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Many people have turned their skills at sewing into a viable business. Throw pillow and pillow businesses in general are great examples of this. The problem is they require quite a bit of no-how to really hmake a dent in this line of business.
You have to know how to sew quite well, you have to have an eye for home decor and fashion and you need to be able to spot new trends and exploit them before they are gone. Making and selling pillows is a tough business.
But there is a way to jump into this business without actually having to deal with the manufaturing and inventory of throw pillows and still scratch that itch that you have for these wonderful accessories.
If you love the idea of pillows and love talking about them and the nuances of each throw pillow, but don’t have the time to make each one by hand then selling throw pillows with affiliate marketing might be just what you are looking for.
So let’s dive into this interesting niche and see if it might be a great opportunity for you to start a passive income business in the pillow niche.
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Making Money With Pillows Using Affiliate Marketing
Getting Started In The Throw Pillow Niche
The first thing that you’re going to need to decide when you start building your throw pillow Niche business is where to put all your content. Typically there are two places where you want to start and that is a traditional written blog or a YouTube channel.
You can of course integrate other platforms like Instagram and Pinterest into your business model as well but I wouldn’t recommend him as the primary place to publish your content if you are brand new to affiliate marketing and to this niche in general.
So what’s dig a little deeper into each one of these publishing platforms and see if we can flush out which one might work best for you.
Starting A Website
Starting your own website has never been easier. All you need is a little bit of web hosting and a domain and you are off and running with a brand new throw pillow or pillow Niche website.
It really is that simple. Gone are the days where you need a deep knowledge of HTML and programming languages to build a functioning website, although that kind of insight does help if you want to get down into the nuts and bolts of a WordPress website.
For everyone else choosing your hosting is the first and one of the most important decisions you’re going to have to make. It does cost a little bit of money upfront as does register a domain which will serve as your internet address And the first taste of your brand that people are going to get.
Fortunately, this comes to a hundred maybe $150. imagine starting your own online business for just $150 it seems incredible. To open up a pillow store in the real world it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for inventory and storage space and hiring staff and everything that goes along with it.
But with affiliate marketing and a Content blog, the only expenditures you’re going to need to make are for web hosting and your domain.
You can of course invest more if you want to hire a writer or two to start developing content for you or if you want some affiliate marketing training that is going to help expedite the process and help you avoid pitfalls along the way.
But really the only things that you have to purchase our web hosting and a domain. Everything else is a personal preference.
I like to use Bluehost for a lot of my new websites. I think they offer a good balance of price and functionality. However, there are hundreds of web hosting services that you can use so it’s good to just look at them and pick the one that you like the best.
Building A Youtube Channel
Another option for your pillow niche business is to start a Youtube channel. This is free to do as it costs nothing to start up a Youtube channel and you can always use your phone for videos, at least to begin with.
Once you start to make a little bit of money from your channel you will want to invest in proper audio and video equipment and editing software. Tutorial videos on making throw pillows and various sewing techniques would make for outstanding content for a Youtube channel focusing on pillows.
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The best thing to do however is to use both YouTube and a written blog to create a an ecosystem for your pillow niche brand.
However, I would urge you to pick one of the other to start out with and then build the other one once you get a little bit of cash flow running in second put more time into it because this is going to be a time-consuming process even if you only focus on one content publishing platform.

Some Pillow Micro-Niches
Alright so we’ve got a website or our YouTube channel setup and now we’ve got to decide exactly what we want to publish as our content. We know we’re working in the throw pillow Niche or the more General pillow Niche but that is going to be quite broad for one person to tackle.
So we want to break it down to some even smaller sub and Micro Niche ideas that you can get started with. Maybe you pick a micro-niche that only has 15 or 20 pieces of content that you can really squeeze out of it.
That’s perfectly acceptable because now we pick another micro-niche related to pillows and throw pillows that we can build another 20 or 30 or 50 pieces of content around.
And suddenly you’ve gone through three or four micro niches and you have 150 articles on your website. It really compounds that fast and it’s a great way to avoid the really heavy competition of larger Authority sites while you are building up your brand and getting your content out there.
Here are a few Micro Niche ideas that you can look into the sea of one might work well for your new pillow Niche website.
- Themed Throw Pillows
- Pillows For Baby Rooms
- Pillows For Children’s Rooms
- Elegant Display Pillows For Living Rooms Ect.
- Functional and Comfortable Pillows
- Embroidered Pillows
- History Of Throw Pillows
- A Single Type Of Throw Pillow
And dozens more that you can dig into if needs be. There are soo many types and styles of throw pillows that each one could generate a good amount of content and help get your business off on the right foot.

