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Getting around has never been so easy. Planes, trains, and automobiles are what come to mind first when you think of transportation. But here is a cool little niche that you might want to consider if you are starting a new blog.
All types of scooters. Mobility scooters, electric scooters, motorbike scooters. There are dozens of little micro-niches in this space. And if it is a viable blogging niche, then you can bet there will be some great affiliate programs that pop up around it.
I have put together 10 of the best scooter affiliate programs that I could find. If you are operating in this niche, these are some great options to consider. If you are thinking about starting a blog in the scooter niche then you will find a lot of value in these partner programs as well.

Check Out These Scooter Affiliate Programs
Electric Spokes Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-day
Electric Spokes is an online retailer of many forms of electric transportation. They don’t have an extensive selection of scooters specifically but they have enough to use them as a partner for your scooter blog.
They also offer a ton of other vehicles that are related to scooters and some parts and accessories for scooters.
Electric Spokes affiliate program offers its affiliate partners a pretty average 5% commission for sales through their affiliate link. It is not a bad commission given the high prices on many of their products.
The cookie is a very good 30-day. This is essential for any high-ticket partner program. you need to have a good duration to give your readers time to consider a big purchase like this.
Why Promote Electic Spokes?
This is a good affiliate to pick up once you have a primary partner to lean on. They do not have enough scooter-related gear to really make it your focused affiliate partner. Still, you can get a few reviews and some related content. Give it a try and see how it converts to your audience.
Scooter City Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
Scooter City is a UK bases scooter store. They have a very nice selection of scooters for your reader to consider. Gas-powered scooters are a nice part of their inventory, something that is not always the case with many scooter retailers these days.
They have plenty of electric scooters as well. Along with some other vehicles like quads and electric bikes. They have reasonable pricing but it is UK bases so you might want to check and see if they ship to your region depending on where the majority of your readers come from.
Scooter City offers one of the best commissions in the scooter blogging space. A full 10% commission for a retailer like this is outstanding. It can’t be overstated just how attractive this commission makes this particular affiliate.
The cookie they offer is pretty good as well. I don’t think you will see anything less than 30-days for the partners on this list. A 30-day tracking cookie is really needed for these higher-priced goods and services.
Final Thoughts On Scooter City
This partner has the potential to be a primary affiliate for your scooter blog. They have a good variety of both gas and electric powered scooters and they have one of the best commissions and cookies available in the scooter niche.
All Electric Scooters Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
All Electric Scooters is an online scooter retailer that has been around since 2000. They focus on mobility scooters. Their scooters are not for recreation they are there to provide a service.
Therefore, they may not fit into your scooter micro-niche, depending on what your focus is. However, if you are in the individual mobility niche then this is going to be an affiliate that you will want to heavily consider.
The mobility healthcare niche is a huge and competitive one and this affiliate is the ideal partner to have for that scooter niche.
Travel scooters are lightweight and agile and designed to get you around in style while still working well in crowded environments. These are typically the most basic and most popular type of mobility scooters.
Their scooters come in 3 or 4 wheel varieties. As a mobility scooter blogger, it will be your job to create content around the pros and cons of both types and then recommend the appropriate one to your readers.
Heavy Duty Scooters are another big category that All Electric Scooters tackles in their store. These are 3 and 4 wheel scooters that can take a beating. And are good for more rugged use.
All Electric Scooters offers a very nice 10% commission for their partners. You really cannot go wrong with a double-digit commission for any niche. But when your products run well into the hundreds of dollars 10% is outstanding.
The cookie duration was not readily available at the time of publication. Be sure to ask about it when you are accepted into this affiliate program. It is a somewhat common occurrence that the cookie duration is left out of the affiliate material. It happens a few times on this list as well.
Why Promote All Electric Scooters?
If you are in the mobility scooter niche then there is no reason not to use this partner as an affiliate. In fact, it could easily be your primary partner program that you use in all your money articles.
It has a far better commission than Amazon and has a huge selection of mobility scooters for your readers to choose from.
MegaWheels Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 5%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
MegaWheel has a decent selection of electric scooters. These scooters are for recreation and are your standard two-wheel varieties. They are pretty reasonable price, around $200 dollars.
They also have a great selection of scooter accessories. From batteries and charging equipment to all manner of safety gear for your scooter. Pads and helmets are available as well so this partner ticks all the boxes for this specific type of scooter.
The commission could be a bit better at only 5% and there is very little information on their tracking cookie. You will need to ask about the cookie when you sign up for their program in order to get an accurate idea of how long the tracking cookie lasts.
