10 Great Wine Affiliate Programs To Join In 2022

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The wine niche is an absolutely wonderful one for a blogger.  If you can drive traffic to your wine affiliate programs with great content and real knowledge of wines and the wine business then you can really get some great commissions.  But it is a competitive niche, to say the least.

And it is the subscription Wine Clubs at the center of it that make it such an attractive niche to be blogging in.  Earning a commission month after month from a single referral is the goal of any affiliate marketer.  These Affiliate programs for wine will help give you the edge your blog needs to really start producing income.

New bloggers in the wine niche might find it difficult to get any traction.  But perseverance and an acute understanding of your audience will pay off in the long run.  A good relationship with your audience is critical for any niche.  But for the wine niche, it is paramount.

You must understand the tastes of your readership on every level or risk putting out content that does not fit with them.  But make that connection and you will have one of the most loyal readerships imaginable.  One that will readily heed your recommendations and in turn give you the opportunity to make some great commissions for your blog.

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Wine.com Affiliate Program

screenshot of the wine.com affiliate webpage

The largest online wine seller in the world.  They have everything you could possibly want from a wine.  Every variety and brand. They are the Amazon of the online wine industry.  Single bottles and gifts to full-on subscription wine clubs.  Wine.com has everything. Well, almost everything.  If your a customer of their Wine.com is great.  An affiliate partner? A Little less spectacular.  Solid but nothing to write home about.

The Commission

Wine.com offers a 5% commission for their affiliate partners.  It is a pretty standard affiliate commission. Not great but not bad. There avg sale is $130, which isn’t bad considering the commission.  That being said they have a robust suite of banners and affiliate support that is really great.  I always like to see a commission rub up against the double-digit range but that is not always possible so this will have to do.

The cookie is A little on the short side as well. While it is not terrible a 30-day tracking cookie is more the standard duration.  They offer a 15-day tracking cookie for their affiliates. 

The Wrap-Up

Wine.com is a must-have affiliate.  Yes, the cookie a bit too short, and the commission is a little low.  But they are the gold standard for online wine sellers. Wine.com is an affiliate program that everyone in the wine niche will at least need to consider for their affiliate marketing business.

Ultimately is will come down to how well your audience responds to their wines and other products. A 5% commission can work just fine and make you a full time living with ease. Many people earn plenty using Amazon Associates and their 3% commission on some items. So 5% and a 15-day cookie should net you the income you need.

California Wine Club Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: ShareASale
  • Commission: 15%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
screenshot of the California wine club affiliate page

California Wine Club is one of the biggest subscription wine services on the web.  It has been around for nearly 30 years at this point.  Starting in 1990 the wine club was a hit well before the internet really came into the public consciousness.  And its affiliate program has been on ShareASale since 2006.

This is one of the granddaddies of affiliate programs.  They have 5 different wine club levels for your readers to choose from. And a really diverse selection of wines of all types.  The California wine club focuses on wines from California and the Pacific Northwest.

They also offer a great amount of information and support for your blog to promote.  Proper wine storage, $1 shipping, personalized wine experts and many other perks for your audience to make use of.  It really is a total package for their wine club subscriptions. They offer a customized wine selection and delivery times for their subscribers.  This will make it very easier to customize your promotions and build them specifically for the audience of your blog.

The Commission

The California Wine Club offers a great 15% commission for their affiliate partners.  A great affiliate commission, especially for a company that has been around so long.  Typically as an affiliate program matures they lower their commission percentage. This is usually due to their brand becoming more and more powerful in their niche that they don’t need to pay affiliate partners as much.

As you would expect the ShareASale statistics are spectacular:

  • They have a fantastic $192 dollar Average Sale.
  • California Wine Club has a $36 dollar average commission.
  • But the Earnings Per Click is absolutely outstanding, weighing in at a hefty $387 EPC.

Even the tracking cookie is fantastic.  They offer up to a 90-day cookie after the affiliate gets a few sales under their belt.  It just keeps getting better and better.  The 90-day cookie is a fantastic addition to this affiliate program.

