Easy eCash Review: Start Making Money In 24 Hours?

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Hello everyone and welcome back for another review of a program to make building your online business that much easier. Easy eCash is the name of the game, so please allow me to guide you through this training suite designed to help you build an eBay centric business.

There are hundreds of ways to make money online and the one that Easy eCash focuses on his building an eBay business.

It’s something that doesn’t get as much attention as it did in the past but there is still a good business opportunity on eBay. So let’s dive into the review and see whether or not this product is worth your time and money.

There Is Just Something About Owning Your Own Business. Being Your Own Boss. Building Something From The Ground Up With Your Own Hands. Especially When It Is This Easy To Get Started.

Easy eCash Review

  • Product Name:  Easy eCash Review
  • URL: https://easyecash.net/
  • Price:  $12 + Upsells
  • Owners: Ram Rawat, Pallab Ghosa, and Will Allen

Easy eCash










Overall Value



  • Good Starting Price Point
  • Legit Business Model
  • Creators Are Visible
  • Decent Information


  • Too Many Upsells
  • Upsells Can Get Expensive
  • Overhype Some Sales Claims
  • eBay Is Not For Everyone

What is Easy eCash?

Quite often with many of these make money online products they give you a very vague description of what they’re all about.

Maybe they give you a hint that there about Drop Shipping or affiliate marketing or some other kind of make money online entrepreneurship but oftentimes they are deliberately vague so that you don’t really know exactly what you’re getting.

That is not the case with Easy eCash.  they tell you exactly what they are. They are a training program for you to learn how to sell relatively inexpensive items on eBay and make a good amount of profit doing so.

That this program is just available now has eBay has been kind of pushed to the background of online business in the recent past.

It’s All About dropshipping Now or Shopify stores or content marketing or even Multi-Level Marketing programs seem to have made a comeback.

It’s actually kind of refreshing to see a  training program dedicated to eBay. It’s still a very viable business model and Easy eCash does a good job of explaining it,  especially the basics.

Here is the Easy eCash Pitch in their own words

“Easy eCash is the world’s first nuts & bolts, start-to-finish, the ultimate guide to selling low-cost items on eBay for “bill-killing” daily profits … no funnels, launches, webinars, or list building needed! No Website, No List, No Social Media, No Paid Advertising, No Local Marketing, No Amazon, And No Product Creation”

From Easy eCash JV Website

Who is Easy eCash Targeted At?

Easy eCash Targeted at a beginner to intermediate level online entrepreneur. Much of the training is very basic but very important for people who are just getting into online business in general and eBay business specifically.

However, as you progress through the base product there is an increase in the complexity of the information and the level of understanding you’re going to need to make it work for you.

Once you get into the upsells then it becomes more of an intermediate level training course and there’s a lot of pretty decent information in the upsells although I think they might be a little bit overpriced, especially if you’re a beginner just starting out without a budget of more than a couple hundred dollars.

How Does Easy eCash Work?

Easy eCash Set up like your traditional make money online training product. It is arranged into a series of modules that will guide you step-by-step through the process of making money on eBay.

It’s laid out very well and each little module has enough information to get the beginning entrepreneur off to a good start in their eBay business.

The first modules are always kind of ultrabasic for most of these products. They typically revolve around signing up for whatever service you’re going to be using.

In this case, it teaches you how to sign up for eBay which is not really something I need a module about but it’s kind of the way that these programs make sure they cover all the bases.

If you were to join a product based around ClickBank and they would definitely have a module about how to sign up for ClickBank and put your information in and what information you need. 

The point is that not all the modules are going to be created equal. But for the price tag, this is actually a pretty good place to get started on eBay.

Training Modules For Easy eCash

  • Module 1: Setting Up Your eBay Account
  • Module 2: How To Take Payments
  • Module 3: Where To Find Stuff To Sell
  • Module 4: How Do You Know What Will Sell On eBay?
  • Module 5: How To Set Up Your Listing
  • Module 6: Goodwill Product Case Study
  • Module 7: How To Sell Stuff On eBay For Free
  • Module 8: Secret Online Places To Find Things To Sell
  • Module 9: Secret Online Places Case Studies
  • Module 10: Wrap-Up And Recap

easy ecash screenshot 1

How Is The Easy eCash Support

The support for this product is what you would probably expect from an online money making course like this. They have email addresses that you can use to get in touch with support to deal with some of the problems that you run across.

