7 Of The Best Bamboo Affiliate Programs

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Hello everyone and welcome back. Today we are going to be taking a look at a very interesting set of affiliate programs that can be used to spice up your affiliate website over a wide variety of niches.

I am talking about bamboo affiliate programs. Now I define these as any affiliate that sells bamboo products and not necessarily as bamboo products being the niche itself. So in the list of bamboo affiliate program ideas, you might have one that works well for fishing and another that would be great for a home and garden niche site.

With that in mind, let us dive into the bamboo affiliates and see if we can find one that with help expand the horizons on your niche site.

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rocks stacked in fron of a bamboo forest

Check Out These Bamboo Affiliate Programs

Bamboo Import Europe Affiliate Program

screenshot of the bamboo import europe website

Join The Bamboo Import Europe Affiliate Program Here

Bamboo Import Europe is an online store that sells a huge selection of bamboo related products designed for home and garden. This would work well on a niche site dedicated to bamboo-based construction or a gardening website where you want to introduce things like bamboo fencing, to just name a couple of examples.

One thing to note is that this is a Europe specific affiliate. They do not ship products outside of that region so be sure to check that you will get the most out of this affiliate before signing up to it.

The tracking cookie duration is a little on the short side. Bamboo Import Europe offers a 5-day tracking cookie duration. Typically you want to see at least a 30-day tracking gap to give you the best chance at a conversion, so this can impact your overall conversion rate.

The products are fairly expensive when bought in bulk so that low tracking cookie duration can become a problem if you are promoting higher cost items. That said, if you promote their products in more buyer intent oriented content the 5-day cookie should not pose much of an issue.

Bamboo Skateboards Affiliate Program

screenshot of the bamboo skateboard website

Join The Bamboo Skateboards Affiliate Program Here

I mentioned at the top of the article that these bamboo affiliates would stretch across a wide array of niches. And this one just proves the point. Bamboo Skateboards sells exactly what you expect, Skateboards made from bamboo.

It fits incredibly well into a skateboard or recreational transport niche site as well as a more general bamboo website. This is the type of affiliate that can really generate interest and content for your niche site because it is so unique and inherently interesting.

The prices of their bamboo boards are pretty reasonable making them accessible for a large audience across a wide range of incomes. For an affiliate marketer, this is ideal because you get a larger potential user base while still make a nice commission on each sake.

The tracking cookie information was not readily available at the time of publication so be sure to ask about it to ensure that you get an acceptable duration on the tracking cookie. The longer the better as longer tracking cookies help with your overall conversion rate.

The commission is a very healthy 10% on qualifying sales made through your affiliate links. For physical products like these bamboo skateboards, a double-digit commission is extremely welcome and can really add to the overall bottom line of your niche site.

Bamboo Sheets Shop Affiliate Program

screenshot of the bamboo sheet shop website

Join The Bamboo Sheets Shop Affiliate Program Here

When I said there are a lot of niches for bamboo I was not joking. How about bamboo bed sheets and pillow covers? That’s right.

Bamboo Sheets Shop sells all types of bedding and mattress products that are made using bamboo microfibers to create comfortable and interesting sheets and bedding accessories.

This affiliate would fit right into a mattress blog, or a home decor blog or simply as part of a review site for pillows and sheets. You could also use it as a general mattress affiliate program as well.

Here are a few of the types of products you can expect to promote with this affiliate…


But it gets even better when you get to the affiliate terms. The commission is a robust and generous 20% on sales made through your affiliate links. I cannot stress enough how outstanding a 20% commission is in any niche.

When you combine that huge commission with the prices of the products offered by Bamboo Sheets Shop you can build your entire business around this affiliate with a decent amount of traffic. Many of their sheets run well over $200 dollars making just a few sales a day a full-time income.

I would recommend giving Bamboo Sheets Shop a long look if you can reasonable fit it into your overall affiliate strategy. It looks to be a top-notch affiliate program.

