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Welcome to our look at some of the best Halloween affiliate programs currently available.
These partners span a wide variety of niche and might just be the ingredient you need to generate that extra income during the scariest of holidays.
Strap and let’s get right to the affiliate programs and then stay with us for a look at what factors make a great Halloween partner program.
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The Halloween Affiliate Programs
Let’s Dive Right into these Halloween affiliate programs. Keep in mind that these are just my opinion of what the top Halloween affiliate programs are.
You’ll have to match your affiliate programs with your specific audience to get the most out of them. These are not ranked in any particular order. Affiliate Programs
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Multiple
- Sales Commission: 5-12%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Holidays
- Auto-Approval?: No offers a huge variety of costumes for just about any style or theme that you could possibly want. Much of their stock is exclusive to their store so it makes for a great partner program.
They also have quite a few products for other holidays as well. So you can use them year-round for other Popular holidays like St. Patrick’s Day and Easter if that fits into your website strategy.
Trendy Halloween Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Niche: Costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No
Trendy Halloween has a wide variety of costumes and accessories for Halloween.
They offer some 15000 Halloween costumes and decorations that you can use to generate some outstanding content in the way of family-themed costume ideas and general reviews.
The affiliate terms are also fantastic making this an excellent choice for your Halloween themed content.
The Halloween Spot Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No
The Halloween spot has a huge variety of some very popular Halloween costumes. They have categories for men women and children so your readers can outfit their entire family with the perfect costume for the holiday.
They do offer some wigs and build your own costume services but they don’t have much else in the way of holiday accessories. This is very specific to costumes for Halloween.
Halloween Empire Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No
Halloween Empire offers a wide array of costumes and accessories for anyone looking to get into the Halloween spirit.
They have costumes for the whole family and they are priced reasonably so you can promote them to a wide range of readers on your Halloween or holiday blog. Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: Up To 15%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Adult costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No is not limited to just Halloween costumes. They supply a wide variety of adult clothing and lingerie as well.
For the purposes of this list, they have a nice selection of adult-themed costumes for Halloween and other dress-up holidays. This affiliate is going to be for specific blogs with very specific audiences.
Spirit Halloween Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: PepperJam
- Sales Commission: 8-13%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Niche: Costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No
Spirit Halloween is another great option for your website if you need a Halloween costume vendor for your readers.
They have a great selection and have some options for other holidays if your site is a more general costume or holidays website
The affiliate terms are also excellent from this partner program. The commission is particularly nice at the high end.
Scary Eyes Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 12%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Color Contacts
- Auto-Approval?: No
The Scary Eyes affiliate program is incredibly specific to just one aspect of the overall Halloween costume.
They have an incredible selection of color contact lenses that can be used to give your Halloween costume that added bit of authenticity.
The contacts are all they sell so you would need to use it as an auxiliary partner program to other Halloween partners.
But they have great affiliate terms and the products are decently priced making for some nice commissions.
Find Constume Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 8%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No
Another huge supplier of all manner of Halloween costumes for your readers to choose from.
They have just about anything you need to get that perfect Halloween costume for you and your entire family. They have themes for couple and you could generate a ton of content around their offerings.
The affiliate terms are decent but not incredible. Still, they are definitely worth considering.
Costumes For Less Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Niche: Costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No
Costumes For Less is not solely a Halloween costume distributor. They have costumes for every conceivable holiday.
They also have a wide variety of Cosplay products that may overlap with your audience a little bit. You can check out our list of 10 great cosplay affiliate programs here.
The affiliate terms for Costumes For Less ae very competitive and their huge selection makes them a candidate for your primary Halloween partner program.
Constume Discounters Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Commission Junction
- Sales Commission: Up To 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Niche: Costumes
- Auto-Approval?: No
The final entry on our list is one of the largest costume vendors around. they have a wide selection of Halloween costumes.
They also stock a nice lineup of cosplay and other holiday costumes for your readers to choose from.
They have a very nice affiliate compensation package with a great 90-day cookie and a commission that can rise to 20% in some instances.
Definitely a candidate for a primary affiliate for any Halloween or costume based niche site.

Factors To Consider For Your Halloween Affiliate Programs
When choosing an affiliate program are a variety of factors that you need to consider when you make that final decision on what affiliate programs to promote.
You can’t go around and really fine and promote every single affiliate program that you can. You need to whittle that list down to maybe a handful at most.
Ideally, you want to get your readers comfortable with whatever affiliate programs you’re promoting and not overwhelm them with a deluge of different companies.
So I like to look at four or five different factors depending on the niche that I’m looking at for these affiliate programs.
The common factors that I look at are the commission, the tracking cookie, the conversion rates of the affiliate program, and the products themselves.
I also sometimes look at the reputation of the brand or website that is providing the affiliate program but in the case of Halloween affiliate programs.
I don’t think this is really an issue since most of these companies are going to be pretty unknown and the manufacturers of the costumes are fairly unknown as well.
So it would just be a lot of extra work to try and get people familiar with these Brands and businesses instead most people are just going to look at the products and decide based on that criteria.
But it’s something that you can consider if you choose to. And for some niches, it’s absolutely a necessity to make sure that the brand that you’re promoting is very reputable.