You can find the support link here.

But for the most part, you’re going to be on your own with just the training that you purchased.  However, there is one outstanding aspect to the support here. And that is a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

Not all these products offer a money-back guarantee. Some outstanding products that I personally recommend don’t have that money-back guarantee with them.

So it’s nice to see this program give you a full 30 days to try it out and see if you like it. Given the low price of around $12 and the 30-day money-back guarantee, there’s really a lot of protection for the consumer with Easy eCash.

The Cost Of Easy eCash

Here’s a breakdown of the base price and all the up cells that you can purchase with this program.  For each upsell, there is a down-sell that knocks a few dollars off the price of the upsell module.

  • Easy eCash Base Cost – $12.15
  • Upsell 1 – eBay Top Seller Secrets – $27.00
  • Upsell 2 – Amazon to eBay – $37.00
  • Upsell 3 – 20 Of The Best Products – $67.00
  • Upsell 4 – Build Your Own eBay Product Funnel – $97.00

Price is always a very important cost factor for any of these products. Easy eCash is no exception to that rule. But price as a function of value it much more important.

The Value Proposition Of Easy eCash

Value is the most important part of the cost of any given product, in my opinion. With the one caveat that you can afford the price of the product in the first place.

So with this product, we have a $12 price tag for the base product. whether or not that price tag holds enough value to pay the price is really the question.

So let’s assume that you can afford the $12 price tag you have to look now at what you’re getting for that $12 to determine the value of the product.

In this case, you’re getting a whole Suite of information about building a business on eBay. And that information is relevant and pretty good. Therefore the value of this product is actually very high.

 but ultimately the only person that can decide the value of Any Given product is you. Because you were the one that has to decide whether it’s valuable enough for you to spend the money on it giving a wide array of variables to your specific situation.

The next step is to determine if each of the upsells is worth the price. Are they valuable enough to pay the price required for them? 

in my opinion and from my personal perspective I think somebody upsells can be worth it others maybe not so much. But again it depends on your specific situation and it’s something that you have to decide for yourself.

Easy eCash: The Good

There’s actually quite a bit to like about this product. Here are a few of my favorites including some very important ones including price point and the information you receive when you purchase this product.

The Creators Are Visible

One of the first things I look at when reviewing or considering whether or not to purchase one of these online money-making products is finding out who the owners are and take a look at the background they have or if they’re even real people.

You’d be surprised at how many of these programs have pseudonyms or fake names for people who just do not want to put their name on the product because they know that it’s not a good product.

easy ecash creators
The People Behind Easy eCash

That’s not the case with Easy eCash the three creators, Ram Rawat, Pallab Ghosa, and Will Allen, of Easy eCash, are front-and-center. They put their faces on the product they put their names on the product and they stand behind it. 

Whatever you think about the product whether you think it’s great or bad or somewhere in between, it’s always nice to see the people who created it stand behind their product.

Good Price For Base Package

The price of the base package is around twelve bucks,  as I mentioned a couple of times here. So it’s a pretty cheap price to pay to get started.

When you start adding in the upsells it can get up to run $200 which is expensive but is cheaper than many other similar products.

All Things Considered, I would have to consider the price of this product to be pretty decent and one of the high points of it. Especially if you only get the base product.

The Information Is Pretty Good

The information provided by this program is actually pretty decent.  From what products to select to sell on eBay to few very good case studies that show how effective eBay can be for making money online, the information is going to be pretty useful for anyone getting started in this line of business.

When you add in the price and I talked about the previous section that really becomes a good overall package. At least for the base package.

The upsells are an issue and you’ll have to work that out based on your individual needs and the needs of your specific business.

Easy eCash: The Not So Good

And of course, with the good comes the bad. So here are some of the things that I really don’t like about this particular program. They’re not actually that bad they’re just things that really rubbed me the wrong way.

Some Sales Claims Are A Bit Unrealistic

So this issue is pretty common across all make money online products and really any product in any industry for that matter.

It’s the overhyping of the result. Of course, they can’t guarantee results because they would leave themselves open to a whole host of lawsuits if they did.

You never going to see a company guarantee results. If you watch an infomercial about losing weight they’ll always have a “disclaimer these results are not typical”.

The point is this type of hyperbole isn’t going to be going anytime soon. But I can still complain about a little bit.

