10 Of The Best Music Affiliate Programs

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If you’re building a music-based website than you were going to want to take a look at some of these fantastic music affiliate programs that can help build that passive income that you’ve been working towards.

If you’ve already got a music niche website then some of these might give you some great alternatives to help you earn more with better affiliate terms than your typical Amazon Associates program.

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Welcome To The Stage: Your Music Affiliate Programs

So dive in and check it out our list of 10 fantastic music affiliate programs and see if any of them can work for you. With some clever content and a little guidance, the sky is the limit.

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Thalia Capos Affiliate Program

This is an interesting affiliate program. 

It is focused more on the guitar Niche than the general music Niche but it’s a really great one to have for a variety of reasons.

The first thing you’re going to notice that the products are absolutely beautiful they have kapos that are artistic and wonderful to look at as well as very functional.

The engraved picks are another great product on show at Thalias Capos. The backstory of how the company came into being is really great and something you can really build some content around to get people more comfortable with using this store.

The commissions are outstanding. They run from 15 to 20% for all qualifying purchases through your affiliate links.

You simply cannot beat that type of commission for physical products. It’s going to be one of the highest ones you’re going to see for physical products.

The tracking cookie follows in the footsteps of the commission. It’s outstanding.

The tracking cookie generation is a full 90 days. Again this makes this affiliate broker one of the absolute best in the entire music Niche.

Why Promote Thalias Capos?

The real question here is why wouldn’t you want to promote this affiliate program. It’s very specific to a certain few products but if you are promoting those products in this is where you want to promote them from.

The Commission and the cookie are absolutely outstanding and the products themselves are some of the nicest looking capos and picks and accessories you are ever going to find.

Legacy Learning Affiliate Program

Legacy Learning is a great artistic training company. They have plenty of training products for all types of musicians as well as a plethora of training programs for other types of Art.

But for this article, we want to focus on the music training programs that Legacy Learning offers to your readers.

These are some of the highest quality training videos and they’ve partnered with some of the biggest brands in music to bring them to you.

So you can feel comfortable in the quality and craftsmanship of these training programs and feel comfortable sending your readers to them.

Let’s talk about the tracking cookie first because it is the best in the music affiliate niche. 

It’s a lifetime cookie.

As long as that cookie stays with that browser or app or wherever they clicked your affiliate link from to buy if they ever decide to buy from Legacy learning you were still going to get a commission for it.

The one thing I was unable to find out is if the cookie is tied to the account when your readers make a purchase. You should inquire about it when you sign up.

Tracking cookies don’t get any better than this it’s absolutely fantastic and I wish more companies would go this route and just reward the affiliate marketer for their hard work and their promotion.

In addition to that fantastic cookie, you get an absolutely outstanding Commission. A full 20% Commission on all qualifying sales through your affiliate links.

I always like to say that anything in double digits is a good commission. When you start to get into the 20% and more rains that’s when it becomes really special and it’s something that you really need to take a good look at when deciding on which affiliate programs to promote.

Final Thoughts On Learn And Master

 This is a great affiliate program from top to bottom. The commission is outstanding.

The tracking cookie is the best you’re ever going to find. Products are high-quality and they have partnered with some big brands to bring you some outstanding training material.

There’s nothing not to like about this affiliate program.

If you’re in the music Niche and you need an affiliate program that deals with training and teaching people how to play a particular instrument then this is going to be an absolute must-have affiliate program for your passive income business.

The Music Stand Affiliate Program

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The Music Stand Is a little bit different from some of the other large Music Warehouse affiliate programs on our list.

They don’t really have a lot in the way of the actual instruments what they do have is a ton of smaller instruments.

 they also have a huge selection of all types of music accessories and gift ideas that you can give to the musician in your life.

It makes this affiliate program a little bit unique and something that you really want to consider having a look at when you’re deciding on which affiliate programs to move forward with.

This affiliate is not going to be for everybody but it might just work with your specific audience and it depends on where your passive income website falls in the larger music Niche.

The commission of an offer here is very nice you get up to 12% on all qualifying sales through your affiliate links.

