This article may contain *affiliate links. Please see our affiliate disclosure for more details
The logo design niche is all about branding. Giving your brand its own recognizable logo is one of the best ways to promote and advance your business or brand. Online or off the logo is one of the most important pieces of your entire marketing strategy.
And man is it competitive. There are dozens of affiliate programs for you to promote, they have some of the best commissions and cookies in any niche. And they are revenue-generating machines with some of the best conversion rates anywhere.
The interesting thing is you don’t really need to be in a specific niche to benefit. Any marketing niche can promote logo or graphic design programs. And the “make money online” niche can as well. Bloggers blogging about blogging can take advantage of logo design partners.
It is a very versatile niche in that regard. We run ads for logo design companies on our page because they are an integral part of affiliate resources. Along with web-hosting and affiliate training, logo design is one of the most important aspects of affiliate marketing.
We’ll have reviews of the best ones up on the site in the coming months. But for now, let’s take a look at 10 outstanding logo design affiliate programs that you can promote to your readers to start building their brand.
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Logo Nerds
- Company Name: Logo Nerds
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 25%
- Tracking Cookie: Lifetime
- Website URL:
One of the best things about Logo Nerds is that their products are very reasonably priced. You can get a professionally designed web logo for as low as $27 dollars. It makes this affiliate so appealing because you can promote it to just about any type of audience.
Plus, their logos are not cheap-looking knockoffs. The examples and demos of their work look great. So you don’t have to sacrifice quality for the price. They offer a few other services like business logos and some website design, but their logo design service is their calling card.
Logo Nerds has a fantastic 25% commission on offer for its affiliate partners. This percentage compliments a wide variety of prices and products that they offer.
Their cookie, however, is truly remarkable. It is a lifetime cookie. As long as the cookie is not cleared then you will get credit for the sale.
Why Promote Logo Nerds?
They have the best tracking cookie in the niche and one of the best in any affiliate program. Their commission is top-notch and the price of their services is hard to beat. They are an all-around great partner to have in your corner.
Logo Garden
- Company Name: Logo Garden
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Commission Junction
- Sales Commission: Up to 40%
- Tracking Cookie: 45-days
- Website URL:

Logo Garden is a logo design website that allows you to create your own designs. They have a pretty intuitive logo creation system on their website. There is an almost unlimited number of possibilities for your readers to choose from when they are creating their own branded logo.
Their affiliate terms are exceptional. They offer their partners a wonderful 45-day tracking cookie. However, it is their 40% commission that really shines. There is some variation in the commission structure so double-check when you sign up to get a specific commission for each product.
Why Promote Logo Garden?
Promoting Logo Garden is really easy to get behind. They have a great commission and cookie. They have some of the most intuitive tools for creating your own logo, instead of having someone else to it and you just approve it.
The self-creation makes it a really quick and powerful logo design website and one that can really bring in some great commissions.
Banner Buzz
- Company Name: Banner Buzz
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 6%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Website URL:

Banner Buzz is a bit different from your standard logo design website. They offer a wide array of physical branded items from signs and banners to flags and displays. They make custom designs for just about any type of business.
This partner is great if you have readers who have a physical storefront as well as a web presence.
Banner Buzz offers a 6% commission for all eligible sales through your affiliate links. It is a little lower since Banner Buzz creates physical products for your business instead of just logo designs. The tracking cookie is good for 30-days.
The Wrap-Up
This partner adds a little diversity to the list. While most companies focus on digital logo designs, Banner Buzz will create physical products for your brand. This leads to a bit lower commission but their products more than makeup for it.
- Company Name: DesignMantic
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: $20 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Website URL:

DesignMantic offers a wide variety of products for your readers. They have logo designs, T-shirts and business card designs, letterheads and a whole host of other options available for your audience. This partner can be used in a wide variety of niches due to this.
DesignMatic takes a different approach to its affiliate compensation. Instead of a percentage, they offer a $20 dollar flat fee for any sales through your referral links. It is a very nice fee for this partner. The tracking cookie is decent at 30-days.
Why Promote DesignMantic?
Their affiliate terms make it an easy choice if you decide to promote this partner. Their commission and cookie are both good, but it is their variety of products that really make this affiliate appealing to a wide swath of niches and websites. If they convert for your audience they are going to be one of your best-earning partner programs.
- Company Name: Brand Crowd
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: $20 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Website URL:

