10 Incredible Quilting Affiliate Programs

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Hey everybody, Michael here. Today I am going to be taking a look at some remarkable quilting affiliate programs. These partners are focused specifically on quilting and not the larger sewing niche.

If you are looking for more general sewing affiliate programs then we have an article outline the 10 best that you can read here.

Finding great quilting affiliates is only the first step in building a great passive income website. But they will go a long way to building a solid commission base for your business and even give you new content ideas for you to discover.

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large multi-colored quilt

Check Out These Quilting Affiliate Programs

Quilting is a sub-niche of sewing in terms of blogs and websites, even though it is a unique discipline it is placed in the sewing category.

But it is a big enough niche on its own to have some great dedicate affiliate partners that can really micro-target your audience and generate an impressive conversion rate when properly deployed.

Now that you have some great quilting affiliate program ideas you can focus on generating the traffic and conversions you need for a full-time business. With a little affiliate marketing training, you can get started on that today.

Quilty Box Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
quilty screenshot

Quilty Box is a quilt and sewing based subscription box service. Their subscription boxes have a nice and varied array of sewing and quilting items.

From functional to inspirational they cover just about everything in their sewing boxes. 

This affiliate isn’t a replacement for a crafts type store that sells all kinds of quilting good but it is nice to have something like this in your affiliate strategy.

The affiliate term for Quilty Box looks pretty good. They offer a very nice 10% Commission on all qualifying sales through your affiliate links.

It’s great to see a double-digit commission on a subscription box partner program.

Typically these tend to be flat fee commissions so it’s nice to see a percentage commission that you can possibly get some recurring commissions going from.

The tracking cookie is a standard 30-day cookie. 30 days is plenty of time for you to promote the product and get a commission from it.

Quilty Box’s products aren’t high ticket items so you don’t need a super long cookie duration to get the conversion you need to make a decent profit.

Why Promote Quilty Box?

The affiliate terms are good enough on their own to recommend this partner program.  But what really makes this affiliate Stand Out is the subscription nature of their products.

Anytime you can find a subscription-based affiliate you would do well to consider using it as part of your overall affiliate strategy.

It’s always nice, if possible, to have at least one subscription-based affiliate program in your partner program stable in order to get a nice recurring Commission.

National Quilters Circle Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
quilters circle screenshot

National Quilters Circle has an online shop that sells a nice selection of quilting training and technique videos and DVDs.

Their stock is limited to training videos as far as I can tell so you will need to pair this partner with one that can supply the materials needed for quilting.

National Quilters Circle offers up some pretty impressive affiliate terms for their affiliate partners.

The 60-day tracking cookie is always a good sight to see. 30-days is good and anything above that is outstanding for anything but the highest ticket items.

In addition to the wonderful tracking cookie, affiliates get a very nice double-digit commission from this partner. 10% is a great commission any way you cut it.

Wrapping Up National Quilters Circle

The affiliate terms are outstanding and the training videos and products that they offer will give some valuable information to your readers.

It is always a good idea to have an affiliate with training and tutorial digital videos or DVDs for anyone in the arts and crafts niche.

Holiday Quilters Club Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 15%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
holiday quilters screenshot

This affiliate offers a dozen or so quilting clubs that your readers can join. This is a subscription-based service that will teach you how to create seasonal quilting projects. Everything is included from the fabric to the instructions.

From an affiliate point of view, this is a great one. In fact, I would say this is one of the best partner programs in the entire quilting niche.

Not only are the products subscription-based but they are going to be very appealing to your quilting audience.

And then there are the affiliate terms.

They are fantastic. You get a full 90-day tracking cookie to promote these quilting clubs and make a commission. It is plenty of time to get the sale and income.

Not to be outdone the commission is outstanding. Holiday Quilters Club gives its affiliate partners a robust 15% commission n all qualifying sales through their affiliate links.

Why Promote Holiday Quilters Club?

I cannot think of a reason not to promote this partner if you are in the quilting niche. The affiliate terms are top-notch and the products are varied and look great for anyone in the quilting niche.

This is definitely an affiliate program that you are going to want to consider for your quilting or sewing blog.

AccuQuilt Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 8%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
accuquilt screenshot

Accuquilt is an online retailer specializing in all types of quilting and sewing accessories and equipment. They have accessories, patterns, embroideries of all types for your audience to choose from.

But the biggest seller on their website is the fabric Cutters that they offer. These are pretty impressive machines and are high-end. 

Some of them can even be considered high ticket items as they run well over $500.

The good news is that this affiliate program has the affiliate terms to back up their High ticket products.

The tracking cookie is a robust 60-day duration. When you have products in the hundreds of dollars you want as long as a cookie duration as possible.

The longer the cookie the better the chance you have it converting a sale.

The commission is also very nice. While not quite a double-digit commission they do give you an 8% Commission on all qualifying sales. 

Typically when you’re dealing with these types of big physical products you not going to find double-digit commissions very often.

So try not to be too disappointed in the 8% commission as it’s going to be one of the best you’re going to find for these types of products.

On Amazon, you would probably get 4% at most for this type of product so it’s practically double their Commission.

Why Promote AccuQuilt?

This partner might be a little bit trickier for some quilting blogs. It’s not really a necessity to pick up this type of affiliate program if you have another one that covers the broad quilting equipment space.

But one that’s focused on particularly fabric Cutters is going to be something that’s useful for a smaller subset of quilting blogs.

If you fall into that category then you were definitely going to want to consider this partner program for your affiliate strategy.

