a few programs, many with terrible pun names like the one in this article, that you can promote to monetize your intermittent fasting blog.
You can also use Amazon Associates to sell books and related material. So there are avenues to make some money.
Intermittent fasting is not going to be the most profitable micro-niche blog, but it can earn a little extra income from month to month and it requires very little upkeep as not much new information tends to come up that often. I mean it’s just not eating for a few extra hours really.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Intermittent Fasting
- Amazon Associates — Find books on intermittent fasting to promote for a commission.
- Faster Way to Fat Loss — $75 dollars per each new client that you refer to and then signs up for their boot camp
- ClickBank — Plenty of Intermittent fasting programs to promote in the health and fitness section of ClickBank. Once again do your research on any affiliate program in ClickBank.

Keeping Your Blood Sugar Under Control
Diabetes is an epidemic in the western world and one that looks like it will continue for quite some time.
This is one of those niches that you need to really be on point about. Your information should be well researched and as helpful as possible.
There are a ton of ways for you to help people who suffer from this disease.
From providing reviews of dietary and medical equipment that can help manage or test inulin levels to simply collating studies and helpful tips on the disease.
The Diabetes niche crosses over numerous other niches as well. Aside from the obvious health niche, it crosses with food niches and tea niches due to the dietary requirements of the disease. This means you can focus on a specific part of the diabetes niche.
For example, you could start a blog focusing on diabetic recipes that would, in reality, be a cooking blog and then monetize it by promoting the ingredients and meal plans that come with it. It is always a delicate balance in this type of niche.
Your first goal is to help the audience member, after that if you happen to make a commission on something you promoted all the better but the sale should never be your first objective, doubly so for a niche based around a horrible disease.
As a result, make absolutely sure that the products and programs you promote are worthy of inclusion in your affiliate marketing portfolio.
If you are unsure about the validity of the program or product pass on it no matter the commission.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Diabetes
- Amazon Associates — For books and literature on Diabetes as well as supplies for testing insulin. In addition, you can promote food products that are diabetic friendly and ear a commission with that.
- Diabetes Herbal Care — An affiliate that focuses on herbal remedies to help manage and control diabetes. Their commission percentage varies based on what product is sold. But seems to be around 35% for most products with a 30-day cookie.
- ADW Diabetes — This company offers diabetic supplies and health products at a discount. They sell just about anything that is needed to treat, manage, or test diabetes. 6% commission to start that can rise to 10% with enough sales and a 30-day cookie.
- Total Diabetic Supply — Another discount retailer of diabetic supplies. They offer a wide array of products and give a 6% commission for sales.

Everything Talks to me Now
You’re not going crazy its just home automation. The home automation niche is exploding due to a sharp decrease in prices and the rise of simple voice-activated accessories like Amazons Echo Dot.
They are well under $50 dollars now and are a gateway into the more expensive and larger home automation devices.
But these are just the tip of the iceberg, there are plenty of home automation companies out there now from Amazon to Google and dozens of others.
Giving an affiliate marketer a wide range of companies and products to promote as an affiliate.
All manner of devices can be automated now from door locks and garage doors to refrigerators telling you when your food is about to expire. These are all high priced items that would give great commissions when sold.
The best way to monetize this niche is by promoting and reviewing the individual products and earning commissions off their sale.
It really is a growth industry in 2018 home automation was a 12 billion dollar business according to And is predicted to grow to 25 billion by 2021.
That is a lot of potential commission for a savvy affiliate marketer to get their hands on.
With that kind of growth potential getting in now at the fairly early stages is going to really pay dividends in a couple of years will still make a decent amount of income in the short -term.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Home Automation
- Amazon Associates — They sell and produce some of the most popular smart home devices. Most people will pick up the cheaper versions offered here before moving on the more expensive stuff, so this is a necessity for this space.
- Smarthome — Supplier of all types of smart devices, cameras and security systems. Light dimmers and fragrance dispenser this place has it all. 4% commission with a 30-day cookie.