Brand Crowd offers a logo design service that your readers can use to customize their own unique logo. However, they also offer a selection of premade logos that you can choose from. Just insert your company or blog name and you are good to go with your own branded logo.
It is great for anyone who needs a quick professional-looking logo but doesn’t want the hassle of design contests or creating one themselves.
Brand Crowd also offers a flat fee for their partners instead of a percentage. Once again we see a $20 dollar flat fee provided for their affiliates. Their tracking cookie is fantastic at 90-days. Nearly 3 times the standard tracking cookie and plenty of time to get your commission on a sale.
The Wrap-Up
Another outstanding option to promote on your blog. The premade logos are a great addition and make promoting this partner even easier. Their cookie is fantastic and the flat fee is nice as well. An all-around good partner program.
Deluxe Business Services
- Company Name: Deluxe
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 50%
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Website URL:

Deluxe offers a wide selection of business products, but for this list, we are focusing on the logo design part of their business. It is very good and the logos they produce are professional and interesting.
The pricing range from $39 for creating your own logo to packages that cost nearly $1000. The high-end products are for an established business, but you can promote them depending on your audience.
Deluxe Business Services has a truly outstanding commission. They offer a full 50% commission on most of their logo design services. This is one of the best commissions in the entire niche. The tracking cookie only adds to the value of this affiliate partner with a great 60-day tracking cookie.
A look at their 30-day statistics on ShareASale shows a truly awesome affiliate program.
- The $33.70 average sale is very good.
- They quote an average commission of $42.81
- A reversal rate of 0%
- Incredible earnings per click of $454.36 EPC
If you can find a way to promote them for your logo design website or content they should be at the top of your list.
Why Promote Deluxe?
They have great products. Great logo designs. But that commission is the reason to really consider promoting this affiliate. The cookie isn’t half bad either. Don’t force an affiliate just because of a great commission, but if the underlying business is solid and the commission is this good it is hard to pass up.
If it converts with your audience, promote away.
Logo Joy
- Company Name: Logojoy
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 20%
- Tracking Cookie: 90-days
- Website URL:

Touted as the #1 online logo maker, this affiliate has a lot going for it. Their products start at around 20 dollars with more advanced options rising to 65 dollars or so. Still a pretty good deal even at the highest pricing level.
They also have a free logo maker tool that you can use to design your own website logo
The streak of great commissions continues with Logo Joy. They offer a rock-solid 20% commission on all qualifying sales. The tracking cookie is outstanding as well. Logo Joy gives you a full 90-days to make the sale through your promotional material.
Why Promote Logo Joy?
The great commission and outstanding cookie make this partner easy to promote. Then there are the products. They are pretty good and their logo tool is useful for getting an idea of what your logo will look like. Overall a very good partner to have for all your logo design needs.
Tailor Brands
- Company Name: Tailor Brands
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: 30%
- Tracking Cookie: 30-days
- Website URL:

Logo, branding, watermarks. Tailor Brands has a great variety of products and services to help your readers get exactly the branding and logo design they are looking for. They offer a monthly subscription helps take care of all your reader’s branding needs.
Their offerings are extensive and comprehensive and well worth the monthly cost that starts at only $3.99. The low price makes it very easy to promote to just about anyone.
A robust 30% commission is what is on offer from Tailor Brands. One of the highest in the niche and one that really makes a good case for promoting this particular partner. The cookie is a standard 30-day tracking cookie.
The Wrap-Up
A good cookie and one of the best commissions in the niche make this a great partner to promote. When you throw in the recurring subscription you have one of the most appealing affiliates in the design niche.
The products only add to the overall quality of the partner. A great affiliate that can be the focal point of any logo design content you are crafting for your website.
48 Hours Logo
- Company Name: 48 Hours Logo
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: ShareASale
- Sales Commission: $20 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 60-days
- Website URL:

