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Hello everyone and welcome to our look into the Hairstory affiliate program. Does this hair product affiliate program have what it takes to join your affiliate strategy or is it one to pass on?
Is the commission and tracking cookie up to par. How does the affiliate program typically perform? I will tackle these questions and more and discover whether the Hairstory affiliate program is worth your time and energy to promote.
Haircare is a notoriously competitive niche and finding the right affiliate partner that resonates with your specific audience can go a long way to building your own successful online business.
If you don’t have a solid affiliate partner that converts it doesn’t matter how much traffic you get to your affiliate links. Let us see if Hairstory fits the bill for your business.
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What Is The Hairstory Affiliate Program?
- Affiliate Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie Duration: 30-days
- Auto-Approval?: No
- Affiliate Niche: Haircare
- Join The Hairstory Affiliate Program Here
The Hairstory affiliate program is a haircare referral program that allows beauty niche content creators to monetize their content by adding Hairstory affiliate links into that content.
When someone uses that link and makes a purchase the affiliate marketer makes a small commission for their promotional work.
This is the essence of affiliate marketing and the main reason why it is one of the most lucrative ways to make money online.
The 10% Commission
Let’s get this started by taking a look at the commission for this affiliate program. Hairstory offers a 10% commission for qualifying sales made through your affiliate link. It is a very solid commission.
10% puts it on par if not better than most other hair product affiliate programs and puts the commission well above the 1-3% that is typically offered by Amazon on most products.
That said the commission is not the most important aspect of any affiliate program no matter how large that commission is.
The products and their quality and usefulness to your audience should always be the most important part of an affiliate program. After all the products are the only part that the audience is going to care about.
Promoting good solid products like the Hairstory offerings is a great way to maximize that 10% commission and minimize returns or canceled orders.
A high commission is always nice to have in addition to those quality products. Marry the two, and you have yourself a very promising affiliate partner to utilize on your haircare niche website.
The 30-day Tracking Cookie Duration
The tracking cookie is pretty standard for this affiliate program. They offer their partners a 30-day tracking cookie giving you a full month from the time someone clicks your affiliate link and makes a purchase and still gives you credit for the commission.
It is a solid duration and given that the products aren’t high-ticket items it should work out pretty well for your affiliate business.
By comparison Amazon Associates only gives you about a 20-hour commission which can cause you to miss out on quite a few commissions.
What To Expect Fom Hairstory
Hairstory is going to be a great option for your hair care or beauty niche website. They have a whole line of hair care and cleaning products that you can choose to promote.
Their affiliate program looks solid as well. I thought it would be interesting to look at some of the vital statistics from their ShareASale profile.
- $82 Average Sale
- $8 Average Commissions
- 14.51% Conversion Rate
- #65 ShareASale Power Ranking
The average sale is just where you want it to be at around 80 dollars. I find that $150 and under typically give me the best results when it comes to products I promote.
Some like high ticket items but I find mid-priced products to be the best earners. Of course, your mileage may vary.
The average commission is right where you would expect it. $8 for a 10% commission is right in line with the average sale.
Keep in mind that these don’t always line up perfectly as you have to take into account returns or cancellations so the average commission may not be a perfect reflection of the average sale.
Another great thing about the Hairstoy affiliate program is that it has a great power ranking on ShareASale.
You need to have consistency and quality to have your affiliate program at #65 in the power rankings. It is not a necessity for a good affiliate partner but it does help when looking for more reasons to choose a particular affiliate.
Lastly, I want to talk about the conversion rate that is on their ShareASale profile. It is 14.51% over the last 30-days at the time of writing. That is almost unheard of.
Perhaps it is just a great month but that is an enormous conversion rate. If you can come anywhere near that you will do wonderfully with this affiliate.
My guess is that Hairstory is fairly picky about who they let into their affiliate program so be sure to have all your ducks in a row and a good amount of traffic to your blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account when you sign up.
At any rate this is only a snapshot of the affiliate program and everyone’s experience is going to be different. But it does look like a great affiliate to partner up with.
Best Niches For Hairstory
The niches that work best for Hairstory are pretty straight forward. It is a haircare product affiliate and will work best for a dedicated haircare niche website or channel.
But it can also be a good addition to a more general beauty niche site as well. As long as you have some good content dedicated to hair care products you should be able to use this affiliate pretty well.
Any haircare or beauty micro-niche is a possibility but you can get creative and link this affiliate into other niches as well. If you think it might work well give it a try and see how it performs.
Fashion and influencer type niches might also work especially on YouTube or Instagram where you can display yourself using the Hairstory products.
Closing Thoughts
- Affiliate Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie Duration: 30-days
- Auto-Approval?: No
- Affiliate Niche: Haircare
- Join The Hairstory Affiliate Program Here
That wraps up our look at the Hairstory affiliate program. It is a solid all-around affiliate partner with a good commission and tracking cookie as well as some wonderful haircare products for you to promote.
Ultimately it is going to come down to how well Hairstory resonates with your audience to determine the long term success of this affiliate partner. It has all the makings of a good affiliate program but it won’t work for everyone.
You will need to run some tests with your traffic to see how your audience reacts and build from there. These are the choices that you as the boss need to make to ensure success for your affiliate marketing business.
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