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The goal at Run the Affiliates is to provide bloggers with information on affiliate programs and niches for their blogs. For this article, we have decided to focus on a singular affiliate program instead of a few from a given niche.
Hopefully, with this format, we will be better able to give a much more in-depth look at the affiliate program, the products available to promote on a blog and the overall image and history of the company.
Which in turn will help a blogger or affiliate marketer make a better-informed decision about that specific affiliate program?
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A Quick Look At The Hawaii Coffee Company Affiliate Program
Welcome to our review of the Hawaii Coffee Company Affiliate Program. In this review, we will break down every aspect of this affiliate program in order to give your audience a good view of whether or not this program is worth the time and effort to promote this company’s products.
One of the big questions that come up around affiliate marketing is why not just join every affiliate program available and go from there.
The answer is time.
A blogger only has so much time to write its content and reviews.
If they sign up for an affiliate program and promote that company’s products, then the affiliate needs to know their time won’t be wasted by promoting products that don’t convert. In this case, writing a bunch of reviews about a coffee brand.
So the how and when to join an affiliate program become very important to the overall affiliate business.
Running out of content with your current affiliate programs it would be a good time to find another one to join and refresh that content.
Hawaii Coffee Company uses the ShareASale Affiliate Network for its Affiliate Program.
A Brief History of Hawaii Coffee Company
Its always good to know a little bit about the company behind the products that a blog is going to promote.
It gives the content a great deal more authenticity when a blogger. Which of course lead to a more trustworthy perception of the blog as a whole.
According to their website, Hawaii Coffee Company was formed in 2000 when two coffee companies, Lion Coffee and Aloha Royal Kona Coffee merged their businesses.
These two coffee companies had been in existence for quite sometime before the merger.
Lion Coffee was formed in 1864 and is one of America’s oldest major coffee companies.
Aloha Royal Kona Coffee was formed in 1968.
Together they a part of the rich history of Hawaiian Kona coffee that is so popular today.
In 2013, The Hawaii Coffee Company launched its Hawaiian Royal coffee line. This coffee was developed by Alan Wong.
A renowned and internationally famous chef who was looking to start his own line of coffee products.
What to Promote?
For any affiliate marketer the promoting of an affiliate partners products in the lifeline of a blog.
Product reviews and general information about the products will make up the majority of content on a website.
Therefore, it is imperative that a company bring something to set it apart from the crowd. There are a few ways to do this.
Some companies have a huge amount of name brands for the affiliate to promote, while others have a unique offering that the affiliate can promote.
Hawaii Coffee Company falls into the later. The affiliate can promote a huge line of coffee and coffee-related products from their website.
They have the Royal Hawaiian line of coffee as previously mentioned. They have an incredibly popular Lion Coffee brand.

Their offerings include an amazing selection of flavored coffee, 100% Kona Coffee, Single Source Coffee.
As well as single-serve K-cups, holiday coffees, coffee-related merchandise including branded mugs and bag and even some teas for a bloggers audience to try.
The amount of products is outstanding and a coffee blogger should not have any trouble finding enough content from their offerings.
These types of smaller affiliate programs are a nice counterpoint to the large retail affiliates that have a bit of everything.
A coffee blogger can really dig down into each of the Hawaii Coffee Company offerings and generate some really unique content and reviews from their products.
This is why it is always a great idea to diversify an affiliated portfolio to include both the large and smaller programs.
The Commission
This is always a big question when it comes to affiliate programs. How much is the commission? Hawaii Coffee Company pays its affiliates up to a 20% commission.
According to their ShareASale, they have a 10-20% commission structure but it is not clear how this number is achieved. So for the sake of this review, we will use a range of 10-20% as the commission.

10% is pretty good for a retail affiliate 20% is great. However, the vagueries of how to get these numbers are somewhat of a negative as it is not explained in detail anywhere that is easily found.
That being said, 10% is still ok and almost double the commission of some other leading retailers.
The Tracking Cookie Duration
Hawaii Coffee Company offers its affiliates a 45-day cookie. This is about average for a retail cookie although a longer one would definitely be welcomed, this is not at all a big negative for the affiliate program as it is pretty standard.

The 45-day cookie gives a reader of the affiliate’s blog a good amount of time to make a purchase and have the credit of the sale go to the affiliate so they may receive a commission.
Combined with the commission percentage this is a pretty good overall package for this program.
Some Finer Points
When taking a look at the Hawaii Coffee Company ShareASale page, there are some very intriguing statistics for an affiliate marketer to consider when deciding whether or not to choose to promote this company’s products.
Statistics from ShareASale:
- The average Sale is $56.91
- The average Commission is $7.03
- The reversal Rate is 0%
- With a $21.37 EPC

ShareASale Statistics for Hawaii Coffee Company
These statistics are good but not great the Earnings per Click (EPC) is a little lower than some competing coffee affiliate programs and the average commission and average sale don’t line up very well but it is still not a bad looking affiliate program.
The Final Verdict
The Hawaii Coffee Company Affiliate Program is a pretty good program for anyone in the coffee blogging niche.
They offer a fair commission of up to 20% which is always nice and have a large selection of products for the affiliate to choose from.
Their 45-day cookie is good for a retail affiliate program and they have a good and reputable company history.
Coffee is always a popular niche and Kona coffee is a great type of coffee to promote as it is very popular right now.
I would recommend any coffee blogger to pick up this affiliate for the added content opportunities through reviews of their branded coffee and for the pretty good overall affiliate package they offer.
It is always a great idea to have multiple avenues of products to promote and Hawaii Coffee Company fits the bill.
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And as Always Have a Great Day.
Coffee is a great niche because everyone loves it, and people can get addicted to certain delicious brands of coffee if they like it. This gormet coffee has so many options to choose from, and that makes a wonderful niche to market in because people are bound to like one of them! Great idea!
Dear Michael,
This is an interesting and helpful review.
Being a blogger genuine affiliate programs reviews means a lot to me because it will save us a lot of time. We normally use to do a lot of research before joining an Affiliate Program but you are saving us money. Money? Yes, Time is Money!
Your review is detailed and in-depth so there is no additional research required.
I will share your post with my blogging friends. I prefer the overall review graphic before the article i.e in the beginning itself.
Wishing you Great Success!
Glad you found the article helpful
thanks for the comment
Wow, what a very helpful article! As an affiliate marketer myself I know finding the right affiliate programs is key. Thanks for putting out such helpful information to make this task easier! What would you say the most important thing to look for in an affiliate program is? Thanks again!
I wouldn’t say there is one specific thing to look for in an affiliate program, a huge commission is pointless if the product is no good for example. There needs to be a combination of factors taken into consideration before deciding whether to spend time promoting a product.
Thanks for the comment