This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
America’s Pastime.
One of the oldest and most beloved sports in American History. Its overall popularity has been surpassed nationally by the NFL and college football but it remains one of the great sports and one of the most profitable. In fact, according to this article from Forbes, 2018 was Major League Baseballs’ record year in terms of revenue.
They raked in a whopping 10.8 billion dollars. And this is just pro baseball. There are so many micro-niches you could start a blog in. Youth baseball, fielding, hitting, pitching, coaching. All of these are viable micro-niches for your baseball blog and there is tons of profit potential in each one.
You just have to pick the avenue that is right for your blog and for your expertise. Baseball isn’t going anywhere and if the MLB popularity is any indication baseball is making a comeback to challenge for its title. America’s Pastime. Let’s have a look at 10 great baseball affiliate programs you can use to maximize your blog’s revenue and start your path to a full-time income in the baseball niche.
There Is Just Something About Owning Your Own Business. Being Your Own Boss. Building Something From The Ground Up With Your Own Hands. Especially When It Is This Easy To Get Started. Shop Affiliate Program
- Company Name:
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 6%
- Tracking Cookie: 7-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No

The official Major League Baseball Online Store. If you have a baseball blog you are going to want to pick this partner up regardless of your blog’s overall focus. This is the place for all your MLB needs. They have all the gear you need.
Keep in mind that most of the gear here can be bought elsewhere at similar prices. You should keep this affiliate front and center but if you have the opportunity to promote the same product at the same price for a better commission elsewhere, go for it.
Get the best deal for yourself without shortchanging your readers. Don’t push an affiliate with higher prices but don’t feel you need to take the lower commission if a better deal exists elsewhere.
All that said, this is still a must-have. Just for the fact that you can put MLB shop banners and logos on your site for promotion. Even if they don’t convert or have the commissions you really need they are great for the credibility of your site and for the promotion of all things MLB.
Even if they are sold by other vendors.
The Commission
The commission is a little on the lower side at only 6%. Ideally, you want to see double-digit commission if possible but this is the MLB Shop. It tends to sell itself so they can get away with a lower commission for their affiliates.
The larger and more well-known the company is the less the affiliate terms tend to be. As a general rule.
Their tracking cookie is also pretty low. It clocks in at a below-average 7-days. Again, they can get away with this type of cookie because they are Major League Baseball. Still, it would be nice to see something a little longer.
The 30-day Program Statistics
The 30-day ShareASale stats look ok. Nothing Outstanding but solid all around.
- The $72.70 Average Sale is pretty good.
- Earnings per click of $48.05 EPC is great to see.
- The average commission of $2.10 seems a little low given the commission and average sale. Keep an eye on this when you start promoting the affiliate.
- A 1.31 % Reversal Rate is decent.
The Wrap-Up
Not the greatest affiliate program around. The tracking cookie is too short and the commission is too low. But it is the MLB’s official online store. And that alone is worth having it in your affiliate portfolio.

Rawlings Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Rawlings
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Commission Junction
- Sales Commission: 3%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No

Rawlings is one of the most well-known and respected brands in all of baseball. If you have played the game at any level, chances are you have used one of their gloves. Their products are great and they last just about forever. You’ll be able to promote their products directly from the source and get access to their affiliate materials to help with that promotion. The issue is with their affiliate terms.
The Commission and The Cookie
Speaking of the affiliate terms…
The commission offered up by the Rawlings affiliate program is a very low 3%. This is not ideal, to say the least. Even Amazon has a higher commission and sells some of the same products. But, when you are an affiliate for Rawlings you get to put the logo of one of the most respected companies in baseball on your site.
That alone makes this partner program worth it. This is not an affiliate you build a blog around but one that you stick in the sidebar with a logo and get a few sales that way. The association with your blog is the value proposition here.
The cookie is 60-days which is great. While the commission is low you should still be able to generate a little bit of income each month with this partner. A must-have for any baseball blog. Just don’t expect it to set the world on fire.
The Closer
This partner program is more about the name than the affiliate terms. The cookie is great but the commission is very low. However, just the association between your blog and the Rawlings name is enough to make this a must-have. Apply to be a part of the program and if accepted display their logo and your affiliate link prominently on your website.