Here is a direct quote from their sales page…

“…The Amazing Thing, Of Course, Is The Speed At Which This Simple Money-Making System Works. It Is Rather Remarkable That Anyone, No Matter What Skill Level, Can Begin Making A Profit In Only 24 Hours Or Less!”

-Easy eCom Sales Page

However, as far as Hyperbole and overselling your products go, Easy eCash is pretty mild and unassuming All Things Considered.

Really the problem with these claims isn’t the amount of money that you can make because they are actually very realistic and not over-the-top at all. It’s the amount of time that you can make them in.

They claim that you can start making money right away and while that is true for some people for a person who is absolutely brand new to eBay I don’t think that’s really a reasonable amount of time.

Another part of the kind of hype train is the effortless claims that these guys like to throw out there.  Nothing about making money online is easy or effortless no matter how good the training is.

There’s always going to be a lot of work to be done and a lot of mistakes probably going to be made along the way.

So these are real issues but you know I’d like to she just a little less hyped with some of these products. Even ones that are actually useful like Easy eCash.

The 4 Upsells Are A Bit Much

Another thing that I dislike is upselling.  I understand why they’re there. The design is to break up the overall cost of the product to make it more palatable for a larger group of people.

And while that may have been the intention originally they’ve kind of morphed into this excuse to split up the product and charge a lot more for it.

Upsells are always hit-or-miss. They’re either good or they’re just not worth the price they’re asking for them. The only way you can really tell about upsells is to take a look at them yourself and figure out if they’re going to be worth the price of them.

Therefore up cells with Easy eCom.  if you depart purchase all of them they would cost you around $200 including the price of the base fee.

So you can see how the price ramps up very quickly. That doesn’t mean they’re not without value. And that’s kind of an important thing to keep in mind if the value of the product is good then the prices not as important as long as you can afford the price to begin with.

Is Easy eCash Worth the Cost?

Let’s just go out right at the front here, this is not a scam. There are actually very few out and out scam products out there.  To me, there’s a big difference between a poor product and an outright scam. 

Fortunately, Easy eCash is neither a poor product nor a scam.  It’s a well-put-together training program for starting up an eBay business.  This type of business has been around for decades but has fallen out of favor in recent years due to some other types of online entrepreneurship.

So it’s nice to see a nice comprehensive program put together that will help people who may not be familiar with how eBay works or how to make money on eBay.

The price point is great at about 12 bucks for the base price package. When you start adding it all the up so they can go up to around $200. I think the $200 price point for all the products is a little bit high but it’s not unreasonable.

If you do pick up the base package you’ll have to make a decision on which upsells you want which additional products you think are going to be the most useful for you and your business.

Overall it’s actually kind of nice to see a product that is not that bad. Or even good in this case. A lot of these programs are just not very good. They either are put together well or have really old and outdated information.

If you’re looking to get into eBay selling and don’t know where to start this might be a great place for you to do so. It’s by no means perfect and it does have its flaws but it is relatively cheap and it does have some good information.

An Easy eCash Alternative

I always like giving an alternative to some of the programs that I review here. Whether they’re good or bad I like to supply people with some options.

I couldn’t really find a direct alternative for Easy eCash,  because it is focused on building an eBay business. 

So what I’ve decided to do is go with another product that is around the same price and gives you a good opportunity to make money online.

The product I’m going to recommend is called Savage affiliates. It is no spill it marketing training course and it costs around $200 so the price is about the same as Easy eCash if you were to pick up all the upsells.

The good thing about Savage Affiliates is that there are no upsells and it’s not a subscription service so you get everything all at once. If you are interested in learning more about Savage Affiliates, you can check out my review here.

I personally use this product and I find it to be one of the best A to Z affiliate training programs out there. There are a couple that are on par with it.

If you would like to give Savage Affiliates a closer look, you can do so right here(*affiliate link)

Wrapping Up Easy eCash

That brings us to the end of our review of Easy eCash.  this is one of the better eBay training programs that I’ve seen in quite a while.

The base package is a really good deal at around 12 bucks.  The upsells are a bit hit-and-miss and you’ll have to decide which ones make sense for you. 

If you were to pick up all of them it would cost you around $200 so it is quite an investment if you decide to go with the full package.

All in all, you can do a lot worse than Easy eCash.  I don’t think it will be quite as easy as they make it out to be to start making a good amount of money with this product but it is certainly possible and the results that they quote are not outrageous are out of the realm of possibility.

Good luck with whatever you choose and thank you for stopping by.