This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Keto Diets are sweeping the world. In the last few years, their popularity has continued to grow and they have more past the fad diet phase. They are beginning to get some mainstream recognition and with that their popularity will grow exponentially.
So if there was ever a time to jump into the keto diet micro-niche, the time is now. But you’ll need some great affiliate programs to monetize your new keto blog.
And have we got you covered? I have put together a list of 11 ketogenic affiliate programs you can deploy as part of your partner program strategy. I tried to get as diverse a selection as possible, including the company that has a keto diet plan for your dog. As more and more of the mainstream media, like this CNN article, start to talk about keto and probably get a lot wrong about it.
People are going to turn to blogs online where the real experts are. The writers use keto diets every day for weight loss or general health benefits. If you can position your keto blog now, you will be able to reap the benefits of this incredibly lucrative weight loss micro-niche.
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Perfect Keto Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Perfect Keto
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Available
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

Perfect Keto offers a good selection of keto products. From MCT Oils and Keto coffee to keto snacks, this affiliate has everything you need to get started on a keto diet. In addition to their products they also have quite a few informative articles about keto diets in general.
Their overall selection is solid as well. They have dozens of products for your keto blog audience. Add that to their great commission and you have one very good-looking affiliate program.
The Affiliate Terms
Speaking of their commission… Perfect Keto offers a very nice 15% commission for the affiliate partners. Once again we see another high commission in the keto niche. This is another indication of just how popular this micro-niche is right now. Be sure to take advantage of these high commissions and keep an eye out for any dropoffs in percentages. The cookie duration was not readily available. Ask about it when you are accepted into their partner program.
The Wrap-Up
If you can fit this affiliate into your marketing strategy and have it convert well you will have one of the best partner programs in the entire niche working for you. Perfect Keto is starting to make a name for itself as a respected and trusted source of keto products. You can use that built-in trust to propel your blog’s earnings into the stratosphere. See if it converts for you and reap the rewards.

KetoLogic Affiliate Program
- Company Name: KetoLogic
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

KetoLogic has a wide selection of keto diet-related products and supplies. They have meal replacements and supplements. Recipes and keto coaching. Just about everything you need in a keto affiliate program they have in abundance.
This is one of the premier affiliate programs in the entire keto niche. There are very few reasons not to pick this up and give it some heavy promotion with your keto diet blog. It is simply one of the best. Especially when you see its affiliate terms.
The Affiliate Program Terms
Speaking of the affiliate terms… Ketologic offers its affiliate partners a very robust 20% commission on all qualifying sales through your affiliate link. Keto diets are really an emerging niche so you would expect to see some pretty impressive commissions.
And KetoLogic does not disappoint. This is one of the best percentages on this list. The tracking cookie is no slouch either. They offer a 90-day window for purchases through your affiliate links. This is about 3 times the average in affiliate marketing currently. Always great to see a tracking cookie with this long a duration.
A great affiliate program. The commissions are outstanding the cookie is just as good. But it is the products and the name recognition that really set this affiliate p[artner apart from much of the rest. This is a must-have affiliate partner for the keto niche, in my opinion. Try and incorporate it into your blog in any way you can.

Kiss My Keto Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Kiss My Keto
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

Kiss my keto sells a great selection of keto-related products. From chocolate, coffee, and keto snacks all the way up to MCT oils you can use for your bulletproof coffee. They also have some premade keto bundles, as well as keto strips to test your ketone level to be sure you are in full ketosis during your diet.
They have it all. And some pretty good terms as well.
The Commission and the Cookie
Kiss My Keto offers a more than fair 10% commission for their partners. While not as high as some on this list, anything in double digits is more than acceptable and is worth a look for any keto blog.
The tracking cookie is very good as well. They offer a 90-day duration cookie giving your readers more than enough time to decide on their purchases and still give you a good commission for your hard work and effort.
The 30-day ShareASale Stats
- The $49.91 Average Sale is pretty good.
- The earnings per click are $10.86 EPC
The numbers look pretty good but the big issue with this partner program is they seem to have a pretty big reversal rate. This could be an outlier for their program, but it is something you will want to keep an eye on. If you promote a program that is consistently having to refund their sales then it will drive down confidence in your blog. Just be sure that it is a blip and not a trend.

