Top 10 Best Video Game Affiliate Programs

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If you have come here looking for some great video game affiliate programs that might be a little off the beaten path in you are in the right place.

These are some great high paying affiliate programs, in some cases, that can really expand your existing affiliate stable or you can use them to start monetizing your video game blog and increase your passive income potential.

However you choose to approach these affiliate programs, I hope there’s something in here that you can use to really take your website to the next level.

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white xbox controller
Microsoft Is A Great Affiliate Partner To Have For Video Games

The Video Game Affiliate Programs

Here are the 10 affiliate programs chosen for this list. They are in no particular order as I just felt like putting them in random order would not lend anyway to one affiliate partner or the other.

Also, check out our five factors for choosing a video game affiliate program right after the list of partner programs.

Zygor Guides Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: ShareASale
  • Commission: 50%
  • Tracking Cookie: 60-days
  • Niche: Gaming Guides
  • Auto-Approval: No

Fifa Millionaire Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: Independent
  • Commission: 50-70%
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Niche: Gaming Guides
  • Auto-Approval: No

Gamestop Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: Independent
  • Commission: Not Listed
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Niche: General Gaming
  • Auto-Approval: No

Evil Controllers Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: ShareASale
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Niche: Gaming Controllers
  • Auto-Approval: No

JJ Games Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: ShareASale
  • Commission: 8%
  • Tracking Cookie: 15-days
  • Niche: Retro Gaming
  • Auto-Approval: No

Microsoft Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: Commission Junction
  • Commission: 10%
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Niche: Gaming Hardware
  • Auto-Approval: No Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: Commission Junction
  • Commission: 5%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Niche: Digital Games
  • Auto-Approval: No

Secret Lab Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: Independent
  • Commission: Up To 12%
  • Tracking Cookie: 7-days
  • Niche: Gaming Furniture
  • Auto-Approval: No

GamesDeal Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: Independent
  • Commission: Not Listed
  • Tracking Cookie: Not Listed
  • Niche: Digital Game Codes
  • Auto-Approval: No

Green Man Gaming Affiliate Program

  • Application: Sign Up Here
  • Affiliate Network: Commission Junction
  • Commission: 5%
  • Tracking Cookie: 30-days
  • Niche: Digital Game Codes
  • Auto-Approval: No

What To Look For In Video Game Affiliate Programs

It’s important to carefully choose which video game for the programs you want to promote on your niche website.

You don’t want to have 10, 20 or more affiliate programs all over your website.

This would just serve to confuse your audience and it doesn’t build the type of trust that you need between an affiliate program and your readers.

When choosing an affiliate program consider these five factors that I like to apply to any blogging niche.  Each niche is going to have a different weight to each factor.

So when considering these factors this list applies specifically to video game affiliate programs.

Commissions For Video Game Affiliates

The first one of our factors is the affiliate commission that you’ll receive when making a sale through one of your affiliate links.

This is by far the most visible and popular factor for most people when deciding on what affiliate programs they want to promote on their website.

It’s an incredibly important factor especially in video games given that some of the big retailers like Amazon have an abysmally low affiliate commission for their video game products.

Amazon only offers a 1% commission. That’s simply not worth promoting. So that’s where these smaller independent affiliate programs really come in. 

You’re going to have to do a little more promotion for these affiliate programs because most people aren’t going to be as familiar with them as they are with Amazon.

But in the long run, you were going to make much more money using an affiliate program with a decent commission over something like Amazon in this case.

In addition to the physical games, we have digital-only products such as digital games and video game guides and other similar products.

These are great because they have huge commissions typically. We have a couple on this list that offers 50% plus commissions. 

Now they are very specific to certain games and the audience for those there’s not going to be huge but if you can make a few cells from those a day you’re going to be in good shape with your passive income business.

Typically for an affiliate program built around a single player guide, you’re going to want to build an entire campaign around that specific game and product.

It’s well worth it to add to your video game website just for the great commissions and potential profits that you can learn from these types of products.

Blessing of say about video game commission’s is that the physical games are going to be much less than any digital products that you might sell.  

Even the digital games themselves typically have a much lower commission than some of the ancillary products that pop up and gaming.

What you want to do is strike a balance between player guides and the games and hardware.

Then work out what the best way to promote each of them is to make the most amount of money for your website.

atari games
Retro Gaming Is A Great Micro-Niche

The Tracking Cookie Duration

Video game affiliate programs the tracking cookie is not really that important.  The exception for that would be if you are selling and promoting a lot of video game hardware that’s in the hundreds of dollars.