Baseball Rampage Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Baseball Rampage
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 9%
- Tracking Cookie: 365-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No

Baseball Rampage sells all manner of baseball equipment. These include catcher’s gear, batting helmets, gloves, and baseballs just to name a few. This affiliate is great for a baseball training or coaching blog as it gives your readers a place to get all the necessary equipment for a baseball team.
They have all the major brands like Easton, Louisville Slugger, Rawlings, and many more. This affiliate program really ticks all the boxes when it comes to a baseball equipment partner. I think this is probably the best one in the baseball niche because of its product selection and its affiliate terms.
The Terms
While we are on the topic of affiliate terms. The commission is a good 9%. This is very much in line with most of the other retailers on this list. The ones that sell physical products at any rate.
The cookie is the best one on this list and one of the best tracking cookies in the entire sports niche. A full 365-day tracking cookie means that you will almost always get the commission if your reader makes a purchase. I wish we would see more tracking cookies like this. It really rewards the hard work of the affiliate marketer.
The Stats
The 30-days ShareASale Statistics.
- A remarkable $166.00 Average Sale.
- The $20.00 Average Commission is absolutely outstanding.
- The earnings per click of $35.00 EPC is very good to see.
- The 5.00 % Reversal Rate is a bit of a concern. If it stays this high over a longer period of time then you might need to reevaluate this partner program.
- The 1.74% Conversion Rate is actually pretty decent. A little bit higher would be more welcomed obviously but this isn’t bad.
The Wrap-Up
A must-have affiliate partner for any baseball blog that needs an equipment distributor. Their selection is unrivaled. Their commission is nice. They have the best cookie in the entire baseball niche and maybe all of the sports niches as well.
Overall one of the best baseball affiliate programs around. Try and fit it into your partner strategy if they have the products you want to promote. Affiliate Program
- Company Name:
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 12%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No is exactly what it sounds like. They have a huge selection of sports collectibles and memorabilia. According to their data feed, they have over 536,407 Products. While the ShareASale data feeds are not always exact this is still a staggering number of products.
They service all sports but have a huge baseball selection which is why they make it on this list.
Always put at least one memorabilia affiliate on a sports blog. They are just too good to pass up. Plus you can get some extra content by reviewing some of their more unique offerings.
The Terms offers its affiliate partners a wonderful 12% commission on all qualifying sales through your affiliate links. Given the high-ticket price on many of their items, this is a very welcome commission.
The tracking cookie is a standard 30-days cookie. I would like to see a higher-length cookie for this retailer. While 30-days is fine the cost of many of their products would warrant a longer cookie to give your readers more time to decide and still give you the commission you earned.
The Stats
The 30-day ShareASale Stats.
- The $307.89 Average Sale is remarkable.
- The $21.69 Average Commission is a little off but nothing to worry about.
- An earnings per click of $26.53 EPC.
- The 0.00 % Reversal Rate is great to see.
- The 1.25% Conversion Rate is about what you would expect from a luxury retailer like a sports memorabilia dealer. People love to look but buying takes a little time.
The Close
I always recommend putting a sports memorabilia company into your affiliate arsenal for any sports niche. And a baseball blog is no different. It adds some high-ticket items that you can use to generate some big commissions and collectibles are very popular among sports fans
There are many others to choose from in terms of sports collectible affiliate programs but I think this one if the best for a baseball blog. The commission is great. The tracking cookie is good and their baseball selection is outstanding.

