Discover 9 Of The Best Candy Affiliate Programs!

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Are you looking to satisfy your sweet tooth while earning some extra cash? Look no further! In this blog post, we will unveil 9 of the best candy affiliate programs that will surely satisfy both your cravings and your bank account.

Whether you’re a candy enthusiast, a food blogger, or just someone who loves to indulge in sugary treats, these affiliate programs are perfect for you. So, get ready to discover a world of delicious opportunities as we delve into the sweetest side of affiliate marketing. Let’s dive in!

If you want to take it full-time, you might want to open it up to more varieties of treats and foods or start your own candy store with Shopify or something similar.  Use the blog to generate traffic and then sell your own candies for much more money than an affiliate commission.

But for now,  you are going to need some solid candy affiliate programs to get your new blog off the ground.  And have I got a selection for you.  9 of the best candy affiliates I could find for you to have a look at. One note.  This list does not include Chocolate partner programs.  They have their own list of 10 great ones to try.  You can find that right here.

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display of candy in separate bins

Check Out These Great Candy Affiliate Programs

Candy partners are an interesting segment of affiliate programs. While they are great for a candy website, they have so much more utility for a variety of niches.

Finding the best way to have them work for you and draw in additional traffic for your passive income blog is going to determine the level of success you achieve with these partners.

Bolster that success rate with some great affiliate marketing training. A small investment in training can turn a hobby into a full-time income.

japan candy box icon

Japan Candy Box Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Japan Candy Box
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: None
  • Sales Commission:  $5 dollar Flat Fee
  • Tracking Cookie:  Not Available
  • Website URL
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  No
japan candy box affiliate program

This Candy Affiliate Program offers a unique take on the candy subscription box.  Much of their candy is from Japan. Some of it is very strange and all of it is interesting.  You could generate a great deal of content from taste tests and reviews of their unique offerings.

The only real issue is that this affiliate is very narrow.  Your readers need to enjoy Japanese candy and all its quirks or your conversions won’t reach the heights they should.

The Affiliate Terms

The Japan Candy Box partner program has a $5 dollar flat fee for new referrals through your affiliate link.  I have mentioned this before, but I prefer a percentage commission-based structure.  But the flat fee might be better for your strategy.

The $5 flat fee is not the worst thing in the world, but you will get no residual commission from any subscription boxes so it is a one-time finders fee. I could not find the tracking cookie duration so you will need to ask about it when you are accepted for the partner program.

The Recap

A unique and interesting partner program.  The flat fee is a little low but the products make up for it.  This is definitely something to test out if your readers like a little bit of strangeness in their sweet treats.

best buy candy icon

Best Buy Candy Affiliate Program — Offline

  • Company Name:  Best Buy Candy
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: None
  • Sales Commission:  8%
  • Tracking Cookie:  Not Available
  • Website URL:
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

UPDATE: This affiliate program and the company behind it seem to have gone offline and have shifted their customers over to I will leave the information here for archival purposes.

Best Buy Candy is a bulk wholesaler of a huge assortment of candies.  They have jelly beans and lollipops and 2-pound bags of LifeSavers.  They have a lot of products and the products have a lot of candy in them.

The great thing about this partnership is that the commissions can start to rack up pretty quickly with the size of the products.  You will need to tailor your promotion around events like birthdays and holidays because few people are going to buy this much candy all at once unless they need it for some event.

But if your candy blog has sections or content specifically for Halloween or Valentine’s Day then this would be the perfect partner program for those large candy orders that people make around some holidays.

The Terms

Best Buy Candy has an 8% commission for their partners.  Their percentage is just a little on the low side but nothing to worry about.  Ideally, you want to see your commission percentages in the double digits.  Commissions are paid quarterly with this program.

There was no information available on the tracking cookie duration.  Be sure you ask about it when you sign up. Companies that run their own affiliate programs often neglect to put the tracking cookie in their affiliate information.  Hopefully, this will start to change as they begin to see how important the tracking cookie is.