Sulky Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 20%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
sulky affiliate programs screenshot

Sulky has a wonderful selection of threads, stabilizers, sewing gifts and much more. They also offer a nice selection of kits for sewing and quilting. 

They have a nice selection and this affiliate is one that I think most Quilters are going to want to consider giving the quality of their products and the number of products that they have.

But one of the biggest reasons that you should consider this is their outstanding 20% Commission.  you were going to be hard-pressed to find a better Commission in the entire quilting niche.

Commissions aren’t the end-all-be-all of affiliate programs but you always like to get a high when if you can as long as you’re not compromising in other areas and I don’t think you are with this particular partner program.

The tracking cookie is very good as well it’s a standard 30-day duration. This gives you plenty of time to make yourself and given that most of these products are not high ticket items 30 days should be plenty of time for you to make a commission.

Why Promote Sulky?

I think the affiliate terms are probably one of the biggest reasons that you want to consider this partner program. But the products themselves are pretty good in my opinion however that is from an untrained eye.

As someone that is in the quilting that you’ll need to appraise and research these products to make sure that they’re going to be the highest quality and something that you are comfortable promoting.

If they are then you have yourself an outstanding affiliate program on your hand and one that can really make you a nice profit in the long term.

International Association of Quilters Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: $5 Flat-Fee
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
quilters screenshot

Fat Quarter Shop Affiliate Program

fat quarter shop screenshot

The Affiliate terms for this partner program are less than stellar.  The tracking cookie is just okay at 7 days.

This duration is going to be fine for lower price products but ideally, you want at least a 30-day tracking cookie for any affiliate program.

It’s not a deal-breaker on its own but it does limit the appeal of this partner program.

Further weakening the affiliate program is the low commission. They only offer a 3% Commission to their affiliate Partners.

This is just too low to really be of use to most people. If this is a shop that your readers absolutely adore, then the 3% commission isn’t going to be as much of a big deal because you can compensate for that low commission with a very high conversion rate.

For the majority of quilting blogs though this is going to have to be one that you pass on.

I included on this list because it does have some very good products and is very much in the quilting niche.  But overall there are better options out there for the majority of quilting blogs.

Bella Nonna Quilt Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 25%
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Auto-Approval: No
bella nonna screenshot

Bella Nonna Quilt Offers a very nice selection of fabrics and patterns for your quilting audience. Some of these patterns are very interesting and intricate and unique.

These are the types of products that you can build a little bit of your content around by taking a deeper look into them.

Likewise, they have a very good selection of fabrics that you can choose from some of them are absolutely beautiful and are going to really appeal to a wide range of Quilters out there.

The affiliate terms are pretty good as well. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find out the tracking cookie information so you’ll have to ask about that when you join their partner program.

However, the commission is fantastic. They offer a full 25% commission to their affiliate Partners which is one of the best in the entire quilting niche.

I think one of the reasons that the commission is so high is that the majority of their products are digital download patterns which tend to have a higher commission Than Physical products.

That might be the only issue if they don’t convert well with your specific audience than the 25% commission is really pointless.

But if you can’t get them to convert that you got an absolutely fantastic affiliate program on your hands and one that can really generate some nice and come for your Quilters blog.

1 Choice 4 Quilting Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10% Credit
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Auto-Approval: No
1choice4 quilting screenshot

1 Choice 4 Quilting has quite a selection of quilting related goods including kits and fabrics. This affiliate program is going to appeal to a pretty small subsection of quilting bloggers.

The reason for that is the affiliate terms. As far as I could tell they only offer a commission in store credit.

This is fine if you want to use them for your quilting needs but for everyone else they may want to pass on this vendor.

The credit commission is a nice 10%. The tracking cookie information was not available so be sure to ask about it when you sign up for their partner program.

Interweave Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 3%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No
interweave screenshot

Interweave offers a large assortment of training videos for a number of crafts, including knitting. They also have products related to jewelry making, beading, and crochet.

The affiliate terms are a mixed bag for the Interweave affiliate program. The tracking cookie is a nice standard 30-day duration.

I consider 30-days to be the minimum that an affiliate program should offer but it is really the standard duration more than anything.

The commission is where things get less than ideal. 3% is on the low side and makes the entire partner program that much less appealing.

It doesn’t kill the entire program outright but you need to have a great conversion rate to really make it work.

Final Thoughts On Interweave

The products are fine and the tracking cookie looks good but the commission really holds this partner program back and will limit its appeal.

If you have an audience that loves this partner then you should consider using it otherwise there may be better options out there.

This is a shame because with just a few more percentage points on the commission this could be a great partner program.

Wrapping Up Quilting Affiliate Programs

That brings us to the end of our look at these ten outstanding quilting affiliate programs. 

Any of these are going to be a benefit to your quilting block. Find the ones that convert the best with your specific audience and turn them into a money-making Powerhouse for your passive income website.

Quilting Niche is an incredible place to set up your online business. It fits well in every medium whether it’s video images or a written blog.

This is very important going forward as more and more people used video to get their information.

The quilting enlarger selling industry is constantly growing and you want us to start now so that you can get a piece of that ever-growing pie. 

Quilting is a 3.7 billion dollar industry as of 2017(source). That’s a huge amount of money and you can get your piece of that by building a crate quilting website with great content and monetizing it with these outstanding affiliate programs.

Don’t go it alone. Get the best learning tools and community to help you build your online dream. Check it out here.

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.