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I used to love watching cartoons as a kid. Still, do to actually. But some of my favorite episodes were when the heroes had to shrink down and use your everyday object to figure out how to win the day. Battling with their foes on these little miniature landscapes always put a smile on my face.
Is there a market for Miniatures? What I found in my research is that this little niche is alive and well. There are so many ways to make money with miniatures from Youtube channels to blogs and affiliate marketing to creating and selling your own creations in your own store.
So I decided to delve a little deeper and find out just how to make money with miniatures. I will go into some of the best ways to approach this niche. Where the best places to put your content and how to monetize your business. So join me as we take a look at the incredible miniatures niche.
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Is There a Market For Miniatures?
Let’s start at the beginning. Is there any money to be made in this niche. Yes, you must have a passion for miniatures in general and if you just want to do it for fun that is great.
But, If you found your way to this article you probably want to make a little bit of extra cash in the process.
So let’s have a look at it.
Exact data on the miniature market as a whole is tough to come by since it is mixed in with toys and models for the most part.
But we can take a look at one of the biggest miniature companies and see how they are doing. Games Workshop, makers of Warhammer, has had some of its biggest profits in recent years (source).
This gives us a clear indication that the market is growing and is still relevant and profitable despite all the other types of distractions and entertainment that we have at our disposal today.
A Look At Search Trends For Miniatures
If we take a look at the trends for miniatures over the last 5 years we see a pretty consistent line. It always holds above the 50% interest threshold and looks like it will continue to have solid search numbers and very consistent interest for your blog or Youtube channel.
Consistency is great for any niche. It means that it will be around for a while. You can never be sure what the future brings but you want to find these little indicators when choosing a niche so that you know you are not wasting your time.
If a niche dies in a year then you spent a lot of time for nothing. Fortunately, this is not a fad. This niche and industry have been around for years and they appear to be charging ahead into the future.
What Are Some Miniatures To Consider?
There are hundreds of different miniatures that you can promote or build. From gaming pieces like Dungeon and Dragons Miniatures and Warhammer Miniatures to tiny versions of just about everything else.
Dollhouses and tiny cities. Tiny bricks and miniature water bottles. It is incredible what you can come up with by just shrinking things down.
You are going to want to narrow your focus on which miniatures to promote and work on. At least in the beginning.
You do not want to spread yourself to thin. Creating a piece of content on a dollhouse one day and painting a space marine the next is going to split your audience. Keep your content based in the same general area and then you can expand with a new category later on.
You don’t need to start a whole new website to add in miniature city building to your Dungeons And Dragons Miniature blog, but you want to establish yourself before adding a new thing.
Maybe start adding in fantasy architecture before moving into more modern buildings as you grow your blog. The bottom line is that you need to always give your readers what they want. There are a ton of miniature business ideas that you can use when starting out a blog or video channel.
Selling Miniatures With Affiliate Marketing
The first way we are going to look at on how to make money with miniatures is through the old tried and true affiliate marketing. We are going to do this with a variety of mediums. You should pick the one you are most comfortable with and start there.
Don’t try and be a jack of all trades. Master one, then add in the other mediums as you grow your brand. So what are the options?
You have your traditional blog. Youtube channels and Instagram and Pinterest. We’ll call them image blogs. I’ll tackle the image blogs first.

Instagram and Pinterest
I would not recommend starting your business with just these platforms. Yes, people make bucketloads of money on both but they are incredibly tough to break into and doubly so for a niche like miniatures.
If you are a millionaires kid and you want to start an Instagram account on miniatures then you will probably do very well, for everyone else skip it. At least for now.
Pinterest, on the other hand, is a great companion for Youtube and written blogs. The vertical image at the top of this article is the exact Pinterest size. Why? So that a reader will see it and if they like it pin it to their account. It is a great traffic source.
Perhaps you even came here after clicking on the pin in someone’s Pinterest Feed.
What makes Pinterest so compelling for this niche and many others is that it is not really social media. It is the worlds largest visual search engine.
It works the same as Google and can be a great source of organic traffic to your tradition blog or Youtube channel. And there is the rub. You really need your primary content delivery to be a Youtube Channel or a website for the miniatures niche.

A Miniatures Blog
So you need a blog or a Youtube channel for your burgeoning miniature empire to flourish. The strategy for both is pretty similar. But I’ll explain and answer a few questions for both and take a look at the differences.
What can you write about? How do you get traffic? How would you make money?
I’ll take a look at monetization first. There are 3 major ways that you can monetize a written blog. Advertisements, Info Products, and affiliate marketing.
Advertisements are simple. Join an ad broker and place them on your site. You will need quite a bit of traffic to make any real money with them. On average you can expect to make between 4-25 dollars per 1000 page views with the best ad networks.
Much less with Adsense or Your best bets are Ezoic and AdThrive. Ezoic requires 10000 page views a month, but you can try to get approved before then. Adthrive is around 100k page views before they will consider you.
I would wait to place ads until you get some decent traffic. Ideally, you should wait until you can get accepted into Ezoic. Putting Adsense on too early is a recipe for disaster as you can easily run afoul of their draconian rules.
Get banned and you lose access to both Ezoic and Adthrive as they don’t allow anyone banned by Adsense. It is just not worth it. Take it from someone who found out the hard way.

