Need A Fruit Affiliate Program? Here Are Some Of The Best Around

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Welcome and Welcome back. Thank you for stopping by today and taking a look at our article on some outstanding fruit affiliate programs that you can use on a variety of Niche websites to help expand your monetization options.

When I’m talking about fruit affiliate programs were looking at affiliate programs and subscription services that deal mainly with fruit or fruit-based snacks.  A lot of these are going to be fruit gift basket affiliate programs as well as health-based affiliate programs where you going to find a lot of dry fruit snacks and Trail mixes and things along those lines.

As a result, these affiliate programs are great for gift Niche websites, Health Food Niche websites, fruit specific Niche websites, Subscription box websites, and many other Niche sites in these related niches.

So let’s take a look at some of these beautiful it programs and see if we can’t find one that is going to help expand your online business and take it to new heights or if you are just getting started, to find your first fruit affiliate program that you can use as a foundation for your business ventures.

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platter of fruit and berries

A Closer Look At Fruit Affiliate Programs

Traverse Bay Farms Affiliate Program

traverse bay farms screenshot

The Traverse Bay Farms product line really seems to focus on berries and cherries. A lot of the focus is on Tart cherries, in particular, make this a fairly specific affiliate to use. But I think it could work in a general food or fruit niche especially if you have categories dedicated to berries and the antioxidants they provide.

The affiliate terms are pretty good for this partner. They offer a 60-day tracking cookie which should do very well and providing you plenty of time to make a referral and still get the commission for it.  the commission is pretty generous as well they offer a 10% Commission on qualifying referrals made through your affiliate links. Anytime you see a double-digit the commission for a physical product affiliate program you should really consider looking into that partner a little bit deeper.

One last thing about the Traverse Bay Farms partner program is that they offer an auto-approval process through their ShareASale profile. This makes it a great option for people who are just starting out and looking for their first affiliate programs without needing to have a huge amount of traffic coming in just to get approved for the partner.

The Fruit Company Affiliate Program

screenshot of the fruit company website

The Fruit Company is a gourmet fruit basket company and they certainly live up to that. They have scores of fruit basket options across a wide range of prices, making this an awesome affiliate program for just about any fruit or food based niche site or YouTube channel.

Both the tracking cookie and the commission are very generous for this affiliate partner. They offer a 12% commission on sales made through your affiliate links and a 90-day tracking cookie. Put together these are some of the best terms among our list of fruit affiliate programs.

The Rotten Fruit Box Affiliate Program

screenshot of the rotten fruit box website

The name of this company, The Rotten Fruit Box, might not be the most appealing sounding affiliate n our list but they do offer a very interesting product line based around freeze-dried fruits. They have options for single purchases as well as a subscription box service. This program would work very well for a health food, fruit, or lightweight snack niche affiliate partner. It might even be a good shout for a hiking niche or outdoors website as well making it a pretty versatile partner to have on your side.

Next up is the commission and the cookie. They are decent but not overwhelming. The tracking cookie in particular is quite short. 30-days is pretty much the minimum standard these days and The Rotten Fruit Boxes 7-day tracking cookie falls well below that. It might have an influence on your conversion rate given that some of their fruit subscription boxes can run well into the hundreds of dollars if multiple months are purchased at once.

The commission weighs in at 7% which is a very respectable number for this type of affiliate partner. Of course you would like to see a double-digit commission on every affiliate program but that is just not the reality of affiliate marketing these days. With good targeted traffic the 7% should be plenty.

Pemberton Farms Affiliate Program

screenshot of the pemberton farms website

Pemberton Farms Has a great selection of fruit gift baskets for you to promote on your Niche website. They also have some other gift baskets with candy and other types of snacks in them as well.  This affiliate would work now only for a health or fruit-based Niche website but also a more General gift or candy Niche website.

The tracking cookie and the commission are pretty good as well. While I’d like to see a longer tracking cookie than the 14 day one that they offer here it should get the job done pretty reliably. The commission on the other hand is outstanding. It weighs in at 12% and should make you a nice profit if you can get a decent conversion rate from your audience.

Pittman And Davis Affiliate Program

screenshot of the pittman and davis website

Pittman And Davis has all manner of fruits and gift baskets as well as cakes and other gourmet foods. For our purposes we want to focus on the fruits that you canrpomote on your niche site.

  • Ruby Red Grapefruit
  • Navel Oranges
  • Clementines
  • Mandarins
  • Cherries
  • Peaches
  • Mangoes
  • Watermelon
  • Nectarines
  • Pineapples

And even more. This is a wonderful fruit affiliate with plenty of options for you to promote to your audience. With a wide range of pricing options that give you a lot of flexibility in your promotional content.

The commission is a rock solid 10% and the tracking cookie is a standard 30-days. Both will work well for your affiliate marketing business and should provide a solid foundation if you need a fruit based affiliate partner.

Sunfoods Superfoods Affiliate Program

screenshot of the sunfood superfoods website

Sunfoods Superfoods has a variety of products aside from its fruit offering, but for this article, we will focus on the dozen or so dried fruit products. But the affiliate link is site-wide, so while you might send them there for fruit if they buy anything you get a nice commission.

The tracking cookie was not readily available so be sure to ask about it when you join this affiliate programs. The commission is amazing at 10% with the possibilities of running it up to 20%. Make sure you findout the requirements for getting the max commission available.

SmoothieBox Affiliate Program

  • Commission: 15%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Learn More About SmoothieBox
  • Auto-Approval: No
  • Affiliate Niche: Smoothie/Health
  • Join The SmoothieBox Affiliate Program Here
screenshot of the smoothiebox website

And now for something a little bit different on our list of the best fruit affiliate programs. This one is not about the fruit some self but the smoothies that you can make from these wonderful fruits.  I thought it was important to put one of these on the list because they are such an important part of any fruit Niche website. Smoothies are one of the most popular ways to introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet.

That’s what Smoothiebox brings to the table.  A subscription-based service that delivers smoothies to your door for you to mix yourself every month. Always like subscription-based Services as an affiliate marketer and this one is very interesting and something a little bit different than you might not necessarily think about when you are starting your health food or your fruit Niche website.  In addition, if you wanted to go with a strict smoothie Niche site than this is another I feel it that would work well strictly for that.

The tracking cookie is a solid 30 days. This will give you plenty of time to make a sale and get credit for that Commission.  the commission itself is a rock-solid 15%. It’s one of the highest on our list and it’s probably due to the fact that you’re not dealing with fresh produce here. So it’s not going to be as much overhead in regards to shipping and storage of the typical fruits that you would find on some of these other affiliate programs.

Closing Thoughts On Fruit Affiliate Programs

That just about wraps up our look at these wonderful fruit affiliate programs. This is definitely not your standard blogging niche I’m not really sure how well a solely fruit focused website would do. I think if you blend it in with health and fitness then it could be very profitable but health and fitness is a much more competitive Niche then Simply creating content around fruit would be.

With that said a fruit focused recipe or cooking or foodie type of website or YouTube channel might be the best way to go about using these affiliate programs.  It’s definitely one of the more interesting niches out there and one that I don’t think would be overly crowded as long as you were clever about your keyword and topic selection for your articles and videos.

I hope that you found an affiliate program that is going to benefit your overall affiliate marketing business. Or maybe this has given you some ideas on where to start your online business in the first place. Either way I wish you the best of luck and I thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Remember most affiliate marketers fail because they never even start. So don’t think about starting a fruit and itch website or a Health  Niche website where fruits play a huge part. Buckle down and do it.

 Good luck and get started.

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