- Linksys — You probably know this name from routers but they have entered into the smart device arena with intelligent wifi. They offer a 4% commission on every sale through your affiliate link.
People Love Their Bone Broth
Bone Broth is a type of soup or stock that has been around for millennia, literally.
Basically, people have been boiling bones since humans discovered fire and drinking the dense vitamin-rich stew that remains after the marrow has seeped into the water.
Bone Broth is on the upswing again as it is now one of the most popular diet products around.
You can cook your own or more likely purchase some premade bone broth from your favorite retailer. It is a lot like the stock or chicken broth you could always buy, but this new stuff is just better, apparently.
So this is where the affiliate marketer comes in. People want bone broth they don’t want to cook it themselves and the 2 dollar chicken broth on the shelves at Publix has too much salt.
So they turn to these more expensive organic brands to get their bone broth.
It comes in liquid form and powder form and there is an unbelievable number of different brands and flavors for a discerning both broth connoisseur to choose from.
Whether or not it actually does anything for your health is up for debate. But at the very least it does have a measurable amount of vitamins and minerals.
The monetization of the micro-niche is fairly straightforward. Reviews and information on the various types of bone broth and affiliate links to an online retailer for the customer to purchase.
This really is a pretty basic niche, but one that is becoming increasingly competitive as people begin to see the profit potential form it.
Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Bone Broth
- Amazon Associates — They sell every conceivable type of bone broth with the standard 6% commission. A must-have for this micro-niche.
- Kettle and Fire — A bone broth producer with products at various online stores. Their direct affiliate program is fairly close but you can apply and possibly get an invite.
- BrothMasters — A bone broth retailer with a subscription plan offering. They have a 10% commission and a 28day cookie. It is a pretty good affiliate program and one that is a must for the bone broth niche.
- Au Bon Broth — Yet another bone broth retailer. They have a decent selection of broths to choose from and have a 10% commission. They also have subscriptions for added value.
There are quite a few other bone broth affiliates with a variety of products and services for an affiliate marketer to look into. these four are just the beginning for this lucrative micro-nice.

A Specific Type of Pup
Another micro-niche that an affiliate marketer can focus on is a blog about a specific breed of dog.
You can promote items from the larger dog niche that are ubiquitous with all dogs and promote items that are unique or most associated with your particular breed.
This is a great way to backdoor your way into the highly competitive p[et niche.
By focusing on long-tail low competition keywords based on a specific breed you can draw in audience members looking for information on that specific breed of dog.
The lower competition means lower traffic of course but as you build out the site you could transform it into a full dog niche site y slowly adding in other breeds to the blog.
Or you could simply keep is as a micro-niche site and let it earn a little bit of money passively every month.
Monetizing this micro-niche is straightforward review products and services related to dogs in general and to your chosen breed specifically.
This will give you a nice cross-section of products to write about so that you are never starved of content.
The breed of dog does not really matter that much. Popular breeds will have more traffic and more competition, and less popular breeds the opposite.
The best course of action is to pick a breed you are familiar with and can easily research. Something in the middle of popularity would probably work best.

Suggested Domains (Available at time of Publication)
Pick a domain that includes your specific breed of dog in the name. That’s the best advice I can give for this niche since it has so many potential subjects.
Affiliate Marketing Programs for Individual Dog Breed Niche
- Pet Care Supplies — This affiliate program specializes in all manner of pet supplies, so it expands well past just dogs. It offers a 10% starting commission with the possibility of upping it to 13% when enough sales are made. A good all-around affiliate to have for any pet based niche.
- Amazon Associates — For all manner of dog-related items.
- Muttropolis — Muttropolis again, same as cat accessories. This one is a must for any dog or cat niche I think.
- Elikko — You’ll need to be a member of E-Commerce Affiliates. in order to join Elikko’s affiliate Program but it is worth it, they offer a generous 20% commission to their affiliates. Elikko specializes in luxury clothes and accessories for dogs, making it ideal for the micro-niche.
