10 Outstanding Printing Affiliate Programs

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A lot of the time when you’re looking for affiliate programs for your blog, many are not necessarily going to fit into a perfectly well-defined niche.

A lot of affiliate programs are usable in a wide variety of niches and it’s important to find and include these ancillary affiliate programs in order to serve your customers and your readers to the best of your ability.

And that’s the case we find ourselves in with these printing affiliate programs. The number of niches that these partner programs should be useful in is vast.

For Example, if you have a blog about starting a new business.

A printing affiliate program is going to be a must-have for anyone of your readers who wants to print their own business cards for example.

If you have a holiday or birthday based Blog then having somewhere that your readers can go to print out custom birthday cards and holiday cards with a family photo are going to be invaluable for your business.

And that’s just two examples of a vastly different type of blah using the exact same affiliate program to generate income for their business.

With that in mind let’s take a look at these 10 fantastic printing affiliate programs that you can use to increase your profits on your passive income website.

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10 Great Printing Affiliate Partners

So let’s get right into the list of 10 printing partner programs that you can use for your passive income blog.

You can click on the sign-up link next to each partner and it’ll take you to the page where you can get more information and sign up for the various affiliate programs.

One thing that I want to stress is all affiliate programs are free to join.   You should never pay to join an affiliate program. Ever.

If someone is charging you a premium to join their affiliate program then it’s something that you probably don’t want to be a part of and should just move on.

#1 PS Print Affiliate Program

ps print icon
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 8%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days

PS Print has one of the largest selection of printing products. If you need to get something printed in a professional manner you can find it here.

Plus, their affiliate program is pretty good as well, the 8% commission and 60-day tracking cookie are among the best in the space when combined with their products.

#2 Canvas Champ Affiliate Program

canvas champ icon
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days

A great commission and tracking cookie make Canva Champ’s affiliate terms very appealing. Their products are interesting and suitable for quite a few different niches.

They can take your photographs and print them onto canvas for a professional piece of art for your home or gifts.

Great for birthday and holiday type niches as well as family-based blogs.

#3 Printing For Less Affiliate Program

pfl icon
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 18%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days

Printing For Less has a very nice selection of great printing product for your readers to choose from.

However, it is their best in class commission that really makes them appealing for an affiliate marketer.

If you can get this partner program to convert with your specific audience then it might be the only printing partner program you are going to need.

#4 Printful Affiliate Program

printful screenshot icon
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: N/A

Printful specializes in printing custom images on clothing, socks, pillows, posters, and some canvas prints.

Their products make this an ideal printing affiliate for a wide variety of gift and clothing niches as well as some holiday and birthday focused blogs.

They really illustrate the diversity in the types of niches that you can apply these printing affiliate programs towards.

#5 Print Place Affiliate Program

print place icon screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 5-15%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days

Print Place can create printing items for a wide variety of businesses. They have categories dedicated to restaurants, political flyers, banners and just about anything else that you could possibly need to be printed.

The commission structure is dependent on the type of printing you need to be done so be sure to check what type of commission you are inline to get when you choose what products to promote.

A very good choice for a variety of blog niches.

#6 Printify Affiliate Program

printify screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 5%
  • Tracking Cookie: N/A

One interesting thing about the Printify partner program is that you get recurring commissions for each customer you refer. However, it lasts for only 12 months and then you no longer get the recurring commission.

It is still a nice deal but I wish it would be an indefinite commission.

#7 VistaPrint Affiliate Program

vistaprint icon screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 6%
  • Tracking Cookie: 15-days

One of the most recognizable names in printing, Vistaprint has featured in numerous advertising campaigns in the mainstream media.

Their affiliate program is good, but not great. However, their name recognition is an incredibly valuable part of the overall package.

Give them a try and see how they convert.

VistaPrint Is a Big Brand

#8 Pictorem Affiliate Program

Pictorem icon
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 15%
  • Tracking Cookie: 120-days

Pictorem is a little different from some of the other printing partners on this list.

They specialize in Acrylic metal canvas and other types of art prints that you can customize any way you choose.  

This affiliate program would work particularly well for a photography blog or an arts and crafts blog.

It would also be a good choice for a family-oriented blog where you could and have them professionally printed onto one of these fantastic materials.

#9 WoodSnap Affiliate Program

woodsnap icon
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 11-51%%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days

As the name implies, WoodSnap is a printing service that specializes in creating prints on pieces of wood.

This puts it in a very unique place for a printing affiliate program. You can use this in a wide variety of niches, even ones that you wouldn’t traditionally think that a printing service would be of any use.

