10 Amazing Dance Affiliate Programs That Will Make You Leap for Joy!

This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details

Are you passionate about dance and looking to monetize your love for the art form? Look no further! In this blog post, we have curated a list of 10 amazing dance affiliate programs that will have you leaping for joy. Whether you’re a ballet enthusiast, a hip-hop lover, or a ballroom dancer, these programs offer fantastic opportunities to earn commissions while sharing your passion with others. Read on to discover the best dance affiliate programs that will help you turn your dance passion into a profitable venture. Get ready to pirouette into the world of affiliate marketing!

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man and women in red dress dancing on a deserted road

Check Out These Dance Affiliate Programs

I’ve got 10 absolutely fantastic dance partner programs for you right here and these are just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty out there. I just felt like these represented the biggest cross-section of dance affiliate programs and will give you the widest variety to choose from.

#1 Beyond The Barre Affiliate Program

beyond the bar screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 8%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No

#2 Passion 4 Dancing Affiliate Program

passion for dancing icon screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 35%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days
  • Auto-Approval: No

#3 Natural Spin Dancing Affiliate Program

natural spin icon screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 15-27%
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Auto-Approval: No

#4 Learn And Master Affiliate Program

learn and master screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 20%
  • Tracking Cookie: Lifetime
  • Auto-Approval: Yes

#5 Wedding Dance Tutorial Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 50%
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Auto-Approval: Yes

#6 Dancewear Solutions Affiliate Program

dancewear solutions screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 6%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No

#7 Danzia Affiliate Program

danzia screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 6%
  • Tracking Cookie: 7-days
  • Auto-Approval: No

#8 Zkaka Affiliate Program

zkaka screenshot
  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 20%
  • Tracking Cookie: 90-days
  • Auto-Approval: No

#9 Pole And Ariel Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 15%
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Auto-Approval: No

#10 LupitPole Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Auto-Approval: No

woman in black dancing
Some Dance Is Eloquent, Your Content Should Be As Well

Factors To Consider In A Dance Affiliate Program

It might be tempting to just go and sign up for all of the affiliate programs on this list and then just start Plastering your affiliate links all over your content. But this is not the best way to go about it because you’re just going to saturate your content with spammy links and you’re ultimately going to turn off your readers.

So you need to pick and choose which dance affiliate programs you want to promote. There are a few factors that you need to consider when choosing the affiliate programs on this list or out in the wild in general. Each factor has its own merits but the two most important are the commission and the conversion rate.

The other two that I’m going to talk about today are the tracking cookie and the products themselves. So let’s dive in a little deeper into each of these factors to determine  how to best use the dance affiliate programs that are right for your specific audience

woman dancing at sunset

Dance Affiliates Tracking Cookie

The first fact that you want to consider when choosing a  dance affiliate program is the tracking cookie. I would say this is probably the least important aspect of the affiliate programs in the dance niche. It’s not something that you want to completely overlook. The tracking cookie is basically the window of opportunity that you have to make a sale.

When someone clicks on your affiliate link the tracking cookie gets put on to their browser and if they make a purchase within a set amount of time you get the commission. The longer the duration of the cookie the better chance you have at making a sale. It’s pretty straightforward in that regard. Longer is always better.

For dance affiliate programs it’s not a huge deal because we’re not dealing with super high ticket items that people need a lot of time to think about and consider before making a purchase of that scale.

Most of the Dance affiliate programs on our list give you at least 30 days to make your sale. This is plenty of time for the dancing niche.  A couple of our programs had no listed cookie which means you just have to check on it when you apply for the program.

Even the lowest duration cookie, 7 days from Danzia,  is still going to give you enough time to make your sales. The things I would look out for is anything under seven days might be a real problem unless you’re dealing with a huge corporation like Amazon.

But for the most part, you’re going to find that dance partner programs are going to have a pretty generous tracking cookie. It’s not something you need to really concern yourself about and it definitely won’t make or break an affiliate program for the most part.

ballerina dancing legs and feet
Ballet Is A Wonderful Dance Sub-Niche

High-Quality Dance Products

The next factor that I want to talk about is an incredibly important one that often gets overlooked. When people choose an affiliate program, especially new affiliate marketers,  they tend to look only at the commission. The products are sometimes an afterthought. As crazy as that may seem the products that you are actually selling aren’t the first thing that you consider when choosing an affiliate program.

But they should be. First and foremost you are providing a service where you are promoting a product to your readers. Your creative content is helpful resourceful and interesting but when they go to buy that product you need to be sure that the products are high-quality.

In the dancing niche, these products take on a wide variety of forms. If you’re going to promote a dance training video then that training video needs to be high quality. It needs to be well made and it needs to have good information at a good price.

If you’re promoting dance clothing and shoes and other types of dancewear, they need to be great products because if they fail people will return them and you’re not going to get your commission. Pile on top of that they are not going to blame the affiliate program for the crappy product they’re going to blame you because you were the one who promoted it to them.

