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Welcome to our in-depth review of the Yankee Candle affiliate program.
The candle niche is a surprisingly competitive blogging niche. I say surprisingly but I think anyone that is in the niche would say of course it’s competitive.
People love candles, love the calm, love the ambiance that they bring to their homes and are willing to pay top dollar for the best candles and accessories.
And that’s the role of your candle Niche website. To find the best candles and the best candle accessories for your audience to pay top dollar for.
If you can create a website that really speaks to the people purchasing these candles than you can do very well in the candle niche.
In order to maximize the potential of your can on this website, you were going to need some great affiliate programs. That is what we’re here to determine.
Is the Yankee Candle affiliate program worth the time and effort required for you to promote it? Will it generate enough income for you to really reap the benefits of spending all the time required to sell the brand to your specific audience?
Let’s find out, shall we?
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What Is The Yankee Candle Affiliate Program
The Yankee Candle Affiliate program is a partner program that allows individuals to receive a commission for referring customers to Yankee Candle. The commission is earned when a customer uses the affiliate link of the individual to make a purchase.
Affiliate marketing is a common practice online. Most major companies have affiliate programs that allow individuals and other businesses to earn commissions for referring customers to them.
If you would like to learn more about affiliate marketing and how you can get involved check out my review of the training I used to get my start with affiliate marketing.

Yankee Candle Affiliate Program Review Summary
- Affiliate Commission Score: 75/100
- Products Quality Score: 90/100
- Popularity Score: 80/100
- Potential Score: 76/100
Overall Score – 80%
The Yankee Candle Commission
The commission of any affiliate program is always the most visible statistic or number that people want to look at when deciding whether or not to promote that affiliate program.
But the commission is not really the most important thing how well do products and services convert with your particular audience is going to really determine the overall performance of any given affiliate program with your specific readership.
That being said the commission is a very important number and one that should meet a basic minimum threshold for you to really consider using it as an affiliate partner.
And that brings us to the Yankee Candle Commission. It’s both pretty good and pretty awful. They have a tiered commission system.
This is not uncommon among affiliate programs, but the Yankee Candle one is particularly problematic because of its return customer commission.
The Yankee Candle Commission ranges from 0.5% to 7% for all qualify myself through your affiliate like.
Here is the breakdown of the Yankee Candle commission structure.
- 7% commission for a new customer
- 5% commission for a reactivated customer
- 0.5% commission for a current customer
The 7% commission for new customers is great. Most of your commissions are going to come from new customers. So this is not a huge deal and really not something that should affect you too much.
The 5% commission is for customers who have not purchased anything in a year. I don’t know how much this commission is really going to come into play. But it’s nice to see a decent 5% commission for these types of customers.
The 0.5% Commission is where things get really dicey. Anyone who returns to buy something from the Yankee Candle website using your affiliate link within that year period is only going to result in a 0.5% commission for that sale.
That lower commission is just not worth the time and effort to promote. The issue here is you don’t know which customers are returning customers which ones are new which ones have been there within the year which ones have it.
And this is where the commission structure really becomes problematic. The lack of consistency in knowing where your customers are coming from and what percentage of going to get for those customers.
As a result, the score is going to reflect the overly complex nature and in some cases poor commission structure of the Yankee Candle affiliate program.
You’re still going to get the 7% most of the time but it’s really weird to see such a convoluted and unnecessary commission structure.
*A Note Of The Tracking Cookie* The tracking cookie duration for Yankee Candle was nowhere to be found. You will need to join the Yankee candle partner program to find out exactly what the duration is.
Commission Score – 75/100
The Quality Of The Yankee Candle Products
The products of any affiliate program are really the most important thing. But not the most important thing for the affiliate marketer but they are the most important thing for the customers buying them.
The customers don’t care what commission you’re getting or what the conversion rate is or what the track and cookie is. They care about the quality of the products. And that means that you had better care about the quality of the products as well.
If the quality of the product is poor then you are going to get blamed. Not the company, not the affiliate program but you the affiliate marketer who recommended those garbage products to the people.
With all that out of the way let’s talk some good products from the Yankee Candle affiliate program.
The products themselves look to be wonderful. They have good reviews across a wide variety of websites including Amazon and the Yankee Candle website itself.
That’s always a decent indicator of the popularity and quality of the product. If you get a bunch of bad reviews then you’re going to want to take a deeper look and really decide whether or not it’s going to be worth your time to try and promote products that aren’t getting very good reviews.
But that shouldn’t be the end of it. If at all possible you want to get your hands on these products and give them a really good and thorough review.
For a niche like candles, that’s going to be a relatively easy thing to accomplish since the products aren’t going to be super expensive.
So I would suggest getting as many of the candles from Yankee Candle or any affiliate program and putting them through their paces.
However, if you can’t get a hold of them there are other ways to determine the quality of the products and the reviews being one of them as I mentioned before.
Finding forums and other discussion groups about the products is another great way to get an idea of the quality and popularity of the products on offer.
So having researched a little bit of the Yankee Candle product line I’m fairly comfortable and saying that these are great products and are really going to be a benefit to any candle Niche website.