Information Products
Information products are the most advanced type of monetization strategy, I have found. You need to have a good amount of traffic since only a small percentage of them are going to be willing to even consider buying your product.
You also need a good relationship with your readers or viewers. With an info product, you are asking them to purchase something you created in addition to all the free content you are giving them through normal means.
That means your course or e-book or video tutorial has to go above and beyond your traditional content. It has to be great and has to be worth the money. Typically this requires an upfront investment. This is why you should wait until you have an established website and can fund your information product properly.
For the miniature niche, this could be a series of instructional videos on how to build an entire miniature city. Hours of video teaching everything your readers would possibly need to craft and build one of these incredible creations.

Affiliate Marketing
Yep, the old stand-by. There is a reason why affiliate marketing is still the king of monetization for new bloggers. Because it works.
It takes time and patience and a lot of content but it works. Craft articles and videos about miniatures and put your affiliate link in them in a strategic manner and you have your self an online business.
But it is not that simple. Creating the content and adding your affiliate link is the easy part. You need traffic. You need traffic that is actively searching for miniatures. And the best place for that is still Google and search engines.
That is not going to be changing for some time I am afraid. So you need to immerse yourself in SEO and organic traffic techniques in order to get that free high-converting search traffic that will fuel your miniatures blog.
Whether you choose a written blog or a Video Blog on your tube organic search traffic is going to be the main source of your income and traffic, especially when you are just starting out. You can add Pinterest into the mix by making pin-worthy images on each article but Google is still the king for the foreseeable future.
Below is a fantastic example of just how popular some of the miniature video blogs can be and how much traffic they can drive to your website if you decide to use both a written and a video blog. 3.8 million Views since December 2018. it really is incredible.
This is the type of content that you are going to want to produce. Throw in a written step by step tutorial in the description and you just added a new traffic source back to your blog.
Doubling your chance of making an affiliate sale and getting more traffic to your ads and info products. You also notice that the builder is never on camera. His face anyway. So you can create these videos even if you are camera shy.
Make And Sell Your Own Miniatures
Another way to make money selling miniatures is to actually make your own and sell them. You have a couple of options on how to sell miniatures, which I will detail here.
First up is Etsy. It is sort of like an Amazon for crafters. They have a great selection of handcrafted miniatures. You can easily sign up and sell your crafts on their platform. Be aware that they will take their cut and it will cut into your profits but it is possible to make a decent amount of money with this strategy.
You can also set up your own e-commerce store to sell your handcrafted miniatures. You will get more of the profits but more of the headaches as well. Adding an E-store miniature business onto your blog might be a good choice down the line. But it is an advanced strategy.
Another factor you have to weight when starting your own miniature business is how are you going to make them.
With 3-d printers falling in price it might soon be economically viable to print out your own exclusive molded miniatures. Paint them. And sell them through one of the means I spoke about.
It is a really interesting time for manufacturing on a small scale with the advent of these incredible printing machines. Another great blogging niche, I might add. Check out our list of 3-d printer affiliate programs for proof.
It is up to you on how to proceed and is really best left till you get yourself established with your blog and video channel.

Little Models. Huge Profits
That brings us to the end of our deep dive into miniatures. Still relevant still incredibly popular. Youtube seems ideal for this niche. Building these little gems on-camera is a great way to teach people your craft.
However, I would urge you to start a written blog and Pinterest board to compliment your Youtube content. Videos are great but sometimes written step by step instructions are just what a newbie needs to really understand this craft.
Don’t go it alone. Get the best learning tools and community to help you build your online dream. Check it out here.
Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful day,
Thanks for this, Michael. I do think there is a market for miniatures. When we were growing up, I remember that we have this table in our living room with my grandparents’ miniature collection. There were all sorts of stuff there – little houses, coca cola bottles, tea cups, etc. Wish I kept them if I knew there was a market for it. I like your idea about monetizing a blog and putting instructional videos. And you’d rank better in search engines if you place videos. What a great way to make money out of something you’re passionate about!
It is a pretty robust market. I was kind of surprised as I did the research for the article. Some of the youtube videos building this stuff are fantastic. All kinds of techniques to get the best out of your miniatures. A really interesting niche that is not overly competitive.
Dear Michael,
In the part of the world where I live miniature business and service is getting famous too. I just want to find out more information on the opportunities available in this market and found your informative and helpful post.
It’s a great news that miniature market is growing and the details on trends for miniatures you shared is an eye-opener. For quite a while I am doing some research on Niche selection for my second blog and Youtube channel. After reading your post I am thinking of starting a blog on Miniature niche.
The videos you embedded is very helpful and made me to think deep on the subject. You have also provided helpful advice on how to develop our Miniatuer blog as well.
I really enjoyed the content and in the manner that you presented.
Much Success!
Hey Paul,
I was surprised at just how much content there was for this little niche. But there is plenty of room for newcomers. It is not overly saturated and there is a good amount of micro-niches that you can start out in. Good luck if you choose miniatures as your next business project.
Thanks for the comment
Hi, Michael.
Thanks for the innovative idea of MMO with miniatures.
This is truly an imaginative path and people with much interest in drawing and painting can get success.
As you mentioned, creating a website on this niche and simultaneously building the miniatures for the content writing as well as the use of Pinterest is a sure shot for going ahead. Gaining authority of website takes time, and this time can be utilized with miniature crafting.
Warm Regards,
Gaurav Gaur
Hello Gaurav Gaur,
diversifying your traffic is always a great idea. Leveraging youtube, Pinterest and a blog can be a great 1, 2, 3 punch for just about any content campaign. Miniatures lend itself well to all 3 mediums it is a great niche and the commissions can be quite nice as well since a lot of these miniatures and the materials are not always cheap.
Thanks for the comment