This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Hello everyone. Today I am going to be taking a look at a pretty specific set of affiliate programs that you can use as an alternative to Amazon Associates. While Triathlon affiliate programs cover might seem to only cover a relatively small sport, you can adapt a huge number of bycicle, swimming and running affiliate programs for your triathelon niche blog.
Additionally, it is a great way to expand a blog into other areas. A running blog can add a triathlon section and build out into biking and swimming and give it more options on where to grow.
So let’s take a look at some of the best triathlon affiliate program out there right not that you can use to monetize your triathlon focused content and niche site.
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Check Out These Triathlon Affiliate Programs
Now that you have some great Triathlon affiliate program ideas you just need to create the content and drive traffic to your affiliate links. With a little affiliate marketing training, you can get started on that today.
Triathlete Sports Affiliate Program
- Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Triathlete Sports Affiliate Program

The name Triathlete sports speaks for itself. They have everything you need to run, bike and swim your way through this demanding sport. This is the type of affiliate program that could serve as the foundation for your triathlon niche blog from a monetization standpoint.
The 30-day tracking cookie is pretty standard and should do a nice job for you should you choose to promote this affiliate program. The commission is 5%. It is not a huge commission but it should be ok for most affiliates. Given their product selection and taking the affiliate program as a whole the commission is fine.
I would recommend using this affiliate with other similar partners and see what types of conversion rates you get with each of them. Chances are that 5% will be pretty good with a higher conversion rate.
HDO Sports Affiliate Program
- Commission: 7%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join the HDO Sports Affiliate Program

HDO Sports is a more general sports website that has quite a few usegul products andaccessories for a trialthon niche blog. With brands like speedo, Oakly, and Reebok and products like running and biking shoes and a great selection of swimwear, this affiliate will fit wight into a trialthon blog.
The tracking cookie is a standard 30-days. For this affiliate that hsould be plenty of time to promote their products and get credit for the commission. Speaking o fthe commission…
The commission weighs in at a good 7% for qualifying sales through your affiliate links. With the way things are heading with Amazon Associates, a 7% commission is going to be very useful on your quest to building a profitable trialthon niche site.
Competitive Cyclist Affiliate Program
- Commission: 5%-12%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Competetive Cyclist Affiliate Program

This triathlon affiliate is focused on the biking aspect of the sport. They sell bikes, clothing, bike components, and accessories for cycling in general and competitive cycling specifically.
In addition to some of the triathlon-specific bikes they sell, here is just a small selection of some of the components that you can promote through this partner program.
- Bottom Brackets
- Brakes
- Build Kits
- Chains & Chain Guides
- Cranksets & Chainrings
- Drivetrain Small Parts
- Shifters
As well as some of the clothing and accessories.
- Helmets
- Saddles
- Powermeters & Computers
- Water Bottles & Cages
- Lights
- Men’s and Women’s Biking Clothing
- And much more
As you can see they have you covered on the triathlon biking front and would fit nicely into a triathlon niche blog.
The Competitive Cyclist Affiliate Program has a standard 30-day tracking cookie duration and a range for its commission rate. They offer between a 5% and 12% commission on sales through your affiliate links. They have options to join their affiliate program through both Avantlink and Impact Radius
Blueseventy Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join the Blueseventy Affiliate Program

Blueseventy is a website that focuses on triathlon, competitive swimming, endurance sports making it a great option for your triathlon specific niche blog. Thier products tend to be a variety of wetsuite, techsuits, goggles and eyewear as well as accessories for these types of sports.
I would classifiy much of their available products as high ticket items since some of t mthe wetsuits run up around $1000 dollars. This means you will have to be very effective in your content and promotion to make the most of this affiliate partner.
The tracking cookie is 30-days. Normally this would be fine and it is for the most part but some of the higher ticket items would benefit from a longer durations. The commission is 10% which is one of the higher commissions in this space and is going to be fantastic if you get the conversions. Just one or two sales at 10% can become a full time income quite easily.
Speedo Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Speedo Affiliate Program

Speedo is a world recognized sporting brand. You will not need to do much in the way of explaining the brand because it is so well-known and popular around the world. Their products fit into any of the individual triathlon disciplines.
The commission is a rock-solid 10% which should provide your niche site with a good amount of profitability. The tracking cookie duration is a standard 30-days and should be fine for the Speedo affiliate prgoram.
This is a regional affiliate program. The application is for the United Kingdom region primarily. Just something to keep in mind when considering this affiliate partner.
RunnerInn Affiliate Program
- Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join RunnerInn Affiliate Program