The Wrap-Up

This is one of the best affiliate programs in any niche.  Full Stop.  The commission is great for a retail affiliate program.  The subscription program is excellent and adds a recurring commission of quite a nice amount for the blogger.  The wines are often fairly pricey and the wine is delivered every month in many cases.

Add in the great cookie and the underlying statistics from ShareASale and this is an absolute must-have for a wine blog. In fact, this is an affiliate program you could base your entire blog around.  It is just that good.  Great, great affiliate program.

Wired For Wine Affiliate Program

wired for wine screenshot

Wired for Wine is another large subscription wine club for you to choose from.  They have a diverse set of club plans including a 90+ wine club.  This club offers only wines with a 90+ rating by wine critics.  It is a great addition to a wine blog for this reason alone.

It will give you some great talking points for content on why critics like the wine so much.  And maybe even disagree with them from time to time if you think their ratting is too high.  A discussion is always one of the best ways to bond with your readers.

They also offer single wines that anyone can purchase and even an engraving option to personalize your wines or gifts.  It is always interesting to see these types of things in an affiliate as it adds a little extra value to the program.

The Commission And Cookie

The commission offered by Wired for Wine is 7%.  It is solid but a little on the low side.  Especially given that many of the others on this list are approaching 15%.  It is a bit of a disappointment.  However, it is not a total loss.

  • The average basket size is $205 dollars.
  • The Average Commission for a Wired for Wine sale is $14 dollars.
  •  An Earnings per Click of $78 EPC

A 90-day cookie is on offer for the Wired for Wine Affiliate Program.  We love to see anything over 30 days and 90-days is fantastic for a wine affiliate program.

Why Promote Wired For Wine?

Another decent affiliate program.  The commission is a little low but otherwise it is pretty good.  Especially given the fact that many programs on this list are more than double the commission percentage.  Still, this affiliate program is one to keep in the background until you need it.

The wide variety and engraving options could generate a bit of added content for your readership.  When and where to deploy this affiliate program will be dictated by your audience and their needs and desires.

Wine Down Box Affiliate Program

Wine down box is a subscription wine club.  They only have 4 offerings in their subscription plans.  A 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month club plan. The wines seem to be the same for all the subscriptions.  They pair their small-batch California wines with hand-made crackers, cheese, and other food items.

They carefully choose each accompaniment to match the particular wine of that month.  It is a neat idea and one that adds a little value to the overall affiliate program.

The Commission And The Cookie

The Wine Down Box affiliate program doesn’t have a standard commission.  Instead, they offer a flat $10 dollars per sale for their affiliate partners.  The affiliate program is a little unclear if the affiliate gets paid each month or it is a one-time thing.  If it is one tie only thing it is an awful affiliate program.

*Will update if I can find more information on the particulars of the program*.  But it is never a good sign when things are this vague.

Their ShareASale numbers look decent though.

  • Their average sale is $205.
  • The Average Commission is $11.
  • Wine Down Box has a Earnings per Click of $98.

A standard 30-day tracking cookie is nothing to write home about.  This is the prevailing trend for retail affiliate programs at this point.  Hopefully, it stabilizes at 30-days and the norm doesn’t get any lower.

The Wrap-Up

I really can’t recommend this affiliate program.  It is just too vague on how the subscription plans work and ultimately it doesn’t offer a lot of options in its subscription programs.  This is a solid affiliate but not overwhelming impressive.  The wine pairings with cheese are nice though.

Plonk Wine Club Affiliate Program

Plonk Wine Club is an online wine club.  They have a large variety of wines to choose from. They have wine clubs for red, white and a mixed wine club.  Each order comes with 4 types of wine with 3 bottles of each making the whole order a full 12 bottles of that month’s best wines.

The mixed wine club comes with 12 of the best international and boutique wines available. The assortment of wines is really quite remarkable.  The white wine club works the same way as the other 2 clubs.  All 3 clubs are each a monthly subscription plan.

Subscription plans are great for affiliate partners.  And given the cost of these plans, the potential for a good commission is ever-present with this affiliate partner. If your blog is part of the wine niche or if you are looking to enter it,  This is a must-have for your wine blog.

