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Is being a millionaire a mindset? Can anyone do it? Can anyone reforge their mind to think like a millionaire, act like a millionaire and ultimately earn money like a millionaire?
It is a strange question, I’ll grant you that. I guess I had never thought about it before. Are we programmed to stay in out money-class or can we break free with the right mindset?
You always enter these kinds of things a little bit skeptical. But I try to approach it with an open mind.
That brings us to the Total Money Magnetism Review. Can you really be taught to break free of the chains of your station and excel? Let’s answer these questions and find out in our review.
Quick Look
- What is Total Money Magnetism?
- How Does It Work?
- Red Flags And Issues
- Is Total Money Magnetism Worth The Cost?
- Final Score and User Reviews

Total Money Magnetism Review
- Product Name: Total Money Magnetism
- Price: $47
- Owners: Dr. Steve G. Jones
Quick Overview
What is Total Money Magnetism? It is a program developed by Dr. Steve Jones, a well-known hypnotherapist, to change someone’s mindset from one of constant failure to one of constant success.
Dr. Jones’ process is to lead his reader or listener to the revelation that it is their mindset that is holding them back from accomplishing the most they can.
The program is extensive across books and audio. Dr. Jones takes you, step by step, through his 6 fundamentals of money magnetism and tries to generate the confidence in you that you need to succeed in any business or venture.
Overall Rank:
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What is Total Money Magnetism?
The idea behind this product is to essentially require your way of thinking in order to make yourself more successful at whatever you choose to do.
Dr. Steven G. Jones believes that what holds most people back from the financial success they deserve is more in the way they think. And not necessarily in the amount of work, they put in.
I can see his point here. If we were paid for the amount of hard work we put into anything many of us would be a millionaire many times over. But it is not just about hard work and getting up every day and punching a clock.
There is more to it than that. Dr. Jones thinks it is a mindset and his Total Money Magnetism program is set up to help you find the right mindset for success.
The overall concept is pretty simple. Most people don’t think themselves worthy of being wealthy. It is a subconscious idea.
Total Money Magnetism teaches you to change your way of thinking and have you believe that you are just as worthy as anyone else to be rich. You can find some of the reasons why in this article I wrote.

Who is it Targeted At?
This product is really targeted at everyone. Young and old. Men, Women. Whoever.
The concept will work for just about anyone according to Dr. Jones.
There is really no technical stuff that you need to know before going into this program.
No skills that you would need to learn beforehand that are specific to the program.
In that regard, it is a very broad product that would appeal to just about anyone. It is also very easy to understand so I think the only real prerequisite is a conversational knowledge of English.
Just so you can understand what is being said and the meaning of what is being talked about. And even then you can probably find it translated into your native language if needed.
How Does Total Money Magnetism Work?
Dr. Steven G. Jones goes in-depth with his clinically proven 6 step program to change your mindset to think like a millionaire.
The idea is that through his process you will be able to unlock a natural ability to visualize yourself making as much money as you think you deserve.
It is a bold claim. And I will be honest I was skeptical about going in and I am not 100% convinced after the whole process. But man if this guy doesn’t make you believe you can do just about anything when it comes to money.
And that might be the biggest benefit of this entire product. It does change your mindset. Now, whether you can transform yourself into a millionaire with it, I dunno.
That remains to be seen. Given the relatively low price tag of $47 bucks. The confidence boost alone was worth the price of admittance.
I found myself doing things I would have been scared to do before trying out this program. One example is buying a little crypto-currency after listening to some of his programs.
I researched and studied some crypto and ended up buying about $1000 dollars worth of XRP. Would I have dug in and done that without this product?
I don’t know. But it was a great feeling to just do it. Do the work and research, absolutely. But there was no hesitation when it came time to press accept on the purchase.
And that, for me at least, is a rarity. I tend to fret about these kinds of things for days, weeks even and then ten to talk myself out of it.
Some of you can relate to that I am sure. And for someone like me, $47 bucks was a small price to pay for that feeling of having a little bit of control for once.
Total Money Magnetism Features
Here we are going to take a look at some of the specific features that are included with the Total Money Magnetism Product. There are some pretty good ones that we are going to take a look at. Strap in.
Six Step Millionaire Brain Audio Program
This is the main part of the Total Money Magnetism system. Dr. Jones’ 6 step system that you can use to rewire your brain and start thinking and viewing the world as a millionaire would.
You have to see yourself as a millionaire before you can actually be one. That doesn’t mean driving fancy cars or wearing 100k watches. That’s not the millionaire mindset. That’s just childish narcissism.
The mindset and the steps to get there are about believing you can achieve your goals and getting into the mindset of weighing risk and seeing it as an opportunity instead of a roadblock.
The Millionaire’s Mindset
Another addon to the program. This one tries to explain the reason the millionaires, and successful people in general have a different mental outlook that most of the rest of us.
There is a reason that most people who really attain a high level of success are willing to take risks. Willing to bet everything on a hunch and make a fortune with that mindset.
Recent history is full of these types of people. The people who bought bitcoins for pennies in 2011. Or got out of real estate in early 2008. It is not luck, it is research and a mindset to get things done. This book goes into that.