You’ll have to work your way up to that 12% so you might want to discuss it with the affiliate program where you start and how you get to the high number.

But if you can’t get there then you have yourself a nice commission for this particular partner program.

The tracking cookie is a standard 30-day cookie. There’s nothing spectacular about it but it’s nice to see something this high for these types of products.

You don’t typically need a really long duration cookie for the types of products that The Music Stand sells,  but it’s nice to have it done the last.

Why Promote The Music Stand?

Why should you promote this affiliate program?  That’s going to depend a lot on the makeup of your audience.

For some music websites, this is not going to be a very good affiliate program to use but with a little creative content and a little know-how, it could work for yours. 

 if you can get it to convert for your specific audience and you have a nice high commission affiliate program that you can use throughout your website for a variety of content.

Another great thing about the music stand is that they do Auto approval through ShareASale. 

What this means is that even a new website can get approved and get an affiliate program out there so that that early traffic that you start to get you’ll have some way to monetize that a little bit.

eMedia Music Affiliate Program

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To call eMedia music affiliate programs training modules comprehensive is a bit of an understatement.

They have dozens of products to teach people how to play a variety of instruments. It really is an incredible amount of training available to your readers.

Not only do they teach specific instruments they teach different styles of music within that instrument.

So, for example, they have programs at each rock guitar and blues guitar and classical piano and Jazz and everything else you could possibly imagine just about.

I also have a variety of books learning how to play specific instruments.  As well as tons of DVDs to teach your readers as well.

The commission for the eMedia Partner Program is very respectable. They offer a nice 10% Commission on all qualifying purchases through your affiliate links.

It’s important to keep in mind that these are physical products usually they come on DVDs so the commission is going to be a little bit lower than if they were full digital products.

The tracking cookie is also very respectable. It clocks in at a standard 30-day window for the tracking cookie duration.

Nothing wrong with this at all and gives you plenty of time to promote the product to make a sale and receive the commission.

Wrapping Up The eMedia Affiliate Program

if you need a training affiliate program for your music based website then eMedia is going to be a very good choice for you. 

They have quite a bit more products than say Legacy Learning although the quality of those two training programs that something you’re going to need to look into and compare both of them.

The commission and cookie are fine and will make a nice profit if you can get them to convert with your specific audience.

This is a good affiliate program it wasn’t you should consider for your music based website.

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Musician’s Friend Affiliate Program

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Musicians Friend is a popular and well-respected online music store.  they’ve been around for quite a while and they are a great affiliate to consider for your music website.

DoeIt doesn’t really matter what instrument your website is focused on chances are they’re going to have a ton of products that are going to fit into that particular instrument Niche.

And if you have a general music website then it’s going to be fantastic as well because they have everything you could possibly want across the board in the music Niche.

Their website is nice and professional and well lay down and your readers are going to have no problem feeling comfortable spending their money at this establishment.

The website of the affiliate program that you are promoting is sometimes an overlooked asset that you can use when choosing an affiliate program.

If the website looks nice looks professional then people are going to be more comfortable with using that website.

Just something to think about.

The commission is only 4% which is a little bit lower than I’d like to see. It puts it on par with Amazon Associates but with Musician’s Friend, you get a much more relevant affiliate program in the music Niche than the kind of general warehouse feel of Amazon.

The tracking cookies a little bit shorter than I like to see as well  I’m clocking in at only 14 days. It’s not a terrible number but you always like to see it around 30 days or more.

For most of the products are you going to be promoting it won’t really matter unless you’re promoting the really expensive instruments themselves.

Then the 14-day cookie might be had somewhat of an issue but for the most part, it’s not going to be something you need to worry about.

Why Promote Musicians Friend

The biggest reason to promote this affiliate partner is the name recognition and the quality of their store and the brands and products that they sell. It really is a comprehensive music affiliate program.

You could definitely use it as your primary affiliate program to be your large kind of Warehouse affiliate that is a catch-all for anybody that needs to find specific little things in the music Niche.

And then you can both do that primary affiliate with a few secondary Affiliates that focus more on your specific music sub Niche or Micro Niche.