The Plonk Wine Club Commission

The commission is 7%.  It is a little on the low side.  But the variety of the wine selections and the great subscription model is really enough to make up for the rather poor commission percentage.

The other sales numbers look great though:

  • The Average Sale is a whopping $384 dollars.  Absolutely wonderful for an affiliate marketer.
  • The Average Commission is also pretty great.  $44 dollars.  Wonderful return of time invested in promotion.
  • The Earnings per Click or EPC is phenomenal as well.  It is $107 dollars.
  • The reversal rate is under 1% as well.  This means you can promote with confidence that your affiliate sales will stand and won’t be returned.

The cookie is your standard 30-day tracking cookie.  It’s a bit disappointing but even with this tracking and the low commission rate, this is still one of the best wine affiliates around.  It is an absolute must-have for a wine blog or video channel.

Why Promote Plonk Wine Club?

This looks to be a good affiliate to have on your side. 7% commission is solid, if unspectacular, and the 30-day tracking cookie is right about the industry standard.  But the subscription program and the overall satisfaction of their customers makes this a sensation affiliate partner to promote. There is just no way around it.  They have been on ShareASale since 2011 and are a great affiliate partner to have.  The whole is greater than the individual parts in this case.  Pick this one up.

Cellars Wine Club Affiliate Program

Cellars Wine Club is another company that has been around for a long time.  It was first started in 1999 and has since become one of the pre-eminent wine clubs around. They offer a huge selection of wines and have 12 individual wine club options for your readers to choose from.

From their Single Bottle Club to A West Coast Wine Club.  From Red to Whites and even a Champaign Club.  Cellars Wine Club has something for anyone.  All this variety is great for an affiliate marketer for numerous reasons.

First, each wine club is a potential gold mine for new content for your blog.  Review each individual club or even compare and contrast the insides of the wine a singular wine club.  And the variety allows you to write for a broader audience.  Some of your readers only care about West Coast wines?  Cellars Wine Club has them covered.

Gift baskets to monthly subscriptions Cellars Wine Club looks to be a great addition to any affiliate marketing strategy for a wine blog.  Now let’s see if the numbers are as good as their variety of wines.

What is the Commission?

Cellars Wine Club offers its affiliate partners a wonderful 15% commission on all qualifying sales and subscriptions. This is an excellent commission for a retail affiliate program and should generate quite a bit of income for your wine blog.

The overall statistics from their ShareASale profile tell a great story as well.

  • A very nice $179 Average Sale
  • Their $26 Average Commission is also very good.
  • Their Earnings per Click is robust as well showing a $187 EPC.
  • The Reversal rate is a meager 0.5%, so promote with confidence.

Their tracking cookie is just as good as the rest of the package.  A full 90-day tracking cookie.  Wine affiliate programs, in general, are some of the best around and Cellars Wine Club is right up there at the top of the bunch.  The cookie time gives your readers plenty of time to decide whether they want to make the purchase or not and still allow you to make a commission.

Why Promote The Cellars Wine Club Affiliate Program?

Yet Another great wine affiliate program.  15% commission with a 90-day cookie and one of the biggest selections of Wine Club subscriptions around make this affiliate a must-have for any wine blog.  It is phenomenal. The biggest problem facing a wine blogger with all these great affiliate partners is which one to focus the majority of your attention one.

It is always a tough choice but, at least at the beginning, it is probably better to choose 1 or 2 affiliate programs and center your blog around those. That means setting aside some great affiliate programs for the time being.  One thing you don’t really want to do is stuff your pages with all types of affiliate links and banners. Focus each article on one of the affiliate’s products.  But you can’t really go wrong with any of the products from Cellars Wine Club.

Nocking Point Affiliate Program

Nocking Point Wine Club is a Washington State Based wine club.  They specialize in west coast wines from Washington and California. They only have 2 subscription options for wine.  A monthly and a quarterly subscription.  Other Products include branded clothing and accessories.

They do have an interesting twist to their wine selection, however.  Nocking Point lets actors, chefs, musicians, and other tastemakers select the wines for any given month.  This could be great for a blogger as it will generate content around not only the wine but the celebrity who selected it.

