10 Tasty Bakery Affiliate Programs

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Not every affiliate program is going to have a single specific Niche that it fits nicely into.   and that’s the case for most of the partner programs on this list.

These partner programs are going to be useful for cooking blogs dessert blogs and most importantly baked goods and bakery blogs.

Now that might sound a little weird to have a Blog dedicated simply to baked goods. But it is an incredibly lucrative an increasingly popular blogging Niche.

Baking and cooking are particularly well suited for visual mediums like Instagram where you’ll find a lot of food pictures and recipes.

YouTube where you can see people cooking the food and baking the goods right before your very eyes.

And one that often gets left out is Pinterest which might be the best out of all of them.

It’s a visual search engine that you can post pictures of your baked goods and your content about bakeries in baked goods and draw a huge amount of traffic just from Pinterest alone.

And with all that traffic you’re going to need some great affiliate programs. So here’s our list of fantastic Bakery affiliate programs that you can deploy to maximize your profits and any number of cooking and baking related niches and Micro-niches.

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a rolling pin and dough on a rolling table dusted with flour

Check Out These Bakery Affiliates

Seven Sister Scones Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days
Seven Sisters Scones Screenshot

As the name implies, Seven Sister Scones delivers some of these wonderful little baked treats right to your reader’s doors.

Scones are a staple in Britain, but they differ somewhat from their American counterparts (source).

Nevertheless, they are increasingly popular in many parts of the US and you can position your baking blog to take advantage of that.

Seven Sisters Scones have a great selection of various flavors of scones. They offer sample boxes that you can promote. These smaller boxes offer a cheaper option for someone just wanting to try out a flavor or two.

The biggest draw for the Seven Sisters Scones affiliate program is the subscription box. Getting a nice recurring commission for referring your readers to this product makes it very appealing.

These boxes run from ~$30 dollars up to about $66 dollars. There are a few varieties of subscription boxes to choose from.

In addition to promoting Seven Sisters Scones title product, you have the option of a few other baked goods to use in your promotional content.

They offer a small selection of cookies and dessert bars. As well as, gluten-free options if your audience needs that option.

Why Promote Seven Sister Scones?

With the growing popularity of this wonderful baked treat, having a dedicated scones affiliate program is going to be a great idea for a general baked goods blog.

There is also enough room to grow in the scones micro-niche so this might be a great option to have if your baking or recipe blog focuses specifically on scones.

The commissions are great at 10%, you really can’t ask for anything better than that given the types of products. The tracking cookie is outstanding at 90-days.

You don’t really need a cookie with that duration for these type of mid-priced items but it is great to see nonetheless.

Matthews 1812 House Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 9%
  • Tracking Cookie: 45-days
matthews 1812 house screenshot

Matthews 1812 House is a wonderful little gourmet bakery that focuses on small-batch gourmet baked goods. They have been around since 1979, making them a pillar in the baked goods industry and have taken that reputation online to great effect.

Matthews 1812 House has been featured on GMA and the Food Network, as well as, the New York Times. They have a sterling reputation.

That reputation is well earned. They have a huge selection of baked treats that you can promote on your bakery website.

Cookies and dessert bars to cakes and sauces, they have a little something for anyone. They also have a wonderful selection of candies that you can promote as well.

There doesn’t seem to be anything that this affiliate program can’t do. You could use this partner as your primary bakery partner for a wide range of blogs.

Why Promote Matthews 1812 House

Matthews 1812 House is a great affiliate to promote for a wide variety of baking sub-niches. Given their diverse offerings, you can find just about anything to promote to your audience if you feel the need.

The commission is 9%, which is outstanding for this type of affiliate program. The tracking cookie is equally good at 45-days.

It is always nice to see a tracking cookie over 30-days. It rewards all the hard work an affiliate marketer puts into promoting the products.

Overall Matthews 1812 House is a great affiliate for anything related to baked goods or sweets in general. For a deeper look at the candy niche, check out our article here.