Guitar Center Affiliate Program

One of the biggest names in mainstream music stores’ guitar center has a wide variety of instruments and gear for all types of musicians.

They are going to be pretty easy to promote given their name recognition and pretty good reputation among mainstream musicians.

The tracking cookie is not the greatest but it will do for most of the types of purchases that you will be promoting.

For some of the high-ticket instruments, the 14-day cookie might be a little short but it will still be manageable.

The affiliate commission is actually pretty nice given that these are physical products.

The 6% commission will make you a nice chunk of change for every sale you make and help to build your passive income music niche blog.

While you always want to see double-digit commissions it is unrealistic to expect a large chain store like Guitar Center to offer these types of high commissions.

Why Promote Guitar Center?

The name recognition alone has real value when deciding which affiliate programs to promote. And Guitar Center has a great brand name.

They also have the best brands and competitive prices along with a decent commission and tracking cookie. It is not the best partner program on our list but it is one that you will want to take notice of for sure.

World Music Supply Affiliate Program

World Music Supply has a ton of instruments that you can promote on your music based website. They have the most popular styles and brands that your audience wants.

The commission is pretty standard. 5% is not bad but it is not great either. The tracking cookie information was not readily available.

Why Promote World Music Supply?

The product diversity and the number of instruments they have are really impressive. They would be great as a partner program to use for your instrument reviews. The commission is decent as well.

ArtistWorks Inc. Affiliate Program

Another option for anyone who needs a music training or learning type of affiliate program. This partner has thousands of training modules for over 40 instruments.

The tracking cookie is very nice at 90-days. 3 full months to make your sale and still get a nice commission is outstanding.

The commission itself is pretty good as well. Not quite the double-digit number that I love to see but 8% is very respectable for an affiliate commission.

Wrapping Up ArtistWorks Inc.

An all-around good partner program to have for any music website. This affiliate would fit snuggly into any music training website and be a real asset with its nice commission and an outstanding tracking cookie.

Same Day Music Affiliate Program

Same Day Music has one of the biggest selections of music instruments and accessories.

Their website is pretty well laid out although the text is a little small. It might be something to consider depending on your audience.

The tracking cookie is fantastic weighing in at a robust 365-days. You really want this type of long duration cookie for high-ticket items like musical instruments.

The commission is a pretty basic 5% commission. Nothing spectacular to see here but not a deal-breaker either.

Wrapping Up Same Day Music

Overall this is a pretty good partner program for a music niche website. They have great products and a good selection. The affiliate terms are pretty good as well, especially the tracking cookie.

Virtual Sheet Music Affiliate Program

Virtual Sheet Music is a repository of all manner of sheet music. They have tons of products for you to promote.

The commission is a fantastic 30%. Given the types of products on offer from Virtual Sheet Music this high a commission is to be expected.

The tracking cookie is lifetime making it one of the best around. The affiliate terms are fantastic for this program.

Why Promote Virtual Sheet Music?

The affiliate terms are a great reason to consider this partner program. The products are pretty good for a certain type of audience.

Overall this partner program is going to be for specific music websites and might convert well for your audience. For other sites, it will not work well at all. Run some tests and see if it converts well for you.

The Big Finish

And that brings us to the end of our look at these music affiliate programs.

Choose the ones that were going to work best for your specific audience and then run tests to make sure that they are going to convert for you.

Don’t Tire yourself too closely to any one of them until you are sure that they’re going to work for your specific audience.  And don’t get emotional about dropping one of these affiliate programs.

If they’re not producing for you you need to move on making business decisions not emotional decisions when it comes to your music affiliate programs and you’ll do quite well for yourself.

The music instrument industry is a huge industry. It made over 6 billion in 2018 in the U.S. (source) alone and now it’s time for you to get a piece of that pie.

Be sure to check out our lists of guitar and piano specific affiliate programs

I wish you the best of luck with your music website and hope you can build a nice passive income for yourself.

Maximize Your Music Affiliates

Once you have these outstanding music affiliate programs you are going to need to get the traffic at to them in order to maximize their profit potential. Demand the best.

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