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Welcome welcome to our look at some of the best cigar affiliate programs that you can use on your passive income website to help generate a little extra income.
It must be said that these affiliate programs are all four adults only. Most of the websites that you’re going to be promoting are going to have age restrictions on the front end.
And if you are in the cigar, smoking, or vaping niches then you probably have disclaimers of your own and understand exactly how to promote and not promote these types of affiliate programs.
With all that said let’s take a look these great cigar affiliate programs
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Check Out These Cigar Affiliate Programs
The cigar affiliate programs are just one piece of the puzzle for building a successful affiliate marketing business. Getting traffic and conversions are what will ultimately determine how successful you are.
Proper affiliate marketing training can go a long way toward creating the passive income you deserve.
Cigar Manor, LLC Affiliate Program
- Commission: 12%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Cigar Manor, LLC Affiliate Program

Cigar Manor is an online shop that sells an incredible amount of cigars humidors ashtrays and lighters and just about anything else you need for the smoker in your life.
They have dozens of the major cigar brands that you can promote on your Niche website. These brands are going to be very well known to your audience if they are at all experienced with cigars.
Let’s have a look at the affiliate terms for the cigar Manor affiliate program. The tracking cookie is a standard 30-day duration.
Typically you want as long a duration cookie as possible and 30 days is basically the industry stranded at this point. So it’s nice to see that kind of duration for these cigar products.
The commission is outstanding weighing in at 12%. I always like to see a commission in the double digits and 12% is an exceptional commission to have for these products which can run pretty high in price depending on the product.
When you add it all up cigar Manor can easily be your go-to cigar affiliate program it could be the primary affiliate for a cigar based website. It’s that good in terms of products, commissions, and tracking cookies.
Buitrago Cigars Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 45-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Join Buitrago Cigars Affiliate Program

Buitrago Cigars It’s an online cigar shop that cells just about every type of cigar that you could imagine. They have the option for your audience to roll their own cigars as well as filtered cigars hookahs and other smoking-related merch.
The tracking cookie decoration for this affiliate program is 45 days. That is a little bit longer than Your typical cookie duration. the commission is a very nice 10% as well. Anything in the double digits is good for this particular niche.
All around this is a very good affiliate program to consider for your smoking or cigar Niche website. They have everything you need and it’s ultimately just going to come down to how well they resonate with your specific audience.
One last thing I will note about this affiliate program is that they do have an auto-approval process on ShareASale. So if you are a member of the ShareASale affiliate network then you can sign up for this affiliate program regardless of how old your website is.
This is a great opportunity for newer bloggers to get a taste of how affiliate programs work and even earn a little bit of money early on in their website’s life cycle.
Famous Smoke Shop Cigars Affiliate Program
- Commission: Up To 15%
- Tracking Cookie: Up To 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Famous Smoke Shop Cigars Affiliate Program

Famous Smoke Shop Cigars Will fit into just about any cigar Niche website. They’ve got a ton of products that you can promote they have some big brands that people are going to recognize and they have some pretty decent affiliate commissions to go along with it.
The affiliate terms for this affiliate program or a little bit vague. They list their tracking cookie as up to 30 days and their commission as up to 15%.
It’s not really clear what it takes to get the maximum cookie duration and the commission is most likely performance-based so the more you sell the higher commission rate you can achieve.
Mike’s Cigars Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Mike’s Cigar Affiliate Program

Mike’s CigarsHas an incredible amount of products that you can promote on your website. They have humidors lighters ashtrays cigar cutters as well as other accessories.
And of course, they have a huge selection of the cigars themselves. The amount of content that you could generate just from their cigar selection could really fill up your entire website with reviews and in-depth looks at how the cigars are made.
The affiliate terms are pretty standard for the cigar Notch. They have a standard 30-day tracking cookie duration. And the affiliate commission is 10%.
These are very solid numbers but they aren’t really that spectacular. That being said you can make a lot of money with a 10% Commission on the products that Mike’s Cigars sell.
Gotham Cigars Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Gotham Cigars Affiliate Program

Gotham Cigars is an online website that has a ton of cigars on offer for your readers to purchase. The highlight of their offerings is the cigar club subscription.
These types of subscription products are always great for affiliate marketers just for the potential for some recurring income if they offer that with the subscription boxes.
Gotham Cigars offers another standard set of affiliate terms for their affiliate partner. Here we have a 30-day tracking cookie which will give you plenty of time to make a sale and still get a commission and they offer a 10% commission for all qualifying sales through your affiliate links.
There are opportunities to sign up for this affiliate program though both Commission Junction and ShareASale. The affiliate terms are quoted from the ShareASale profile for Gotham Cigars.
Cuvana Electric Cigars Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 365-days
- Auto-Approval: Yes
- Join Cuvana Electric Cigars Affiliate Program