Typically a video game itself only costs around sixty Bucks new and anything over about seven days is going to give you plenty of time to make a commission off someone using your affiliate link to buy a game.

A lot of times mostly games will be sold on the launch day or within the launch week so an even shorter tracking cookie is probably acceptable for many of these video games.

As I mentioned the exception is Hardware that can run easily into the 500-plus dollar range.  For these types of products you want to try and find at least a 30-day cookie if not more.

There’s a real connection between the track and cookie duration and the conversion rate. The longer the track and cookie the better the chance you have of making a sale.

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The Reputation Of The Company

When choosing an affiliate program I always like to look at the company behind the products that I’ll be promoting.

This is especially necessary if you’re promoting products from a company that’s not as well-known or that you may not be as familiar with.

You need some research on the company behind the products as you can to try and figure out exactly what that company is all about.

And video games it’s really not that big of an issue because most of these video game companies are big household name multinational corporations. 

Whether or not that makes some reputable or not is another story but at least he’ll be well-known and you can have at least some level of trust in their products.

The place where you might want to research a little bit more is with some of these smaller partner programs, especially the all-digital player guides type affiliates. You need to make sure that you’re comfortable promoting their products.

If you can get your hands on them and try them out for yourself that’s even better and makes it much easier to make a determination of whether or not you want to promote it when you’ve had first-hand experience.

Promote High-Quality Video Game Products

Product quality is another incredibly important factor in choosing an affiliate program. It is less of an issue with video game partner programs.

The main reason for this is that the hardware products are you going to be selling or incredibly well tested and are going to have warranties from the major corporations that sell them like Microsoft and Sony.

The video games themselves or a tricky bag. If you play and review a video game and you love it someone out there is going to hate it.

There’s really nothing you can do about that so you’re going to be promoting products that you like and that you had fun playing that some people might not enjoy.

Typically your readership on your video game website will start to take shape around your opinions that you share with your readers.

I would put this factor near the bottom for video game affiliate programs just because the product quality is going to be great for most of the things you’re going to be promoting in this niche.

Sony Playstation conteoller
Sony Has A Loyal Following For Affiliate Marketers To Tap Into

Conversion Rates For Video Game Affiliates

The conversion rate is an incredibly important factor for any video game partner program. Conversion rate is the number of sales you get when someone clicks on your affiliate link.

Most people will not make a purchase when they click your affiliate link. That’s just the way the business works.

But you want to try and get as high conversion rate as you possibly can for each and every product and affiliate program that you choose to promote.

The interesting thing about the conversion rate is that they are very specific to your particular readership and to the niche that you’re in.

Some niches have very high conversion rates for specific audiences others the conversion rates can be pretty low but you can generate a lot of traffic around those affiliate links to make up for the low conversion rates.

the only way to find out what your specific conversion rate is for any given affiliate program that you’re promoting is to run tests with it.

Your specific audience is going to have its own unique conversion rate that is dependent on your promotion through your content and how well they like you and some other factors that are going to be very specific to your audience.

So it’s important to run these tests to figure out which affiliate programs are going to work the best for you.

For video game affiliate programs the conversion rate is going to be different depending on how popular the products are that you are promoting.

For example, the release of a brand new game is typically a huge deal in the gaming community.

You might find that the conversion rates are going to be better for that specific game especially during the launch window.

But you want to get an overall feel of what an affiliate program offers to you most of the time and I just around special events like game launches and what have you.

The bottom line with conversion rate is that you want to test everything and then streamline it to give you the most efficient and profitable affiliate programs you can possibly have for your niche.

nintendo switch image
Nintendo Games Are Great Sellers For Affiliate Marketers

The Final Level

That brings us to the end of our look at these 10 fantastic video games partner programs that you can use to bolster your affiliate lineup.

If you’re just starting out these are a great place to start monetizing your video game website.

A lot of these video game programs aren’t the mainstream I feel it’s that you might expect.

I chose to put these more obscure ones in there because the big video game affiliates like Best Buy or Amazon or Target or Walmart are pretty common and typically don’t have the best affiliate terms.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use them if the need arises and I would recommend in all these big affiliate programs to anyone in just about any niche. 

They’re all free to join so you should at least have them in your affiliates arsenal even if you don’t use them all the time.

But for these smaller ones they do really offer some great affiliate terms and can be used to create some very specific content around the individual games or the themes that these affiliates have a lot of products for.

So there you have it some great options to start your website or expand your existing video game website.

Gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry(source), make sure you start today so you can claim your piece of the pie. These affiliate programs can help you do it.

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