The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online
This is a bonus that is included in the $47 dollar package. It has a few interesting ways to make money online. There is not a lot of new ground covered in this addon.
I guess it adds a little value to the overall package but really it has only a tangential relationship to the primary Money Magnetism program. Still, freebies are always nice to have so here is one that is included with your purchase.
60-day Money Back Guarantee
One of the best features you could possible have for any product. But especially for a subjective product like this.
Some people are just going to hate this product. Some will love it. But without a money-back guarantee, it would be very hard for me to recommend it to anyone regardless of how I feel about it.
There needs to be some safety mechanism for the people who are going to dislike it. They have to have a free trial or starter membership or a money-back guarantee.
This one has the guarantee, so I feel confident in recommending it to everyone, even those of you who are going to hate it, blame me and never come back to my website.
Amazing Self Free-Trial
You also get a free trial to the exclusive member area when you buy the initial book or audio book. The member’s area is filled with all types of additional content for you to enjoy. It does cost extra to stay a member after your trial is up.
But you get a chance to have a look at the perks and see if it is something you would want to pay for.
If not you can just cancel before your trial runs out and not have to worry about it. You will have to decide for yourself whether or not it is something that you this has any value.
Actual, real testimonials for an internet product. It is almost unbelievable really. But here they are and they have a lot of the same things to say about this interesting program that I found to be true.
“Total Money Magnetism is jam-packed with rock-solid advice that any success-driven person needs to get their hands on. The 5 fundamentals of money magnetism (part 2) lay an invaluable foundation to financial freedom, and the 10 secret success principles of the ultra-wealthy (part 3) are proven rules all successful people live by.
Aidan Booth
If you want to be wealthy, I highly recommend you read this book.”
Entrepreneur & Author

Support for the Total Money Magnetism program is actually pretty good. They have a pretty responsive email support system for you to contact if you have any problems. Which is not always the case for many of these online products.
The best piece of support, however, is their 60-day money back guarantee. It is very good. If you don’t like the product they will simply refund all of your money no questions asked. Nice to see this for any product you buy online.
The basic price is a reasonable $47 dollars for this product. It is right about what you would expect to pay for something with this much content on offer.
There are some upsells and promotions that are sent your way when you order but for the most part, is well worth the price. And you can get a refund if you don’t like it.
There is also an optional subscription area that you can join if you want to. I detail that in the next section.
Amazing Self Subscription
I mentioned before that this subscription service was $37 dollars a month but I thought it was worth mentioning again in the pricing section just in case anyone misses it.
It is a $37 dollar monthly fee for their exclusive member’s area. There is a bunch of bonus content that you will get access too. And they have a free trial when you purchase the book.

Issues With Total Money Magnetism
There are not a lot of red flags or issues for this product. That doesn’t mean everyone is going to love it or that it does not have problems. It just has nothing that I would classify as a red flag or a scam.
They give you everything you pay for. Whether you think it is worth the cost is another story altogether and one that you will need to decide for yourself.
Not to get too off track here. but I have done quite a few reviews for making money products.
And while this is more about the mental aspects than a way to make money online it is still refreshing to do one of these reviews and not have to worry about writing 10 paragraphs of red flags to warn away the reader.
Whether you like the product or not, or buy it or not, it is just nice to see someone selling something and putting their name on it and standing behind it when they sell it.
Ok, enough digression
Is Total Money Magnetism Worth the Cost?
This is always an interesting question. Is a product worth the money? What you are really asking is what value does the product have.
Cheap products can be very good or they can have no value whatsoever. Same for expensive products.
The value proposition is always in the eye of the beholder. What is valuable and useful to me might not be of any value to you. That is just the way these things work.
But this is a review and I would be remiss if I didn’t give my opinion on the matter. I think this product is worth it. I recommend it.
And one of the biggest reasons I can confidently say that is the money-back guarantee. some of you are going to buy the Total Money Magnetism program and absolutely hate it.
You will curse my name forever suggesting it is any good. Then you will gather yourself and go get your money back.
I think the product stands on its own but I would not recommend it if it did not have a money back guarantee. For just that reason, someone is not going to find it valuable or useful.
So give it a try with the confidence that you can get a refund if you don’t like it. I think many of you will be quite satisfied with your purchase, however.
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The Big Finish
This might be one of the few times I have finished a review of an online money related product that didn’t make me want to throw-up.
Some of them are just so horrendous, you know the ones. So it is such a relief to get to do a review of a product that I actually like.
It is certainly not for everyone and some of you will think it is a piece of garbage. But I recommend it. It is for anyone who wants a confidence boost.
For anyone who needs a little push or a way to adjust their outlook to a more positive and successful mindset. some of you might already have that mindset ingrained in you.
Some of us don’t and a little $47 dollar program like this is always a nice thing to see. Get a little help without breaking the bank. I like it.
Thanks for visiting and, as always, have a great day.