The Wrap-Up

Huge selection.  Huge bags of candy.  And a pretty good commission to boot.  There is so much to like about this partner program.  If you can fit it into your partner portfolio, you will have yourself a good source of income for the future.

candy club icon

Candy Club Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Candy Club
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network:  ShareASale
  • Sales Commission:  $15 Flat Fee
  • Tracking Cookie:  7-days
  • Website
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  No
candy club affiliate program

This is another subscription candy box service that you can promote on your candy blog.  The boxes come with 6 jars of candies.  The gift boxes looked to be themed and had an assortment of candies for each jar in the box. The candies themselves look great and the presentation is top-notch.  Promoting this affiliate’s products should be a breeze.

The Terms

This partner program has a flat fee commission structure.  The flat fee seems to be popular with candy and chocolate partner programs.  In this case, the fee is $15 for a referral when they buy a subscription. $15 dollars is actually a great flat fee and as much as I like a percentage more than a flat fee, this one is very hard to pass up.

The tracking cookie, on the other hand, is a little disappointing.  It is only 7 days.  While not a huge issue due to the type of product, you always want to see something for at least 30 days for a cookie duration.

The Stats

The 30-day ShareASale statistics look very good.

  • A 2.19% Conversion Rate is pretty decent and definitely sustainable.
  • The earnings per click of $72.80 EPC is outstanding.
  • The 0.00 % Reversal Rate is exactly what you want to see.

The Wrap-Up

A great flat fee for a Candy Affiliate Program.  The cookie is too short but their boxes are some of the best in the entire niche and their candies are unique and interesting.  I would say this is a must-have for a candy blogger.

old time candy icon

Old Time Candy Company Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Old Time Candy Company
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network:  ShareASale
  • Sales Commission:  5%
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Website
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  No
old time candy affiliate program

This is a great Candy Affiliate Program.  Their products are incredibly unique.  They are versions of decades-old candy that were popular way back when.  your readers can select candies from the 1920s all the way up to the modern day. There are really few places on the internet with such a comprehensive selection of old candy flavors and brands. 

It really is remarkable.  Some of the candy will be familiar as it is still sold today.  But if you are looking for Baby Ruth, for example, it will be in the 1920s section.

The Affiliate Terms

The commission for this partner program is only 5%.  It is a little on the low side.  However, when we get a look at the statistics for this partner program the commission doesn’t look so bad.  The cookie duration is a standard 30 days. If you take a look at the conversion rate below the 5% commission becomes less of an issue.

The 30-day Stats

The Old Time Candy Company’s 30-day statistics look very good.

  • A $53.70 Average Sale is great.
  • The $4.93 Average Commission is right where you want it to be.
  • A 0.00 % Reversal Rate is perfect.
  • the earnings per click of $24.89 EPC is very nice.
  • A whopping 5.05% Conversion Rate.

The Wrap-Up

A fun and interesting partner program and one that could generate some very interesting content.  Giving a written history of each type of candy from the ’20s, ’30s, etc. would generate months if not years of great content for your candy blog. The commission is a little low but the cookie is pretty good.  Definitely worth checking out for any candy blog.

Dylans Candy Bar Affiliate Program

dylans candy icon
  • Company Name:  Dylans Candy Bar
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network:  ShareASale
  • Sales Commission:  6%
  • Tracking Cookie:  14-days
  • Website
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Dylan’s Candy Bar is a huge online candy store that sells a large variety of sweets and candies.  Anything you could possibly want you will probably find it here.  This selection makes it ideal for your primary partner program.

In addition to the actual candy, this store has a very nice selection of candy-inspired clothing and accessories.  While not completely necessary for a good candy affiliate, these additional products really push it over the top as one of the best for your blog.

The Commission

Another Candy Affiliate Program with a relatively low commission but a very nice conversion rate to make up for it. Dylans offers its affiliate partners a 6% commission on sales originating through your affiliate links.  It could be higher but it is not that bad of a deal. The cookie is also on the low side.  14 days is the duration of their tracking cookie.  Not a huge issue but nothing to write home about either.