Bakerly Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 8%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
bakerly screenshot

Bakerly offers a handful of products for you to promote on your baking blog. These pre-packaged treats include French Brioche bread, crepes, and french pancakes.

Bakerly is a newer affiliate program so you will need to watch it closely to see how well it converts for your specific audience.

They do have quality products so you can promote with confidence once they prove their conversion rates.

Their brioche bread, in particular, is a great place to start when promoting this brand. They have 8 or so variations that you can build content around. Baguettes and burgers buns are just to of their outstanding offerings.

Bakerly’s crepes offerings are a nice assortment that you can add to your affiliate strategy. They have 4 flavors for you to write about including Caramel and Strawberry.

It might take some convincing and some savvy content building but you will be very satisfied with the partner program if you give it a little bit of time and patience.

Why Promote Bakerly?

Bakerly is a nice partner to promote if you have a baked goods blog based around french baked products. This is a new partner program so you will have to run some tests to see if it converts for you.

But the excellent commission of 8% and the standard 30-day tracking cookie make this newcomer a very appealing prospect for a baked goods blog.

Tortuga Rum Cakes Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 8%
  • Tracking Cookie: 45-days
tortuga rum cakes

Tortuga Rum Cakes are a very interesting partner program to have in your affiliate arsenal. They are known for their rum cakes and you can add these wonderful delights to your content in a variety of ways.

The cakes themselves are great for generating content and you can delve into the history and locations that make these cakes so intriguing throughout history.

In addition to the rum cakes, Tortuga offers a selection of coffee to pair with their cakes. They also have a variety of sauces and chocolate treats that you can promote on your candy or chocolate blog.

Tortuga Rum Company was founded in 1984 and has since moved from their home in the Cayman Islands to open new bakeries in Miami and Jamaica to name just a few regions. They also ship worldwide so you can really expand your offering to all of your readers.

Why Promote Tortuga Rum Cakes

A very nice 8^ commission and an excellent 45-day tracking cookie are just two of the reasons that this affiliate partner is so appealing.

The products are the biggest draw here. They add some unique items that you can remote on your baking, cake or dessert blog. The Rum cakes are the biggest draw but some of the other items might work for you as well.

The Prepared Pantry Affiliate Program

prepared pantry icon
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 5%-20%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days

The Prepared Pantry offers a wide variety of recipes and informative articles that you can choose from on their website.

The products are some wonderful gourmet baking mixes foods and ingredients that you can promote on your website.

They have a whole host of items that you can promote to your audience. Some of the include dozens of bread, tortilla and pizza dough mixes.

They have kitchen tools, desserts, and cookies as well as syrups and sauces. The prices are reasonable so you can promote them to all of your readers.

Why Promote Prepared Pantry

Promoting The Prepared Pantry should be pretty straight forward. They offer an outstanding 90-day cookie for their affiliate partners.

The commission ranges from 5% to a whopping 20% depending on the level of success you have with your promotions.

But the products are a really important thing to consider when choosing this affiliate program. They are very good and very high quality and should be fairly easy to promote on your bakery blog.

Guilt-Free Baking Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Through Clickbank
  • Sales Commission: 75%
  • Tracking Cookie: N/A
guilt free baking screenshot

This is a single product affiliate program designed around an e-book of recipes that you can use to create some gluten-free desserts and baked goods.

This product is available through Clickbank, an affiliate network that deals with digital products for the most part. The high commission is due to this being a digital product only.

Why Promote Guilt-Free Baking?

The commissions are really the thing that jumps out for this affiliate partner. The 75% commission is eye-popping.

This is a digital-only product, so be careful and research it thoroughly once you are accepted into the partner program.

Most products listed on ClickBank are decent but some have a reputation of being pretty poor. Always be on the safe side.

Cheesecake.com Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: Variable
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days

This is a tricky one. I am going to leave Cheesecake.com on this list of bakery affiliate because it is such a promising one. However, they don’t look like they have a partner program with Linkshare anymore.

If you have some patience they may offer it from a new affiliate network, but there are no guarantees.