The Keto Box Affiliate Program
- Company Name: The Keto Box
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: 1-day
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

Probably the best subscription box in the keto niche. With one huge drawback that we will get to in the tracking cookie section. The boxes have a wide variety of keto-friendly foods and drinks that your readers will love.
And you will love the subscription boxes as an affiliate marketer.
The Affiliate Program Terms
The commission is great at 15%. Given the type of product, they offer this is an outstanding commission. The recurring nature of their subscription box added to the 15% commission is more than enough to find a way to promote their product.
The cookie, on the other hand, is horrible. It almost kills the entire affiliate program. A 1-day tracking cookie. This is barely enough time to decide whether you want to make the purchase or not. Amazon can get away with a 24-hour cookie because they are Amazon.
But for such a niche product it is really disappointing. If not for the subscription box and the good commission this would be a hard pass as an affiliate partner. Tough to really recommend this program but it just gets the nod.
The ShareASale Stats
- The $59.74 Average Sale is outstanding
- An $8.96 Average Commission is right in line with the average sale numbers
- The earnings per click for this affiliate are $44.16 EPC
The Wrap-Up
A great subscription affiliate to have in your partner arsenal. The big issue is the 1-day tracking cookie. It is just too low, but you can still do some clever promotion and make it work. You will need to target buyer intent keywords because the cookie duration is so low. Other than that this is one of the best partner programs around. Great commission and very good and desirable products.

TruBrain Affiliate Program
- Company Name: TruBrain
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: 15-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

While TruBrain only has a few products they are high-quality and pretty high-ticket items that can really command a good commission for your blog. They also have a trial for some of their nootropics drinks. Which is always good to use for promoting a program.
How Much is the Commission?
The sales commission offered up by TruBrain is a very nice 15%. As we have seen on this list 10-15% commissions seem to be the norm for the keto niche. Whether they drop over the coming years is something to look out for but for now, reap the rewards of these great commissions.
The cookie is pretty disappointing, however. At only 14-days, your readers will have to have their mind pretty well made up for you to get the commission on this. Not impossible to work with but I would much rather see at least 30-days on the tracking cookie.
The ShareASale Stats
- The $21.15 Average Sale is pretty good.
- The average commission is a decent $4.56.
- The Earnings per click are $35.01 EPC
The Wrap-Up
A pretty low cookie but everything else is pretty good about this partner program. They have a diversity of products including many for non-keto diets. so it has a little bit of added value over a strictly keto partner program. Good commission and a decent cookie. Give it a try and see if it converts for your blog.

KetoGeek Affiliate Program
- Company Name: KetoGeek
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Leaddyno
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 120-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

KetoGeek only has a few products. Some Keto energy pods, some merchandise, and a few other products. The small product selection makes this program unsuitable for the main affiliate program for your blog. But it would work great as a small secondary partner program.
You would need to build a small promotional campaign around their products and then it would be pretty passive. At least until they expand their product offerings.
The Affiliate Program Terms
KetoGeek offers its affiliate partners a decent 10% commission. Not the greatest but not something you can really complain about. Anything in double digits is pretty good.
The cookie is outstanding. 30-days is basically the standard and KetoGeek blows that out of the water with a whopping 120-day tracking cookie. A full 4 months for you to get credit for the sale and receive your commission. Excellent.
A smaller affiliate with a great commission and one of the best cookies in the entire niche. Their product selection leaves a little to be desired but that can grow along with the brand. See if they convert for your readers and give them a try.

Keto AF Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Keto AF
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 25%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

Keto AF is a smaller affiliate program in the keto niche. They offer a small selection of keto-friendly supplements, some training, and a decent selection of merchandise like t-shirts. Overall their selection is pretty limited but they have great terms. See Below.
The Commission?
The Keto AF affiliate program offers one of the highest commissions in the Keto niche. A remarkable 25% commission on all qualifying sales. A truly great percentage and well worth trying to worth this partner program into your promotional strategy. The tracking cookie is a standard 30-day cookie. I would like to see longer tracking cookies but you can’t really complain about 30-days. It is acceptable these days.
Limited selection in their products, but a great commission and a good cookie. This is the type of partner program that either works for your audience or it doesn’t. You really can’t force this one through a ton of promotion. Their product selection is just too limited.
Give it a look and see if it converts. If so then you have yourself a great high-commissions partner program to work with. If not, pass and move on.

Keto Mojo Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Keto Mojo
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Refersion
- Sales Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No
Keto Mojo is a bit different than some of the other partner programs on this list. Their signature product is a ketone testing system. It works much as a diabetic testing kit would. But it is designed for ketones and glucose monitoring.
Ketones monitoring is essential for a good keto diet, if you fail to get your body into ketosis then you are just eating a lot of fat.
The Affiliate Program Terms
Keto Mojo offers a 5% commission for their affiliate partners. This is a bit disappointing. It is similar to Amazon’s commission, which is basically the standard to which all others are measured. It just puts a damper on the program as a whole.
The cookie however really shines. Keto Mojo offers a great 90-day cookie. This makes up for the low commission given the unique product they sell. It is worth a look just for the diversity of your partner programs.
The Wrap-Up
The cookie is great the commission is less so. But the product is very good. This is an affiliate program you will want to try and integrate it into your blog if at all possible. Even with the low commission, the products are pretty high-ticket items.
The ketone monitor system is also going to be super useful for people who are serious about a keto diet. Plus it is quite a bit different from the other programs on this list. Give it a look and see how it works for you.
Healthful Pursuit Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Healthful Pursuit
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No

