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Hello everyone and welcome back for another look at some great affiliate programs that you can use to expand your existing affiliate strategy or to start building the affiliate foundation for your website. Today we’re going to take a look at a very interesting food affiliate program. This is a seafood delivery subscription service called Wild Alaskan Company.
I think this is an excellent affiliate program for a variety of niches. You could use it in a meat/seafood related niche site as well as a more general cooking website or YouTube channel. You could also use it on a recipe Channel where your focus is Seafood. It’s one of the more unique affiliate programs that I’ve seen.
So join us as we take a look at the commission and the cookie and what they mean for your business as well as the products and services that you will be able to promote when you join the Wild Alaskan Company Affiliate Program. And I top it off with my own opinion about the affiliate program from an affiliate marketer’s perspective.
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A Closer Look At The Wild Alaskan Company Partner Program
The $75 Flat Fee Affiliate Commission
Let’s start with the commission and get it out of the way. It is fantastic. Wild Alaska Company offers a $75 flat fee for new subscribers who join using your referral links. It is one of the highest commissions I have seen for a subscription box service. While I do love recurring commission over flat fees,(I’ll get into that in my “What Could Be Better Section”) a massive one time commission like this one more than makes up for it.
One thing I will add about commissions like this one. You must pair them up with great products that you are comfortable promoting. A good commission on its own is worthless if the product is no good. Fortunately, that won’t be a problem with this affiliate as the products look great, more on them later.
The 30-day Tracking Cookie Duration
The tracking cookie duration is a standard 30-day tracking cookie. This is going to be the most frequent duration that you’re going to find in the affiliate marketing space and it works okay.
The issue with a 30-day track and cookie is that he begins to become more of a problem the higher the cost of the products you’re promoting get. You really want long-duration cookies for high ticket items and when you start to approach the $1,000 Mark you really need a long duration cookie to get the highest amount of conversions that you can.
The Wild Alaskan Company products Run between $100 and $250 so you getting pretty close to that high-ticket item with this but not quite there. So the 30-day tracking cookie should be acceptable for this affiliate program but you always want it to be as high as possible.
A Brief Look At Wild Alaskan Company Products
The Wild Alaskan Company specializes in Wild-Caught Sustainable Seafood. They don’t have a huge number of options for their subscription boxes. They deliver seafood to your door each month. There are 3 options for your subscription box, they are as follows
Basically, it is salmon and white fish like halibut and cod. Delivered to your door. It would make a great affiliate for a salmon niche site or a general fish cooking or grilling site as cod and halibut are very popular fish for cooking.
But there is not much else to choose from which makes this a very specific product lists. Your audience is probably going to need to love fish in order for the conversions to be high enough to build a decent income. For this reason you will probably want a few other affiliates to build a more comprehensive portfolio.
What I Like About Affiliate Program
The commission is great. I will complain about the flat fee in the next section but if we look at it as just a flat fee and not worry about the loss of a recurring commission, it is a fantastic commission. $75 for a one time fee is exceptional among subscription boxes and one of the best flat-rate commissions I have seen in any niche, outside of digital-only products.
I also like the idea of sustainable wild seafood. This is going to be a great selling point for your promotional content. It’s healthy, it doesn’t destroy the environment or deplete the food supply unnecessarily. The quality of the fish is going to be the biggest reason why people buy this subscription and it starts off from a great place with its sustainability. You can read more about Wild Alaska Companies’ mission statement here and see if it lines up with your values.
What Could Be Better
There is really very little not to like about this affiliate program and my three minor grapes are a bit nitpicky. First I always like to try and find a cookie longer than 30 days. 30 days is fine but it is what I consider to be the standard tracking cookie. So you always want to find longer tracking cookies to give yourself more time to promote the product and raise your conversion rates.
The other minor issue that I have is the flat fee commission. This is very much personal preference. A lot of people like the flat fee one-time Commission because they get their money upfront and they can move on. Personally I like a percentage base recurring commission for these types of subscription services but they are becoming less and less available. And that’s really it with the complaints and they are extremely minor because this is overall a fantastic affiliate program.
The 3rd issue is really the limited selection of fish that they offer. Now you could view this as a positive since they are specializing in very few types of fish and should be experts at wild salmon and cod and halibut, but from an affiliate marketing view of things you want as diverse a selection of products as possible. What it really means is that you will need to find another affiliate program that can fill in the seafood gaps for your niche site.
The Bottom Line
- Commission: $75 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Affiliate Niche: Food/Subscriptions
- Affiliate Network: Avantlink
- Join The Wild Alaska Company Affiliate Program Here
That brings us to the end of our look at the wild Alaskan company affiliate program. It might seem weird to have an affiliate program dedicated solely to Seafood but this is a great sub-niche of the very popular food blogging Niche. And when it comes to affiliate programs this is one of the best you’re going to find in the entire food niche. The issues I have with this affiliate program are incredibly minor and I would go so far as to call at nitpicking.
So if you are in the food Niche or the meat niche, or a cooking niche or a recipe Niche or a food delivery Niche or a subscription service Niche then this is going to be a great affiliate program for you. It’s incredibly versatile you can use it across a wide variety of website and it has some very good and favorable affiliate terms for your bottom line.
Give this one a try and see how well it resonates with your audience because I think this is one of those affiliate programs that can really be a foundational type of affiliate partner that can really help generate solid income for your affiliate marketing business.
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