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Welcome to our look at the candy niche for bloggers. Candy might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of successful blogs. But rest assured they are out there and they are incredibly successful.
The Candy industry itself is in great shape. It had revenue in the United States of 9 billion in 2018 and has grown reliably each year. The bottom line is that candy is not going anywhere even with the renewed focus on sugar and carbs in our diets.
Candy blogs are typically some of the more fun and interesting blogs on the internet. Many exist solely as blogs about candy. But the candy niche also pops up in other places as well.
From holiday and gift blogs to birthday and party blogs, candy can be integrated into a variety of other niches. There is a place for your new blog in this fun and sweet blogging niche. Let’s take a look at the candy niche.
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Why Start A Candy Blog?
So why even bother starting a blog about candy? It will require a lot of hard work and a good amount of time just to get it off the ground. But that is why your passion for these sweet delicacies will see you through.
That is the reason to start any blog and put the hard work and time into it. Passion. Passion for the niche. Passion for the topic. A passion to communicate your love of candy to others around the world who feel the same way you do.
The added benefit is of course that you can make a very nice side income within this blogging niche. It may not be the most lucrative but it is still a great way to earn some money doing something you absolutely love. Speaking of making money in the candy niche. Let’s take a look at some of the monetization options for this niche.
How can you Monetize the Candy Niche?
Probably the biggest question about this niche is just how to monetize it. And once again we go back to our old friend affiliate marketing. It is the best way for a new blog to make some income. Adding ads is great when you get some traffic but the food and beverage niche is poor for ad revenue.
You can also create some info products if you have some valuable and unique ways to make candy. But even that will be a tough sell. You can open up your own candy storefront through Shopify or a similar product. But I would wait until you have good traffic to try that. Your own store offers up some very new and unique headaches to deal with.
Affiliate Marketing in the Candy Niche
And that brings us back to affiliate marketing. Promote a company’s products without having to worry about inventory or sales figures or anything associated with running a retail business. You only get a fraction of the sale though, so it balances out.
Most candy partner programs have a commission of less than 10% and there are very few if any high-ticket items to promote in the niche. So you will need to generate quite a few sales to see the income that you really want.
But it is very possible and the niche is incredibly popular with just about everyone. The plus side is that there are quite a few subscription candy boxes that can land you a recurring commission. These are the best types of affiliates and you should try and prioritize them if you can.
At the end of the day, candy is a very traditional and stable niche and its monetization strategies are pretty straightforward. But if you can find an innovative way of promoting or selling products in the candy niche then you will be rewarded since your blog will certainly stand out from the pack.
The Growth Potential?
The candy industry as a whole is growing at a pretty steady rate and shows no signs of stopping any time soon. It could be described as boring and predictable really. Not that this is a bad thing. Predictable is great for a long-term blog strategy.
A Look at the Trends for This Niche
You can see that interest in candy as a whole is pretty stable throughout the year with jumps around some of the holidays. The interest hit 100% around Halloween and Christmas. It also has upticks around Valentine’s and Easter. It is important to note that the graph shows the amount of interest in candy measured against its peak interest.
So, when you see the interest drop to 45% for most of the year that is simply in comparison to the interest around Christmas. What this means for an affiliate marketer is that there is still a huge amount of search interest at all times during the year.
In fact, it hovers around 50% of its max most of the year. But the interest spikes require extra content tailored to those specific holidays. I just wanted to clarify what Google trends graphs really mean because it has come up a bit in some of our other Niche Insights articles.
Keyword Research and Examples
Let us take a look at some of the keyword research for this niche. We’ll start off with the broadest niche keyword. The head keyword. In this case that would be “candy”. This is not a keyword that you would target for your content.

It is far too broad and has no real intent behind the search. While the volume is extremely high, trying to place yourself high on the SERPs by targeting it is an exercise in futility. Google tends to just put authority sites high in the rankings for searches like this since it can’t really determine the intent of the person searching.
Keywords like “candy” are there mainly to confirm the interest in the overall topic or niche. Not to try and use them to rank with. But, now let’s look at some examples of long-tail keywords that you would use to rank your content with. We are looking for lower volume, lower competition keywords that have some intent behind them.
For this example, I found the keyword “sugar-free hard candy”. It is a very specific search. One with a great deal of intent from the searcher. These are the exact type of keywords you want to try and target for the majority of your content.

A quick look at the results gives us a half dozen other great keywords to generate some content from. One 5-minute research session has generated enough keywords for weeks worth of content. Always look at the other suggestions for great keyword and article ideas.
You could craft whole articles around sugar-free caramel or chocolate candies.
Let’s look at one last example. In this one, we will target a keyword with the word “best” in it. Best is a great way to find buyer intent keywords. Someone looking for the best candy is likely looking to buy that candy in the near future.
So for this example, I found the keyword “best candy for Halloween”. Now, this keyword is a seasonal one. A best Halloween candy search in May is going to be much different from one in October.

For these seasonal keywords, you will just have to use your own judgment on when to deploy them. For the sake of argument, let’s say this search is 2 weeks before Halloween. You are getting searcher who is intent on buying candy and they are looking for opinions.
Now would be the best time to publish your relevant content. The point is this. Finding a good keyword and building brilliant content around it is great. But you will need to learn when to deploy it for maximum effect. This example was a pretty obvious one for the candy niche.
But many will be much more challenging. You only learn by doing and making mistakes really.
The Final Word
Like the chocolate micro-niche, the larger candy niche is not an obvious place to start a new blog. Here is the thing you have to realize about blogs in general. Anywhere there is a passion for something there is a potential business for a blog. Candy is no exception.
More and more people are buying everything online these days. Candy is no exception. There is an audience for this niche and people are already there making a great income in the candy niche. Is it oversaturated or overly competitive like Weight Loss or Recipes? Not yet. Will it ever reach that level?
Probably not. Mainly because it lacks any real high-ticket items that a lot of online entrepreneurs seem to gravitate to. But that makes the candy niche a huge opportunity for someone with realistic expectations of what type of income the niche can produce.
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