Healthful Pursuit is another interesting affiliate program for the keto diet niche. They don’t sell supplements or keto snack instead they design and sell complete meal plans and recipes for you to use when undertaking a keto diet.
It may seem like a simple idea but anyone who has tried a keto diet knows how hard it can be to keep your carbs low enough to get your body into ketosis. It can be a real struggle. So a program like this will be invaluable for many people.
Their plans lay out everything you need from shopping lists to day-by-day meal plans. Their plans have a variety of different ways you can approach your diet. From gluten and allergy-free alternatives to dairy-free recipe ideas.
This is a very good affiliate program to have especially if it converts well with your audience. Looking at the affiliate terms you can see why you want this program in your corner.
That Commission
The best commission on the list. An absolutely staggering 50% commission for their affiliate partners. It does not get much better than this and you should absolutely try and fit this partner into your keto blog. It is hard to pass up. So give it a try and see if it converts to your audience. I was unable to find out about the tracking cookie. You will have to inquire about it when you sign up for their affiliate package.
The Wrap-Up
A very good affiliate program. If it converts for your blog it can be a real earner. It will take a bit of savvy promotion to get people to sign up but that will be rewarded with the outstanding commission. The best commission by percentage in the Keto Niche. At least of the programs that I came across.
KetoNatural Pet Foods Affiliate Program

- Company Name: KetoNatural
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: $20 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: Yes

Here is something a little different for this list. While this is a keto affiliate it is also a pet partner program. You could deploy it in either niche. Their product is a keto-based dog food that does away with all the grains and rice and most of the carbs.
It is definitely a unique partner program for the keto niche. It is also a really fun little affiliate that you can build a section of your keto blog around. The terms are pretty good as well. Let’s give them a look next.
The Terms?
KetoNatural forgoes the traditional percentage commission and offers a flat fee of $20 for a qualifying sale. The payout criteria was a little bit vague so be sure to ask about it before promoting this partner program. They also offer auto-0approval, great for new blogs without a huge chunk of traffic.
The tracking cookie is 90-days. Once again, this is a great duration for a cookie and a welcome sight these days when 30-days seems to be the standard for most affiliate programs.
30-day Stats
The 30-day ShareASale stats look absolutely fantastic.
- The $63.69 Average Sale is very good and a welcome sight.
- The $20.00 Average Commission is to be expected given the flat fee.
- The earnings per click is a great $49.88 EPC.
The Wrap-Up
A great little affiliate partner program to use in your keto blog. The unique keto dog food approach can give you an extra outlet for your keto blog. The terms are fantastic and the overall stats look great. If you can fit this partner program into your blog then it will be sure to produce some nice commissions for you.

My Keto Snack Box LLC Affiliate Program
- Company Name: My Keto Snack Box
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Health and Fitness
- Auto-Approval?: No
Normally I only do a top 10 affiliate programs list. But I decided to throw in a bonus program because it is a subscription box and the other one on this list only has a 24-hour cookie.
My Keto Snack Box is perfectly named because that is exactly what you get from this affiliate program. A keto snack box is delivered each month for a nominal fee of around $38 dollars. They also offer prepaid gift boxes that are set up in advance. You can promote both the subscription and the gift boxes or focus on the one that converts best with your specific audience.
The Terms?
The commission is only 5%. Yes, that is a little lower than I would like to see. But their product is subscription-based. That somewhat makes up for it. The other main subscription box on this list has a much better commission but only a 1-day cookie.
My Keto Snack Box gives you the full 30-day tracking cookie duration. This is outstanding for a partner program like this and really puts it on par with the other subscription box program. The commission is largely irrelevant if the cookie is way too low.
ShareASale Statistics
The 30-day ShareASale statistics for My Keto Box look pretty decent. Not great but decent. The numbers indicate a little more promotion might be needed to get the best out of this partner program.
- The $32.30 Average Sale is pretty good.
- The Earnings per click are $4.50 EPC
- The $1.62 Average Commission is right about where you would expect a 5% commission to be given the average sale.
The Wrap-Up
A decent subscription affiliate program for you to use in your affiliate marketing strategy. The commission is quite low but the cookie is nice and the product is pretty great and should be easy to promote. The question you have to answer is which one converts better this or The Keto Box.
Final Thoughts On Keto Affiliate Programs
The keto diet niche is growing in popularity daily. It does show any signs of slowing down. If you are planning to jump into this highly competitive niche now is the time to do it. Hopefully, these affiliate programs will give you some ideas on how to monetize your keto blog.
There are so many ways you can incorporate keto into a health and fitness or weight loss blog if you choose to go that route. Or if you already have a health blog and are looking to expand. Some of these affiliate programs are outstanding and could really help you maximize your blog income.
At the end of the day, you will have to find which affiliate programs work best for your specific audience and deploy them in the best way possible. This list only has 11 entries, there are dozens more specifically designed for this niche. Use the ones that work best for you, and I hope this list has given you some great ideas for which affiliate partner programs to use.
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