This is the same affiliate list as the previous dog-related niche. It works well for both of them and using the two in parallel blogs gives you a chance to spread your affiliate over 2 sets of keywords. Twice the saturation, don’t reuse content, however. Like I just did.
This is Only The End of the Begining
16 niche ideas that will hopefully take you around the high competition niches and give you an opportunity to build some authority and an audience while making a little side income.
Many of these micro-niches will not produce a ton of income but they will be steady.
Some might blow up and become full-blown niches unto themselves and if you are in that space earlier you have a good chance at reaping the benefits of that niches newfound popularity. The best advice I can give is this. Find something you enjoy writing about.
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Thanks for visiting and have a nice day.
This is awesome. This article had so many ideas for niches and all of them were new and sounded fun. Out of the 16 niches published in the article I really like the sixth one “Picking Stocks For Fun And Profit”. I like it a lot because I’m really into stocks and I know a lot about it so which means I will be able to share that to people and can build my website from there.
Thank you so much for this article.
Thanks for the comment
That might be the most difficult on to make any money in. It is a tough business and I debated whether or not to even include it. Monetizing it might be difficult as well.
I am looking to create my first ever website today, so I say to myself, let me research a bit on what may be a worthwhile Niche. I have to admit, your article is overwhelming of Niche information and I just find it at the very right time. I am more passionate about pets and I think choosing a cat or dog accessory niche will be a good bet for my blogging life.
Thank you so much, It was nice time reading your article, I have bookmarked your website as it have staggering niche info
Thanks for the comment. The pet niche is a tough one to break into for a new website, but going the pet accessory route is a good way to get a foothold and then you can expand later on.
Good Luck
Great article with some great ideas for bloggers to cover – really interesting choices!
At first I was bowled over by the idea of digging down into the drone niche – I can only see these becoming more and more popular over the next decade or so.
But, the gifts for your pets (cats and dogs) will always rule the roost for me – people are always willing to spend ridiculous amounts of money on their beloved pets. What specific pet item would you say is the most powerful to sell as an affiliate?
Thanks for the comment
I wouldn’t say there is a single item that you should focus on really. In the dog niche, for example, you could focus on a variety of items most of the year and as your approach a holiday narrow your focus to pet clothes for that specific holiday as a lot of people will be buying costumes for their pets as the holiday approaches.
Hi, thanks for sharing these great niche ideas. I have been into affiliate marketing for about 2 years now. I am in the kids niche. So I think smart watch or timepiece for kids would be a great niche idea for me. I love any Tech-based accessories for kids.
I will invite my friend that just started affiliate marketing to read this great resource and pick any of these niche ideas. I’m sure there will be less competition in all these niches.
Wow, I love this! You have a lot of great niche Ideas. I would have never of thought of doing something like that. Definitely very well put together and informative. I love the pet niche. It is my favorite one of all you have. I do agree with you that it is a hard one to get into with all the other sites they have out there however, that is where creativity comes in which is my favorite part of building up a site. I think you have done a wonderful job here and I am sure you are going to help many with your ideas. Later on as I develop I may use one of your ideas. Very unique and that is what I love about this! Keep up the great work!
Educative article on how to make passive income online. Stumble to your site give new knowledge on the ways to make passive income though what caught my attention was the amazon and eBay ,for me they are one of the best way to make passive income online. Though making cent online without a mentor and a right tools I think it must be like puzzle but if one get opportunity to find himself the boat of wealthy affiliate that make passive income online would have been easy as ABC… because there are many mentors and right tools to getting things done in a right way. Thank to brought this post to enlighten more on new site to earn passive income online.
Great article! I really enjoyed the reading!
Awesome list of micro niches, thank you! I always thought that micro niche is more targeted. Anyway, I was looking for building my second website around a micro niche and I didn’t know what to choose. You have given me some great ideas and the one that I like the most is the dog niche. What I am scared of with micro niche is being restricted in term of content. Do you think it’s possible to expand the niche?