Cuvana Is not your traditional cigar smoke shop. They offer cigars as well as a small selection of e-cigarettes that your audience can purchase through your affiliate links.
The content you create for E cigars and cigars is going to vary slightly but once you get an idea of exactly what you want your website to be about it shouldn’t be a problem integrating either one of them.
The commission is rock solid at 10% for this partner program. The tracking cookie is where it really shines, however.
They offer a full 365-day tracking cookie duration for their affiliate Partners. It is one of the best, if not the best, tracking cookie in the entire cigar niche.
It means that if someone clicks on your affiliate link and is intent on buying something at some point in the future you are going to get a commission for it.
All affiliate programs should have tracking cookies like this and it’s nice to see Cuvana really step up and have an excellent duration for theirs.
Additionally, Cuvana Electric Cigars has an auto-approval option through ShareASale. If you are a new website it is worth it to take advantage of this process to start building your affiliate strategy.
Thompson Cigar Affiliate Program
- Commission: 10-12%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Thompson Cigar Affiliate Program

According to its website, Thompson Cigar has been around since 1915. This gives them a real nice Legacy that you can use in your promotional material for their products.
And those products look great they have cigars from all the big brands as well as humidors, cigar Samplers, and even some pipe and tobacco accessories that fit well with a cigar niche website.
the affiliate terms for this partner are pretty standard. They offer a 30-day tracking cookie for their affiliate partners.
The commission ranges from a 10% base all the way up to 12% depending on how much you sell during a given month.
Even the base commission is very good for this affiliate partner and if you can get the extra couple of percent through performance that’s going to be even better.
1st Class Cigar Humidors Affiliate Program
- Commission: 7%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join 1st Class Cigar Humidors Affiliate Program

It is all right there in the name first class humidors has a very nice selection of premium humidors that are both well-constructed and quite pricey. This is an affiliate program that you’re going to want to pick up a little bit later in the life cycle of your Cigar blog.
The prices of some of these products are quite high and you’re going to want a certain level of trust with your audience before you really try to promote these types of products.
Don’t let the 7% commission get you down with this affiliate partner. The products they sell are well into the hundreds of dollars and just a few of them each day will generate a really nice income for your blog.
The tracking cookie is 90 days which is absolutely fantastic. Given the price of some of their humidors, the 90-day tracking cookie is very welcome as you’re going to need an extended period Of time to really convince people to make these purchases.
Cigar Town Affiliate Program
- Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Cigar Town Affiliate Program
The tracking cookie was not available at the time of writing. Be sure to ask about it when you sign up for this affiliate program. The quoted commission is 5%. This affiliate might work well if it converts with your audience but it is pretty average all around
Cigar Of The Month Club Affiliate Program
- Commission: $12
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Auto-Approval: No
- Join Cigar Of The Month Club Affiliate Program

Cigar Of The Month Club is part of a bigger network of monthly subscription boxes. There are a couple of cigar-box options if they offer. As well as quite a few other types of subscription boxes to choose from.
Each month they ship premium and rare cigars to their subscribers these products are from premium Brands and even some smaller manufacturers of cigars.
These brands are going to be well known to people inside the cigar Niche but if you have a new audience that’s just getting involved you were going to want to spend some time explaining who these Boutique manufacturers are and why they’re so revered.
The tracking cookie is 90 days which is great for a service like this. It gives your readers a little bit of time to think about their purchase and decide on whether or not it’s something that they want to do.
The commission is a little bit disappointing in that it is a flat fee. They offer a $12 flat fee for new subscribers to their subscription box service.
The fear itself is fine $12 is a good amount for this type of thing but I always like to see a percentage-based commission for subscription boxes even if it’s a lower end because you get an opportunity to get a recurring commission which just isn’t possible with this affiliate.
Get The Most Out Of You Cigar Affiliate Programs
Now we have the affiliate programs we need to monetize are cigar Niche website. The question is is a cigar niche website the only avenue to deployed these affiliate programs in a way that’s going to make you a good passive income.
The answer is no. These affiliate programs, while they focus on cigars, can be used for a variety of different niches.
For example, if you have a passive income website based on the best Bourbons. Adding a category on your website that discusses what the best cigars are to smoke with a nice glass of bourbon is going to be some great additional content that you can Implement into your overall strategy.
And with those articles about the cigars, you were going to want to monetize them with these cigar affiliate programs.
Likewise, if you have a vaping or e-cigarette Niche website then adding an e-cigar affiliate program might be a good idea to help expand your brand a little bit.
And those are just a couple of examples of where you can deploy these cigar affiliates. Another option would be a website focused on relaxing and living a certain lifestyle.
For that, you’re going to want to throw some content up there that has to do with the best cigars In some cases.
It all depends on what you’re focusing on when you were creating content to determine which of these cigar Affiliates you really want to promote for your website.
Always keep in mind that there is a well-earned stigma to smoking so your audience is going to be smaller than many other niches.
But, the people that are going to be interested in these cigars are going to typically be a little bit wealthier and have a little bit more disposable income since these are very much luxury items at this point.
Wrapping Up These Cigar Affiliate Programs
That brings us to the end of our look at these wonderful cigar affiliate programs. Smoking and vaping, e-cigarettes and traditional cigars I’ve taken a lot of hits in recent years.
As a former smoker myself I know the stigma that comes along with smoking. Whether it’s cigars or e-cigarettes.
The best thing you can do is just kind of roll with the punches when you start your cigar Niche website.
I would bet that you were going to get a lot of comments on your website that are not going to be pleasant to read about your online business and your promotion of the smoke products.
But this is your business and you have chosen to promote the cigar affiliates, so just block out all the negativity and work towards your goal of creating a passive income for yourself so that you can live better and provide better for your family.
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