Woodworking seems like it would be an ideal place to have this affiliate program as part of your affiliate strategy.

Being able to print custom graphics on to some of the woodworking that your readers have created in their woodworking projects is going to be a neat way to customized those works of art even further.

#10 Best Of Signs Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Sales Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days

Best of Signs specializes in custom signs and banners at reasonable prices. They are a great printing partner for birthday and holiday sites as well as any business that needs specialized custom signs printed for them.

They might not have as broad of an appeal as more traditional printing partners but their high-quality products are going to be easy to promote and sell on the right type of blog.

What To Look For In A Printing Affiliate

There are a few points that you want to look at when choosing an affiliate program for your passive income block.

This is true of any affiliate program and in particular for printing affiliate programs that we’re discussing here today.

I always look at four important aspects when choosing an affiliate program.

The first one is the commission, the second is the tracking cookie, the third is the products that are offered and their quality,  and maybe the most important thing is the conversion rate.

 Let’s take a brief look at each one of those things so that you can decide which of these printing partner programs might be best for your blog.

The Printing Affiliate Program Commissions

The commission is the most visible part of an affiliate program.

It is the number that almost everyone looks at first when deciding on whether or not that affiliate program is going to be useful to them.

However, it is not Far and Away the most important thing that many people, especially new affiliate marketers, seem to think it is.

The commission by itself is almost irrelevant. If the other three criteria that I’m going over here aren’t met, then the commission is not going to be useful in any way.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t look at the commission very closely. Ideally, you want something close to double-digits.

For a lot of partner programs, 10% is not going to be feasible. But that is what you should shoot for.

Particularly for a printing affiliate program, 10% plus is going to give you a nice return on the time invested in the promotion of that partner program.

The Tracking Cookie

The tracking cookie is important, though often overlooked, part of any affiliate program. It becomes more important the higher the price of the products are.

Printing affiliates are necessarily the highest ticket items that you’re going to find so I really long cookie duration isn’t really necessary.

However, you always want to try and find a balance in your tracking cookie. Ideally, you wanted around 30 days, that seems to be the standard duration.

But depending on the product, 7 to 15 days is going to be more than enough for you to make your sale and still get a commission.

The Printing Products

The products offered are incredibly important and often overlooked part of an affiliate program. They are particularly important for a printing partner program.

This is because there is such a wide variety of different products that are only useful for certain blogging niches.

So if you have a business blog and the printing partner program that you want to promote doesn’t print business cards or doesn’t have a great print business printing card option,  Then you were going to want to find a different printing partner program.

 Before you join any affiliate program you always want to go and check out their products and check out their storefront and make sure that it’s something that you’re comfortable promoting.

Conversion Rates For The Printing Partner Programs

The last criteria that I think is important for an affiliate program is the conversion rate. Here’s the issue with this.

A lot of affiliate programs will give you a metric for an earnings per click or a conversion rate or something along those lines but those numbers are not numbers that you should really look at in a very deep way.

The reason for this is your specific audience is going to have its own conversion rate. What may work for another blog may not work for you even if you are in the same Niche. 

Your specific audience needs to be catered to with the types of affiliate programs and products that they are comfortable with.

 So you need to run some tests and see just which affiliate program works the best with your specific audience and still meets the criteria that I’ve talked about in the previous sections.

printed wedding invitation
Wedding Blogs Are Just One Niche That Can Benefit From A Printing Affiliate Program

Finishing Up With Printing Affiliate Programs

There you have it. That brings us to the end of our look at these 10 great partner program options for you to add to a wide variety of niches for your passive income blog.

You want to make sure that anything that your reader could possibly buy within your Niche you have an outlet for them to find and purchase it.

I think it’s important to reiterate how important these types of affiliate programs are to a successful affiliate marketing business.

So if we go back to the business blog examples that I used in the intro, if one of your customers or readers wants to find a place to get business cards made for them and you don’t have that option available somewhere on your side they’re going to go elsewhere.

That means you lose that sale, but it also means that they are going to return the site that had but they need to find anything in the future.

It’s important you have as many aspects of your overall blog Niche covered with a wide variety of affiliate programs.

One thing I will say to close out this article is, why you want to have a variety of different filler programs for your blonde.

You don’t want to over saturate your blog with all kinds of different affiliate programs. So if you are running a business blog.

You want to have a single printing affiliate program. And use that for all of your needs that might arise from your readers.

Just something to keep in mind and I hope you found the printing affiliate program that really works for you and converts well with your particular audience.

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Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful day.

printing affiliate programs pinterest image