The Joy Organics Affiliate Program Review

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Too often people don’t put enough thought into affiliate programs they are going to use for their passive income blog. 

They simply find the biggest commission and then try to shoehorn that into their blog. 

It’s not the best way to go about things. Choosing an affiliate program is a little more involved than just the commission.

There are some questions you should ask of each and every affiliate program you choose to promote.

Is promoting Joy Organics worth your time.  What are some of the pros and cons of the Joy Organics affiliate program?

Of course, we’ll take a look at the affiliate terms and products offered up by Joy Organics that you can promote to your readers.

Read on to find out if the joy organic affiliate program is something that can help your passive income website reach new heights.

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The Joy Organics Affiliate Program

Now we’re going to get into the bulk of the larger review. I want to begin by giving a little bit of background on the company itself.

I think it’s important to recognize the company that you’re going to be promoting and make sure that you’re comfortable with their history.

Then we’ll move on to the good stuff the commission, the cookie, and the products that you’re going to be promoting in order to make your passive income CBD business a success.

What Is Joy Organics?

Joy Organics is a family founded CBD retailer. Founder Joy Smith struggled with shoulder pain until she found CBD oils.

With her husband, Todd Smith, she founded Joy Organics in hopes of delivering high-quality CBD products to those in need of relief.

The Smith family continues to run the wonderful little CBD shop to this day.

Stories like these and family-owned retailers are a great boost for an affiliate marketer if you can become a partner with these great retailers.

They may be a smaller player in the huge CBD Industry, but they are poised to disrupt this growing sector.

The CBD industry could reach 20 billion by 2024(source) and Joy Organics is going to get a nice piece of that pie as will their affiliate partners.

The Joy Organics Product Line

Joy Organics Product line isn’t the most extensive that you’re going to find in the CBD niche. They have your typical lineup of CBD products. But they only sell their own branded items.

Therefore you’re not going to find an overwhelming amount of CBD products from a variety of Manufacturers like you would at a more General CBD retailer.

But I don’t consider this to be negative. Each one of their branded products is something that you can generate a lot of content off of.

You can review each product as its own separate entity and these products aren’t found in many other places. In some cases, they are specific to the retailer that manufactures them.

Joy Organics offers CBD gummies, tinctures, soft gels, energy drink mixes and many other types of CBD products that you can promote on your website.

They also have a small selection of CBD pet products that you can promote on either a CBD website or even a pet website if you have one of those.

 Overall I think the products that Joy Organics is offering are fantastic. They’re unique they’re interesting and they’re very high quality.

For an affiliate marketer, this is an ideal situation and when you put on top of it that these products can be quiet expensive you get the whole package that you really need as an online entrepreneur.

The Joy Organics Commission

The affiliate commission that you get from any partner program is what most people look at first when they’re deciding whether or not to promote the product from that particular program.

There’s no doubt that the commission is an incredibly important part of an affiliate program but it’s not the end-all-be-all.

The affiliate program has to have great products to promote and you have to be comfortable promoting them to your specific audience.

That being said when you come across a commission like the one offered by Joy Organics you really have to take note of it.

They offer their affiliate Partners a 25% Commission I’m coughing sales through your affiliate link.

This is an incredible commission for a retail product. It also reflects just how competitive the CBD Market is right now.

Typically, when a new market starts to open up a little bit and get into the mainstream you’ll see these commissions start a very high and then gradually time moves on.

To be sure to take advantage of these great commissions while you can, but make sure the products that you’re promoting are high quality and have a good conversion rate.

The Tracking Cookie For Joy Organics

I always feel like the tracking cookie is a little bit overlooked when it comes to judging and affiliate marketing program.

There are some cases where the affiliate program doesn’t even list the tracking cookie publicly and just expect you to find it once you join up.

It can be frustrating when trying to review these affiliate programs if you don’t have all the information available to you.

But that is certainly not the case with Joy Organics. They add to what is already a fantastic affiliate program with an outstanding track and cookie.

They give you a full 60-day tracking cookie. This is about double what a typical Charlotte program is going to give you.

Far more than the tracking cookie from Amazon Associates which only gives you about 20 hours.

Given the prices of Joy Organics products, a 60-day cookie is absolutely perfect.

Since their products run a little bit high in price in some instances, you’re going to really want that extra time for your audience to decide whether they want to make the purchase or not.

It still gives you an opportunity to make that Commission you worked so hard to get.

Kudos to Joy organic for taking the tracking cookie part of the partner program seriously. It’s very nice to see

The Popularity Of Joy Organics

Popularity is another one of those overlooked aspects of an affiliate partner program. The more popular and recognizable the brand that you’re promoting is the less work you have to do promoting that brand.

If people already know the brand then you can focus on promoting specific items within that brand without having to explain to people what the company is behind it.

In the case of Joy Organics, they are pretty small CBD supplier. So you’re going to need to educate your audience a little bit about who they are and what they do in the history of the company.

It just means a little bit more work for the affiliate marketer and it’s not really a big negative for the most part. But it does mean that your conversion rates are going to be lower until you can build up a trust between your audience and the company behind the affiliate program.

The Best Niche For Joy Organics

There is really only one niche that this affiliate program is suitable for. And that, of course, is the CBD niche.

The products are specifically CBD-based and there’s really no other options in terms of where you could deploy this type of affiliate program other than maybe a supplement type website.

But ideally, you would want to stick to a CBD Niche website this promoting and educating people about CBD and its uses.

Alternatives To Joy Organics

CBD is an incredibly large niche for bloggers. And it is growing every single day. So there are plenty of alternatives to Joy Organics if you don’t feel like it’s a good fit for your specific audience.

I will stuff you specific examples of other CBD retailers that you can use in its place but for a more comprehensive list check out our article on great CBD affiliate programs.

Alternative Affiliate Programs

  • Hemp Bombs
  • CBD Pure
  • Savage CBD
  • CBD Essense
  • CBD Medic

CBD dropper on a heamp leaf
CBD Oils Are An Up And Coming Business

Joy Organics Partner Program Wrap-Up

That brings us to the end of our look at the Joy Organics affiliate program. Now it’s over to you to decide whether this partner can help boost your CBD Niche website or not.

As with any affiliate program, you’re going to need to run some tests to find out if your specific audience really likes the product being offered by a certain partner.

No amount of Great Commissions or great products are going to make any difference if your audience isn’t going to convert with that particular partner program.

Give joy Organics a look and see where it fits into your overall affiliate strategy. Check back soon for more looks at affiliate programs, niche resources that can help you build a fantastic passive income website.

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