FansEdge Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Fans Edge
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 7-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No

FansEdge is an online retailer that sells official MLB baseball gear. As well as every other sport imaginable. They have over 200,000 items for sale on their site. You will have no shortage of baseball products to promote on your blog.
The store itself is pretty great and comprehensive. it should not be hard to promote this partner program and make your readers feel comfortable about spending money online at a place other than Amazon. This can sometimes be an issue with lesser-known affiliate programs.
Let’s look at the affiliate terms next.
The Commission
The FansEdge affiliate program offers its partners a very good 10% commission on all qualifying sales. Another double-digit option for your baseball and MLB gear. It is great to see anything near this commission for these types of retailers.
The 7-day tracking cookie is a bit short, but it is very similar to many of the other large retailers on this list. Not ideal but you will be able to work with the short duration cookie. Just target buyer intent keywords for your money pages.
The 30-day Stats
The 30-day ShareASale Stats look pretty good except for the average commission which just might be an anomaly.
- The $69.07 Average Sale is pretty good.
- The $2.26 Average Commission is still a little low given the percentage. These numbers don’t always line up for a variety of reasons.
- The 1.96 % Reversal Rate is low enough to not be a problem.
- The earnings per click of $20.46 EPC reflects a good conversion rate.
- The quoted 9.05% Conversion Rate is remarkable. Anything approaching double digits for a conversion rate is great.
The Wrap-Up
One of the better affiliate programs that you will find in the sports niche. It is particularly well suited for a baseball blog. The commission is very good and the cookie is a bit below average. Still, overall this is a good affiliate program to consider for your niche site.

Fanatics Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Fanatics
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 7-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
Fanatics is one of the biggest names in sports gear online. They help run the fan stores of many pro teams across a number of sports and even have a hand in the official MLB store that I featured earlier on this list.
They are separate entities as far as their affiliate programs are concerned, as far as I can tell. So you will need to sign up for both of them if you want to use them both.
To say they have everything you need n licensed baseball gear would be an understatement. They have MLB gear and college gear from just about every major college in the US.
Their selection is top-notch and when you combine that with their good commission percentage, this becomes a very good affiliate to promote on your blog.
The Terms
Speaking of the commission.
The terms are pretty outstanding for a retailer of this size. The 10% commission is great and much higher than both the MLB official store and Amazon. Double-digit commission for physical licensed products is very good.
The 7-day cookie is a bit of a letdown, however. It is not a disaster but it is awfully short. Anything less than 30-0days is disappointing but this is really as low as you can go and still feel comfortable promoting the program. Unless you are Amazon of course.
The Stats
The Fanatics 30-day ShareASale Stats are a mixed bag.
- The $73.17 Average Sale is nice to see.
- The average commission of $3.13 is a little low and doesn’t line up with the other stats so it may be a reporting problem or an issue with the reversal rate.
- The earnings per click of $16.92 EPC is very good to see for this type of retailer.
- The 2.15 % Reversal Rate is a little higher than I would like to see but it is not much of a concern and could be an outlier for this 30-day period. Keep an eye on it just to be sure.
The Finish
Huge selection. Good commission percentage. But a below-average cookie. Still, Fanatics is one of the most well known and respected names in online sports commerce. Try and fit them into your affiliate strategy if you can.
They are well worth your time.

Hitting Performance Lab Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Hitting Performance Lab
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Clickbank
- Sales Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Available
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: Yes

Hitting Performance Lab offers a good selection of instructional videos, books, and tutorials to help batters excel at the sport. This affiliate is probably best deployed for a baseball coaching or training blog.
The videos are well made but tend to be best for younger players. I would say high school at the most. However, the tips and techniques will work for anyone at any age really.
The products are all digital so you would expect a higher commission than most other partner programs. And that is exactly what we get. The commission is a remarkable 50% on all qualifying sales.
The cookie is not readily available so be sure to ask about it when you join the program.
The program uses Clickbank as its affiliate network.
A good partner program that features all digital products. You might need to promote a little more given that there are no physical products but the training videos speak for themselves. The commission is great.
Give it a try and see if you can get the conversions you need to make it worthwhile.
Cooperstown Cookie Company Affiliate Program

- Company Name: Cooperstown Cookie Company
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: None
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Available
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No