Bearing in mind that I am not an expert in candles and that I am looking at the products as a novice in the candle Niche.
You are going to be the expert when you jump into the candle Niche and start exploring candles more in-depth. It’s up to you to use that expertise to determine which products are going to be the best for your particular audience.
Yankee Candle does have a presence on Amazon. But I don’t think their entire candle line is available there so the manufacturer affiliate program is still going to be a great option.
Product Score – 90/100
Popularity Of The Yankee Candle Brand
Yankee Candle is not going to be something that a lot of the mainstream public is going to be really aware of. They are not a huge brand, at least when you’re talking about mainstream consumers.
However, in the candle Niche they are a very big deal. They are one of the biggest candle brands and candle websites out there.
So if your passive income blog is in the candle Niche people are going to know who Yankee Candle is for the most part.
What this means for an affiliate marketer is that you’re not going to have to spend a lot of time explaining to people what Yankee Candle is.
Or what their brand is all about. People are going to have at least basic knowledge of this candle website if they are in the candle niche on a regular basis.
That doesn’t mean you can completely ignore content that kind of goes into the back story or history of Yankee Candle because you are going to be drawing in a lot of people who are new to the candle niche
As a result, you’re going to need to explain some things about Yankee Candle to them in order to make them feel comfortable enough to spend their money on that website.
What it comes down to in a lot of ways, ff you want to break it down to the bare essentials, Is convincing your customers to use the Yankee Candle website over a big website like Amazon.
This is not as easy as it seems especially if both Amazon and the website you want to promote sell the exact same thing.
Chances are people just going to go to Amazon and buy it, so using a secondary website it’s probably not the best idea.
In the case of Yankee Candle they do have some great products that you can really promote that are going to really help sell the idea of using the Yankee Candle website over one of the bigger Warehouse retailers.
Popularity Score – 80/100
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The Yankee Candle Affiliate Program Conversion Potential
The conversion potential of any affiliate program is going to depend largely on the makeup of your individual audience.
It’s almost impossible to tell how a particular affiliate program is going to perform without running some tests to really get an idea of how good it can or cannot be.
So when you are evaluating an affiliate program you are going to have to make some educated guesses about where you think the potential for that affiliate program is.
So when we take a look at the Yankee Candle affiliate program we get a good idea of what the potential of this partner program can be for an affiliate marketer by looking at the other criteria.
Is the commission acceptable? Are the products any good? Is the cookie long enough? Is the brand popular in its own right or will you need to build it up with your audience?
These are all questions that will help determine the potential of any affiliate program.
If both of those are sound and reasonable enough that they are going to be a hindrance to that affiliate program then it’s a good indicator that this affiliate program is one that you can consider.
Basically all the other factors combined to give you a sense of whether or not the affiliate program has a lot of conversion potential or not.
If it doesn’t then you need to pass on it because it is just going to be a waste of time.
In the case of Yankee Candle, I think there’s enough indication that this is a very good affiliate program that is worth spending some time writing content for and developing an affiliate strategy to try and get it to convert as well as possible for your particular audience.
Determining the overall potential of an affiliate program is as much an art as it is a science and as you incorporate more partners into your affiliate strategy you’ll get a better idea of which ones are going to work and which ones you should just pass on right off the bat.
The conversion potential score that I put on this review is indicative of my research and review of that particular affiliate program.
Bearing in mind that I am not in the candle Niche. So I am approaching this affiliate program is someone who is looking to get into the candle Niche but not in this silly an expert at it.
Potential Score – 76/100
Candles Are A Great Niche For A Passive Income Website
Other Candle Affiliate Programs
While Yankee Candle might be a popular option for anyone in the candle niche it is by no means the only one. You can check out more candle affiliate programs in our article here.
Remember there is no one size fits all affiliate program for every audience. So be sure to experiment with other candle affiliates until you find the best ones for your particular audience.
Maximizing the Potential Of Affiliate Partners
Finding the perfect affiliate program is just the beginning. You need to make sure that your audience is comfortable with the affiliates.
You need to keep a steady stream of traffic moving through your affiliate links to really generate the type of passive income that you deserve.
There are dozens of ways to monetize a passive income website. Advertising, information products, affiliate marketing, the list goes on.
But you have to get the traffic. This is the training I used to generate the traffic that helps me get passive income from my niche websites each and every day. Check out my review and maybe it can help you as well.
The Bottom Line
Yankee Candles is a good affiliate program with a lot of great products and some good potential to earn you some valuable passive income on your candle Niche website.
It’s Not Without its faults however as it does have a weird commission structure and the top-level commission is only 7%.
In the candle niche, a lot of the affiliate programs are in double digits when it comes to their commissions and some even up around 15%.
So you have to weigh the overall commission percentages with the value of the brand and decide which one is going to be the most beneficial for your affiliate marketing business.
That being said I recommend that most candle Niche websites at least run some tests with Yankee Candle to see how well it converts with their particular readership.
It’s a popular brand in the candle Niche and can be a very valuable affiliate partner when deployed properly and if your specific audience is receptive to their products.
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Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.