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Welcome to our in-depth review of Tranont. We will poke and prod this multi-level marketing business to see if it is truly worthy of your consideration as you embark on creating your new business.
How much does it cost to join Tranont? What type of compensation does Tranont offer? How difficult is achieving success with an MLM?
Get the answers to these questions and a whole lot more as we wade knee-deep into the MLM industry.
Be sure to stay till the end for some great alternatives to network marketing that you might be interested in.
Tranont Review Quick Summary

- Company Name: Tranont
- Business Niche: Health And Wealth
- Cost To Join: $99 + Fees And Products
Tranont is a typical MLM style business that doesn’t bring anything new to the space to do anything differently than the hundreds of other MLM companies.
They also have a high cost of entry. There is very little reason to think that any but a select few will actually make a profit here.
Overall Rating: 46/100
Recommended?: No
What is Tranont?
Tranont is a direct sell or network marketing business based around a wide array of health-related products.
The business model is a multi-level marketing program. In essence, you purchase products at a discount and then resell them at market value, theoretically making a profit with each sale.
The business model also includes a referral system where you get a percentage of the sales of anyone you refer to Tranont.
It seems simple but in practice, this type of business is fraught with peril and the entire MLM industry has a pretty bad reputation because of some bad actors in the space.
MLM’s are a tough business to be profitable in and Tranont is no exception.
Some people may make a good income with Tranont but as a percentage of people who try this business model, only a tiny fraction are ever successful.
According to some statistics, the failure rate for general MLM’s could be in the 90%+ range(source).
You can discover more about the Tranont business opportunity right here.
The Tranont Compensation Plan
The compensation plan for starting a Tranont direct selling business is pretty similar to what you would find in any other MLM or direct selling business.
They are typically made up of referral income, product sales, and various incentives and bonuses.
The problem is that most people will not qualify for the bonuses or incentives because they are not going to meet the sales or referral criteria.
This is endemic of the entire MLM industry. A few at the top earn the vast majority of the income.
You can earn up to 35% on personal sales from your Tranont business and this is probably going to be the only reliable way to make money for most people.
While the percentage looks nice you must build to that level and it takes time and a lot of selling to get the numbers needed for higher percentages.
Most network marketers tend to lean on their family and friends when trying to makes sales, often out of desperation.
The other way most people will try and earn money with Tranont is through the referral system.
You basically get a cut of the sales profits of any reseller that you sign up under your banner. And a little less for anyone they sign up.
This is where the word pyramid scheme comes up a lot. Let’s be clear Tranont is not a pyramid scheme. They have legitimate products to sell and their referral business is only part of the compensation plan.
But it still has characteristics of a pyramid business. The people at the top make the vast majority of the money.
Tranont offers quite a few incentive-based ways to earn more money but as mentioned only a select few will ever reach the levels needed to be in the running for them.
The same goes for the monthly and yearly bonuses as well as a $500 dollar a month stipend for the purchase of a new Jeep vehicle.
Is it possible to reach this type of level at Tranont? Sure. But it is incredibly unlikely just due to the nature of how MLM’s typically work.
What Are The Costs Of A Tranont MLM Business
The startup and maintenance costs of MLM are one of the most disturbing aspects of this entire industry and Tranont is no exception.
There are startup fees and monthly fees and subscription fees for the products to resell.
The fees are a huge reason why MLM business often ends in complete failure.
Here is a quick overview of Tranonts biggest fees.
- $99 Dollar activation fee
- $25 monthly supports fee
- Monthly product subscription packages range from $125 to $250.
When you start to add all of these fees together you begin to see just how much the cost for starting a Tranont business can be. All told it could be 1000’s in fees and if you are just starting out that could be crippling to your new business venture.
What Products Does Tranont Offer
Tranont is fairly unique in the MLM industry for offering 2 types of product categories. They offer health-based products and financial products. Typically you sill see a direct seller company focus on one or the other but it is nice to see a little variety in their offerings.
Let’s look at what they have to offer.
Tranonts Health Products
Tranont offers a pretty typical product selection for their health-based business. Typical to MLM’s at any rate.
It seems to be made up of mostly supplement shakes and energy drink type products that are very popular and in all honesty, sell pretty well in both network marketing and in other areas like affiliate marketing.
There is not a huge selection of products in the Health branch of their business so you’re going to be selling the same product over and over again unless they add new ones at a later date.
While the products themselves look fine the selection is pretty underwhelming and they are very expensive. For some of the bundles, you can expect to pay 300 or more dollars.