The MegaWheels Wrap Up
While small, this is still a pretty good affiliate to consider for your scooter blog. They have some good products and some great accessories for your scooter. The commission is a little low so it might not be your first choice.
But anything that can help give you content ideas is going to have value. Even if all you do is review their scooters it might be a good idea to pick this partner up.
Nimble Scooters Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 8%
- Tracking Cookie: N/A
Nimble Scooters is an interesting one for the scooter space. They offer kick scooters which are scooters that are propelled by the driver with their legs. The cool thing about their products is that they are really designed as working scooters.
You can put buckets and accessories on the front that can be used to haul items around a large warehouse and they can be used as recreational scooters as well.
This makes their products a bit more niche than some of the other partners on our list. It also makes them one of the most unique entries on here as well.
Nimble Scooters offers around an 8% commission for their partners. The wording is a little vague but they may offer a flat fee of $25 dollars and they just decided to give a percentage as an example. Either way, it comes out to be a pretty good commission and one that you will want to take notice of.
Why Promote Nimble Scooters?
The commission is good enough to recommend them on that basis alone. However, the unique products and interesting take on scooters more than put them over the top. You can fit their products into just about any type of scooter blog.
Just start an entire campaign around their products and create a good amount of content around them.
It is the ideal type of partner for an expanding scooter blog.
Drxft Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: $25 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
Drxft is a single product affiliate partner for the most part. They offer their electric smart scooter as their lone product. It runs around 500 dollars which is pretty decent given the technology behind their product.
Their folding scooter is designed for convenience and good battery life. This partner is definitely an add-on affiliate. You will want to craft a content campaign around this product and see how it converts. There is not enough here to support your blog as a primary partner program.
The flat fee of $25 is a pretty good one. I tend to like commissions a little better than flat fees since you can scale commission if you get your promotion right. Here you are just going to get $35 dollars for each sale. For most affiliates, this is going to be perfectly fine, however.
The tracking cookie is also very good. Drxft offers its partners a full 30-day cookie, more than enough time to complete the sale and get your well-earned commission.
The Drxft Wrap Up
A very small and narrowly focused affiliate program but one that will work well for just about any scooter blog. The commission is ok and the cookie is pretty nice.
A 10 to 15 article content campaign will be enough to get this program the promotion that it needs and you can add it into almost any affiliate strategy.
Swifty Scooters Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 10%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
Swifty Scooters might be one of the best affiliate partners you can have in the scooter niche. They have their own line of very well-made scooters. Each one is a potential gold-mine for content. Not just from reviews but from informational posts that you can create around the brand.
The offerings in their store don’t end there, however. They have tons of accessories, scooter hardware, bags and spare parts for a scooter should it need repairs. They cover every base with their storefront and then make things even better with their affiliate terms.
A great commission of 10% is what is on offer from Swifty Scooters. This is a welcome percentage for this partner. Anything running into double digits is fantastic.
But it doesn’t end there. Swifty strengthens its claim on the best scooter affiliate with an incredible 90-day tracking cookie that will be the envy of all other scooter affiliate programs.
Why Promote Swifty Scooters?
The affiliate terms alone are enough reason to consider using Swifty Scooters as one of your affiliate programs. But that is not the end of it.
They have great products that should be a joy to promote to your readers. There is no overstating just how good this partner is. They should be a contender for your primary affiliate programs depending on your focus and micro-niche.
Segway Affiliate Program
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Sales Commission: 4%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
It’s a Segway. Their unique and interesting take on the scooter is pretty ubiquitous these days. Just about everyone has heard of them and their products are well made and many people like them just fine.
You almost have to pick this affiliate up just for the name alone. However, the commission is a little underwhelming. We’ll get into that now.
Given its overall popularity, it is no wonder that the commission offered by Segway is only 4%. It is not ideal but you want to have this partner on your side just for brand recognition.
Segway has one of the best cookies in the scooter niche. The 60-day tracking cookie on offer here is outstanding.
Why Promote Segway?
The Segway partner program is actually a pretty good one. Yes, the commission is low, but it is on par with Amazon. The cookie is outstanding and their products are well known and popular in the scooter space.
You will want to pick this one up if it fits into your content strategy. Even it is only for a few pieces of content around the Segway Scooter.

Final Thoughts
And so that brings us to the end of our foray into scooter affiliate partners. The list is not as extensive as I like. There are many more out there but I didn’t feel they offered enough information about their partner program to really warrant inclusion on my list.
I also did not include wheelchairs or many mobility scooter partners, only 1 as an example, because they really fall into more of a health and wellness niche and will have their own list of partners coming soon.
Until next time.
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