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Welcome, everyone. Michael here and today I want to take a look at AloeVeritas. This is a Multi-level marketing opportunity in the skincare/beauty niche. We will take a close look at what it has to offer and answer the question Can You Make Money With AloeVeritas?
Let’s take a look at AloeVeritas and see if this MLM opportunity is worth the time, effort and money you need to invest.
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Aloe Is Big Business And AloeVeritas Is An Opportunity In This Niche
A Closer Look At AloeVeritas
- Company Name: AloeVeritas
- Business Niche: Skincare/Beauty
- Cost To Join: $49-$999 Plus Ongoing Product Costs
There are certainly people who make money by being an AloeVeritas “Lifestyle Coach”. But most people end up losing money from Multi-level marketing opportunities including AloeVeritas. It is possible to make money with them but highly unlikely.
The slim number of products available is a real problem as well. I count less than a dozen products on their website. If you are interested in MLM I would suggest trying affiliate marketing instead. It is similar without the need to buy the products upfront.
What Is AloeVeritas
AloeVeritas is a health and wellness company that focuses on products made with Aloe vera. They have a small product line and a business opportunity that allows people to join as a Lifestyle coach and resell their products. The company is based out of Plano, Texas according to its website.
What Is The Cost To Join AloeVeritas?
As with most MLM’s AloeVeritas has a tiered cost structure. The cheapest is the Lifestyle Coach Membership. What do you get for this? Not a whole lot.
Lifestyle Coach Membership – $49.99
- 1 x Annual Membership Fee
- Access to the AloeVeritas Digital Back Office
- Digital Marketing Material, Business Resources Personal, And Training Videos
- AloeVeritas Website (1 Year)
The price goes up from there. from $199-$999 depending on the level of membership. The big difference between tiers is how much of their products and promotional material you get.
For example, the $199 dollar membership gives you a couple tubes of their products, some sample packs and a top of brochures and magazines.
As you move it just gives you more products to resell. That is really the only difference. You can check out the full line of membership options right here.
Is The AloeVeritas Product Line Any Good?
Evaluating the products for these types of multi-level marketing companies is always a bit tough. I’m not an expert in the skincare or beauty niche. So I have to take the approach of looking at these products from a pure consumer point of view of someone who is looking to purchase these products.
So I can’t really go into detail on the specific pros and cons of each product as they relate to the beauty Niche. That’s something that you, as a beauty or skincare expert is going to have to decide if you choose to promote their products or if you choose to go another route.
The one issue I do have with their product is that they don’t have a whole lot of them. the product page on their website only has A few products listed. This to me is a bit of an issue. It means that if you do choose to join their lifestyle coaching program and resell their products you are not going to have a whole lot of diversity in the products you are going to need to sell to make a profit.
That puts an awful lot of pressure on the multi-level marketing part of the equation. It means you’re going to need to build a network to Breakeven which is a very big problem for me especially in the age of affiliate marketing and other ways to make money online.
Return On Investment Potential
Like most other multi-level marketing companies you really have to spend quite a bit of money upfront in order to get started. You’re going to need to pay the membership fee as well as by some of their products to resell.
The commission percentage appears to be 20% for any sales that you make with their products. Do it works with MLM companies is that you buy the products at a 20% discount and then resell them at the full price.
This is different from affiliate marketing in that with affiliate marketing you don’t buy the products at all you simply promote them and then get a percentage of that sale.
After the initial commission percentage, you can start to get more levels of commissions from anyone that you sign up under you that’s where the multi-level marketing aspect really starts.
This isn’t an out-and-out Aloeveritas review so I’m not going to go into a great deal of detail about the individual tears of this particular MLM. The truth is they look almost identical to just about every other multi-level marketing company out there.
The bottom line is that down line sales do contribute to your overall profit potential with this multi-level marketing opportunity And they are crucial to being profitable overall.
This is, in my opinion, one of the big flaws with multi-level marketing. You were relying on other people joining your network in order to make a decent amount of money. Affiliate marketing is a commission-based structure that the majority of your money will be made from you promoting the products and not having to worry about signing new people up to that affiliate program.
Related Questions
Here are a couple of questions that always come up when dealing with Multi-level marketing companies. Invariably someone always asks if they are a scam. 95% of the time they will not be but it is always best to ask and be sure.
Is AloeVeritas A Scam?
AloeVeritas is not a scam. They have legitimate products that you can buy and resell and they seem to have an above-board business structure. There is a big gap between being a scam and being a good business opportunity, however. AloeVeritas is neither a scam or a good way to make money, in my opinion.
Is AloeVeritas A Pyramid Scheme?
I would not call it an out and out pyramid scheme. Building your network is a crucial part of actually making money from this direct marketing opportunity, but I think it falls just shy of a pyramid scheme.
The slim product selection doesn’t really help its case as they could be seen as just for show. I would still not recommend AloeVeritas as a reliable way to make money online.
Is There A Free Way To Join AloeVeritas?
No, like most MLM’s they do not offer a trial period or a free starter membership that many affiliate marketing opportunities offer.
Wrapping Up Our Look At AloeVeritas
AloeVeritas Looks to be a pretty generic multi-level marketing company. They have a relatively small product line and a very complicated commission structure that works on different tiers depending on who you have on your Network.
There are hundreds of places where you could pick up aloe vera products instead of this MLM which makes selling their products that much more difficult. Overall though it is the pre-purchasing of the products that is really the downfall of this MLM.
If you could simply promote their products with affiliate links and earn a percentage off of those sales this would be a brilliant business opportunity. But as it stands it’s tough to recommend because of The Upfront cash layout and the tiered Network situation.
Alternatives To AloeVeritas and MLM’s
Multi-level marketing is a tough business. Over 95% of people who Try MLM’s ultimately fail at it because it is so difficult to make money with it. The biggest part of the problem with direct marketing is that you need to buy the products upfront.
A great alternative to multi-level marketing is affiliate marketing. The concept is the same as you were taking other people’s products and promoting them in order to get potential consumers to buy them.
And the biggest difference is that you don’t need to buy the products ahead of time with affiliate marketing. You simply promote the product with affiliate links through content that you generate Online.
Whether that content is YouTube videos, Pinterest pins, Instagram posts, or with a traditional blog you can integrate these affiliate links into your content and generate similar if not better commission percentages then you could with any multi-level marketing company.
If you’re interested in affiliate marketing, one of the best ways to learn how to do it properly is through this wonderful training program.
You can also check out my review of this program and get a better idea if it’s something that you would like to try.
Another option is to try something like Wealthy Affiliate which offers a free Starter account that you can use to get a feel for affiliate marketing and see if it’s something that you’d like to pursue in the future.
Whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.