The link still takes you to their affiliate page and hopefully, it will be updated in the near future. Thanks for understanding.

Why Promote Cheesecake.com

It doesn’t look like Cheesecake.com is accepting new affiliates right now. So check back from time to time to see if you can get on board with them. I will leave them on the list because they are such a big potential affiliate.

Grey Ghost Bakery Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: Variable
  • Tracking Cookie: Variable
grey ghost bakery

Grey Ghost Bakery is primarily known for its cookies. They have a huge selection of cookies including some of the most interesting flavors you are going to find.

Molasses Spice and Chocolate Cayenne are just two of the incredibly diverse cookie flavors that you can promote from this affiliate.

The cookies themselves are a great way to generate new content given their unique nature. This partner program would fit well into dessert, baking, cookie, or general cooking blog.

They are easy to promote and not expensive so you don’t have to focus too much content on getting the most out of this affiliate.

Why Promote Grey Ghost Bakery?

There wasn’t a whole lot of information about the affiliate terms of this partner on their affiliate page. They use Reversion for their affiliate network and you will be able to get the exact details from that network.

However, it can be somewhat tough to get accepted as Reversion seem to be pretty picky about their application standards.

Still, you will want to add them to your affiliate network roster so that you can apply to great affiliate like Grey Ghost Bakery.

Taste of Home Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
taste of home screenshot

Cookbooks might seem like a thing of the past with all the recipe websites that have seemed to pop up. But having a physical book with step by step instructions is still the best way to get the exact type of outcome you want with your baking.

That is exactly what Taste Of Home offers. They have a huge selection of baking-related cookbooks, magazines and specialty books that you can promote to your audience.

The big draw is their curated subscription box. This is not necessarily just a baking subscription service but it does have a good amount of strictly baking-related products in any given box. The boxes contain cookbooks and baking and cooking tools as well as many other cooking-related items.

Why Promote Taste Of Home?

In addition to the wonderful 10% commission and the outstanding 30-day tracking cookie, this partner has a very good selection of products that you can promote to your readers.

The bulk of their product selection is cookbooks, so this affiliate works best with how to bake blogs and can be used for general cooking blogs as well.

Browncookie.com Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 20%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days
brown cookie screenshot

Browncookie.com offers a wide array of baking utensils and bakeware. This is a great partner for a how-to bake blog.

Their products include cookie cutter and baking molds, decorating tools and some general baking and cooking tolls that every baker needs to have in order to bring their creations to life.

You can easily create content around each tool by review it and detailing exactly what it is used for when baking your delights.

Why Promote Browncookie.com

The commission and the cookie are two of the best reasons to promote this affiliate. A 20% commission is almost unheard of for this type of partner program and the 60-day cookie is among the best on our list.

Their products are a big draw as well. Since they offer something a little different in terms of their product offering they can be used alongside many of the other affiliate on this list and in the cooking space in general.

Browncookie.com is particularly suited to a blog that teaches people how to make baked goods from scratch since the bulk of their product is bakeware and baking tools.

baking utensils and ingredients
Baking Is Big Business For Blogs

Wrapping Up Bakery Affiliate Programs

There’s a little bit of everything for a wide variety of blogs and niches in this list. I tried to focus on Strictly baking and contractions for this list.

You’ll find a lot of other general cooking partner programs that have a section for baking or section for desserts. And you can definitely use those for a baking type blog or a dessert blog or any other cooking-related blog.

But it’s always nice to have ones that are specific to your given Nish so if you’re in the baked goods Niche and you’re blogging about cookies and cakes and everything on a daily basis using one of the more general ones is fine for your overall affiliate program.

You are going to want to have these little specific ones that offer something different like rum cakes or scones.

To grab one of these great affiliate programs plug it in and see how well it converts for your specific audience.

You never know until you try.

So whether you’re just starting out with a new bakery Niche blog or you’re looking to expand with more affiliate programs I hope there’s something in this list it works for you.

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Thanks for visiting and as always have a wonderful day.

baking affiliate programs pinterest image