Content And Keywords For Your Niche Site
Now its time to find some keywords and topics to write about. While finding ditect keywrods is not as necessary as it once was they are still useful for generating content ideas.
The content for your pillow niche site is going to be informational for the most part with a few heavily monetized pages mixed in.
Its usually a good idea not to have affiliate links plastered over every single page on your website. It looks spammy and can hurt your rankings if you overdue it.
But we will get into that a bit more in the monetization part of the article. For now you want to concentrate on building informational content around pillows and throw pillows in particular.
That content can range from a written history of a certain style of throw pillow to a video detailing the embroidery on another pillow. There is a wide range of possibilities for you to craft your content around.
Then it is just a matter of linking that information post to one of your money posts. A good place to start for a money post is a top 10 list. “The 10 best Embroidered Throw Pillow you Can But In 2020” is just an idea to get you started. But you get the idea.
Using the top 10 list as a place to send your traffic is a great way to keep people in your ecosystem and drive down your overall bounce rate while putting as many eyes on your affiliate links as possible.

Monetizing A Pillow Blog
The last part to building your little throat pillow Empire is probably the part that you don’t need to worry about right when you’re getting started and that is the monetization of your content.
I’m going to take a look at three of the most popular ways to monetize content online and you were going to want to try to incorporate at least two of these into just about every website that you start.
Advertisements are probably the most common way to monetize a website. You simply sign up with an ad service, like AdSense, and then put the ads on your website. these ads generate Revenue mainly by the clicks they get from your readers.
The amount that you get is really going to depend on the niche that you’re in, in this case pillows, the General ad Market which swings up and down depending on the overall economy.
An important thing to remember is that when companies need to cut their expenditures the first thing to go is usually a advertising. So if there’s an economic downturn you can expect your ad Revenue to go down and in some cases to Crater due to the economic Strife.
But when times are good it is a good way to add additional revenue streams to your pillow Niche blog. I would imagine that a Blog about throw pillows probably isn’t going to be in the higher tiers of advertising monetization.
Those are usually reserved for Forex, Finance, or other high-ticket type of niches where advertisers pay a premium to get their product in front of potential customers.
Still you should probably expect to get around $10 per 1000 page views from advertising. I think that’s a reasonable amount of money for just about any Niche. Some this is might a little bit lower some a bit higher but I think around $10 EPM is probably where you want to try to get your business too.
Here are some Ad Networks to consider for your pillow niche blog.
- Adsense
- Ezoic
- Sovrn
- AdThrive
Informational Products
I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time on Info products because this is a more advanced way of monetizing your website. Basically you are creating a product that you are going to sell to your customers.
For a lot of niches that can mean training videos or ebooks. For the pillow niche, you have a little bit more leeway to create some interesting info products.
You can of course create training videos on how to sew your own throw pillows and products along those lines but you can also make your own throw pillows to sell as essentially an info product even though it’s not technically an information product it is a physical product that you sell.
This of course requires a lot of know-how in making selling and marketing these pillows as well as having a place to sell them from. Amazon and Etsy great places that you can go to sell the products that you’ve crafted yourself in this niche.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is going to be your go-to source for income on a throw pillow Niche blog. Affiliate marketing is a very simple concept. You basically promote someone else’s product with an affiliate link and when someone clicks on that link and then buy something you get a commission as a result of it.
The trick to affiliate marketing is getting the traffic you need to generate enough clicks to make it a profitable business venture.
The great thing about it is that you can build a niche site around your passion or something you would really enjoy talking about, like throw pillows without having to have the inventory and all the headaches of running a brick-and-mortar pillow business.
Another really outstanding thing about affiliate marketing and content blocking in general is that once you get the content up and start getting the traffic in it becomes a very passive way to make money.
You do need to create new content from time to time but your older content will continue to generate ad revenue and affiliate marketing Revenue for quite some time.
There are quite a few pillow affiliate programs out there to choose from, pick the ones that your audience will respond to the most, and build around them.
The Big Finish
That brings us to the end of our look at building a pillow Niche Business Online. I know when I started researching this topic I thought that throw pillows and pillows in general would be too small of an inch to really operate in.
But after researching a little bit you find that throw pillows are probably too big a niche for one person to tackle. You’re going to need to Niche down a little bit and then expand out as you continue to grow.
It just goes to show you that almost anything can be turned into a blogging Niche and a profitable one at that. And all this without ever having to sew a pillow yourself or keep an entire storeroom of inventory to ship out when someone buys one.
It really is a new frontier in terms of building a business online. You need to learn how to develop content around the products you want to sell with affiliate marketing but the possibilities are Limitless.
So I wish you the best of luck with your throw pillow online business.
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