Thank you!
Hi Michael, I have already bookmarked your site since I found all of your article is good source of knowledge. These Niche ideas are great and I like the drone niche and the tea niche idea. Can you share some knowledge about niche site establishment time? What should I do step by step for my success in these type of niche? How can I overcome competition?. Thanks for sharing this information.
I really found your post very useful. I am currently doing affiliate marketing and I was searching for some niche to build my website around. Reading your micro-niche has really given me a lot of ideas to choose from. One question though, do you think niche like hiking boots or boots in general can earn you consistent revenue when you are doing affiliate marketing for it? I’m curious to what you are going to say. Thanks in advance.
Glad to come across this post on upcoming and profitable niches. I was just looking for some ideas to start a new blog. As a pet person myself, I could definitely see the potential of promoting more cat and dog products online. There’s always a small part of us who wants to spoil our furry companions, plus there are now more stuff that can improve their quality of life especially for the old ones. People need to share those kind of information more frequently through blogs and forum.
Thanks for the comment
Pets are always a great evergreen niche, and any micro niche that you can find inside the pet niche has a good amount of potential.
This is a very impressive list of micro-niches and being in the affiliate marketing industry myself I have found very fascinating choices. I can tell from the list you have created here these markets are not highly saturated at this time which means people starting them now in a few years could end up with a highly profitable business venture. Research in the affiliate marketing industry is a highly valuable tool to making sure if your business succeeds or fails and with what you have just presented here I feel someone could go a long way with following your example.
Thanks for the comment.
Agree 100%, research is a must for any niche. And this list will probably change drastically over the course of time.
You have some great ideas for micro niche sites. I like how you gave some available examples of websites that are available in certain niche categories. I’m always looking for new ideas on niches that I might not of thought about before. Thanks for the input on these niches I might just try out the drone micro niche in the future. Potentially big money there. What are some of the niches that you prescribe to?
Hi I really enjoyed your article for micro-niches. I noticed you had some on pets, I can relate to that because one of my niches is on pet turtles. Are these really good micro-niches? Because I thought that turtles would be a good niche but as it turns out my affiliate marketing program has 1000’s of marketers, well they say. It looks as though you are going to help a lot of people with so many micro niches. Enjoyed reading your article.
Thanks for the comment
Competition is not a bad thing for any niche. Competition shows that there are people interested in that particular niche.
Never fear the competition, beat them. Make your content better than theirs and you will eventually push past them and get the rankings your content deserves.
But you still need to gain authority for your website so that google will trust your site more and you will rank easier. You still need great content though.
I have a niche website now and have been working on it for about 10 months. It’s coming along well and I am happy with it but my mind has started turning to perhaps a second site and making it a true micro niche site.
I am just wondering how micro the niche should be for it to be successful? Is there such a thing as too narrow?
Your suggestion of outfits for dogs appeals to me, especially doing targeted blogs around specific annual events. I reckon there would be so many that just blogging about that could be a winner. But then to keep it micro do you just do outfits? So no collars or additional jewellery (not sure if that’s a thing but it could be!).
Love the pimp my kitty name for a website. I have heard catchy domain names are not really crucial to success but I think for my next site I’m going top put some additional thought into a memorable name like this.
Thanks for a great blog, very interesting and lots of food for thought. Any clarification on how micro a niche should be would be greatly appreciated.
thanks for the comment.
The url is not a huge deal for SEO, a catchy is more for the human visitor, a way of branding your website in a way that people will remember.
Most of these micro-niches could be expanded later on, the reason you would focus on dog cloths is to get a foot hold in the pet niche if you wanted to expand later.
Trying to break into competitive niches is extremely tough for a new website without any domain authority or site trust.
Anything can probably be successful it just depends on what your measure of success is. But you ideally want to try and make it big enough to make a decent amount of passive monthly income.
Good Luck
As per ur sugettion i taken this thanku for the post