Can You Make Money With The Lifeboost Coffee Affiliate Program?

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Hey there everyone. Coffee is one of the more surprising niches when it comes to blogging and affiliate marketing. There are a lot of coffee niche sites out there because it seems like an easy way to build an online business.

The result of all these coffee niche sites is that there are a lot of unprofitable coffee niche websites. A mixture of poor content and low-paying affiliates, Like Amazon Associates (1% for coffee products) means that a lot of the potential is wasted.

The quality of content is up to you but there are plenty of coffee affiliate programs that will give you a much better return that Amazon Associates. Lifeboost Coffee is one of those affiliate programs that just might be what you are looking for.

So let us take a look at it and see if you can make money with the Lifeboost Coffee affiliate program.

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lifeboost coffee screenshot
Lifeboost Coffee Offers A Great Commission For Your Coffee Niche Website

What Is The Lifeboost Coffee Affiliate Program?

The Lifeboost Coffee Affiliate Program is a program design to allow content creators to promote Lifeboost Coffee in their content and recieve a commission for sales made through those affiliate links.

Coffee and tea niches can be very lucrative as long as you can find ones with a good affiliate commission to make the most of the lower priced products.

Lifeboost Coffee is a great example of a coffee affiliate program with a great commission for their partners.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start an online business without a large amount of up front capitol. With time and effort it can produce a full time income.

The $30 Flat Fee Commission

It is somewhat surprising to see a flat fee for a coffee affiliate program. Typically these are percentage commissions for the coffee products. But those are usually based on individual products in a more traditional affiliate marketing system.

The $30 flat-fee offered by Lifeboost Coffee breaks with that mold a bit by offering a subscription service option that can really help boost your overall affiliate business.

The commission seems almost too good to be true but as far as I can tell you get that $30 flat fee for most sales through your affiliate links.

I would suggest getting the specifics on their commission structure just to be sure but all the publicly available info points to one of the best coffee affiliate programs currently available.

If you are operating a coffee niche site then you owe it to your business to at least consider Lifeboost Coffee as an option for your affiliate strategy. The commission is simply one of the best in the industry.

The Tracking Cookie Duration

I was unable to find an axact tracking cookie duration for this affiliate partner. You will need to ask about it when you sign up for their program.

I suspect it will be in the 30+ day range which will make it a great option for most affiliates, but that is just a guess so be sure to ask.

One thing I will add is that a solid tracking cookie duration can really help out the overall conversion rate for any affiliate program.

Getting The Most Out Of Lifeboost Coffee

I think you can expect a coffee affiliate with an incredibly good pedigree in both flavor and environmental sustainability. It makes for good content to build your coffee niche around.

The website looks solid as well. It is pretty fast and easy to navigate through all the many coffee types that they sell and you can promote.

Here is a look at some of what makes this coffee so special. Its organic and grown in a way that makes it one of the highest quality coffee that you can promote.

  • USDA Certified Organic beans
  • Single-origin
  • Mycotoxin-free and pesticide-free
  • Tested for over 400 toxins
  • Fairly traded

From a content perspective, you can expect to promote their coffee the same way you would any other coffee affiliate program. Top 10 lists and best of lists always benefit from new additions if you feel they are worthy of a place.

Having a number of coffees in very specific lists is a great content method. Adding Lifeboost coffee to a “best single-source organic coffee” list is just an example of how to get the most out of this affiliate.

There are hundreds if not thousands of other coffee keywords that would be the ideal place to start developing content. A solid affiliate and great content is a great combination for any affiliate marketer.

Best Niches For Lifeboost Coffee

The niches for this affiliate partner are pretty straightforward. It is a coffee affiliate so that is probably going to be your best bet when using this partner.

However, you could also incorporate this into an organic products niche sight or a health niche site.

A fasting niche website in the health niche might work well since coffee fits into both fasting and keto lifestyles.

A more general tea and coffee niche site would be a great place to use this affiliate alongside tea affiliate programs and other coffee affiliate programs.

A niche site built around morning routines or a lifestyle niche site might also be a great place to promote the Lifeboost Coffee brand.

The bottom line is that there are quite a few possibilities for the coffee affiliate partner and you might just be surprised how well it does even if you are not directly in the coffee niche.

The Wrap Up

Coffee can be a great place to plant your online business. Lifeboost Coffee can help make that dream a reality by offering one of the best commissions in the coffee niche.

The real question is how will your audeince react to this new affiliate program. If they love it then you have yourself a great opportunity, if not you will have to move on.

But be sure to run some tests with it and give it a good solid chance to see if this coffee affiliate works well with your specific audience.

Choosing an affiliate program is not an exact science. It takes some trial and error to find the perfect affiliate for your specific audience.

You should always be looking to improve on them when you can without compromising your existing affiliate partners. The more you test affiliate programs the more you will begin to see what works and what doesn’t with your tribe.

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Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.