This partner is a logo design contest site. Basically, you would give a brief description of your business and what you want your logo to be and people will design you a logo. You will then get to choose the one you like the best and pay the agreed-upon price for that logo. It is a great way of getting a variety of different options for your logo.
Another logo design affiliate program opts for a flat fee over a percentage commission. And once again we see a $20 flat fee per sale. You will often see this in some competitive niches. The affiliate terms start to get closer to one another. Their cookie is a wonderful 60-days.
The Wrap-Up
A good flat fee combined with a great cookie makes this partner program a good choice to promote. Their logo design contest is a great way to get multiple takes on what your logo should look like without spending a ton of money trying new logo’s all the time.
99 Designs
- Company Name: 99 Designs
- Application: Sign Up Here
- Affiliate Network: Commission Junction
- Sales Commission: $35 Flat Fee
- Tracking Cookie: 45-days
- Website URL:

99 Designs offer high-end logo and branding services for your readers. This is not a cheap service, many of their packages can run $400 dollars or more. That leads to some great commissions but it also means fewer sales due to the high cost.
You will just need to balance the cost with your promotional material to get the most out of this affiliate.
Another flat fee commission for this partner program. However, 99 Designs goes a step further by offering a $35 dollar flat fee for sales through your affiliate link. Nearly double the other flat-fee programs. This commission makes a really great case for promoting this partner on your website.
The tracking cookie is a rock-solid 45-days. Anything over 30-days is fine, but the longer the better.
Why Promote 99 Designs?
The outstanding flat fee commission is one of the biggest reasons to consider this affiliate for your logo design partner. Their products and services are outstanding and easy to promote, but very pricey. It will ultimately come down to how well this partner converts for your specific audience.
You really have to tailor your programs to the needs and wants of your audience. Your readers are the most important determining factor in what partners to use.
A Quick Look At The Logo Design Niche
The Logo Design niche is a little different from most blogging niches. It is not really a niche at all actually. Logo Design filters into most marketing and financial blogs and almost all blogs across any niche will need a logo for their website.
But a blog dedicated solely to Logo Design companies is probably not a great idea since your content will be limited. The exception is if you create the logos and then sell them. That would operate as more of a competitor to most of the affiliate programs on the list.
The Logo Design niche is best used as an add-on to an existing niche. This website, for example, is primarily an affiliate resource. I will be adding whole sections dedicated to logo design for your websites in the future. This is probably the best way to use these partner programs.
Some Keyword Research
You will still need to create content for logo design. Whether you plan on reviewing the logo design companies or writing articles about why you need this type of service you are still going to need some great keywords to get people to your content.

You can see just how many people are looking for logo designs. Each one is a potential customer that you can promote one of the partner programs in this article. There is plenty of traffic to support this niche overall.
Let’s have a look some long-tail keywords that you can use to really target specific traffic for your blog. This will be the type of high-converting traffic that can really bring in some nice commissions for you.

The first long-tail we are going to take a look at is “cheapest logo design”. This is a great keyword with a good amount of buyer intent. It is very specific and you need to tailor your content to this keyword. Someone looking for the cheapest of anything is looking for a very specific type of product.
It also dovetails nicely into the last keyword we are going to look at. “What is the best logo design service”? A person looking for the cheapest of something is very different than someone looking for the best of something.
Both have buyers’ intent but they are looking for very different products. You need to tailor your content to each search. Trying to force a high-priced product on the person looking for a cheap option is never going to work.

Fortunately, our chosen keyword looks great. You can craft some great content around this particular keyword and tie in your best examples in the niche without having to worry too much about the cost of the product.
The Big Finish
10 great partner programs for this interesting niche. There is a great opportunity for many people to add this niche to their own blogs or websites without having to dedicate themselves to logo design promotion.
And the partner programs are some of the best in the blogging world. They have great commissions and cookies which make it very easy to promote.
The niche itself has a huge amount of traffic and search volume that you can leverage for your blog. There are plenty of opportunities to craft some great content that will convert well and add a nice amount of income to your existing blog.
You have some great affiliate options as well as a brief look at the logo design niche in general. Now all you need is some great content and a place to publish it all. There is no reason to go into this business by yourself with no help.
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As always, thank you for visiting, and have a great day.