Here is a fun affiliate program for your baseball blog. This company makes officially licensed MLB gourmet cookies. It adds a huge amount of diversity to any affiliate portfolio. Even if you only create a little bit of content around this particular program it is still worth having.
The cookies can be ordered with any MLB team as the decoration. But even if you are not a pro baseball blog, this affiliate might be worth putting on your site. It is fun and different and can really convert if your audience has a bit of a sweet tooth.
They come in a variety of sizes and packaging. From single-serve packs to large commemorative tins your readers will be able to find a size that works best for them.
The Affiliate Terms
The Cooperstown Cookie Co. affiliate program offers a very good commission for their affiliate partners. A 10% commission. A double-digit commission for this type of product is actually pretty good and makes promoting that much easier.
These are not high ticket items, however. The prices for the cookies run form a couple of dollars to around 20 or so for the larger tins. This basically means this affiliate program is relegated to a secondary role in your partner strategy.
Ask about the cookie length when you sign-up for this program.
The Wrap-Up
Cooperstown Cookie Company is a very novel and interesting affiliate program to have on your blog. It will not generate a huge amount of income but it will bring in some nice supplementary revenue for your baseball blog.
See if it converts for your audience and run with it.

Baseball Express Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Baseball Express
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Avantlink
- Sales Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
Baseball Express is an online retailer of just about every piece of baseball equipment you could possibly want. From bats and balls to hats and gloves. Catchers Gear. Umpire Gear. Backstops and pitching machines. There are a ton of products to promote from this affiliate.
All of these products can help you produce some pretty great content for your blog in the form of reviews and other long-form articles. The only downside is that some of their products are found at larger retailers.
You’ll need to convince your audience that this store is a good, safe, and fair place to do their online shopping.
The Affiliate Terms
The commission for Baseball Express is only 5%. It is not great. But not terrible either. The real problem here is that it is about the same commission as Amazon for the same products. I always advise marketers to use Amazon if all else is equal.
The amount of trust the general populace has for Amazon is worth quite a bit in affiliate marketing. That being said, the cookie is 30-days which is far longer than anything Amazon offers and you have a shop dedicated solely to sports and baseball.
That may be enough to keep the conversion high enough to make this affiliate better than Amazon. Give it a try and see if you can get it to convert for your audience.
Final Thoughts
A good program but one that will not work for everyone. The commission is average and the cookie is decent. But the terms are not much better than Amazon. You’ll have to run some tests to see if you can get it converting at an acceptable level.
But they have a great selection and might have items not easily found elsewhere online.

Decade Awards Affiliate Program
- Company Name: Decade Awards
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Sports
- Auto-Approval?: No
This affiliate program fits best with a youth baseball or training and coaching blog. They sell customizable trophies and awards that can be baseball-themed. They have options for just about every sport, but for this list, we’ll focus on the baseball items.
They have a good selection and some interesting products that you can promote on your baseball blog.
Not an affiliate for everyone but it might work for you and add some diversity to your affiliate offerings. The terms are not great.
We’ll get into that next.
The Affiliate Terms
The commission is on the low side. It is only 5% for your affiliate sales. That is about on par with Amazon. Not good for a small trophy affiliate program. We would like to see closer to double digits but you will have to make do with this.
Given the nature of their products and the commission, this is a secondary affiliate at best. The cookie is decent, however. The standard 30-day tracking cookie is nice to see.
30-day Stats
The ShareASale 30-day stats look a little below average.
- The $70.29 Average Sale is outstanding for this type of product.
- Given the percentage and the average sale, the $1.50 Average Commission is a little low.
- The earnings per click of $4.06 EPC is not that impressive.
- A 0.00 % Reversal Rate is always nice to see.
The Wrap-Up
A pretty cool affiliate to have available to your baseball blog readers but the terms are slightly below average. The cookie is ok but the commission is on the low end. Their products are interesting and add some diversity to your affiliate programs.
This affiliate is definitely not for everyone. But if you have a baseball training or youth baseball blog then this would be a nice addition even with the subpar commission.
Closing The Game
From catcher’s masks to baseball cookies, I tried to put a little bit of everything into this list of 10 baseball affiliate programs. You have your standard team gear and your bats and balls, but you also have great training programs for a baseball coaching or training blog.
Diversity is always a great idea when putting together your affiliate strategy. You want to be sure and have as many potential revenue streams covered in your niche. If someone comes to your blog looking for a certain item you want to make sure you have a place they can go to buy it.
Cover all your bases.
I wish you the best of luck with your baseball blog. Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading this article and I hope it helps you make the most out of your baseball blog.
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