This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
Hello everybody and welcome back. Today we are going to be taking a look at a coffee affiliate program that might just be the one you are looking for to add something new to your coffee niche website.
The partner in question is Strava Craft Coffee Company. This is a very interesting affiliate partner for your coffee niche site as it infuses coffee with CBD.
This makes it an enticing affiliate partner for both CBD niches and coffee niches looking to add a little something extra to their affiliate strategy.
I want to take a look at the commission and the tracking cookie, as well as some of the best niches for you to use with this partner program. Finally, I want to take a brief look at what to expect from this affiliate should you decide to apply to them.
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What Is The Strava Affiliate Program?
The Strava Craft Coffee Affiliate program is a referral program that allows content creators to monetize their content by placing Strave affiliate links into that content.
When someone uses the affiliate links and then makes a purchase from Strava Craft Coffee, the affiliate marketer recieves a small commission for their promotion al work. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online.
- Affiliate Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie Duration: 30-days
- Affiliate Network: Refersion
- Auto-Approval?: No
- Affiliate Niche: Coffee
- Join The Strava Affiliate Program Here
The 10% Commission
To get us started I thought we would take a look at teh commission on offer from Strava Coffee. It is a pretty stadard 10% commission. Standard doesn’t mean bad. Infact any time you get a dfouble digit commission you are going to do just fine.
Amazon Associates, for exampl, only offers between 1% and 3% for most of the products. You can see how much more effieicent a 10% commision will be.
I want to talk briefly about commissions in general when it comes to affiliate prorgrams. It is important not to base you affiliate descisions soley on the commission.
A high commission is great but if the products are not good or the partner program doesn’t convert then a high commission is pointless. Balance the commission with the overall quality of the affiliate partner.
The good news is that Strava appears to be a well rounded affiliate with a solid commission and good products that should convert quite well.
The tracking cookie is a pretty standard 30-days. To be honest you don’t really need much more than that for the products you are going to be promoting from Strava.
None of them are high-ticket items so you should be alright with just the 30-days. That said you always want as long a tracking cookie duration as possible.
How To Make Money With The Strava Affiliate Program
Making money with the Strava Craft Coffee partner program is going to be pretty straightforward. If you are in the coffee niche you can incorporate it into your “best of” or list content.
A solid article or video on the “10 best CBD Coffees For 2021” might be the type of article that you could use for this affiliate. Information content about the virtues of CBD imbued coffee might also be a great way to approach this affiliate in a coffee niche.
Really anywhere that you can fit CBD coffee into your content is a great place to start displaying your Strava affiliate links.
It works the same way for a CBD focused niche site. Incorporating a list of good CBD infused coffees would be a great place to incorporate the Strava affiliate program.
Even a more general article about a variety of CBD infused products or beverages would be a great place to place these affiliate links. Even if the article is not coffee specific, placing Strava links alongside CBD tea or CBD infused Juices would be an ideal place to generate traffic.
The best way to incorparate Strava into your affiliate strategy is ultimately going to be up to you. You are the boss afterall. Listen to your audience, what they say and more importanly what they do when it comes to your Strava Coffee realted content.
That should give you a great idea on how to proceed with this affiliate partner and start making some real income online with them.
The final thing I want to add is about the Strava website in general. It has a good layout and is very easy to navigate. It might seem like a small thing but the look of the website you are sending your audience to matters.
If it looks like it was built in the 90s then the conversions are going to be lower. People are used to an Amazon level of ease these days so try and find affiliates with solid, fast, and functional websites
Best Niches For Strava Craft Coffee
Given that this is CBD infused coffee, the Strava partner program would be a great asset to both coffee niches and CBD based niches.
If you are operating a coffee niche website you will want to make sure that the majority of your audience is ok with CBD products. It should not be much of an issue at this point as CDB products are pretty mainstream at this point but just test it out first and see how your audience reacts.
For CBD niches it will be a pretty smooth transition and your audience will most likely be comfortable with CBD infused products and you will have a good amount of coffee drinkers among your readers.
There are other places that you could incorporate Strava products into a niche. A cooking niche might work well. Health and nutrition niches could work as well if you have some cotnent dedicated to CBD on your site.
I think the effectiveness of the affiliate program might be a bit less on some of the tangential niche sites but the main ones, coffee, and CBD should be ideal spots to promote the Strava Coffee line of products.
The Bottom Line TLDR
- Affiliate Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie Duration: 30-days
- Affiliate Network: Refersion
- Auto-Approval?: No
- Affiliate Niche: Coffee
- Join The Strava Affiliate Program Here
That wraps up our look at the Strava Coffee affiliate program. This would make a nice addition to just about ay coffee niche site. It also works great for CBD ncihes.
The bottom line is that you have a solid commission and tracking cookie blended together with interesting products that are becoming more and more popular each passing day.
Perhaps you have avoided CBD product until now. Strava can help ease you into the CBD space with their solid coffee products. I recommend this affiliate for anyone in the coffee or CBD niches.
Just remember that it will come down to your specific audience and the conversion rates of this affiliate partner that will determine the overall success of this affiliate program. It is certainly worth a try for just about everyone.
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