This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
The fantasy sports niche is an incredibly competitive one. Technically it would be a micro-niche really since each sport has its own fantasy leagues and games. Fantasy football alone is a hugely competitive micro-niche.
And like any good blogging niche, there are usually a bunch of affiliate programs that spring up to support it. Fantasy sports are no exception.
We have put together a list of 10 fantasy sports affiliate programs for you here.
Choose the ones that best fit your blog’s audience and use them to monetize your great content.
Not only will you write about what you love you will make a little extra cash as well. If you already have the passion for fantasy sports, take the next step and share that love of the game with the rest of the world.
Finding great partner programs is a huge part of learning affiliate marketing. It is not always about finding the highest commission or just using Amazon for everything.
In fact, this niche is one that Amazon cannot really be used for, making finding these other partner programs essential to your affiliate marketing success.
The affiliate partners on this list are as diverse as we good make them.
We have fantasy diagnostic and strategy tools that your readers can purchase, sites like Fanduel that offer daily fantasy games, and even some partners that offer trophies and championship belts for the league winners.
Whichever you choose, I hope they will help take your fantasy sports blog to the next level and start earning you some extra income for your hard work.
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Let’s get into it.

Have A Look At These Great Fantasy Sports Affiliate Programs
Dedicated fantasy sports blogs are an incredibly competitive niche. You are going to have to be spot on with your research and get the right affiliate for your specific audience.
Choose your affiliate wisely and take it slow, don’t try and take on the entire fantasy world right out of the gate. Start small and grow.
Fantasy sports can be a lucrative blogging niche. You have the affiliate to make that happen all you need now is to create the content and get the conversions.
Good affiliate marketing training can help you sort that out in a way that will be sustainable for years to come.
The Quant Edge Affiliate Program

- Company Name: The Quant Edge
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
The Quant Edge is a website that specializes in fantasy tools for its subscribers. You will want to promote them as a landing spot for anyone who takes their fantasy sports seriously and wants to win their leagues or daily games instead of playing for fun.
Quant Edge does have some gambling sections and tools, so be aware of that if you are strictly a fantasy sports blog. But the tools it offers for fantasy basketball and football are very impressive and well worth a look if you want to promote them to your readers.
The Quant Edge Affiliate Program offers its partners a 20% commission for all referrals to their site. They offer monthly plans for both fantasy and a sportsbook. The 20% commission is recurring for the affiliate partner when someone uses your link to sign up for their fantasy tools.
The regular monthly fee is 29.99 a month for the fantasy tools, so the 20% commission will make for a nice bit of income for your blog. The Quant Edge also offers a 30-day tracking cookie allowing your readers enough time to decide on starting a subscription or not.
The 30-day ShareASale Statistics are not overwhelming. The $13.00 Average Sale is ok. The average commission is $2.60, which is right in line and the earnings per click are $4.41 EPC. Decent but nothing spectacular.
Overall a pretty good affiliate program to promote. The terms are great and the product is good as well. The only trouble is the monthly fee is quite high for fantasy tools. This might limit the number of sign-ups but it is still worth it to promote on your fantasy sports blog.
The Action Network Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Fantasy Labs
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: $9 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
This website has 2 sections. One is a gambling and betting section. But the one we are interested in is the fantasy sports part of the site.
When you sign up through ShareASale it will be called the Action Network. But the name of the actual site is Fantasy Labs.
It will be pretty clear once you get signed up for the affiliate program. At any rate, this website offers a large suite of tools for your fantasy sports enthusiasts. All the major US sports have their own sections and tools for your readers to dig into.
The analysis, models, and tools offered by their service are pretty in-depth. All the analytics that you need to make informed decisions in your daily fantasy games are there to be used and will hopefully give your readers the results they desire.
Fantasy Labs offers a $9 flat fee for their affiliate partners. I think commission percentages tend to be a little more desirable but this flat fee seems decent.
The tracking cookie is a pretty standard one at 30-days.
The quoted earnings per click in the ShareASale Statistics are $68.18 EPC. This is a very high number and maybe an anomaly, so check back often to see if it stays this high over another 30-day period.
The tools offered here are pretty good and the service itself looks to be top-notch. However, the affiliate terms are a little underwhelming as the flat fee seems a little low.
It is also unclear if the fee is recurring, I will update as I gather more information about this particular aspect of the terms.
FanDuel Affiliate Program