Runner Inn is a running and triathlon shop that has a wonderful selection of products for you to promote on your triathlon niche website, This affiliate could be used as solely a running affiliate program but I think it works just as well when applied to triathlon niche sites as well.
They have all the most popular brands and styles for runners and endurance athletes and should make a great addition to anyone’s triathlon partner arsenal.
The commission is a solid, if unspectacular, 5%. It will do just fine with a decent conversion rate and it quite a bit more that you would get from Amazon Associates for example. The tracking cookie duration was not listed at the time of publication so be sure to ask about it when you join this partner program.
TriSwim Coach Affiliate Program
- Commission: 25%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Tri Swim Coach Affiliate Program

TriSwim Coach is a digital training suite designed to get your freestyle swimming as efficient and smooth as possible. This type of affiliate is going to have a more limited appeal than many others on this list. I do like to have at least one digital training program in my affiliate strategy regardless of niche.
The commission is a sizable one. 25% is nothing to take lightly but you must understand that digital products like this one have quite a bit less overhead and the commissions tend to be higher. The tracking cookie was not available at the time of publication.
Wiggle Affiliate Program
- Commission: 4%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Wiggle Affiliate Program

Wiggle has one of the most extensive selections of triathlon gear and accessories online. Whether you are looking to promote specific disciplines like running or swimming or promote the entire triathlon niche, in general, this affiliate will have something for you.
Some of the products you can promote from Wiggle include:
- Cycling
- Running
- Triathlon
- Swimming
- Outdoors
- Training
- And Much More
The commission is ok at 4% but you would obviously like to see it a bit higher. Still, 4% can provide you with solid footing to build upon with your passive income niche site. The tracking cookie is a standard 30-days which will provide ample time for promotion and earning commissions.
*The commission and cookie information are from the US region application in the Awin affiliate network. They may vary from region to region.
Swim Outlet Affiliate Program
- Commission: 8-10%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join the Swim Outlet Affiliate Program

While mainly a swimwear and accessories affiliate partner, Swim Outlet does have a good selection of competitive swimming gear that would fit nicely into a triathlon focused niche blog.
Some of the activities that they sell gear for include…
- Swimming
- Surfing
- Lifeguard
- Snorkeling
- Water Aerobics
- Beach Volleyball
- Water Polo
- Paddle Sports
- And Of Course Triathlon
The commission is a generous 8-10% for their affiliate partners. If you can get a good conversion rate then the 8%+ commission can really solidify the swimmming part of your triathlon blog. The tracking cookie information was not readily available so be sure to ask about it when you sign up. Affiliate Program
- Commission: $.50 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Affiliate Program is a bit different from the other affiliates on our list. It is basically a portal that helps spread the word on local events and activities, including triathlon in some cases. This affiliate won’t appeal to everyone but it is worth a look if you want a lead gen type affiliate program for your triathlon niche blog.
The $.50 flat fee commission is not nearly as bad as it seems. This is basically a lead generation affiliate and people only need to register on the website for you to get your referral fee. I always find it nice to have a lead gen affiliate or two regardless of the niche.
And while this doesn’t fit neatly into a triathlon affiliate program it is one of the few lead gen affiliates that could be used on your triathlon niche site. The best thing to do is give it a runout and see how well it performs. The tracking cookie was not available so be sure to ask about it, most lead gen cookies tend to be pretty short.
Wrapping Up Triathlon Affiliate Programs
That brings us to the end of our deep dive into some of the best triathlon affiliate programs. The triathlon niche is large enough to support a niche site focused just on this type of competition. But it is also popular enough that you can include some triathlon content on a running, biking, or swimming niche site.
This will give you some great options when it comes time to build your niche website out a little bit and expand into new areas in order to grow your business.
If you are looking for some more ideas in the running, swimming, and cycling niches you can check out some of our other affiliate lists.
These broader affiliates can still work wonders for a triathlon niche site as long as you are specific with your content and their placement in it. For example, deploy running affiliates for the content focused on the running aspects of a triathlon. Then use the triathlon-specific affiliates for your general triathlon content.
Thanks all I have for you today, thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.
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