Promote Good Halloween Products
The products that you choose remote when you choose an affiliate program must be of the highest quality that you can possibly find.
It does you no good to promote terrible products that people are just going to return or are that is not going to sell in the first place. Regardless of how good the commission is the products must be top-notch.
This is true with Halloween affiliate programs as well. Typically people will be buying these to use once or twice but they are going to be worn out trick-or-treating or at parties or some other Gathering and you want them to hold up for a while.
So they need to be put together well and not have a real cheap feel about them all those some of the costumes are just going to feel plastic and cheap because that’s what they are.
The interesting thing about Halloween partners and costume Partners, in particular, is that people kind of have an expectation that some of the products are not going to be that great quality and they’re going to be worn once and thrown away.
But it’s still up to you to make sure that you are promoting the best vendors of these products that you possibly can.
The products need to be reasonably priced and your readers have a reasonable expectation of a quality product that you recommended.

The Commission Is Always Important
Next up is the commission which is the number that everybody looks at first. New affiliate marketers use this metric as the sole method of choosing an affiliate program a lot of times.
This is the wrong way to go about it because the other factors are incredibly important and must be just as good as a commission for the overall affiliate program to be really worth it.
For how long and affiliate programs you really want to find something closing in on 10%. A couple of points below is fine but once you start getting into the for 5% range it just makes more sense to use Amazon Associates for costumes.
I always try to avoid Amazon whenever I can as an affiliate because their affiliate terms are so low but as a consumer, I love using their shop because I trust it and they have everything I need.
So when you’re promoting these Halloween costumes and accessories you’ve got to kind of balance that out between the convenience of Amazon and the uniqueness of these smaller affiliate programs.
The owner list we have a bunch of the smaller Affiliates and their commissions are mostly double digits with a few around 8%.
Even at 8%, that’s double what you would be getting from Amazon and it makes sense to try and promote these vendors as much as possible because the quality of the products and the types of products are going to be the exact same.
The bottom line with commissions as you want it to be as high as possible without compromising the other factors like Conversion rate and product quality.
The Importance Of The Tracking Cookie
The tracking cookie is going to be an important part of your Halloween affiliate programs.
However, it is probably not as important for a website in the costume or Halloween niches as it would be for some higher ticket items.
So anything over 7 days is going to be just fine, anything approaching 30 days is going to be outstanding.
I don’t think that anything on this list has a tracking cookie less than 30 days so it’s really not something that you need to worry too much about.
The reason tracking cookies are important is there is a real correlation between conversion rate and the length of the tracking cookie.
The longer the cookie the better chance you have of making a sale so you always want to find longer tracking cookies. But not at the expense of the other factors laid out here.
The bottom line here is for these Halloween affiliate programs the tracking cookie is going to be fine and it’s not something you really need to look at too deeply for this particular niche.

Halloween Partner Conversion Rates
It really doesn’t matter how much you like an affiliate program or a business that you are promoting. What ultimately matters is how well it converts with your specific audience.
That’s why conversion rates are so important and arguably the most important part of any affiliate program.
The products that you’re promoting have to convert with your audience. You cannot be emotional about this you have to treat it like a business which is exactly what you are Philip marketing business is.
If an affiliate program is not converting for you you must find a new one or, at that old one from a whole new angle.
finding the exact conversion rate for any partner program requires you to run a test with your specific audience. That’s really the only way to do it.
Because your audience is unique they’re going to have their own likes and dislikes about whatever affiliate programs you decide to promote. So you have to match your audience with those partner programs.
In the Halloween and costume niches, it might seem silly but some affiliate programs are going to convert better than others with your specific audience even though they’ll have basically the same type of product.
It could easily come down to how well the website of the store that you’re promoting is laid out and how easy it is to find stuff.
These are all things you have to consider when looking at the conversion rates for your affiliate programs.
Until Next Year
Halloween is a huge industry all by itself. The annual spending on Halloween related products was over 9 billion dollars in 2018(source).
If you do decide to focus your blog around Halloween alone then you must realize that the website will be incredibly seasonal.
A better option might be to have other holidays or interests on the website to help make it a more year-round venture.
But you can make a nice side-income on just Halloween if you choose to. Just have your content readily a couple of months beforehand to give it enough time to rank in time for Halloween.
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