To wrap it up for this segment of their business is nothing new or interesting about it which is a recurring theme throughout the entire Tranont business model.
When you combine these products with the MLM business model try not looks like less and less of a good investment even in the MLM space.
Wealth Based Products From Tranont
Tranont offers a wide range of wealth and financial-based products that you can purchase and build your business around. These monthly fee bases programs range from estate planning and business formation to tax services and identity protection.
These product offerings are pretty solid and comprehensive and they offer a good range of products that would be suited for a wide range of people.
The Problem With MLM Products
The problem here isn’t the products themselves it is the MLM structure that really hurts the overall business model.
If you could simply offer these products as an affiliate without having to but them and then resell them it would make Tranont a much more appealing proposition as a business venture.

Pro’s And Con’s For Tranont
Let’s take a quick look at some of the pros and cons of Tranont. Many of these are endemic of the larger MLM industry but they are still specific to Tranont.
The Good
- A Good List Of Countries Where Tranont Is Available
- Solid Products(both health and financial) But Nothing Spectacular
- Good Community Activism
The Bad
- The Cost For Joining Tranont Is Far Too High Especially when compared to something like affiliate marketing.
- The success rate for MLM’s is incredibly low. The vast majority of people lose money when they try to start an MLM business.
- The compensation plan is not the greatest. It relies way too much on incentives and referrals over just being able to directly sell your products.
- You will annoy your family and friends with constant sales pitches.
Is Tranont Scam Or Pyramid Scheme?
MLM’s and pyramid schemes are often used interchangeably. They are not the same. Typically pyramid schemes use referrals as the main part of their compensation package, thus making the sign up of new referrals the real business model.
Tranont is a direct seller and that is the bulk of their business model. However, they do have a referral program and the compensation for that can be quite lucrative. But it means that they can at least claim to be a product-based business.
So Tranont is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. It is an MLM and a decent one as far as MLM’s go. The problem is that the multi-level marketing business model is pretty flawed and in need of a huge overall from top to bottom.
Until then the problems will be inherent in just about every MLM you look at. Tranont and other network marketing companies continue to be very popular because of the promise of riches, however elusive they might be in reality.
Here is the dirty little secret for MLM companies, they make most of their income off their member’s fees and not the actual products they sell.
Whether this business model is for you or not is your decision to make, but statistically speaking most people are going to fail at it.
I’ll be honest with you I’m never really overly thrilled with MLM’s. And Tranont has done nothing to quell those suspicions about this entire business model.
Tranont Looks to offer basically the same Compensation Plan and cost structure is just about every other network marketing company that I’ve seen so far.
They simply bring nothing new to the table. There are no new ideas here the products are health and wealth-based which is a staple for direct selling companies.
So I cannot recommend Tranont as a way to start your own business and start earning an income for yourself.
It certainly is possible that you could be one of the lucky few that pushes through in the MLM industry and makes a great living for yourself.
The real shame of it is that Tranont itself seems to be active in the communities it serves and has some decent products, but their MLM model is just too much to overcome for a solid recommendation.
If that’s you then Tranont would be fine as would most other MLM’s. But for the vast majority of people, it’s simply going to be throwing your money away and not seeing any results.
I’m sure that might be a little bit disappointing for a lot of people that were looking for a way to be their own boss and earn a real income to better their lives and the lives of the families. I just don’t think the M&M’s are the way to go because of the way that the business structure is set up.
However, there are alternatives to multi-level marketing. Alternatives where you can earn just as much money but with far less of the hassle and uncertainty that a multi-level marketing business typically brings.
So let’s get into a couple of alternatives to MLM and see if they might work for your potential new business.
Alternative To MLM’s
A multi-level marketing business can be a lucrative business model for many people. However, they are not for everyone. They tend to reward early adopters and people with large networks of friends and family.
Direct selling business also requires a substantial upfront investment in order to buy the products you intend to resell and they often require a lot of space to store that inventory.
So MLM’s aren’t for everyone.
But there are some great alternatives that you can try. The best alternative to network marketing is affiliate marketing. You get similar profit potential at a fraction of the initial investment cost.
You also do not have to worry about the inventory or dealing directly with customers and you don’t need to sell to friends and family in order to build up your selling network like you would with an MLM.
If you are interested in learning more about affiliate marketing and its potential to be a life change force for good in your life then check out my review of one of the best training systems for building passive income websites.