The 30-day Statistics

The underlying statistics look pretty good for this affiliate program.

  • The program has a $45.11 Average Sale.
  • The $3.66 Average Commission is right where you would expect it to be.
  • The earnings per click are $19.54 EPC.
  • An outstanding 5.34% Conversion Rate.
  • The 0.00 %Reversal Rate speaks for itself.

Final Thoughts

The sweet treats plus the neat-themed gear make this a very interesting prospect for any candy blog.  Add in the good commission and you have yourself a real winner here.  The cookie is pretty short but that is about the only downside.

ice chips icon

Ice Chips Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Ice Chips
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network:  ShareASale
  • Sales Commission:  10%
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Website
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  Yes
ice chips title card

While this affiliate only has one product they have a huge number of variations and flavors of that product.  Plus this product uses Xylitol which means it is sugar-free and very low-carb.  both facts you can use when promoting the candy. They also make some health claims about their candy, but I am unable to verify them. 

Check them out when you apply and see if any of these claims can be added to your promotion.  If they are good benefits then that will make promoting this product that much easier.

The Commission and The Cookie

Ice Chips offers its affiliate partners a very good 10% commission on all referral sales through your affiliate links.  Double-digit commissions are always great to see and with the conversion rate potential of this program, the commission is even better. The 30-day tracking cookie is standard and a welcome sight as many on this list are well below that number.

The ShareASale Stats

The Stats for Ice Chips look very promising

  • A $30.99 Average Sale.
  • The $3.10 Average Commission is right where it should be.
  • An earnings per click of $20.45 EPC.
  • The 6.59% Conversion Rate is outstanding.
  • A great 0.00 % Reversal Rate.

The Wrap-Up

An interesting product to promote.  There is only a single candy in a few flavors.  But the commission is great and the cookie is nice as well.  The conversion rate is particularly good.  Building a content campaign around this affiliate would be a great idea for a candy blog. You should be able to get 15-20 keyword-researched pieces of content for this Candy Affiliate Program alone.

universal yums icon

Universal Yums Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Universal Yums
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network:  ShareASale
  • Sales Commission:  $10 Flat Fee
  • Tracking Cookie:  30-days
  • Website
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  No

Universal Yums is not technically a candy-only retailer.  Their subscription gift baskets have a wide variety of treats and candies available in them.  From nuts and pretzels to classic candies and gummies, your basket will have a little something for everyone.

You will have to test this program with your audience to see if the other items are going to be a turnoff for readers seeking only candy information from your blog.  But if it works you can use it as a secondary partner program to one of your main candy affiliates.

The Affiliate Terms

Universal Yums offers its partners a $10 flat fee for all new referrals who purchase from their store.  They also offer custom affiliate programs for partners who show consistent and outstanding conversions and promotions of their products.  You’ll have to ask about this after you have established yourself. The tracking cookie is 30 days.  This is pretty much a standard duration tracker and one that works well with this type of affiliate.

The Stats

The stats look absolutely astonishing for this partner program.  It makes me question whether this was just a great 30 days or if this is how it always performs.  If it is the latter then this is a must-have for a candy blog, even with the flat fee structure.

  • A 0.00 % Reversal Rate is perfect.
  • The $57.95 Average Sale is very high for a candy store
  • The 17.64% Conversion Rate is unheard of and might be unsustainable.
  • The earnings per click are really high at $76.55 EPC.

The issue here is the stats reflect a percentage-based commission and they only offer a flat fee to new partners.  They will create a custom program for high-earning partners.  That is probably what is skewing the numbers.