The Commission And Tracking Cookie

Nocking Point offers a flat-fee commission of $20 dollars.  It is actually a pretty decent number even if I am not a big fan of flat fee commissions.  But for subscription services like this, it’s not as bad as it could be since someone is likely to only order one subscription at a time anyway.

The ShareASale Statistics look decent, but not great.

  • A decent $58 Average Sale is not bad.
  • Nocking Points’ $41 Average Commission is outstanding.
  • Earnings per Click is a nice $159 EPC

The Cookie is a standard 30-day tracking cookie. The standard duration that should provide you with ample time to promote their products.

Why Promote Nocking Point?

Another flat-fee wine club.  Not a bad affiliate marketing program, but not a great one either. The celebrity angle could be worth it for some added content but this is definitely not a primary affiliate program to build a blog around.  The subscription options are just too limited and the clothing and accessories don’t make for their shortcomings.

Vinebox Affiliate Program

Vinebox is another subscription-based wine club.  They offer an interesting twist on this tried and true method of ordering wine, however. Instead of full bottles, they send what can only be described as wine vials.  Each box has 2 wines across a few of these vials. It is certainly a neat way of doing things but it might make for a little bit of a tougher sell to your readership since it is somewhat unconventional.

A Flat Fee Commission

Yep.  Another flat fee instead of a percentage.  I really do not like these at all.  But you may not mind them in which case the $15 dollar commission per sale will suit you just fine.  Overall I would much prefer a 10 percent commission on all sales over this.  But it is my understanding that the fee applies to all sales including subscriptions.

The ShareASale Statistics are as follows:

  • A $180 dollar Average Sale for this program
  • A $22 dollar Average Commission
  • A robust earning per Click of $189 EPC

30-days.  This is the oatmeal raisin of online tracking cookies.  Not great and you have to pick the raisins out of it, but it will do in a pinch.

Why Promote Vinebox

Another flat-fee affiliate partner.  I am not a fan but your mileage may vary.  Other than that this is a very interesting and unique affiliate marketing program.  The way they deliver their wine is very interesting and should generate some content and discussions amongst your readers. A nice addition to any blogger’s affiliate marketing strategy.

Revel Wine Affiliate Program

Revel Wine is a wine club that features organic and sulfite-free wines.  This wine club offers something a little bit different than some of the others. With their focus on organic grapes and wines, they allow a blogger to venture into that part of the wine industry and create content.

They also offer discounts on single bottles of wine for club members.  However, non-members can still buy wine from them.  This expands the potential your blog has to promote to different parts of your audience without having to set up a subscription.

What is the Commission?

The Revel Wine club offers its affiliates a 15% commission for all qualifying sales and subscriptions.  Another good commission percentage from a wine club affiliate program.   The wine niche is full of great affiliate programs and this is another example of it.

The ShareASale statistics are pretty good as well.

  • Revel Wine Club has an $87 Average Sale.
  • A $10 Average Commission is not great but still ok.
  • The Earnings Per Click is a decent $36.00 EPC

The tracking cookie is the standard 30-days.  Many of the other wine clubs offer a better one.  But 30-days is not a terrible tracking cookie it’s just average.  It still gives a reader a decent amount of time to decide on the purchase and still have the commission go to your blog.

Why Promote Revel Wine?

The Revel Wine Club affiliate program is a decent one.  But given some of the other incredible affiliate programs on this list and in the wine niche in general, this affiliate is probably left till the blog matures a bit. It just doesn’t have the popularity of some of the other affiliate programs.  Still, a nice one to have though.

Wine of the Month Club Affiliate Program

Wine of the Month Club is another wine club affiliate program.  As always these are the best types of affiliate programs because of the recurring nature of the subscriptions.  They also have a wide selection of single-bottle wines for anyone to choose from. But the centerpiece of this affiliate program is definitely the wine club subscriptions. 

They have quite a few of them.  I counted 10+ separate wine clubs to choose from either for yourself or as a gift for someone else.  The great thing about this is that when one of your readers gives a gift to someone else, they may recommend your blog as well.  A nice little double there.