Your readers have a relationship with you more so than they do with the affiliate program and the products that you’re promoting. It’s your responsibility to promote only the best products that you possibly can. You will make mistakes and you will promote bad products.

There’s no way around that. Sometimes our product can look great on the outside but once it gets used a little bit at falls apart and that’s the end of that period What you need to do your due diligence try your best to get ahold of a review sample of the product you’re trying to promote and really dig in to. Make sure that there’s something you’re comfortable promoting to your readers and something that is going to be of high quality and a good representation of the dance niche overall.

men in black dancing
Experimental Dance Is A Good Place To Look For Ideas

Commissions For Dance Affiliates

The next factor that we want to talk about is the all-important commission. Now, unfortunately, this factor gets the most attention to the exclusion of everything else a lot of times. It is an incredibly important factor in choosing an affiliate program for your dance niche website. But it is not the end-all-be-all of affiliate programs.

You need to balance the commission with the other factors that I’ve laid out here today in order to find the best dance partner programs for your business. If you found a great commission for a dance partner program but the products are subpar and constantly getting returned that is not a good affiliate program for your specific audience.

Basically what you want to do when looking at these partner programs is find a baseline commission that you’re comfortable with and then add in the other factors to kind of craft what type of affiliate program you want to deal with. So whether that number is 5% or 6% or whatever as long as your affiliate program gets you to that number then the commission is fine for that particular partner program.

Obviously the higher the commission the better. If you can tick all the boxes for the other factors like the products are great, the tracking cookies are outstanding, the conversion rate is fantastic and you also get a partner program with a high commission.

Then you’ve hit the jackpot and you want to try and make that affiliate program work as best as you can with your specific audience. But they’re not always going to be like that at some point you’re going to have to make some compromises in the commission rate in order to find dance affiliate programs that convert for you and your specific audience.

The point here is to try not to be emotional when making these decisions. Yes, it’s tough to walk away from a 75% commission but if that commission is not converting then you are not going to earn 75% anyway. These are business decisions and you need to treat them like that. So don’t get too attached to any affiliate program they are simply business partners that need to produce or they need to be gone.

Conversion Rate For Dance Partner Programs

The last factor for dance affiliate programs that I want to talk about is probably the most important. And that is the conversion rate. This is really the metric that you want to look at and build your entire business around.

Your conversion rates must be good enough to draw in enough cells to make your passive income business a success. It doesn’t matter how great the products are or how wonderful the commission is, if the conversion rates are bad then nothing else matters.

The problem is finding what the conversion rate is. The only way to do that is to take these dance affiliate programs and apply them to your content and then find out which ones convert with your specific audience. One of these dance Partners might convert great with one type of blog but on yours, they don’t convert it all.

That’s just the nature of affiliate marketing. Every product and every affiliate program is typically going to perform much differently depending on the audience. Now if you’re just starting out conversion rate is not going to be something you really need to worry about because you’re not going to have the traffic to be able to test which affiliate programs are going to work the best.

You need to get 50 to 100 visitors a day minimum before you even start to think about conversion rates.  Up until you start hitting these traffic markers, the best bet is to just concentrate on getting good quality content out there and worrying about conversion rates once you start to get a steady stream of traffic into your website.

But don’t neglect running tests for your conversion rates. Even if you think your Affiliates are doing just fine run some tests and find out if they can be improved even a little bit, every little percentage matters.

women dancing overlooking statue of liberty
Dance Takes On A Variety Of Forms

Maximize Your Dance Affiliates

You got your dance affiliate programs selected. You know exactly which ones you’re going to promote and how you’re going to promote them. Now all you need is a great way to get the traffic to your affiliate links.

That is the tough part. That is the entire crux of affiliate marketing. Get the traffic you need to your affiliate links. There are a variety of ways to get traffic successfully and there is an even bigger number of ways to completely fail at this.

Believe me, I’ve been down the road of trying and failing at certain strategies and techniques. I joined this group or that forum of gurus to try and figure out the best way to generate traffic for my website. But ultimately the best way that I found was to just find some great training and follow it at my own pace. I always look at this type of training as an investment because it’s not cheap but it’s not as expensive as you might think.

women in white dancing near water
Your Dance Micro-Niche Will Help Determine What Dance Affiliate Programs You Will Want To Use

The Big Finish

That brings us to the end of our look at these 10 wonderful dance affiliate programs that you can use right now to help increase profits on your dance Niche site. Affiliate programs aren’t one-size-fits-all.  That’s true in any Niche including this one.

You need to be selective about which dance Partners you choose to promote. You need to be selective about which dance-related products you choose to promote. Choosing the best products for your audience and the best partners for your audience is going to help increase your conversion rates and make you a lot more money in the long run.

So find those affiliate programs that are perfect for you. Find the dance affiliate programs that are perfect for your audience. Once you have it all together and you start writing your content, promoting the affiliate programs is going to be fairly easy and straightforward. You can do it.

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 Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.