A decent flat fee commission and a good cookie.  The subscription boxes from Universal Yum offer a slightly different fair than some of the strict candy items found in other stores.  This might be a good or bad thing depending on your specific blog visitors. Give it a look and see how it converts for you.

everton toffee icon

Everton Toffee Company Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Everton Toffee Company
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network:  ShareASale
  • Sales Commission:  12%
  • Tracking Cookie:  45-days
  • Website
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  Yes
everton toffee title card

Everton Toffee Company is an incredibly old candy company.  They have been around since 1753 and have been adored by British Kings and Queens for centuries.  This type of tradition and history is great for an affiliate marketer.

You can turn their story into content by writing about their history and how they make their legendary toffees and so much more surrounding this affiliate program. It really is one of the richest affiliate programs I have ever seen in terms of history and backstory.

Plus, their toffee products are top-notch.  From regular toffee caramel candies to toffee-coated pretzels they have a good selection of their signature treats.  However, toffee is all they do really.  So if your readers don’t like toffee then this is not the program for you. It does make the appeal somewhat narrower than a store with more variety in its offerings.

The Commission

Everton Toffee offers a very nice 12% commission for its affiliate partners.  And the cookie is above average as well at 45 days.  We’ll see when we get to the statistics that this program does not convert as well as it should. I added it to the list for a little diversity and still, I cannot figure out why it is not converting better.

The 30-day Statistics

The 30-day stats are not looking that great.

  • A relatively low $15.00 Average Sale.
  • The commission is low at $1.80.
  • The 0.64% Conversion Rate is very low.

Tough to tell what is dragging this program down.  Maybe it is the type of candy, toffee not being as popular these days.  But the underlying terms are pretty good.  You’ll just have to figure out a way to get this to convert if you choose to use it.

The Wrap-Up

A historic name in candy, toffee in particular.  However, the Candy Affiliate Program does not convert as it should.  The terms are great.  The commission is good and the cookie is above average.  If you can fit this affiliate into your strategy then give it a shot. Be aware that it will take a lot more promotion and content to get the conversions you want to see. You’ll have to decide if it is worth it.  If you can get this program converted you have yourself a real winner for a partner program.

sweets and treats icon

Sweets and Treats Affiliate Program

  • Company Name:  Sweets and Treats
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: None
  • Sales Commission:  10%
  • Tracking Cookie:  Not Available
  • Website URL
  • Niche:  Food and Beverage
  • Auto-Approval?:  No
sweets and treats title card

The Sweets and Treats website sells a huge variety of candies, sprinkles, and decorative sugars and items.  These are great for holidays and birthdays and anytime you need to decorate your baked goods with themed candies. The appeal of this affiliate is not as broad as a traditional candy merchant but this partner would be great for a baking niche or as a side content to your candy blog.

The Affiliate Terms

The Sweets and Treats affiliate program offers a 10% commission to its partners.  A good-looking commission on a pretty solid candy store.  There is no cookie information available so be sure and ask when you join the associate program.


A great commission for this niche and a very interesting selection of products.  Not a traditional candy seller but more for candy decorations and themes for parties.  An interesting affiliate to look at.  See if you can add it to your candy niche blog.

The Big Finish

This is a weird niche.  It can survive on its own as solely a candy blog.  But I think it works best when candy is part of a larger niche.  The traffic is certainly there for a candy blog, but I wonder if the commissions are large enough. There are very few if any high-ticket items in the entire niche and that means you will need to generate a lot of sales.  Which means you need a lot of traffic.  You can certainly get the traffic but it will take some time, especially for free organic traffic.

Paid traffic seems like a waste for this type of niche so it’s hard work and time that will be the cost of building a great candy website.  In the end, any niche can work with some love and passion behind it.  Some might be more difficult than others.  Some, like candy, might be less obvious.

But if you stick with it.  If you use these affiliate programs to their full potential you can make candy a great part of your blog.  Or build a new candy blog from the ground up.  I know you can do it.

So I wish you the best of luck with your candy blog.  You have the passion and the willingness to work hard and put the time in. But if you need a little extra training or resources check out the review in the link below.  It has everything you need to start a new blog in any niche you choose.  Thanks for reading.

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Thanks for visiting and as always have a great day.