Headwaters Bamboo Affiliate Program

screenshot of the headwaters bamboo website

Join The Headwaters Bamboo Affiliate Program Here

Another bamboo affiliate another great niche to try it in. For the Headwaters Bamboo Affiliate Program, we are taking our bamboo affiliates into the fishing and outdoor niches. Headwaters Bamboo Affiliate Program sells all types of fishing-related bamboo products from bamboo tackle boxes to bamboo fly-rods.

This is a great affiliate addition for a fly fishing or general fishing niche website. A whole new branch of content dedication to bamboo fishing equipment can help expand your niche site and bring in new traffic and revenue streams.

The tracking cookie is incredibly impressive weighing in at 120-days. That gives you a full 4 months to protome their products and still get that hard-earned commission. Speaking of the commission it comes in at 8%, which puts it on part with other fly fishing affiliates and will do just fine with a good conversion rate.

When you combine the solid 8% commission with the prices of these rods, they sell for $300-$400 dollars, you can make a great income with just a few sales a day. At 8% you can see commissions for a single sale in the 25-35 dollar range. That adds up quickly on only a few sales daily.

Bamboo Supply Co. Affiliate Program

screenshot of the Bamboo Supply Co. website

Join The Bamboo Supply Co. Affiliate Program Here

Bamboo Supply Co. offers a wide variety of bamboo products from socks to bed sheets. This affiliate would work great for a website dedicated to bamboo products for the home or even as a sock affiliate program for a niche site of that nature.

They also offer some subscription-based products for you to promote. I always recommend checking out these types of subscription boxes to see if you can incorporate them into your niche site.

The affiliate terms are pretty standard for the Bamboo Supply Co. they offer a 30-day tracking duration and a 10% commission on qualifying sales made through your affiliate links. These should serve you well if you choose to implement this affiliate into your niche site’s content.

BambooPlantsOnline Affiliate Program

screenshot of the bamboo plants online website

Join The BambooPlantsOnline Affiliate Program Here

I would be remiss if I put together aa list of bamboo affiliates without including aa partner that sold the actual bamboo plants. Bamboo Plants Online does just that and has been at it for quite some time.

They have plenty of bamboo varieties to promote as well as all the bamboo fertilizer and other accessories that will help anyone grow this incredible plant.

Bamboo Plants Online has some of the best terms for their affiliate partners. They offer a generous 90-day tracking cookie duration which gives you plenty of time to promote their bamboos and get that all-important commission.

Speaking of the commission is starts at 20% and can get all the way to 25%. It is hard to find a better commission in a bamboo partner program or even a gardening affiliate program for that matter

My Sheets Rock Affiliate Program

my sheets rock screenshot

Join The My Sheets Rock Affiliate Program Here

Thier sheets are created using bamboo rayon fibers that make their sheets light and cool and give you a great night sleep. Even in your birthday suit.

Here is part of what My Sheets Rocks is all about, straight from their own webpage.

So, with a team that has over three decades of bedding experience, we made it our mission to design the ultimate performance sheets for the ultimate man.

My Sheets Rock Website

The commission is rock solid at 8% and the tracking cookie should be ok at 14-days although I do like longer duration cookies as a personal preference.

Wrapping Up Bamboo Affiliate Prgorams

That just about brings us to the end of our look at these bamboo affiliate program ideas. Hopefuully you have found something that can expand your monetixation options for your niche website.

What I really hope that you take away from this list is that affiliate programs don’t always fit neatly into a specific niche.

If you look for affiliate programs for bedsheets, for example, you might never find the bamboo affiliates that are on our list for that specific niche. You would get a lot of great bed sheet affiliates but maybe not ones with bamboo products.

The point is it always pays to look outside of your specific niche for partners that might fit in or give you new ideas on where to expand your business and give you new traffic corridors to exploit.

Growth and expansion ideas for your niche website are everywhere, you just have to look closely to find them.

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.

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