The majority of their subscription plans have 2 bottles a month but they do offer a few that have quite a few more bottles per shipment.  The variety plus the number of plans really make this affiliate program shine in the crowded wine niche.

The Commission

Wine of the Month Club offers a solid 8% commission.  This seems to be a pretty standard commission for many of these great wine affiliate programs.  And it is a welcome one.  8% is always a pretty good commission regardless of the niche.  Nice to see the affiliate really rewarding their partners.

The ShareASale statistics look nice as well.

  • A very nice $206 dollar Average Sale
  • A decent average commission of $15
  • The Earnings Per Click is a solid $115 EPC
  • A reversal rate of 3.30%.  This is a little higher than you want ideally but still not too bad.

The tracking cookie duration is above average.  It is a 45-day tracking cookie from the Wine of the Month Club.  Not good.  Not Bad.  It just is.  Moving On.

Why Promote Wine of the Month Club?

Another good option for a wine blog.  There are so many good ones just on this list alone it’s going to be difficult to decide which ones to use. This one falls a bit short in the tracking cookie and as a result, places behind a couple of other affiliate programs on this list.  Still a good option to add in later as your blog matures.

Wine On Sale Affiliate Program

The Wine On Sale Commission

The 6% commission for Wine On Sale is the middle of the road. You should be able to work with it pretty well but it will require a decent amount of traffic to get the most out of the 6% commission. The 30-day tracking cookie should work well for this affiliate partner as well for most orders although some of the wines can run well over as hundred dollars.

Why Promote Wine On Sale?

Wine on sale looks alike a good affiliate addition to just about any wine niche site. They have single bottles of wine that you can promote individually as well as seasonal bundles that you can focus on as well. Throw in the decent commission and you have yourself a well-rounded and potentially profitable affiliate program to add to your niche site.

The Big Finish

There you have it 10 wine affiliate partners for your wine blog.  There are an absolute ton of wine-related affiliate programs for you to choose from.  We have just scratched the surface with this list.  The Wine niche is crowded and competitive but it is also very profitable.

Try out these various affiliate partners and see which ones are the best fit for your particular audience.  There are so many good ones that you can tailor the affiliate programs to the exact needs of your readers without compromising great commissions or good tracking cookies.

Cellars Wine Club and the California Wine Club would be might two must-have picks from this bunch. Centering your blog around either would make for some great potential commission and some really interesting content.  Add in a few of the others as time and necessity permit and you are on your way. The sky is the limit with the wine niche, so keep creating that great content and drawing in new readers every day.

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And as always have a great day.

6 thoughts on “10 Great Wine Affiliate Programs To Join In 2022”

  1. For some reason I never thought that wine would be a huge niche market for affiliate programs, but my goodness. Those 15% commissions are clutch, especially if you consider how much some people are willing to spend on wines. Thanks for pointing these sites out and giving such a thorough review of each one’s affiliate programs. This was really helpful! Have a Happy New Year!

    • Steve,

      It amazed me when i did a lot of the research about them.  The best part is that almost all of them are wine clubs, they are recurring subscriptions that you get a piece of every time your readers are charged.  I have another 10 wine affiliate programs to review, i just didn’t want this article to be 8000 words long so i broke it into two parts.

      Thanks for the comment

  2. I would never have thought that there would be a niche for wine affiliate programs but thinking about it now it’s a very good niche.

    The california wine club looks to be tbe best one out of the lot with a good commission rate and a 90 day cookie span. It certainly seems more worthwhile to choose this affiliate program.

    • Hey Darren,

      Thanks for the comment

      The Ca. Wine club was one of the best ones in this list.  The commission and cookie and recurring nature of the wine club subscription make it a great affiliate program to have for a wine blog.

  3. As I sit here on New Years Eve drinking wine, I loved reading your site.  I was very surprised how the commission for most of the affiliate programs were outstanding.  I did take note off of your site to take advantage of these commissions.  Thank you!

    I am a wine drinker myself, red wine to be exact.  I really enjoyed your factual information related to affiliate marketing and how wine has a strong presence in the industry.

    • hey Garry,

      Thanks for the comment

      Glad you enjoyed the content, the commissions for most of these wine clubs are pretty great.

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