- Company Name: FanDuel
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 35%
- Tracking Cookie: 2 Year Referal Period
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
FanDuel is one of the biggest names in fantasy sports online. You have probably seen their advertisements on television and all over the web.
They specialize in daily fantasy games where you can win real money. And they seem to be expanding into sportsbooks and gambling as it becomes legal in the United States.
They have games for your readers to play year-round in just about every sport. You could build your entire blog around just this affiliate partner but I would recommend diversifying your associate programs at least a little.
The best thing to do is run some tests and see if this affiliate converts well with your audience.
If it does then you have a real winner here.
Fan Duel has a two-tiered compensation structure for its affiliate partners and it is a good one. You get a 25 dollar flat fee for each new referral to FanDuel.
However, that flat finder’s fee can go up to as much as $35 dollars per referral when a certain number of new players sign-up through your affiliate link.
After that, you receive 35% of their expenditures for all of your referrals. The referral period lasts for 2 years.
What this means is that you will no longer receive any commission from a referral after 2 years have passed. Even with this limitation, it is a pretty great deal all around.
Overall this is one of the 2 huge daily fantasy websites. A must-have for any fantasy sports website. The terms are good and the site is well known and very popular.
Undisputed Belts Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Undisputed Belts
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 15-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Football
- Auto-Approval?: No
This partner program is a bit different from the others on this list. This store offers physical championship belts that fantasy league owners can buy and use as rewards for the winners of their leagues.
This is a very niche affiliate program even inside the fantasy sports niche. But it is always a good idea to have a diverse set of affiliate programs.
This definitely fits the bill and could earn you a little extra income without the need to really promote it heavily.
Undisputed Belts offers its affiliate partners a 5% commission on all qualifying sales.
While this will seem low compared to many of the other programs on this list, it is because Undisputed Belts sells physical items and that usually means a lower commission.
A look at the ShareASale 30-days stats turns up some decent numbers. The $129.00 Average Sale is nice to see.
The commission is right where you would expect a 5% commission to be for this type of product. And the earnings per click is a serviceable $7.87 EPC.
There tracking cookie is below average as well. They only offer a 15-day cookie. While this is not great it could be much worse.
Overall this is a fun little affiliate program to have for your fantasy sports blog. It won’t bring in a ton of money or traffic but having it available will add a little more value to your blog.
Draft Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Draft
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: $25 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
Draft is another daily fantasy service very similar to Draft Kings or Fan Duel. They are a little newer than the other players in this business but they seem to have a good product and are trying to gain market share.
Draft would work as a good alternative to the other daily fantasy websites but you will probably need to put in some extra promotion since they do not have the recognition of the more established brands.
They have the usual suspects when it comes to fantasy games. Football, basketball, baseball, etc.
All the major sports leagues are available and they offer weekly and season-long fantasy games in addition to their daily games.
The Draft affiliate program offers a $25 dollar flat fee to their partners. It works very simply. When someone signs up for their service using your affiliate link and makes a deposit into their new account you get a $25 dollar flat fee as compensation.
However, their cookie duration was not readily available. Will update this when we can.
Fantasy Football Nerds Affiliate Program

- Company Name: FFN
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 15%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
Fantasy Football Nerds or FFN is a website that aggregates a ton of fantasy information to give its members some of the best statistical analysis for fantasy football.
It claims to draw its rankings from the biggest fantasy football site on the internet.
They have a ton of tools available including a decent amount of free tools for your readers to use.
They help your fantasy prospects by giving you sit/start recommendations based on their analytics each and every week of the season.
Fantasy Football Nerds offers a very nice 15% commission to their affiliate partners. However, during the research, I was unable to find a tracking cookie duration.
Inquiries have been made and I will try and update you when I have the information.
This is an interesting affiliate to have. It is something that your readers would need to get in addition to a fantasy sports site like Fanduel.
These are tools to improve performance they don’t offer the fantasy games themselves.
Draft Kings Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Draft Kings
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 25%
- Tracking Cookie: 2 Year Referral Period
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
The other 600lb gorilla in the room. Along with Fanduel, Draft Kings is one of the most recognized and popular daily fantasy sports websites around. They have everything you need to have a great time playing games every day.
They offer year-round fantasy games from every major sports league in the US. But, they also have tons of other sports leagues from around the world. Euro basketball, MMA, all sorts of soccer and tennis games.
Any fantasy sports blog would do well to have Draft Kings or Fanduel as their centerpiece affiliate program. You might even try to have both and see which one converts best with your particular readers.
The terms offered by Draft Kings are very good as well. They offer 25% commissions for all expenditures by anyone you referred through your affiliate links.
However, that referral period only lasts 2 years. After that, you will no longer receive a commission for that specific referral.
However, 2years is a pretty good length for you to earn commissions for your blog. And this should not be viewed as a negative since they only have to sign up through your affiliate link once and you get a commission for the duration of the referral.
Draft Dashboard Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Draft Dashboard
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ClickBank
- Sales Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: Lifetime
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: Yes
Draft Dashboard offers a large suite of Daily fantasy tools for your readers to use in their various fantasy games.
Their specialty is optimizing the daily line-ups of your reader’s fantasy teams. They are optimized for large fantasy sites like Fanduel and Draft Kings.
This makes the affiliate program especially useful when paired up with those fantasy sports websites.
You could promote them together and enhance both affiliate programs. Drat Dashboard also offers a 30-day free trial so your readers can try it before they buy.
The terms of the Draft Dashboard Partner Program are pretty great. They offer their associate partners a whopping 50% commission on all referrals.
This makes it easy to promote knowing you are going to get such a high recurring commission on their subscription services.
The tracking cookie is also top-notch. They offer a lifetime cookie. So if someone uses your link you will get a commission if they ever make a purchase from Draft Dash.
A great affiliate program, provided your readers love the product. It compliments many of the other partner programs on this list perfectly and has great terms. If it converts for you it will be one of your best earners.
Fanpicks Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Fanpicks
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 35%
- Tracking Cookie: Lifetime
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
Fanpicks is a daily fantasy sports website that is a direct competitor to Fanduel and Draft Kings. They are an up-and-coming entry into the DFS world.
They have games for all the major sports leagues and claim that they are the only daily fantasy site that has college games available for your readers to play.
The college angle is a great way to promote this partner. It sets it apart from the other DFS sites by offering something no one else has.
This could really be a great selling point depending on your audience. If it resonates with them then this might be the best DFS partner program for you to use.
The terms of this program make it that much more appealing. Fanpicks offers a remarkable 35% commission. Just outstanding for a DFS partner program.
It is on par with the other daily fantasy sports websites and 10% more than Draft Kings.
The referrals are also recurring in most cases and you get a special 50% commission for the first 30-days that you are an affiliate partner.
The cookie is also great. Fan Picks has a lifetime tracking cookie.
One of the best partner programs in the entire niche. The only thing that works against it is that it is not as well known as Draft Kings or Fan Duel.
But with some clever promotion, you should be able to get this great program to convert for you.
DFS Army Affiliate Program

- Company Name: DFS Army
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 3-days
- Website URL:
- Niche: Fantasy Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
DFS Army is a training system and website dedicated to giving you the best chance at winning your daily fantasy challenges. They focus on concepts and strategies to get the best line-ups for each game you play.
Their philosophy is to teach you how to construct a line-up, the reasoning, and methodology behind the line-up construction. This way you can really understand and apply your knowledge to your fantasy sports games.
The DFS Army affiliate program offers a very nice 20% commission to their partners. However, The tracking cookie offered by the DFS Army Affiliate program is only 3-days.
It is a bit of a downer given the nice commission. So you will have to work around the very short tracking cookie.
This is an interesting partner program. It compliments your DFS programs, like Fan Duel and Draft Kings very well.
Using this affiliate program to enhance the others is a great way to add some income and value to your fantasy blog.
Maximizing Your Fantasy Sports Affiliate Programs
There you have it.
10 top affiliate programs for your fantasy sports blog. There are some other affiliate programs that you could use for this niche, but I feel these are the best and most diverse you can find. There is a little bit of everything.
These are just the beginning, affiliate marketing takes time to learn properly and you will get a feel for what type of affiliate programs are going to convert best for your audience through trial and error over time.
Huge daily fantasy gaming site to websites specializing in tools and analytics for your fantasy teams.
It is always good to have a good amount of diversity in your affiliate arsenal. Choose a few, run some tests and get started promoting these gems.
Once you show your great content to the world there is nothing that is going to stop your new fantasy sports blog.
And content is the driving force behind everything in this business. Whether it is written or video or images the content you produce will have the biggest impact on the success of your blog in this or any niche.
So good luck with your new fantasy sports blog. Whether you focus on football or basketball, soccer or baseball, or any other sport that you have a passion for.
You can use these partner programs to turn that love into a nice side income and eventually a real full-time income online.
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